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Posts posted by MikeRyan

  1. Morgan simply shrugged off the punch, considering drunk people sometimes are rather weak, especialy after four bottles of whiskey


    "Well if I wouldn't have followed you, you would still be on that cross"


    Morgan absentmindedly cracked his knuckles


    "Besides, if I wouldn't have showed up Junius would proboably have killed you, and that's nothing I would have wanted"

  2. Morgan walked over to Versing and gave him a solid punch in the face, with enough force to make the drunk lose his balance and fall to the ground.




    Morgan was obviously both angry and disappointed at his friend for ignoring his warning and was just staring at the man who was sitting on the floor looking rather silly.


    He calmed himself a bit and shook his head "Look, just, just don't do it again ok pal? Just don't"


    Morgan helped Versing up again, but suddenly punched him again, without looking angry


    "That's for going out and getting yourself crucified"

  3. Well this is just lovely! Here I log in to the nexus to have a nice time in the chat, and I get a pm from Dante telling me Kayla quit the rp and that I now have the sole responsibilty for this whole circus.


    Honestly, right now I don't even know what to do. Yes I'm saddened to see that Kayla left due to a ton of arguments and now I have to try and deal with this.


    Right now I just recomend everyone to chill the hell down while I think for a couple of hours, way to early for my standards to make decisions right now.



    So for now, just calm the heck down and don't cause another world war in here ok? I will get back to you all once I've decided the fate of this rp.


    It's either the bullet or another mananger in this place, and the wheel of fate is spinning...

  4. Morgan opened a new bottle and looked at the couple drinking their rear ends off and shaked his head


    "Waste of good drink if you ask me, I prefer beer for drinking constest and scotch and whiskey for relaxing. Care for a drink ma'am?"


    Morgan took up another glass and placed it on the table, before he poured himself a drink and took out a cigar. The time for relaxing was here he thought

  5. Morgan walked over to De Vere and sat down on a chair at the same table


    "A bet? Why they always make things fun, but I don't think its such a good idea to spurr these on. Then again watching amateurs drink is always a blast! I'm in, 150 caps on Versing"


    Morgan placed a small bag of caps on the table betwen them

  6. Morgan calmly finished his second bottle and put it down and glanced over to the two who where competing and just chuckled


    "Amateurs" he said to himself when he opened a third bottle and took a swig from it.


    He turned around to watch as Ferox and Versing got more and more drunk

  7. Morgan looked at Versing again, not paying attention to Sandro at the moment and kept Versing in the same grip, although a bit looser so he wouldn't snap his shoulder.


    "I'm sure he just did what ever he had to survive. And he knows of my explosive temper so I don't think he would try anything funny. And if you so much as point a gun at him I won't hesitate to break your arm. Alright?"


    Morgan gave Versing one solid squeeze right on a nerve to prove his point before he let him fall to the ground.


    "Keep that in mind" he walked off towards the bar of the tower and found a nice bottle of scotch and opened it and grabbed a glass.


    "A drink for good health"

  8. Morgan looked towards Versing for a second and then turned his attention back to Jackson.


    "Can you excuse me for a second? Gotta stop my friend over there"


    He walked over to Versing carefully, just in time to hear him threaten Ferox and decided to intercept. He grabbed Versing by the shoulder in a near bone cracking grip and pulled him away


    "Just what in the sam hell do you think are you doing?! Just because he's ex-legion it doesn't mean you can go around and make him your bullseye! Now sure you are NCR, but this kid has shown that you can put differences aside and help out!"


    It was obvious that Morgan did NOT like Versing acting like he did towards Ferox


    "Just so you know, I consider him a friend since he has helped out a bit before, and you know I take care of my friends. So if you so much as touch a hair on his head I'm going to give you a one hell of a whopping, got it?"


    Morgan was practicaly holding Versing a small bit of the ground, looking him right in the face.

  9. Morgan looked at what was left of Tenpenny, and then turned to the new guy


    "That's not my handywork, infact I was just out for some air and a cigar."


