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Posts posted by MikeRyan

  1. Michael Whitefang paced at the far corner of the inn. He was a big nord with dark brown, almost black hair with a big scar running across his somewhat pale skinned face, most likely from a fight a long time ago, with a thin beard covering his jaw and wearing a light, yet strong looking armor with a strange black robe with a small brown fur cape over it, the robe looks similar in style to something an master assassin from another country and era would wear. On the table in front of him lays various items stacked, steins, quills and parchments and other random objects. He had a habit of muttering to himself and dispatching his sword for no reason other than to stun the odd soul who might be too near him...


    “You want to hear my story?” He said with a laugh “Sure I can tell you my story, but it’s not like the fairy tales you are used too, just so you know!” After a while he sat down at his chair and kept muttering to himself

  2. sweden


    originally i lived outside our capital in a town there but then we moved down to a place known as scania in english but skåne in swedish.



    Its nice here but its pretty windy

  3. Some old russian jokes


    The KGB, the GIGN and the CIA are all trying to prove that they are the best at catching criminals. The Secretary General of the UN decides to give them a test. He releases a rabbit into a forest and each of them has to catch it. The CIA goes in. They place animal informants throughout the forest. They question all plant and mineral witnesses. After three months of extensive investigations they conclude that the rabbit does not exist. The GIGN goes in. After two weeks with no leads they burn the forest, killing everything in it, including the rabbit, and make no apologies: the rabbit had it coming. The KGB goes in. They come out two hours later with a badly beaten bear. The bear is yelling: "Okay! Okay! I'm a rabbit! I'm a rabbit!"



    At -10 degrees Celsius, heating is switched on in British homes, while Finns change into a long-sleeved shirt. At -20 Austrians fly to Malaga, while Finns celebrate midsummer. At -200 the underworld freezes over and Finland wins the Eurovision Song Contest. At -273 absolute zero temperature is reached, all atom movement ceases. The Finns shrug and say: "Hey Pekka,it's a bit chilly today, isn't it?"

  4. -”Dad, I don’t want to be overseer. I want to be a librarian” Amata muttered in her sleep.

    It has been about a week since Amata joined me in my travels, and I got to admit that she is a quick learner. I have been teaching her about the ways of the wasteland ever since she first joined me there at Arlington, during dad’s funeral. But I can’t exactly blame her for falling asleep after we continued on from Rivet City. He he, she fell asleep after a few minutes of walking. We have been active for the last 2 days before she fell asleep. So I picked her up and started to carry her on my back, I can’t just leave her there on the ground you know? I’ve decided to take her back to megaton and let her take my bed; I have no problem with crashing on the couch.

    And recently I got news of my brothers decision to move up to Alaska, don’t know why. Maybe he just couldn’t stay here after dad’s death, and if that is the case I understand him. It has been some nightmare filled nights after he died, I just can’t help but feel responsible for his death even though it was the Enclaves fault. For some reason I can see raiders and enclave soldiers, well anyone who attacks me really, die slowly in front of me without getting nightmares. But dad’s death haunts me every night since his death. I guess my sleep problems are caused by that.


    Suddenly I realized that my I had completely sunken into my thoughts, because I was standing in the middle of Springvale and my thinking started over at Rivet City, so I turned around and went towards Megaton, and as usual I was greeted by Deputy Weld with his classic “Welcome to Megaton” line.

    I waved and went straight to my home. –“who is this young lady, sir?” Asked Wadsworth when he saw what I was carrying on my back.

    -“This is my friend and new companion Amata, and before you ask she is just asleep.”

    -“Ah I see sir, would you like me to prepare the couch for her?”

    -“No, I’ll take the couch; I’ll put her in my bed.” After this quick word exchange I went upstairs, put Amata on my bed then went downstairs and lay down on the couch.




    The next morning I was awakened by something pushing my arm, at first I thought it was Dogmeat wanting to play so I said, rather sleepily –“not now Dogmeat, I want to sleep.”

    -“Mike wake up” it was Amata who where pushing my arm, not Dogmeat.

    -“Huh? What time is it? Are ze Germans attacking? Oh hi Amata. What’s up?”

