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Everything posted by tartarsauce2

  1. NO. :ninja: but to be honest I've been mentally considering different variations and plotting along doing them, I think this is the 4th incarnation of mods that I've done and it's the most successful, I'm enjoying multiple mods, previously mods had been coming out at a rate that consolidation was almost impossible to keep up with, so I understand what End of Line (wait until after all the DLC's out etc) means to actually trying to do this now, whereas previously I didn't THAT SAID. I'm basically trying to use fallout modding as a warmup for game design because I have no formal schooling, I admit it it looks like better locational damage is already doing a lot of what I was thinking about, I didn't realize that, but it's a bit haphazard I think, or incomplete given what I'm talking about, of course I'm not saying they've done only a little or that it's not enough, what I mean is that it's not the entirety, but I think maybe, after looking at oblivion, fallout 3 and skyrim mods, stability is better and then eventually most of the must-haves will be settled, compilations made with creator permissions etc, and I simply didn't recognize this because I was pretty much brand new to this whole process when I first started thinking about this and had zero clue of this process I think I'm talking about total overhaul mods or something, and a few together into the canonical "must haves" for the community, I've got an idea or a few for worldspace/quest stuff, but I've settled on finishing the damn game before I try anything serious myself, this 4th incarnation of trying seems to be the one mod setup (and I've added like 10-15 new mods since I started but they're not total gamechangers just nice additions), I'm not playing bleh vanilla and I'm not crashing every 5 minutes, which is wonderful, almost made it as far as I had when I played vanilla during the first obsessional phase before the putty playdough damage scaling got to me really bad :^) I'll be doing the dirty work after I've had a looksee through the game at large though, including higher levels, I mean yes, I wanna play the game, but I also want all the nuance, started over like 15 times now and gotten to diamond city, wasn't satisfied, but now I am enough to play through at any rate, and am just noting little things here and there the trick is to bring them together, the issue is *not* one of individual mod's problems, but rather, and this has been solved a few times in other situations regarding FO4 mods, lack of working together to bring the stuff together in a cohesive balanced experience to rise above the blob problems of nothing mattering, it's an odd issue, no difference per level would be a bit boring, pure multiplier based scaling has the same problem essentially, but sheer RPG'ing makes some of the lower level cool guns irrelevant, and things trundle along at quite a fast pace, it lacks FO3's guns falling apart so that lower level guns have a use as backups, but it also has way more weapon types and inter-usability than skyrim's weapon systems so a lot of cool guns and stuff find themselves obsolete and purely downgrades relative to each other, plus the focus on gameplay disincentivizes focusing on those stats and character builds, this is a differentiation I was thinking of looking into creating, someone made a morrowind class system in skyrim recently, I think they were seeing the same thing to a degree in skyrim :smile: I know that fallout 4 is a lot more forgiving of class differentiation, but I think making guns and weapons specialization being much more of a focus would be useful, this could be done by changing the perks into a de-facto skills system with levelling giving a lot more in the way of perk points, similar to FO1-2's skills system, and embedding perks themselves into certain levels an example would be heavy weapons, perhaps character speed reduction from heavy weapons is at, oh I don't know, 40-50% naturally, but every 15 ranks of heavy weapons reduces the penalty by 5% so that at 90 skill, or 99 skill (the last 1 counts as 100 if that's a technical issue) then you get a 10-20% speed reduction at top rank this has the advantage of also letting you get say, 1% damage, 1% reload speed or 1% range increases at every other perk level, alternating etc range, lower max spread of the bullets (cone of spread potential) and initial accuracy also could be influenced (or you could have a few bonuses inter-mingle, you wouldn't just pick a perk just for an instant huge boost, but be able to allocate your points based on what's convenient'ish in a sense, like the original 4 fallout games - while once in a while you'd get a really nice boost this mod tries to address the issue without that for instance, so there's definitely a demand for improving the perk system http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/14997/? I noticed that a few people have made their own specific setups, one of them just removed the minigames for hacking and lockpicking entirely - but made lockpick usage dependent on the difficulty of the lockpick (4 lockpicks for an expert lock, 3 for a master etc or is it the other way around) - marelo's overhaul, note that this guy has touched on MANY aspects of gameplay, the guy went out of his way to personally change multiple elements of the game for himself, and is just releasing it to others to take it or leave it as they wish too http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/13144/ the reason I haven't pushed this is I heard perks can actually stack up and have to be continually counted (multiple ranks of it or something) so that it wears at the game's memory, but if this isn't true then this is easily a potential way to deal with the problems, just requires some work, one of the biggest drawbacks about fallout 4 is precisely that the perks are so easy to max out effectively so that the game's effective character ceiling is relatively low, and only matter really initially this kind of system would allow a more drawn out, and interesting way to go about things, to keep player specialization mattering more for longer, even though it would also get max'd out eventually then, game level scaling would have to be addressed on the matter, not so much extra hp all the time for no reason etc modded items could approach as the top tiers of gear later on, so that there'd be a more natural experience of going through the wasteland in one's journey to become a god of the wasteland
