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Everything posted by tartarsauce2

  1. the loot system in fallout 4 is pretty crazy lol fixing that's gonna require more OCD than fixing the armour/damage system lol! I've already asked the guy who made horizon: survival something or other (another overhaul) but, if you find it hard to balance power armour as per vanilla, what you could do is do what you can, and then make an optional patch for unnaked power armour mod users where the PA pieces themselves mostly are just adding a little bit of DR/ER and the upgrades mostly just add extra durability with a tiny bit of DR/ER per upgrade (really small amounts here) the reason for this is because unnaked makes it so that when wearing PA, your normal armour values also count towards your score/armor values, so that when you're wearing it, it's just an extra flat boost, and then it's not OP, and the fusion cores are justified in being reasonably easy to get ahold of (even if they're nerfed a bit) it helps avoid the disparity of OP or meh power armours if that's an issue the amount of work would be something like, knocking off 80%-90% of PA values and then making durability go up per rank of mod by about 20%-50% more than it already does (ABCDEF) this makes it so that PA is literally a boost but not a godsend, at the cost of using fusion core juice, and picked as a boost for known combat situations without stealth ability, or for people who just prefer to go in guns blazing anyways, but isn't the difference between night and day for game balance reasons - PA now becomes just another layer of armour instead of a replacement you have to balance everything for in frustratingly insane and eldritch ways this is the mod http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/6977/?
  2. fallout 4 is the "best" in a 70/40 kind of way, but fallout 3 is better than it in a 40/60 kind of way if you were to play them once for the story and world, I'd almost suggest FO3, but the sheer difference in engine power lowers its ability that said if you were to play FO4 and then FO3 or FO3 and then FO4, I suspect the first situation would make you rather impressed by the worldbuilding and frustrated by the clunkiness of the game, and the 2nd situatoin would make you rather impressed by the gameplay and disappointed in the story (execution and amount of the story at any rate the story itself is pretty good I think)
  3. I feel like fallout 4 for all its issues in regards to not enough content, probably has created the best framework for modding new quests or something, just saying - cause I'm hoping its true~
  4. pretty much agreed, lately I've been finding I've been feeling bloodthirsty towards the authorities, and I find this to be more or less similar in my case that said, I might rather pick the railroad and minutemen together because I figure the railroad would probably alienate everyone to the point of ineffectual'ness if they DID try to do a takeover of the commonwealth plus there's still threats out there, and the synths do in fact have issues that need to be taken care of, that said I'm not adamant in my belief the RR is appropriate to handle them, but a large enough number of their group is good enough and the overall group small enough where I'd rather they survived mostly, even if one is tempted to pop off desdemona's head plus to be honest, I'm using LZ institute mod, and between them and the brotherhood they provide armies that I find worth killing (they both use lots of power armour)
  5. the thing about the institute is that it is what it is regardless of who the top supplicant is, every member is enslaved to every other member and as a collective they ignore the wellbeing of those in the commonwealth in favour of the IDEA of their wellbeing sometime in the distant future etc those technologies weren't used to aid the common weal, they were used for the institute to carry on for the institute's sake, they turned their back on humanity at large a long time ago, vault-88 might be paranoid and insular, but they at least didn't go the distance and then think they should manipulate everyone from the shadows on top of that The English noun "commonwealth" in the sense meaning "public welfare; general good or advantage" dates from the 15th century. The original phrase "the common-wealth" or "the common weal" (echoed in the modern synonym "public weal") comes from the old meaning of "wealth", which is "well-being"
  6. Since this touches my personal family history with one of my grand uncles having been a Republican general in Spain, the borders between factions weren't as clear cut as this. They overlapped. of course they did, orwell admitted as much, to the point where him and some of the foot soldiers sent after him and his kind were exchanging food or something, but the point still stands, the institute betrayed everyone and the brotherhood of steel is inherently abusive with its semi-new racist absolutist creed so, when I get to the point where I choose, I'm going to kill them both off I'm going to exterminate both groups