    -“Could you show me how to use a weapon? I want to learn all I can you know?” she asked while looking at me.

    -“Sure, let me just eat and get dressed.”

    A little while later, we where down at the clinic to get some stimpaks when I saw this girl getting stitched up. I couldn’t resist so I walked up to her and the doc and looked at the wound.

    -“Looks like a deathclaw attack to me, judging by the way the wound looks. But the wound doesn’t look that very deep so I shouldn’t be too worried about it. Though it will leave a nasty scar.”

    -“Yeah kind of expected that. But hey I get something to brag about.” The girl responded with a little laugh

    Doc Church looked at me with a look of annoyance on his face and muttered:

    -“If you want help you have to wait instead of bothering me. I am pretty busy with this patient here.”

    -“aaah let him stay old man, its nice to have someone that doesn’t complain to talk to”

    I tell you, I will never forget Church’s face when he heard that. He looked like he was going to rip us to shreds.

    A while later we where outside, formally introducing our self

    -“Nice meeting an adventures lady such as oneself for once, what’s your name stranger?” I asked the girl

    -“Orchid Raine, and you?”

    -“I’m Michael Ryan, but everyone calls me Mike. And this lady here is Amata”

    Orchid took a good look at Amata then said:

    -“you look like you’re from a vault or something. You’re not as grimy as the others here; in fact I’d actually want to say the same about you Mike”

    -“You’re right, Amata joined me last week I think it was, and I have been out of the vault for a good number of years”

    Then I got an idea that I just had to ask Orchid about

    -“I don’t suppose you could help me train Amata in the use of weapons? She could really use it.”

    -“sure, why not. I’m not going anywhere for a while.”


    So we headed off to a little area I have setup as use for weapons training and started the training.

    -“Ok Amata, first thing you got to remember is the way you hold the rifle. You can’t hold it like you are half asleep. Hold it steady in your grip like this”

    Orchid was very thorough with her instructions, like she had been doing this before. Orchid and I taught Amata everything we knew. And Amata was a good learner too, so it all went better than expected. After this lesson we went our separate ways, and to this date I haven’t seen her again.




    But a few weeks after that meeting I received a letter from her, telling me about her backstory. Apparently she changed her name to Orchid in an attempt to try and forget her past and she is now on her way to New Vegas to start a new life as a courier.

    Hope it turns out well for her.

  5. The rain poured down over Arlington, washing away grime from the grave stones so that some random letters and numbers could be seen when it thundered. Some turned perfectly clear thanks to the dirt getting washed of. But the main focus this day wasn’t some ww2 veteran, but a hero from our time, the year 2279. That hero was my dad



    -“I cant believe he’s gone Jack, I mean, its like I found him yesterday and now he’s gone” I said to my brother, standing right next to me in the crowd that had gathered. Everyone looked pretty much identical in their black outfits and umbrellas. All who was there had a lantern with them so they could see in the darkness of the night and the storm


    Everyone that had ever known my father was gathered there: Dr Li, Three Dog, the brotherhood of steel and a lot of other persons. It was actually pure luck that we got dad’s body with us when we had to evacuate the purifier. The lock on the emergency bulkhead got broken during some fighting and it opened, allowing me to grab dad and then just leg it.


    -“I wish the enclave never showed up, that way dad would have still been with us and he could have seen his wife’s dream come true” Jack said to me quietly, almost whispering. –“a big shame to say the least” I just nodded, I didn’t want to show my only remaining family member John (Jack’s real name, Jack is just a nickname) that I, the tough guy of the family, was crying, or let him hear it for that matter.


    I went to the outskirt of the funeral, to gather my thoughts a bit when I saw Amata standing all by herself under a tree, so I decided to walk over to her.


    -“Hi Amata” I said quietly to her. She didn’t say a word; she just turned around and gave me a big, comforting and caring hug. I could really feel the bonds of our friendship


    After we had been standing there, hugging, for about 5 minutes, Amata quietly whispered –“I’m so sorry Mike, I wish everything could be like before, before all this happened”

    I tried a little smile, wiped a tear of her face and said: -“if you want, you can follow me on my travels. I wouldn’t mind some company”


    She looked at me, from top to toe then said, with a smile on her face, -“you have changed Mr Ryan, you are not the skinny boy I used to know back in the vault. You look more, hardened and experienced now” she said, while gently letting her fingers run across the scars on my face.