  2. I haven't even paid attention to the contest, to be honest I just "quietly" (you know me lol) kept browsing through (new today) mods picking the ones I liked and downloaded them when I find ones I like or that have promise, I endorse as I remember/am reminded, and track (pretty much for things I'm not 100% on but look like they have promise - if I'm already sold on it I basically automatically go there by habit to check on it so I won't forget so no need for tracker usage) due to health reasons I had to make less money recently due to less work, am already looking to turn it around because oh god I didn't realize I'd have this little but oh well, else I'd probably have given someone some money via donation or something by now hehehehehh
  3. I noticed the ingame mod system when I first loaded up the game and then went to nexus and used its system and didn't look back the mod system notices the stuff nexus mod thing puts up though I noticed recently, I don't think it used to or something neat, still using NMM though apparently the old fashioned way of making mods work without a manager is slightly more efficient and effective if you know what you're doing, but you see, I barely do so I'll continue using NMM :D
  4. looks good, does look like a railgun, could either go for railgun charge shot style or assaultron head laser charge (automatron has a weapon that does that) doesn't look entirely like this, but similar concept in general https://youtu.be/m9r-LoDoQ0c?t=41s I wonder if it's possible to tie charge levels to explosion power on a gun.....
  5. I haven't even touched the DLC, granted I want to try far harbour and just haven't gotten to the point in my gaming where I'd care to go off the mainquest, and automatron is something I'll do a bit later as well, but the workshop stuff seems meh but then again I think it'll be nicer when I've done the storyline even once, workshop stuff seems to be "I'm bored of this shooty killy FPS stuff, let's play the sims" kinds of stuff
  6. or more particularly, I'm going to yell at you over it - note this is MOSTLY about weapons, but armours obviously tie into this, the main focus of my reasoning for this is about experience, different kinds of experiences - a mac-11 sprayer should wastoid raiders but not tankotrons, while a hunting rifle should do some damage - but as low tech, not as much as a good assault rifle even if per hit it does more etc etc etc but scaling shouldn't be so insane that it goes full JRPG in FPS format (level 1 vs 100 in WoW terms) ========================== and the feeling, should be that you go from basically low level gangwarrior/survivor peasant/civilian with a weapon, like in a cop show with a magnum or a mac-11 or a glock, into a mercenary/guard type with a bit more in the way of rifles but heavily risk averse, into a veteran soldier with long guns and access to some better explosives and lasers into a hunter of the abyss creatures which starts looking at heavy weaponry, into god warrior of the wastelands with the best the best the best of all things (tiers 1-5) basically and each of these tiers should have a significantly different feeling. while at the same time different playstyles should exist at each of the tiers, in fact, one should say that gameplay should be about the same with minor differences at tier 1, starting to branch but due to necessity from lacking your favourite bullets you have to use this or that at tier 2, into being able to decide what you primarily use with backups at tier 3, into mostly choosing what you like at tier 4 for maximum effect because you need to into you could practically just buddha palm your enemies at tier 5 but so can your opponents (all weapons are insanely deadly, and/or the rest of the world has taken to swarming you because you've got a deadly reputation) - war of the commonwealth I'm looking at you for this one ANYWAYS.... long story short, damage thresh-hold is missing from fallout 4, in lieu of it we get a putty playdough bullet sponging, I noticed a while ago that there's real drawbacks to having a completely untiered, scalar or scaling or whatever system, where nothing makes a difference - -------------- if level added to no attributes, this makes gameplay fairly "interesting" in a sense, and perks add the only additions to capabilities and stats aside from just getting better weapons and armour - there's a few mods that do things like this or similar to this, brutality being one of the notables A New Dawn takes a different approach, retouching different values for various types of monsters and touching up player damage every so often to lighten the damage sponging -------------- damage thresh-hold adds complexity to this, but I like it, it makes things really interesting, I don't want my glock 20 to shred a synth eradicator in X-01 power armour (LZ institute mod) but if it's allowed to get out of hand, then it's a bit crazy and makes things impossible on the other hand, a lot of weapons give some interestingly crazy damage scaling values, the "real world guns" typically the assault rifles are real brutal powerhouses, while the vanilla guns are basically lame and token existences, but it wouldn't be cool to just leave everything the same, because there's a number of assault rifles and aside from handling they aren't that different, plus they all use 5.56 and I like