  7. I don't care if it's offtopic or a banned topic, this is my answer, swap names if you must for the record, in the spanish civil war, people claimed the anarchists (POUM and so on) couldn't do anything right either but they were the ones that had done all the work in the fight against the fascists until backstabbed by the communists https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/4801120-im-so-angry-i-dont-even-know-what-to-say-its-just-wow-i-just-need-to-say-something/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homage_to_Catalonia railroad and minutemen are the only trustworthy ones
  8. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jarabulus_offensive_(2016) the kurdish movement, and the democratic confederalism, secular democratic forces movement that was liberating places from ISIS has come under attack by turkey, the operations supposedly to fight ISIS have been targeting the rojava revolution, and the white house has betrayed them in favour of working with ISIS and turkey members of ISIS are apparently cutting their beards and joining the free syrian army (FSA) which is one of the groups the USA is working with as well for those unawares, the demo-confed/secular democratic forces/rojava revolution are essentially a movement and system under which pretty much the extremes of the almost any political, religious, cultural, ethnic spectrum and affiliation one might have, can and have been co-existing within peacefully - from hardcore marxists to die-hard conservatives etc politics, gender, ethnicity, religion, whatever it is, there's the ability to co-exist, because the system is so insistent on democratic representation and the white house has betrayed this in favour of erdogan and ISIS to play war games with russia (by attacking syria eventually once it gets through the kurds) when ISIS was raping and murdering the yazidis it was the kurds who stopped it with this coalition, when ISIS was making massive progress all around, it was the kurds that blunted the momentum and ground it to a halt, the rojava movement kurds were the ones taking ground most of all from ISIS through enfranchisement to all, while everyone else in the region engaged in tyrannical despotism I have nothing but hatred for those responsible for this betrayal in such a blatantly anti-human fashion
  9. whoa lone wanderer works with dogmeat?! niiiiiiiiice my personal suggestion, would be almost, to try to do a no settlements run with exception to what you really really need (like for the quest to get into the institute and then ignore the stuff), and go full scav/scrounge using dogmeat and lone wanderer just to really change things up, no homebase basically etc etc, caps are your "storage" because they weigh nothing, etc etc alas, I think some mods might be in order to make that more viable though, one thing I've been wanting to see is bolt-action rifles' being a *lot* more useful in general, because of their high damage-to-ammo efficiency, where automatics literally are just about burning cash for damage and explosives/grenades are situationally useful - would probably have to reduce heavy weapons' weights and missile/fatman + ammo weights a little for this to work out, but it'd be neat the exception I'd have is for cooking places, make one and a bed for any settlements you might have, but aside from that, when you *find* a weapons workbench, you really appreciate it, and keep to no more than 10 scrap in storage total of any type, unless there's recipes for certain things that require more in which case... go for that number - everything else is you or your companions carry it, and ditching power armour I guess is okay at settlements
  10. I can explain what bethjunkie's trying to get at I think back in the day, I was a /b/tard, when 4chan was just up and coming/rising, or a little after it started (around 2006) I was also one of the earlier players of world of warcraft (lulzy story I went back to the previous game I was playing because I liked it more) both grew VERY large in time, and started to take on "the crowd" as it were, unfortunately, a lot of the pioneering vitality that existed because of the concentration of actual fans of the stuff disappeared as we were invaded by hordes of newbies/noobs/console pe...ople/new"friends" aka new*self-censored*s.... at first the growth was welcome, it brought about new interesting stuff, but eventually it watered the quality of the content down into a mass of drivelling derivative nonsense and the original crowd got BORED. and then because the delicate special flowers got offended they left in droves to things like tumblr, and it was good, because to an extent, the old 4chan crowd came back in, but tbh it was never quite as good as when it started... but regardless, it was better than when everyone wanted to be part of it when they clearly were a detriment to the totality of the thing (we called the masses aids and cancer) AH SCREW IT LETS USE VISUAL AIDS for the record, the /b/tards of old are far superior to /pol/ or /b/ as it is today, and the sheer volume of concentration of it was such that