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Posts posted by MikeRyan

  1. “Home”, the word buzzed around Morgan's head like an obsessed bloatfly, refusing to leave him alone.



    “Home”, how do you define that, how do you even know what is home any more?

    Morgan had been wandering for so long now that it all just felt like renting a bed at any old inn no matter if that was the case or he actually put effort into setting something proper up, reinforcing walls, boarding up windows as needed. Like where he is now, an old, small, farmhouse he had spent some time getting furniture into to make it a bit more livable, even found a workbench so he could make what he needed. Sure it’s no Lucky 38 but the city life never suited him anyways.


    Again that damn word came buzzing through, “Home”, it certainly couldn’t be where he spent what little of his childhood he could before the Legion came and took him and his entire town, killing his parents in the process. No, it's been too long for that, he barely remembers that place anyhow, focusing on surviving does that to a man, all he remembers is it being somewhere to the east. He let out a sigh and looked at the map he kept above the desk in the room he used as an office and workspace, trying to remember, looking at the pins marking locations he had visited, it was quite a few now after his trips to places like the divide and the Big M.T., hell even so far as the capital wasteland.


    The capital wasteland, that was an event all in itself. Sure he had killed the man who killed his parents, but he had also worn himself out quite a bit doing it, not to mention losing his eye to that deathclaw, it does things to a man going through things like that. That is, if he can even consider himself a man anymore after what the think tank at Big M.T. did to him.

    Sure, the new heart saved him in the long run, and that reinforced spine isn't something to complain about really, but damn if he doesn't miss what a cigar and a scotch used to do to him. Yeah getting robotic parts put into you combined with being an ex-slave really make you feel like you're not a human some days, especially when combined with the nightmares of his past and his escape from the Legion.


    He sighed and stood up, accidentally banging his knee into the desk and knocking over a box in the process.


    He chuckled a bit to himself and he bent down to the floor to pick up the box and its contents, thinking “Heh, maybe I am human after all” and that’s when he saw what the box had contained.

    Strewn on the floor was dozens of pictures he had taken on his travels.


    His group of friends he made in the capital when he fought Junius and his crew, the vault dweller and his family, his various pets from throughout the years, the places he has visited, and most recently; his companions in vegas.


    Looking at all this, he finally had his answer: “Home is where I feel happy, and that is wherever the hell I want”

  2. "He is a great boy actually, met him over at Moriarity's a few years ago when he was fresh from the vault. Learned fast actually. Met his sister as well actually, sadly didnt have the chance to meet their father. I acutally never expected him to go off and save the capital but then again, we all are full of suprises. I mean, I bet none of you expected me to be an ex-slave and a tribal. Anyways let's see if the girls and Ferox left something for us in there."



    Morgan walked over to Jackson and poked him on the nose


    "And you know, if you are so confident in your strength, why don't we have a little fistfight later, Tiny."


    He then left and continued into the building.

  3. "Now you just hold on there sonny, I trained 101 personaly ok? And if you ever try to say that he is copying you again, I'm going to slap you hard enough to send you to Vegas. Or atleast 2 meters back. The kid is actually a great guy, fast learner. Taught him evertyhing I could about survival and fighting." Morgan swinged his bag up onto his bag and got ready to move out


    "Alright then Versy, let's see if the ladies left anything for us"

  4. "Going to be interesting to see how well Jackson is going to be able to carry that load without killing himself. Or atleast breaking a leg or two"



    Morgan looked up at the items Jackson was carrying, rather clumsily, and made sure he had his bag ready for when it was his turn.

  5. Morgan let out a puff of smoke from his cigar and looked at Axelle.


    "Naw, that's mostly in his direction. I come from more...humble origins. Native if you so wish. If you hadn't guessed already my survival knowledge isn't just from traveling, but my dad taught me all he knew before, well you know."


    He took another drag from his cigar and then kept speaking;"Sometimes I could be an walking encyclopedia, but I tend to let others answer since I'm trying to forget that horrible part of my life."


    "But yeah there sure are big cities like that. But I tried to avoid them mostly, bounty hunters tend to find the bigger places more interesting than the small towns."

  6. "Actually cathy, a fish is smaller than a mirelurk, much smaller. They are more common outside of D.C. I've discovered. We used to eat a lot of fish back home, caught from the rivers. Some areas where hit less by the radiation than others you know? Some are quite tasty and some just tasted likes garbage. But if you had luck you found a big one that fed you for days.


    Sometimes, I miss home."


    Morgan looked into the distance for a while before turning to Vers "And that sounds tempting my friend, maybe I will join you there."

  7. "Heh, you two would have proboably killed eachother pretty fast, faster than a Yao Guai on a fish I'm sure. Tell me friend, how was it back home? I never really visited Shady Sands. Is it a nice town?"


    Morgan tried to avoid big towns as much as he could during his escape, in case any bounty hunters where there so he had missed a lot of places during his travels.

  8. Morgan nodded in Cathys direction


    "Fine by me, gives me some time to think about things as well."