different ammo having uses the problem I think lies in the fact that weapon mods (the modifications like receivers, not the ESP files) mix up balance that could otherwise be reasonably easily put into place with a mind towards each weapon having its own niche and not being just automatically meh'd (METAL ARMOR SYNDROME), and these aren't necessarily calculated with the possibilities in mind, this isn't the fault of the mod authors, there's SO many possibilties when you're not just dealing with 20-40 weapons but all their receivers and stocks as well to that end, I was thinking there should be like, a 5 weapons tier system, and the lower tier should be objectively worse than the higher tier, but only in some unique fashion, and a lower tier weapon with particular characteristics could be superior to an individual player of a certain build than a "better weapon" - we need to make weapon specialization count beyond just "hrrrrrr +20% damage perk for this" I haven't come up with a plan on how to do this, but lately it seems the weapons mods have stabilized a bit, so I think it'll be easier to pull off without a new weapon mod coming along and throwing everything off balance again ---------------------- STARTING POINT FOR THIS --------- doombased weapons skibs weapons wasteland ordnance a new dawn (brutality you gave me some ideas but I do want some scaling tbh a bit more) thorgosh's perks M-14 and other single weapon packs, NCR ranger (not the guys' who does a bunch of mods like B-90 but the one with the sniper rifle) nor anti-tank rifle DAMAGE THRESH-HOLD PATCHER AND RESOURCE AWKR MEDIA and armorsmith extended and some other stuff (like LOADS of ammo) note that it's not that I haven't looked at or wanted the other ones, it's just that I haven't even finished the game due to making things so unstable when I try to add things like an idiot I haven't even touched CBBE or ENB's yet because I don't dare, and this is just the beginning of my thinking about these things I haven't touched other ammunition mods yet either (actually I touched an ammo mod that looked like it had the workings of a framework better than LOADS system earlier before the CK came out but it seems like it wasn't developed further - JHP and AP modified DR values to achieve its effects and that looked neat and I want to visit this when the rest of the system is fixed up and stable), again, because I'm still just trying to get a single decent playthrough with a skeleton mapped out of what I'm going for, not because I hate your mod or anything btw it's this mod, alternate ammo by trainwiz, at the time his system seemed like a better framework while LOADS had good ideas but LOADS has since, worked better, and new "real ammo types" stuff has come out the JHP and rusty nails thing were pretty neat http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/11846/? I ignored this one but it seems pretty comprehensive actually... hmm... I got confused looking at it, but now that I played FO3... hmm. almost can understand it http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/8588/? ONCE THE ESSENCE OF THESE ALL HAVE BEEN CAPTURED, A BRAVE NEW WORLD AWAITS. also arbitration combat overhaul, seriously, because combat behaviours matter
  7. things were really just well made in the 50's, made to last rotting food is just the illuminati's way of designed obsolescence but they can't reach our vidja if we wrap the tin foil around the CPU
  8. I'm aware, and I agree, these are valuable things, interference with that situation holds negative value to me, the criticism "my only gripe is it's empty and it's not really fallout" sticks to mind, the usual argument about it's their IP and they can do whatever they want etc, doesn't work either because a phenomenon has life beyond the authorial intentions, and the original games set a tone to it that the other stuff is completely reliant on, and potentially derivative (lesser copycatting) of if things get bad enough giving money to people does not appear to improve the quality of products since it requires a conditionality, if bethesda taps into the console pleb market where they don't know better about the wide world of open systems like PC's and what they can do (admittedly with less convenience) then they'll be taken advantage of, and true to form for any group trying to control something and harvest people's efforts and value - it's important to keep the cattle unaware of the world beyond the barn stall more or less ;) after all, game are expensive, if you can milk a cash cow for all its got then when it's spent up you can send it to the slaughterhouse to recoup any losses/get extra gains and don't worry about morality arguments, corporations aren't people :p also, if a professional game programmer doesn't need help then why'd someone else have to come up with it first? :p
  9. I generally say that trump's a mussolini style fascist but hillary has rabies and is essentially a cornered animal without anyone that likes her, her unsupportability in this regard means that even if she weren't a total mad dog wanting to be the ice queen she'd be limited to real politiking in the cynical henry kissinger fashion which some people might not mind until they realize that she's insane AND cruel where he was just cruel and a risk taker (she doesn't even know what risks are she's so lacking in self awareness) when the gay shooting in orlando thing happened the first thing I did was check out trump's rhetoric on the matter, it wasn't gas the jews or some rhetoric similar, it was fairly defensive and protective he might be the next FDR, what people don't realize often is that FDR did quite a bit that mussolini did and even centralized power in the USA, and played dirty fairly often while being hated by the establishment while coming somewhat from it or, someone else suggested theodore "teddy" roosevelt, since he's also blustery, either way we'd get a square deal or a new deal out of it probably