even though reddit has some of the humour, /pol/ has the irreverence, and /b/ has the lack of filter, none of all 3 of the above have the combination of all 3 that old /b/ did, because up-and-coming stuff typically has only attracted those who are looking for *that kinda thing* to begin with, for it's own sake - whereas old things tend to attract people based on the reputation/legend - an illusory perception, new /b/ is not like old /b/ in the ways that matter :s https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Course_of_Empire notice how painting 5 is similar in a way to painting 1 and 2 but has elements of 3, that's where FO3 is, people think it's a terrible thing, but the people living in that situation are pretty comfy and happy all the annoying screaming tykes are gone~ (maybe they wish there were a few more people after all, but they're probably happy the hipsters all moved on - because they love the thing for what it is, not for what people will think of them) and...yeah so it turns out what the herd loves and adores and worships maybe isn't actually the best thing basically http://comicsalliance.com/my-hero-silent-adventure-comic-matt-rhodes-anthology-project-mass-effect-artist/
  11. (dokidoki) is a word that mimics the sound of a beating heart. ★ It is used to describe physical/emotional excitement or racing of the heart. ★ It can indicate that someone is thrilled, excited, or nervous. you had me at the first visual of the first gun go to the nexus chat and show that off, I'm very certain people will help you if you ask questions, just be patient because sometimes the people who know might be busy at the time or offline even :ninja: this video is made by skibadaa, a weapons mod author if you mean you're not sure how to put them in the game, but the guns work and you can dev console command them into the game, then level lists are how you decide what things drop off of(there's a variety of level lists - like raider weapons all, or gnuner weapons all, or things like so (super mutants are really picky about what weapons they can actually use, so I wouldn't be surprised if they can't use your weapons but that's okay), and you can also manually edit cells via the CK (creation kit) to put them in the game by hand (like in a safe, or on top of a desk etc etc)
  12. if I recall, wasn't whirlygig in NV pilotable too? this is for FO4 but, I'm sure these sorts of things will be doable in time, I was REALLY impressed by that helicopter mod for NV that lets you fly a vertibird actually :D http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/13449/?
  13. everyone knows militaries work "off the books" but on the commander's mind this is like the first rule of militaries everywhere forever, war never changes! source: I'd rather not get political but does anyone remember bradley/chelsea manning? or the "bad apples" quote of abu ghraib etc? the truth is that these aren't special cases in military history the world over throughout time, look at the atomic bombs, bombing of dresden, and remember here that I'm using "our side" as examples, the other sides are often as bad or slightly worse or way worse collective punishment of groups within the roman army that failed to do their duty, something called decimation, 1/10 people chosen and their squad/bunkmates/comrades had to beat them to death themselves - was done for a reason this all said, between the railroad and minutemen, I think the commonwealth would be the best off, the BoS has a tendency to be untrustworthy with their impositions while in play, and the institute is straight out even more egotistical but less direct in getting their hands dirty (making them roughly equal to the BoS) - the railroad and minutemen are more limited, but a lot of the commonwealth has their own way of getting by anyways - with the two big boogiemen gone, things can normalize a bit, and the minutemen are back with a strong leader, the player and I'm sure they'd learn from their mistakes in this case, the BoS are far too bigoted nowadays, and the institute are so removed from the basics of humanity that they don't even understand the needs of the people of the commonwealth I'll take slightly weak but trustworthy groups (given that they don't lack courage) to do honest work over the trappings of power without ethics anyday, a lot of the raiders are decimated by the game's end anyways, as well as the gunners so another quincy is far less likely to happen, and with time, the various settlements could probably form another provisional commonwealth government without falling apart due to... (if you know you know if you don't, I haven't spoiled)