    -“You’re not the same person I remember from the vault either, then again 2 years has passed since I left, a lot have happened, but it is nice to meet you again” I said and put my arm around her neck and pulled her closer to me, and we both looked at the sun rising through the storm clouds





    “You know, I’ll do it. I’ll follow you on your travels”

    "That warms this lone wanderer’s heart to hear”


    We just looked at each other and smiled.

  6. -“This is ridiculous! Just ridiculous!” I just yelled outright.

    -“What is?” Asked my brother and companion Jack

    “-This whole darn thing is! Just look at it, we have been walking for days, and not a single track of that idiotic caravan!” I picked up a rock and chucked it as hard as I could against a tree to vent off some of my frustration and anger.


    About a week or two ago, me and Jack picked up this contract from the caravan boss to find a missing caravan, piece of cake we thought.


    Wrong, just wrong. We have been following random bits of information and been looking at tracks ever since we left Canterbury.

    Closest we have gotten where the remains of a campsite and some tracks heading north, but now we are lost again. And my pet wolf Fenrir hasn’t been able to track anything due to the wide array of animals and people that roam here on a regular basis.


    I was brought back from my thoughts by the cold touch of my brothers hand on my shoulder, right at the scar from our encounter with a Yao Guai.

    -“What do you think of stopping here for the night? The sunset is here after all.” I just nodded, feeling how tired I was at the moment.


    We set off again the following day after a quick breakfast, feeling at our best mood. But still our hope wasn’t high, seeing as we haven’t found a thing for a while.


    What happened after about half an hour off walking can only be explained as one of the luckiest moments in my life.


    All of the sudden Fenrir caught the scent of a baby molerat and just ran off, so me and my brother of course followed after him. Hey, we need dinner too. After about 100 to 150 meters Fenrir caught the rat and we could see the caravan, and it was under attack by raiders. So we helped fight off the raiders and get the caravan home safe and after picking up our payment we headed off home.


    Next time I need some quick caps

    I think I’ll just watch the neighbour’s cactus

    Seems so much easier


    Lost caravans? Never again, I can tell you that right away

  7. only facts i can think of right now


    Sweden and Denmark holds the record for most wars fought betwen eachother


    there is a danish law that allows danes to hit swedes with a stick if the swede walks over the ice betwen Denmark and Sweden



    we sure have some problems here :P

  8. hehe my user name is kinda easy to explain


    Mike is the short form of Michael (fact of the millenia!) wich is my real name (different spelling due to me being from sweden, we type it as Mikael short form of that is Micke but that doesnt sound good to say in english)


    Ryan is from a character in *shivers* Hannah Montanna Jake Ryan and i thought that his last name sounded cool.


    I was playing with my friends when i was younger and i needed a name so i just put together Mike Ryan, and it has kinda stuck ever since.


    And the lack of space is because the site i used it on first didnt let you put a space in your name

  9. today i tried to finish operation anchorage and well i finished the simulation part but i cant get further than that.




    Because i have the Real Time Settler New Wave mod installed and it adds one dialog option to recruit to morril (or whatever that guy is called) and that is the only option.


    So basically it goes like this:


    i beat Jingwei, talk to General Chase, got out of the simulation and now im stuck when talking to that outcast boss.



    So my question is, is there anyway to quit a dialog with a console command or something?

  10. rest in peace Johnathan!


    I shall always remember the conversations we had on the chat.


    I hope you will find peace (and a place like the chat lol) in heaven


    I took some time and made this in his memory





    once again RIP Johnathan, you were loved. You have my condolences, losing someone is always hard, I lost my favorite teacher last year so i know how it feels

  11. ok i'm looking for an mod.


    I wanna find an real good trenchcoat/coat mod. Anyone who can help me with that?


    Breeze's FO3 Males FOMOD has 3 nifty little armours in it. One is a trench coat, sounds like you may be looking for? :biggrin:


    no breeze is not what i'm looking for. I want an shirt underneath too

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