  10. since an independent britain merely means that it's free to negotiate whatever treaties it feels like, including all of the good EU ones, it stands to reason that unless the EU is deliberately hostile then there's nothing to lose by gaining independence if however the EU is deliberately hostile... then you don't need to deal with those kinds of "partners" they're toxic and a waste of time anyways :wink: cut brussels out, encourage others to leave, etc etc
  11. personally I'm amused that the EU is essentially a bolshevik organization trying for a greater russia tactic (continuation of tzarist russian empire dreams) and soviet democracy https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Democratic_centralism That all directing bodies of the Party, from top to bottom, shall be elected;That Party bodies shall give periodical accounts of their activities to their respective Party organizations;That there shall be strict Party discipline and the subordination of the minority to the majority;That all decisions of higher bodies shall be absolutely binding on lower bodies and on all Party members. someone said "EUSSR" and it's kind of funny, I know it's not some foreign plot etc or whatever, but it's still a riot to see european aristocracy going down that route just because they like the sound of it in complete ignorance of what they're talking about (if it's not an actual conspiracy that is - which is arguable because they get tangible benefits while the majority of the populations don't) Article 3. The state organs of the People's Republic of China apply the principle of democratic centralism. The National People's Congress and the local people's congresses at different levels are instituted through democratic election. They are responsible to the people and subject to their supervision. All administrative, judicial and procuratorial organs of the state are created by the people's congresses to which they are responsible and under whose supervision they operate. The division of functions and powers between the central and local state organs is guided by the principle of giving full play to the initiative and enthusiasm of the local authorities under the unified leadership of the central authorities. then there's the always lovely centralism of france, you know why the trains are always going through paris predominantly/only? because it was designed that way so that outliers could be attacked by central, but couldn't link up with each other, centralism, the refuge of paranoid useless monarchs, kings, aristocrats and tyrants - when you combine this with the various undemocratic and insane things like a man apologizing to his rapist for being "racist" against him or something by being honest about him being his rapist etc leading the rapist getting deported... I'm not really one for nationalism as a default but there are things of value worth preserving in modern secular nation-states, the SJW phenomenon isn't one of those thingshttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reign_of_Terror#The_Terroralso, the reason the streets are so wide in paris? again.. those pesky peasant revolts against central they redesigned the roads so that it was almost impossible to barricade the roads hope you kids love yale history course lectures by someone that lived in france for years, there should be roughly 20 hours here European Civilization, 1648-1945 (HIST 202) France Since 1871 (HIST 276)
  12. hi, I've got an idea I keep kicking around and trying to use for myself, pipe revolvers/revolvers in general, make pipe weapons use .38's as an inferior but much cheaper variant of other guns (bolt-action, revolver) and make all revolvers better in VATS than weapons of otherwise similar stats, while keeping that slow firing speed but reasonably high damage lets you kind of play with revolvers as something different than sniper rifles or even shotguns while fulfilling the same firing speed while being techhnically inferior compared to either or for the respective strengths of stopping power and range, but also VATS for quick bursts of fire basically which would enable the player to play a bit like a cowboy from the movies if they prefer (gunplay is for ambushing, VATS is for frontal confrontations)
  13. of course greater technical quality is something of an "issue" as is the mod theft issue, so things will be a bit slower, also the timing as someone said - as in it's not been enough time since the games' release plus many people hold off until after the modbreaking DLC/patches are mostly over~ as for threats, internet is srs bzns I guess, hmm, ppl should calm dowm
  14. I think actually we understand, we've been betrayed for years there's been an awakening to the fact that if we want democracy it's DIY, the war on terror has finally been rejected to its core tenets of central domination in the name of democracy finally, FINALLY people have come to their senses and remembered that democracy literally descends from the term "people's power" this is only the beginning and we're aware that there's trouble ahead, but unlike if we accept slavery, we're going to be ready for it
  15. sunshrinebrick - so, you know when people say voting for right wing etc? remember when the guardian would call cameron things? jim_uk - this is for you :) http://www.theguardian.com/politics/2016/jun/24/david-cameron-downfall-european-tragedy they're playing up a man who stuck his dick in a dead pig's head and wanted an undemocratic 1984 style continental aristocracy government
  16. That is why everyone is so devastated. I'm a little confused, I mean, I get that there's some people whining but only showing people whining does not constitute a proper argument that only whiners exist it's more likely that the liar aristocracies have had their friendly media organizations/trendsetters only select those that fall in line with the de facto EU party dogma to ask the opinions of and broadcast what're you getting at?