  14. I think the immediate thereafter hype bubble collapsed a bit, that's all, given the likely criticisms of fallout 4 that I'm sure we all already know something about, I can see why someone would worry about it but from what I can see I don't think that it's going to die, the kinds of mods that originally came out in a rush were basically bug fix types, and they were made to deal with immediate, small, NAGGING issues, perfect situation for pushing massive numbers of immediate mods and growing the population interested in them now however, the mods coming out are bigger, more ambitious, these kinds of works take a lot more time for the evidence of effect in other words, from a naive standpoint, the mods have less bang (immediate downloads and usage) for the mod author's buck (time spent) but that's an illusion of slowing down and the game dying (not a great one either, no offense to those fooled) because all the super easy low hanging fruit was already picked, the tree however is 2 stories tall :D now if it were only the baseline game I could understand, it was missing, something...but the DLC adds stuff to it all, I could say that it's trussed up mod author utilities put together with a minor story but the truth is that they're also adding new themes and aspects that the community might not have thought about, which opens up peoples' minds on the matters, and gives hints at possible new directions, so it inspires new kinds of mods or thinking about mods as people said, the assault rifle in nuka world trailer might've been added to give a new animation set to deal with the issue of modern real world assault rifles' reload animations not being so hot so it's likely bethesda IS in fact listening to the community as well (regardless of the frustrations etc, even if they're not listening a lot or very well, my point is simply that they are doing it at all) and because the baseline lacks a lot in the way of story element world-building, the kinds of mods that are needed most are frameworks and world-building stuff, quest mods, new areas, and those from what I hear are some of the most time intensive things around, if not THE most time intensive aside from making the actual game originally as bethesda! so it might just be all chalked up to the nature of the mods (quest ones) being slow to make, because the gunplay is already pretty decent etc and those are easier to make
  15. the irony is that despite an atomic holocaust literally nothing has changed :D "all of the above" still exists oh and, the nothing has changed element, even though everything's changed, alas, as the saying goes "the more things change the more they stay the same" oh and, as far as these things go, I pay attention to world events, I check out footage, I go to alternative sources other than typical north american media sites reasonably often as well (not conspiracy sites but like, other continents' media and not just europe's) ANYWAYS, with that explanation out of the way, playing fallout 4 is like being in a warzone from tdoay except you're able to shoot back, and it's a hero ego trip to boot, but with those thematic/story elements taken out, it's identical in its nature of the situation :D okay and lasers, but like, come on I think that one should go without saying also, and I'd like to not particularly denigrate bethesda in general, but this guy, adam adamowicz, might've been practically holding up a huge portion of the best creativity of bethesda on his back, and he died around early 2012 I feel like he might've been one of those huge support pillar types with his works :^) he did the concept art for skyrim, fallout 3, and oblivion DLC (shivering isles) so uhh, you know, HEAVY DUTY world building, whereas the others were better at, fleshing it out in a sense (the concept artist provides an imaginative direction and others kind of put the stuff in the game based on the world in their minds that stems from the concept artists and general team brainstorming I think - although I'm not entirely sure) https://www.flickr.com/photos/47857688@N08/collections/72157629320914591/
  17. I think bethesda has been doing some screwy things and some nice things, some of those screwy things are easily movable into definitely nasty and unfair business practices, I don't buy that a company that makes its money off a good reputation has a right to continue to be respected if they turn their backs on it, it is in fact of matter the reason why I'm buying bethesda games, because they haven't been doing such things, as much as other companies to my knowledge, there's been some screwy things so there's no point in bringing them up to disprove my statement :wink: that said, I'm not really interested in bethesda.net personally, I'm not exactly boycotting it, but it's more of me shunning it, I happen to prefer smaller scale communities with a more direct focus than... social media platforms as we typically think of them nowadays, and bethesda.net looks like that, and I'm an elitist snob who likes to run around in places where the best are at, or at least the company's semi cozy (so maybe it's not exactly elitism but a desire for general competency or higher than average levels of it) there's no reason to make mod authors selling mods turn into a corporate capital venture of extreme complexity, but at the same time there's issues to be had with paid mods that noone's really addressed, it's mostly been handwaving with the magic wand of the free market and so on, but the train of history driven by marx ran over it and squashed it so it's a