    He inspected him slightly before stretching out his hand


    "The name's Hollister, Morgan Hollister. And you are?"


    Sure Morgan might have heard his name before, but he believed more in getting to know somebodys name properly with a handshake and a smile.

  10. The whole chain of event that just happened was simply too much for Morgan, who had burst into a massive laugh attack. After laughing for about five minutes he said, while chuckling and gasping for air; "I'm sorry but I gotta step outside for a while" after which he went ouside the tower giggling.


    He stood outside taking a few good deep breaths when he heard a voice coming from his left, slightly muffled


    "So, finaly gotten Junius huh? Must feel great. After all these years"


    Morgan looked over briefly to the man and then out into the unknown. "Long time, no see old friend. I was wondering when you would show up. And yeah I got him, I got him good."


    Even though Morgan couldn't see his face due to it being covered by a gasmask, he knew the other man was smiling


    "Remember though Morgan, you still have a lot to do before your journey is over but seeing your progress here, you can do it."


    Morgan nodded and lit a cigar and took a few drags, but when he turned to talk to the man again, he was gone


    "Good bye old friend, see you later" Morgan smiled for a bit before he went back inside, just before Tenpenny slammed into the ground not far from him

  11. Morgan stood in the doorway and laughed as he saw Versing imitate him, including the rage.


    "Hehe, it's all fun and games until you fly into a rage like that. Now stop it man you look like a clown"


    Morgan couldn't stop laughing and smiling at the sight of Versings antics

  12. Needless to say, Morgan got quite excited when he saw the Pre-War Cuban cigars. He had only heard of their quality so having a whole bunch of them made him as excited as a kid in a candystore.


    "Woah, thanks man. I'll save them for later, for victories and such. Do not waste fancy things I always say"

  13. Morgan leaned over and looked at the screen, examining the info infront of him and slowly put a cigar in his mouth.


    "Interesting, a lot of stuff in here. Say you don't happen to have a light do you?"


    He asked his question while still looking at the screen

  14. Morgan placed his hand on Sarinas gun and looked her in the face


    "Not yet dear, let him try first. If he really knows medicine he might be useful to have around, if not we will have a vote in the group first ok?"


    He looked after King as he left the room and then turned his attention elsewhere.


    "If you excuse me, I think I'm going to see what this Miss De Vere is up to, you can keep an eye on King if you want to."


    He silently followed De Vere down into the basement where he saw her starting to hack the hotels systems and decided to wait a little while before he came up behind her


    "Found anything of use?"

  15. "We had a little....run in with a couple of people that aren't exactly our friends. And right now we got wounded to take care of, so if you are here to cause trouble I recomend that you turn away now."


    He noticed how the man put his hand near his gun and did the same.


    "If you can help though, it be appreciated. But expect to be treated with suspicion, atleast from my side. One who used to travel with us tried to shoot one of us 5 minutes ago so watch yer steps."

  16. Morgan holstered his gun and walked past De Vere on his way out to see what Sarina was yelling about


    "I'll be watching you miss, I don't trust strangers that well, even less now after junius snuck into our group earlier. If you try anything funny against the girl, you are going to have a hard time."


    He walked out into the room where the other new arrival was and inspected him for a while before simply asking "And you are?"

  17. Morgan smiled back, feeling a bit more secure.


    "Don't worry kiddo, some sleep and some meds and you will be back in action in no time. I know you can make it buddy."


    He chuckled a bit for himself before he spoke again "Hey, if I can get beaten up 3 times you can survive this haha"


    He gave Axelle a quick hug before he turned his attention to the woman who just had showed up


    "If you wanted to watch Junius die you are too late, I took care of him personaly. The name's Morgan Hollister, but the legion know me as Carnifex,or executioner, now."

  18. Morgan walked over to Axelle and put his hand on her shoulder and looked her in the eyes in a near brother like fashion


    "You ok kiddo? Stick with me will ya?"


    He just stood there, looking at her to make sure she would be ok, he did not want to lose her seeing how well she held the group together.

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