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Posts posted by MikeRyan

  1. Morgan nodded slowly in agreement "Yeah that will be enough, and that sure is NCR, but i don't know of that branch, must be some kind of spec ops"


    Morgan carefully looked over their "friend" to see if she had some more injures that needed to be tended to before he put together the stretcher a bit quick and put her on it


    "I think I'll keep an eye on her until she wakes up, just in case"

  2. Morgan kept trying to figure out how to get the armor off while responding to Cathy "It's our good friend the Spec Ops, looks like she got into a bit too much trouble this time. She's got massive amounts of damage"



    He then found straps on the armor that he started to cut off, removing it piece by piece with surgical precision until the jumpsuit was all that was left of it


    "There, that's all I dare to remove for now. And rebars sounds good, and I don't mind using the sleeping bag for it, it's ruined already"

  3. Morgan nodded and put her down on the floor carefully. "Yes, two long sticks and a bedroll should do the trick, I got a bedroll in my pack after she put some bloody armor on it but we are going to need to find sticks to make it good"



    He started to inspect her armor to try and see if he could see anyplace where you could get it loose without injuring her body much further

  4. Baldur i appreciate that you try to remind people but would you please stop trying to admin the rolepaly and complain about nitpicky things?


    Its annoying more than one member so i would appreciate if you stopped.


    Like you said, if you dont like performing admin duties on this rp then please dont do it.


    Thank you

  5. Morgan came and crouched down by the blood trail "Hmm it's fresh alright, goes this way"


    Morgan started to follow the trail when he suddenly heard some screaming coming from an injured super mutant who tried to shoot him, but Morgan was slightly faster "So there are survivors down here"


    He looked around some more until he finaly found the personal shelter and opened it, inside he found a passed out woman whose armor looked a bit familiar


    "Well well well, if it isn't our mysterious friend" Morgan chuckled as he took out some medcial supplies and patched up the worst bits, he then picked her up to head back towards the base


    "Looks like we are going to need our good friend the doctor"

  6. Morgan looked at the newcomers, inspecting them thoroughly, holding his rifle in a tight grip incase they would try anything funny.


    "No I'm not planning on killing another deathclaw, but I'm going to keep my eye on you. Something smells a bit fishy about you two, then again I rarely trust strangers."


    He kept eyeballing them, trying to see if they had anything to hide

  7. Morgan just grumbled something before getting up from his hunched over position, tying a piece of scrap cloth under his nose to keep some blood out of his mouth.



    "Ugh I gotta train myself to keep my eye forward"

  8. Thank you Best.


    Good of you to decide and pm when you have concerns. Much better than fighting about it in a forum thread no?


    And the plot is basicaly that he said that he needed help with raiding an armory, then we learned it was part of his vendetta. So yes we are acting on our own but still following Vlad a bit since he knows the way to Malcolm.


    Again, thank you for being so smart to decide to pm upon further concern, good choice :)

  9. Morgan heard a massive explosion coming from a building not far from there and decided to check it out.


    "Doc, would you mind coming with me? Somethign tells me that there might be people injured. Vlad, you better come along too incase there are heavy rubble"


    He then grabbed his rifle and started running towards the building he heard the explosion from.

  10. Indeed.


    We hade planned for bloods character to do these kinds of stuff earlier.


    If you got a problem with it, message me, do not complain about it here.



    I gave him permission to use this character as a kind of curios soldier following the one who stabbed a deathclaw.

  11. Yes so the whole vendetta/revenge thing has been there all along. Removing it now would be kind of strange and remove the main driving point for the armory we have been talking about on and off.


    And making attacks on peoples characters calling them op and saying they killed 900 soldiers when there has been no mention of that is just plain wrong. If you have a problem with somebodys character, pm them instead of making small personal attacks in this thread and try to work out an agreement. We have already almost lost one rp'er due to this and i would hate to lose more over minor things like this.


    And baldur, i read back on your post about the legion being in the wasteland and seeing how big their territory reaches, well outside of the mojave, there is a small, very small, possibility of them acutaly expanding out this far. Maybe coming in small groups and not the entire legion yes, but still a slim chance.


    And i have never tried to drive the plot or make morgan seem like "the guardian of the wastes" no way, i only make morgan the ordinary guy who has a troubled past and gets dragged into adventure. Not being the vault dweller who goes out and kicks rear on an everyday basis, i keep that for my fan fics.


    Now if you want to discuss this further you can contact me on steam or through a message here on the nexus, im always open for discussion and i would hate to see this grind to a halt due to some thinking that certain points in the plot of the rp are dumb and should be removed.


    So if you want to discuss something like a sensible adult, message me. Don't sit on this thread and bicker about it. You can find me on steam as Miros the moddeR if you want fast replies.


    That is all.


    Thank you for reading this post and have a good day.

  12. a lot of rps here on the nexus has people going on "quests and stuff", when i left the chattering scrolls most people where on a quest to save another person in the rp. So vlad being on a quest for revenge is a totaly valid thing
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