dead ideology (see I can do ideology too) there's probably an answer to this but I think it'll be more the product of a gradual disgestation of the situation than a singular ingenious idea from straight outta compton (nowhere) I couldn't help but notice that there were some corner cutting events for fallout 4, and to be honest I think doom and unreal could practically have been a single game from the looks of it, bethesda's doing the equivalent of pulp fiction novel printing presses with their games it looks like, I hope they don't rely on that further, because it'll really kill the quality of the games anywas, fingers crossed, so far it looks like they're playing semi nice, if one looks at why they didn't do an oblivion or morrowind remastered (yet) and this bodes well for my opinion of them as strict as I might be in my views of what a good company is or bad one is, what's too bad really is that I really had hoped there'd be 2 more quest style DLC rather than workshop DLC, the workshop stuff imho should've been there to begin with, while the quest DLC stuff would've been fine to sell multiple things of, I feel like storycrafting modules is one of their stronger points, I could be wrong as I haven't played NV for comparison but honestly when they do eventually get down to focusing in on things they tend to do better than the storylines for general worlds that said, if they could work on that for their open world games a little bit, it would really really improve the stuff, and if they could work on it for it to be a little bit more existent too, I like that they did in fact use the modules to replicate how the original fallout 1-2 games used towns, it's good
  18. the old forest of great trees is rotten and dying, a horrible wreck overshadowing the area all around it choking life out, keeping us in the dark, when it falls we'll lose our cover and have to fend for ourselves in the open, but as time progresses new trees will emerge and a lighter more inviting forest will begin again - instead of that dark haunted realm of ghosts and wolves, but to get there one needs to deal with the harsh sunlight and unfettered winds the weeds are already strangling it, one might as well take some of them down now to start the process in a few places while there's still cover here or there, to keep the forest going on instead of falling apart all at once in disaster the entire reason I had a days long near panic-attack state of mind around 2003-4 was because when I saw what google was up to I figured mass surveillance would be coming in the future and that it spider web crawlers would be a method how, and while I didn't have the name for it that others do (I didn't really have a name for it at all) I knew how dangerous metadata could be for a democracy ever since that day I've put a huge amount of effort into what are now called memes and taking advantage of time sensitive context with breakneck speed developments of new situations in an attempt to drive society to go so fast the mass surveillance state couldn't keep up so, basically if I can figure out what google's up to in 2003-4 would lead to this, and I knew it was bad, well that says a lot I guess the other thing is that hideo kojima and other people had already come to a similar conclusion about the problems of these kinds of issues, modern times with charlie chaplin, 1984 with george orwell, the nazis and radio broadcasts, north korea with its communications networks, the great firewall of china... the creele commission they all came to the same conclusion I did, they wanted it though, I'd rather not thing is, except the one about the nazis and radios, I didn't know any of it existed when I came up with the nightmare scenario, which means that either me and every totalitarian society in the world are wrong as well as hideo kojima, or it's google's a real problem Context (language use), the relevant constraints of the communicative situation that influence language use, language variation, and discourse summarycon·textnounthe circumstances that form the setting for an event, statement, or idea, and in terms of which it can be fully understood and assessed. the solution I'm afraid is essentially the consistent degradation and destruction of those centralized networks supremacy over others through, wearing them down, and the emergence of other newer networks, in other words to avoid a god complex laced palace empire, we're going to have to bring about the jungle again, nature red tooth and claw Horace Smith's "Ozymandias"In Egypt's sandy silence, all alone, Stands a gigantic Leg, which far off throws The only shadow that the Desert knows:— "I am great OZYMANDIAS," saith the stone, "The King of Kings; this mighty City shows "The wonders of my hand."— The City's gone,— Nought but the Leg remaining to disclose The site of this forgotten Babylon. We wonder,—and some Hunter may express Wonder like ours, when thro' the wilderness Where London stood, holding the Wolf in chace, He meets some fragment huge, and stops to guess What powerful but unrecorded race Once dwelt in that annihilated place.