  17. don't let schoolboards anywhere near children, why would you ever do that? let doctors do the doctoring, teachers are there to teach some amount of special resources are required for special requirement students just don't let the special requirements list get out of hand and silly and keep them responsive to student needs, some sort of autocratic artificial divides system usually results from people asking about whether we should abrogate individual responsibilities of even different experts on their topics to some central planning body the schoolboard is to remain out of the way, they're idiots half the time anyways, why would you let them near the extra-vulnerable? for disclosure, I occasionally spent time in the retard room myself, but that's how they deal with intelligent rebels with attitude~ they actually use it as a dumping ground for people that are actually different, which is good if it can create a self-sustained colony sort of element to itself I basically scored as generally gifted when they administered tests to figure out if I was a retard or not, above average in almost every way they measured the place got really bad after one of those incorrigible idiots that does the "authority knows best" routine without actually knowing what they're doing or listening to the charges in the insanity ward or whatever the resource rooms' are called these days' wishes try to find the doc from back to the future, danny devito, the joker from batman, etc https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nurse_Ratched so, I googled "harry potter evil lady" and guess who came up first and finally a word. a single wordplural apparatchiks also apparatchikiplay \-chi-kē\1: a member of a Communist apparat2: a blindly devoted official, follower, or member of an organization (as a corporation or political party) <a movie studio apparatchik> From Russian аппара́тчик ‎(apparátčik, “operator, apparatchik”), from аппара́т ‎(apparát, “apparat, apparatus (of state)”) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Political_correctness#Early-to-mid_20th_century In the early-to-mid 20th century, the phrase "politically correct" was associated with the dogmatic application of Stalinist doctrine, debated between Communist Party members and American Socialists. This usage referred to the Communist party line, which provided for "correct" positions on many political matters. According to American educator Herbert Kohl, writing about debates in New York in the late 1940s and early 1950s, The term "politically correct" was used disparagingly, to refer to someone whose loyalty to the CP line overrode compassion, and led to bad politics. It was used by Socialists against Communists, and was meant to separate out Socialists who believed in egalitarian moral ideas from dogmatic Communists who would advocate and defend party positions regardless of their moral substance.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Communist_Party_of_Great_Britain#Tankie The term derives from the fact that the divisions within the communist movement first arose when the Soviet Union sent tanks into communist Hungary in 1956, to crush an attempt to establish an alternative version of communism which was not embraced by the Russians. Most communists outside the eastern bloc opposed this action and criticised the Soviet Union. The "tankies" were those who said "send the tanks in". The epithet has stuck because tankies also supported "sending the tanks in" in cases such as Czechoslovakia 1968, Afghanistan 1979, Bosnia and Kosovo/a (in the case of the Serbian state), and so on (whereas the rest of the communist movement has gravitated towards anti-militarism).