    Morgan put his bag on the ground and sat down, tinkering with his rifle absent mindely while thinking about his past and any ideas that might pop up that could help the tower.

  9. Morgan froze for a second when he heard Cathy mention the cazadores, thinking back to his travels.


    "As true as the dirt on my boots.Now I only quickly passed through during my travels but I was unlucky enough to run into a group of them. Dang things are poisonous too, nearly took off my hat for the last time. Not pleasant at all"


    Morgan shivered at the thought of the poison that had been through his veins that day.


    "Sorry, didn't mean to jump in like that. I'm sure that Vers knows more about them than me though, having lived there and all."

  10. Morgan glanced over to Cathy and smiled in a half crazy way


    "Yeah I sure did, but don't forget that it was because I was on its back stabbing it repeatedly and it started swinging its head around. But you know, I'm kinda glad that it happened in a strange way, I can finaly say that I did something few would even dare to dream about. I stabbed a freaking deathclaw matriach to death and lived to tell the tale. Of course I still got to get used to having less vison but I still got my aiming eye left and I'm glad for that."


    Morgan lit one of his trademark cigars and looked dreaming into the horizon "although next time, I'll keep an eye out for its horns. Still my position as wasteland badass is secured for a while. Now I just need to beat an super mutant overlord in unarmed combat and I will be god on earth!"



    He gave Jackson a pat on the shoulder and walked out the gate, ready for a day of looting and hopefully keeping his eye.

  11. Morgan staggered a bit when he heard Cathy mention Mr Cuddlesworth


    "Hey know, he's not my pet! You know I have some slight problems with deathclaws ever since the mart!"


    Just thinking of that day made it sting where his left eye would have been if it wouldn't have been for one bad encounter with a deathclaw.

  12. Morgan nodded and went over to Cathy;


    "I'll come with you, I'm used to heavy loads and you never know when you can need a pair of strong arms. Especialy considering your condition. Just let me go get my bag."


    He went back up to his room and put his coat on the bed, so it wouldn't get in the way while picking and then checked on his arm bandages, which he had for a while now, and decided they where good. He then picked up his bag,put on some gloves, and went back to the lobby.



    "Hey now that I think about it, has anyone seen Sarina? Haven't seen her in a while."

  13. Morgan rubbed his beard like he usualy did when he was thinking before he started speaking


    "There should be a batch of tools in the utility room, saving us some caps. And I've had some contact with the local caravans before, I could have a quick chat with them. And Axelle and I could work some on building some defenses or atleast get some of the electronics running again."


    Morgan had always had a nack for electronics, but he figured that he could learn a thing or two from Elle, as he had started to call Axelle when she wasn't listening.

  14. Morgan looked over at Jackson trying to supress a smile "You know, I've used rocks as pillows, but I've had the thought of sleeping in an elevator. I have to try that sometime"


    But alas he didn't last long and soon burst into laughter before he cleared his throat and looked at Versing


    "Shady Sands? What are you going to do there? Then again it is your capital. And I agree with Elle, err Axelle, if we do an equal leadership community here, with all of us having a slice of the responsibility cake to care for, we could work this out. We just need to figure out what eachone of us is good at, and then we are golden."


    Morgan stood and thought for a while about how it all could be split up.

  15. Morgan nodded slowly at what Cathy had said.


    "Aye, we're going to need a sort of leader. But who? Me? Vers? It has to be someone with atleast some experience of leading and taking decisions. Sure I got some but eeehm, that group didn't survive long. Then again it was during an escape so eehm" Morgan just went quiet looking a bit awkward.



    "We will have to think about it"


    was the last thing he said before returning to his food.

  16. Morgan nodded at De Vere and took another bite of his food.


    "Morning miss.´"


    He then turned his attention to Versing again. "Yeah filling it would work quite well, I mean Tenpenny is dead and the legion is gone. We could do some clean up, get rid of the bodies and try to get this place populated again."

  17. Morgan woke up a few hours later and got dressed, feeling more calm than ever before, and went down into the dining room to find Versing sitting there eating breakfast.


    He decided to join him and sat down with some food and drink he had scrounged together and started eating.



    "You know, we could learn eachother some things. And possibly do more than that."

  18. Morgan found an empty room for him and Loki and went to the bathroom to wash up a little, when he saw how messed up he had become from all his time traveling with this group.


    "Damn Loki, I barely recognise myself in the mirror any more. Got more scars than before now, but all of them have a history haha." Loki barked in agreement as Morgan started to clean off all the blood and dirt from his body, being extra careful around his left eyesocket, where an eye used to be a couple of weeks back before he lost it in a fight with a deathclaw.


    After he was done cleaning himself he put on some clean clothes and gave Loki a bath too. He finished the whole thing by giving himself a haircut so he wouldn't look too scruffy before he inspected his new scars in the mirror. He decided to cover the worst of them in bandage and then went back out to the bed where he hanged his belt with his knife and gun on the bedframe for fast access.


    He then closed his eyes and fell into his most comfortable sleep ever.


    Comfortable in the way that the ghosts of his past where quiet.

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