  19. NOTE: all the same song, aka same writer, one "fernando sor" who brought into existence the guitar from lute, fought in the napoleonic wars in 1808 and another link in the chain is francisco tarrega ( died in 1909 a guy who's dad got him to play because he almost went blind and a blind musician can still make a living and he learned from two blind tutors) - but they all play it slightly differently and if you have a keen ear it comes across like a different song in a lot of ways tatyana rhyzkova (favourite version) yepes (3rd favourite) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mg_xlyPoTV4 andres segovia (second favourite) - figured I'd give poor yepes the 2nd video thumbnail spot because segovia is literally considered the father of the classical/spanish guitar (the thing we usually think of when we think guitar) and yepes gets overshadowed lol segovia almost got to learn from tarrega but tarrega died after accepting him but before he could teach, mostly segovia was self-taught julian bream mmm really just discovered them tonight and have been listening to variants since, you really need to check out spanish guitarists playing stuff related to classical music, it was actually made for that originally, and it sounds pretty good often, segovia playing bach, yepes playing "Fernando Sor 24 Etudes" is also nice anderson miolin also brings an interesting sort of sound to the song as well, a kind of "stringed instrument form antiquity" vibe to his, I'm biased in favour of warmer tones so he's kind of a 4th with bream but considering this is comparing top talent across a century or more it's no insult
  20. http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/searchresults/?src_cat=27 I'm not yet, plugging away at the game at my own terrible pace but managing to get there, then I'll work on something once I've experienced the game and don't need to worry about horrible game wrenching crashes I'm looking at the possibility of doing 99 ranks for perks, and using 10/20/30 or 15/30/45 type milestones as perks, with the rest of the ranks giving small bonuses to things like weapon damage, fire speed, reload speed, recoil or something - basically all of them increasing by 1% or like half of them increasing per rank then the other rank increasing the other half of listed possible improvements (they leapfrog) - alternatively 10-20 rank perks could still yield a modest smoothish levelling curve pistols could do better in VATS specifically in all kinds of ways includign faster crit charge rates, non-auto rifles could do slight armour pierce and slightly increased damage or fire speed(1% for 10 milestones or 10% after 6 milestones depending on if it's 10 or 15 ranks between them) shotguns and bolt action rifles could get 20% armour pierce and a bit of something else like reload speed, heavy weapons could slow you down less, lasers could benefit off of nuclear physist or something etc but there's this catch, I'm not sure if perks continually stack up and get counted, so if you had something like 1000 perks selected, your rig would lag like mad if each perk rank just replaces the last one, then it'd take some time but it'd be simple enough to make new ranks and do that sort of thing and then of course, you'd need to give like 8-10 perks per level up (the idea is that perk gained versus perk needed to be spent for what you used to get - you actually lose out a bit so you need to play to a style more for longer) - but I'd want to do a runthrough of various monsters and types of enemies and change them up a little bit to be a little easier to deal with if you know the right way, running from a full power armoured X-01 synth eradicator but sending landmines around would be a viable option in this case - I've had two experiences with this kind of thing, one with a raider power armour, it was pretty glorious I'm not gonna lie I got a rush that I rarely get, it was a tank, and I tankbusted it without rockets or grenades and my guns wouldn't work very well or at all (talking like 5-10 damage on a 500 hp thing with my most powerful and slow firing gun while it does plasma full auto and I'm in raider/leather armor) other stuff would also be able to changed up, like armour perks and other stuff, don't need to remake the stuff into its vanilla style after all the idea is generally to smooth the progression scale of damage a bit, and extend the levelling curve - stretch it out a little but keep it around the same height, or slightly higher, to give room for higher end modders and new stuff at higher level to do things with within the frame of balance
  21. literally billions on the right hand side of the bar select "most recent" instead of its default "most endorsed" and look for them, a typical keyword is "preset" which is just short for ENB preset you can go and sift through the images they provide to show off what they can do, and pick the ones you think look best, I'm pretty sure they're swappable so if you don't like one you can just go for another, so you shouldn't have any issues trying them on for size until you find what's right for you this isn't really something you can get away with just "meh whatever"'ing it, visual style tastes are highly personalized and vary from individual to individual :tongue: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/searchresults/?src_cat=40 but if you're looking for one that'll nuke your computer and look good doing it, I don't know for sure, but I think this one might be it (extreme cinemax10) http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/347/? these 2 videos are of extreme cinemax9 by the same author
  22. somewhere there's some sort of thing like character or actor illumination that should be set to 0 or something one of the mods should mention it I think, if you don't change it, you start getting glow in the dark stuff that shouldn't glow the road flares worked well for me although seeing as they require a road flare to create I rarely use them, I do use pip-boy flashlights and it's nice there's also tactical optiks, these are night vision, I think that headlamps mod is flashlights, both use head pieces for their thing http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/12220/?