  18. just a friendly reminder that unwarranted foreign governments create resistance movements when I said I support national sovereignty, the list of names there all include extremely violent national liberation groups that are found mostly to be just in history (the idea that independence is wasteful is generally a narrative crafted by those who want control over other people) I'm relatively tame when it comes to support, a bit more enlightened if you will and I tend to come forwards with ideas others have down the line, even as I mentioned feminism as a standin for most of the SJW stuff, including BLM, I was saying the same things as those groups more or less 5 years prior and I stand by my saying it, they were warnings of what's to come and that those who didn't listen would deserve their fate of dealing with it for ignoring their own hand in creating it because power without accountability breeds dissent faster than rabbits and by dissent I mean the range of it, from "I disagree" to "kill them all" so I'll give you guys that little factoid as well, now bear that in mind as you discuss the merits of an EU army/brexit thing and of course we know from history that germany has a serious problem trying to colonize the rest of europe with its power structures, as does napoleon/france and they were basically trying their own form of eurozone, I highly suspect the entire concept of a centrally powerful eurozone is in itself a garbage idea - although the perpetrators of such ideologies tend to cloak themselves in very progressive rhetoric often, as did alexander (the great) of macedon typically however, cyrus the great is preferred, his empire left local governments alone, as well as their religions, it's not often the jews in antiquity/the bible like a foreign guy, but his form of kingdom making wasn't the kind of thing you see with the EU, no wonder his version lasted and the tyrants' schemes as many of them as there are, fell like so many berlin walls daniels 11:30ish-45 or so has a great explanation of these things, it's an after-the-fact biblical account (it's a historical record of what happened basically albeit 2nd hand probably) of alexander of macedon's rampage for progressive values throughout the world, also one must remember genghis khan's progressive one trading zone values, and how he got his, etc and how non-lasting they are (with exception to the results attributable to the fun thing we call the black death that he brought around from china) Nazis offered peace with the Allies in 1941… but only if they were allowed to invade Russiahttp://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2433733/How-Nazis-offered-peace-treaty-World-War-II-meant-selling-Russians.html I've detached a lot of more contemporary stuff aside from the worst tyrants, because the bible stuff while I don't believe in it, is a good example of stuff so old there's no partisan politics around for it, and yet the attitudes live on, and people probably know more about it than other even more obscure things
  19. the argument for tolerance of things like nudity, swearing, violence against children before used to be that the modders represented a new group of people who provided a benefit but were also independent enough and individualistic? nascent? enough to not be controllable without the entire thing going end up, once they get that bland stuff in they can control the majority of groupings and nail at anyone who isn't in their control scheme, it makes for a poorer modding scene but it makes it more profitable kind of the same way that on an overall level, cracking a plankton eating sea animal's shell open to get at the inside isn't overall a more efficient feeding system but it's certainly good for the predator that does the counter-argument is that bethesda can do whatever it wants, it gave us the tools, it's so nice etc, but because the modding scene was in fact a selling point often for the game, as well as the game world being well made/large/interesting at any rate, it was a symbiotic relationship at its finest however after seeing what happened with fallout 4 in terms of vanilla story and the DLC it looks like they're trying to control and milk the system for all its worth, which almost means they're not producing any actual content outside of some pretty pricey DLC, looking at doom and quake - I can't help but wonder why quake even exists to be honest, that sort of system used to be in games like unreal where there were different game modes, but now it's the same level of content for more money what we're concerned about I think is the idea that paid modding becomes a thing, but the quality of the baseline game goes down/disappears or at least the amount of it, to an empty shell, the amount of money gained for the work done skyrockets, it's indecent business practices, and it will *eventually* but not immediately burn sales revenue away as reputation gets out and earlier games can do good enough - but of course corporations are often very short-sighted because of the legalities involving requiring profit motives etc (not always their fault but sometimes they do engage in very antisocial and unnecessary behaviours that hopefully/can backfire) so even the idea that this will likely result in degradation of their brand doesn't necessarily matter to them, right now they seem to be in a VERY expansionist phase, and some things being rather poor in quality or lacking isn't as big of a concern because they're modularized to be able to take hits like that and then maybe learn the next time around thing is, when you've got that attitude and those legalities kick in etc, it generally results in a lot of pressure on the gamers who are essentially reliant on the company doing a good job to get what they're actually desiring, and the good reputation being soiled is a slow process reliant on consecutive bad decisions, even then if it's something that's lowest common denominator and it ruins everything good about the game that the original players, or middle of the timeline players enjoyed, it doesn't matter to the company of course, that all said, fallout 4's vanilla is pretty hollow, but I think someone snuck a game in there, and some of the humour's nice enough I suppose, but it really does lack some of that quirkiness that even as I'm playing FO3 right now, I love, the world placement is good, the little easter eggs that is, really nice, they've always kind of done that and I like it but the actual scripted/hand placed yadda yadda is kind of lacking as for paid mods, yes, but it's not in a vaccuum, so it creates a disparate situation between groups of people, but this is all classically in line with Divide and rule aka dīvide et īmpera
  20. personally I'd suggest getting a section of it done, playable etc, and semi modularizing them so that they have feedback that says "you got this far congratulations" etc the thing with over-ambition is in HOW it kills potentially good things, you have to break down a large piece of work into manageable proportions, you have to first make it so that more or less even if you have *no* idea when you're done, the prospect of going and working on it day in and day out, or every weekend, isn't going to make you balk you have to be comfortable with the idea that creating this thing will take some large chunks of time out of your life and the best way to do that is to make sure that you have a path to completing it at all times because you can - without another thought after that more or less... just do it without a second glance at the thing Dashrath Manjhi (c. 1934[1] – 17 August 2007[2]), also known as Mountain Man,[3] was a poor labourer in Gehlaur village, near Gaya in Bihar, India, who carved a path 110 m long (360 ft), 9.1 m (30 ft) wide and 7.6 m (25 ft) deep through a hillock using only a hammer and chisel.[1][4][5] After 22 years of work, Dashrath shortened travel between the Atri and Wazirganj blocks of Gaya town from 55 km to 15 km.[6] He quoted that, "When I started hammering the hill, people called me a lunatic but that steeled my resolve."