  23. basically I want to see to making a perk system that's more like the fallout 1-2 skill system in a way, with perks embedded at certain ranks (rank 10, 20, 30 or 15, 30, 45 etc) because I feel that the fallout perk system could, potentially function *much better* with more perks and skills like this, to allow more options in dealing with things than a simple "+20% damage HURRARARRAR" (and giving more perk points per level, probably less than it'd take to get all 20% damage boost in the same number of levels to extend the gameplay levels, but also rebalance difficulty as you progress in levels as well to counter potential issues I want to fine tune the game) the issue lies in the fact that one, it'd take some time to create multiple ranks of perks, but this is less of an issue than.... if I had 99 perk ranks ,and got them all, would each one need to be continuously acknowledged/sorted through causing memory issues or is it possible to have a perk rank removed when I select the next one, and that next one being counted (meaning I just have to create each perk as the next logical step of the bonuses from the previous ones) I suppose I could just make it so that each one was removed and the next one put into place as things progressed through a script? but I don't know for sure, and even if I did I don't know how, the reason for this is because I feel like it's much more engaging to have multiple points per level to spread out over multiple bonuses as I see fit, would make it easier to make character specialization more of a thing for longer, and keep things meaningful into later game it'd be basically an amalgamation of the perks and skills system of previous fallouts, where the perk side of things is handled by having milestone perk ranks, like 10/20/30, or 15/30/45 etc) things like rate of fire, reload speed, initial accuracy, weapon spread, damage could all be dealt with in a more smooth progression as levels came this way - making the game a LOT less clunky as you level up like, for instance, some of those could be given a 1% boost per perk point invested, or they alternate between perk points (accuracy and reload stuff, then damage and fire speed, then accuracy and reload), etc, just minor boosts that overall end up in a similar state, just taking a bit longer, allowing the game to be balanced a little better over the course of levelling and you know, maybe the milestones would address some key element of weakness or bring some added functionality particular to the weapon type of weapon perks, revolving more around weapon types than before examples of perk milestones, say, 2% armour pierce for bolt action rifles per milestone (would end up at 10 at level 99 - could count rank 99 as rank 100 for it if 100's not possible) pistols do better in VATS in some key way, semi automatic rifles pierce a *little* armour and fire slightly faster, bolt action rifles pierce armour, automatics have less kickback (but start with more as a rebalance of how they work so that functionally they're almost shotgun range weapons until specialized), heavy weapons slow you down less when wielded, melee/fist weapons give some boosts to armour/energy resist etc etc, so that weapon specialization matters, could do all sorts of things with this system, make choices really matter and play to character type as a part of the combat better
  24. nuka world scares me that way too, that said the modding community is beginning to really hack away at the annoying lack of game like a band of howler monkeys at a rock concert, with quests and new game lands!
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