  21. one hopes that venezuela is the plague dogs whereas britain is watership down (honestly I have a weakness for national sovereignty, had it over vietnam, afghanistan, ukraine AND donyetsk, libya, the kurds, even the groups now under ISIS) so for me this yugoslavia type "pretend there's no differences and try to force britain to become airstrip 1" thing is a bit silly to quote miss reagan, although I kind of hate everything about the reagans, just say no to world(continental) government! Oceania[edit]Oceania is the superstate where protagonist Winston Smith dwells. It is believed to be composed of the Americas, the British Isles (called "Airstrip One" in the novel), https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nations_of_Nineteen_Eighty-Four#Oceania “All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies, and whenever they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you, digger, listener, runner, prince with the swift warning. Be cunning and full of tricks and your people shall never be destroyed.”
  22. Gecko State just stole the Gekko it's interesting to note that the feminists and other institutionally oriented and minded people (some might call them slavish - and there's something of a tragedy of the damned there as equivocated by anomone from the eureka 7, in that their world view is so warped by constant corporate propaganda and authoritarian nonsensical drivel that they don't know what's going on in actuality while patting themselves on the back for being the best educated generation ever...) hate brexit when a brexit doesn't mean that there can't be cooperation where it's actually beneficial - I often say you cannot have cooperation between individuals unless there's actually individuals (anyone who understands how a narcissist controls people knows that they degrade the self of their victims to achieve their control over them, and totalitarian movements do this as well - so a strong independent identity is actually fundamentally a beneficial thing) don't fear the reaper Autotomy (from the Greek auto- "self-" and tome "severing") or self amputation is the behaviour whereby an animal sheds or discards one or more of its own appendages,[1] usually as a self-defense mechanism to elude a predator's grasp or to distract the predator and thereby allow escape. The lost body part may be regenerated later. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AutotomySome geckos,[2][3] skinks,[4][5][6] lizards,[7][8][9] salamanders[10][11][12] and tuatara [13] that are captured by the tail will shed part of the tail structure and thus be able to flee.
  23. just the nature of creating a damn story is difficult, think about it, a convincing story, now think of how many people make a living writing, oh I don't know... BOOKS. how many people can do standup comedy well? a good standup joke is basically a really short funny story how many are good, how many are trash? pulp fiction isn't just a movie, it's a descriptive term to things that were basically to books what call of duty is to games, wham bam thank you ma'am /toss in dumpster at 2nd hand stores you see a LOT of romance novels by a certain author or two, or at least I did in places when looking for interesting books, it's hard to make a good story my profile has a thread on a setup, but it's easier to make the base structure more feasible to producing a real story if you have a world to work within it, and that's really lacking in FO4 I think, overall it might end up better for the quest mods stuff, who knows, we might populate it so completely ourselves with our own visions that as a whole it's better somehow, but for now at least, making an interesting quest, or even a spinoff variation to an existing quest, is difficult. I mean, look at what you're trying to do https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Storyboard even existing stories ripped STRAIGHT from another medium's work, would need to be retooled for the medium (video games in this case) and for plays there's a special word for that work https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dramaturgy stories are hard. I don't even know about cells etc, I think if I knew how to do a cell from a technical standpoint I could probably imagine and whip up like 5 of them in a day or something stupid because I have a special knack for going from snowball to avalanche in the imagination department for certain things and getting into a work frenzy, but even then I'd lack all the nice touches and details to make it *good* and at best it'd take me a week to finish it off or ask someone else to do it and whine and beg and plead lol
  24. if you don't know what 4chan is you will probably not appreciate the contempt DD has for the current situation I'd suggest making sure you don't go there because you'll be subjected to all manner of illegal and immoral behaviour and material, coupled with juvenile stupidity I used to love the place for all of the above but the quality of the juvenile stupidity went way down years ago even though /b/ was never good :sad: or maybe I grew up, not sure still jesus what was I here for again? THE MOD. THE THINGY. IT'S NICE. real nice. also I wouldn't say DD has excessive vitriol, I haven't noticed any vitriol from him yet at all ANYWAYS. the new areas, nice :D lots of work o_O it's good I'm sure that when you release it and it gets some more actual attention in general you'll get more luck with custom textures requests etc :tongue: it seems to be a way of things, "show us that you have something to work with and we'll work on it" etc, and by show us I mean the full thing, people usually get inspired when they can play with it ingame after all in the meantime though, nice teaser!
  25. zanity's right to worry, it's not like this sort of trend of behaviour hasn't been seen before, although I was curious about that UK/USA remark, it seemed a bit... odd nexus seems to me like it's had a reasonable but not perfect (and when I say reasonable I'm meaning I don't see any particular problems, it's a high bar from me) method of dealing with stuff, while it's a bit protectionist that's fine why? because you cannot have cooperation between individuals if there aren't individuals, forcibly unifying groups of disparate types of people leads to *problems* galore, the kinds that aren't solvable with direct logical thinking step by step in a mechanistic (machining something so it's smoother) kind of way the kinds of problems those behaviours create are quantum problems, in that sort of "if you look at it it changes" kind of way where just trying to measure up what's going on changes what's going on and that's never a good thing which brings us to what zanity generally talks about which is the transfer of the commons into private ownership hands well in this case, ownership and commons are less legalistic and more by practice (nexus/bethesda.net), but the relevant factors are still there to worry about a bit even if it's not inevitable or something like that, personally I'm very wary of it and I suspect zanity's absolutely spot on, but I'm willing to wait and see until I get a newtype flash, my spidey senses tingle, or something like that, and they haven't quite yet the transfer is into a bethesda curated rather than fan curated hands, whereas the commons were better curated in history than the private lands (the tragedy of the commons is often used as an example but reality is the opposite to this concept it's actually the tragedy of the unaccountable private owner) - a collective of mutually reliant people on something being unswayed by individual partisan politics at its core even if its responsive to them is much much much superior to something that can just almost entirely ignore major factions of that group (not majority, just major factions) for everyone involved except potentially those that want to skim off the work of that collective - now there's a part where this sort of breaks down slightly because after all bethesda releases the modding tools to begin with etc, but as a counter the mods are a selling point of the games and have been for a while actually - so skimming still works, in this case rather than oppressing the proletariat as a one-way street it's more of a symbiotic relationship, that might turn into mere oppressing the proletariat through divide and rule imperium methodologies (bribing the PC master race aristocracy/mod creators while relegating console and the now also PC peasants to the enclosed pasture where content control is enforced and you can't have all the fun stuff because it has to be rated PC13 or something) I mean just look at the difference of what you can do here and over there, and you'll get what I mean for what'll be lost should that happen, although in this case I'm speaking of everything being forced into the enclosed pasture, whereas if it's merely that the best authors happen to go to it then that's probably okay, although I suspect the community thing will degrade or at least change in nature, I just want to stress the negativity in regards to *everything, being forced* into the enclosed pasture I noticed there's not too much kink in regards to fallout 4 compared to fallout 3, while I kind of hate the stuff from an aesthetic angle personally, the lack of it feels a bit bland, and that's a signal to me, you know how it is, sometimes the lamestream is in fact, lame compared to what something was when it was a cult classic by the way, a little history lesson, hoi polloi, plebeian, slave, peasant, proletariat are basically different iterations of a continuing theme in human existence, it's not just an insult, it's a classification that generally refers to people who have little to no control over the majority of the system they live in, and this is accepted as a norm to that system and as for those villains stealing mods currently, the term villein (villager) lends itself as an ancestor to the term, wherein villagers of those classes were considered dirty, criminal, immoral, ratty the situation begets the general changes to behaviour, the riots in the UK where they were stealing TV's etc, the arguments against volunteer armies, relying on general drafts etc (bit out of the way I know but it's important - it's about mercenaries vs citizen armies) all relate to this, a healthy collective of people with healthy attitudes is reliant on certain structures and those are liable to be changed - for the worse to a large extent if someone can get away with quick and dirty greasy easy get rich quick methods through a chain of degradation healthy groupings are a societal construct, it takes effort to maintain and manage them, they can get outmaneuvered, and when people take them for granted they collapse to a cycle of strife/feuds, I mean the term plebeian is roman, and how did rome collapse in the end anyways? internal strife, BUT. that all was the turnaround AFTER a central power base and authority wrested control from the senate, and the principiate was created, which led to the empire and prior to that there were warning signs a well, before the successful one there were a number of unsuccessful attempts prior throughout the roman republic's days
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