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Posts posted by MikeRyan

  1. Morgan relaxed a little now that the lady was unarmed, but decided to keep his gun ready just in case.


    "Just who the hell are you lady? Stomping in and capping people isn't the best way to make friends. And Vers, stop aiming that gun at Ferox will ya? You are making me nervous."


    Morgan slowly took out a cigar and lit it, all while keeping his eye at the woman infront of him.

  2. Morgan, in full panic, started yelling something about "By all the monkey kissing cow herding powder gangers of New Vegas!" and pulled his colt and held it aimed at the woman who just shot Luisa. "Just take it easy now ma'am and keep that gun holstered, we've got wounded in the room after all, and I don't want no fire fight in here!"



    Morgan kept the gun aimed at her the whole time, panting heavily after the small panic attack he got. He also felt slightly dumb for what he blurted out when he pulled his gun.


    He saw Ferox show up and felt a little bit more secure, even though Ferox was ex-legion and all.

  3. Morgan walked into the room where Axelle was currently getting taken cared of and in a rare gesture, for him atleast, took of his hat and coat and put them on a nearby sofa.


    He walked over to where Versing is standing and kept his focus at Axelle "How's she holding up man? Any signs of improvement?"


    Morgan nervously toyed with a necklace he had while waiting for a respone from Versing

  4. Morgan walked on over to Junius, or what was left of him, and picked up the head and looked at it


    "Well Junius, bet you didn't expect to be killed by a slave huh? But I atleast got my revenge, but don't think I'm done, oh no. I'm going to cause hell for the legion! Mark my words!" He saw Junius spear lying on the ground nearby so he picked it up, shoved it into the ground with the head sticking up and put the head on top.


    While standing there, proud of his handy work, he heard Ferox yell for a medic and ran inside the tower to see if he could do anything to help.

  5. Morgan walked over to an injured legionaire that was lying against the wall, who showed obvious signs of fear when the man who viciously murdered his centurion and a few of his buddies walked over.


    The man slowly started to panic and muttered something about Carnifex and mercy, but Morgan simply sat down next to the man and offered a cigar before he started smoking one himself


    "Simmer down sally, I ain't kill you, still too weak from...you know. Tell me, what was that you called me earlier? Carni something"


    The legionaire swalloed nervously and mustered up the courage to speak "I called you Carnifex, it means executioner, tell me why aren't you going to kill me?"


    Morgan smiled and nodded "Executioner huh? That sounds good. And I'm not going to kill you since, well I'm still tired from my fight with Junius so don't you worry"

  6. Morgan came up behind Vers, looking at the handywork before he smiled a bit.


    "Can't blame you for that really, feels good doesn't it? Just letting the anger come out"


    Morgan looked out over the battlefield, seeing bodies of all kinds everywhere.



    "Try to save some of the body, I want to put it on a stake for the world to see"

  7. Morgan got up from the floor and walked over to Versing and stared at him for a good while, as if he was judging him, deciding what to do.


    After what must have been 5 minutes, Morgan grabbed Versing and dragged him in for the kind of hug that only a truly good friend could give.


    "It's alright Vers, we both have our demons. I mean hell, I'm basicaly responsible for the death of about 10 kids, if not more, after our escape got detected and that still haunts me each night. You were just acting on orders, I wasn't. Now I'm not going to put a bullet in you, that would be a waste of a friend. I may be known as merciless, you saw what I did to Junius after all, but I still got a code of honor, and right now it tells me "Keep this man, he understands you".


    Morgan looked Versing right in the eyes, as good as he could anyways, and gave him a friendly pat on the shoulder.


    "Besides, you pretty much saved my life by giving me those meds after my little....outburst, so in my book, I owe you one. And I tend to pay my debts rather than avoiding them".


    He gave Versing a friendly smile and took a mouthfull of water from his water bottle to freshen up a bit.

  8. Morgan coughed a little and then thought for a while, before he let out a sound that was like a mix betwen a laughter and crying, he then got up and walked over to Versing and just lost it and let all his bottled up sadness come flowing out.


    "I did it man, I finaly got my revenge. I killed the man who killed my parents, after all these years! You have no idea how great it feels!"


    Morgan just stood there for several minutes, just letting it all come out.

  9. Morgan felt the mixture circulating in his body, and fell to his knees before he sat down letting it do his magic.


    He sat there for 5 minutes, allowing the pain and adrenaline to wear out with the help of the meds that Versing gave him. He then slowly got back on his feet and yelled out to the legion soldiers.




    He then grabbed his head and wobbled slightly so he leaned against a tree so he wouldn't lose his balance.

  10. Morgan did not hear Versings encouragement due to his rage basicaly limiting his vision and hearing to the target he is currently attacking.


    The rage that Morgan was feeling was fueled by the memories of his childhood and the pain that Junius had caused him, the leg that he broke causing him to limp, the slaves he tortured, the scars he gave Morgan over his body and the one over his eye that nearly blinded him and of course, how he killed his parents.


    All of the emotions that Morgan had supressed from those years suddenly came rushing up which fueled his rage, making him only have one goal in mind:Kill Junius.


    This madness, this rage, this blind fury fueled every blow he slammed into Junius, and allowed him to keep going far longer than any regular man. The vicious punches and kicks delivered dented armor and crushed bones, and even the might Centurion could not stand against the power behind them. The well-placed blows he landed on Morgan were absorbed, the pain serving to fuel Morgan's rage

    Despite dodging and parrying several blows, even Junius didn't possess the endurance to withstand such bone-breaking blows. A series of several hits finished him off, and the broken, dying Centurion was brought to his knees.


    Junius hrrked, and then spat out blood and several teeth. "Your parents screamed for their lives." Even in his current state, Junius was a monster. Morgan let out a scream, something out of a nightmare, and went for the killing blow


    Morgan slammed his hand into Junius throat and tore it out. He then proceded to plant his foot into Junius face so hard his neck snapped, killing him instantly. Morgan grabbed his knife, cut a few quick cuts so he could rip off Junius head and spine and held it high in the air, letting out a victorious roar.

  11. By now, the two combatants had stopped to catch their breath, each sitting on a rock to rest a little.


    "Well Morgan, for a simple wastelander you are quite the worthy opponent. Nobody has been able to last for as long as you have. But don't expect that luck to last long, none of my opponents have" Junius then let out a blood chilling laugh, but Morgan didn't seem too bothered.


    "Don't you remember last time? I won even though you broke my arm, what makes you think that you are going to win again?"


    Junius laughed coldly. "You certainly protect yourself better than your parents ever did. Oh, how I laughed at their pleas, their feeble attempts to spare their own lives. And when it was all done and over with? I so relished drawing my blade across their throats, hearing the sound of the metal cutting flesh....."


    Junius motioned a knife being drawn across his neck as he said this. "And watchin you being dragged off, screaming for them as they bled"


    " And then, the night you escaped, the night you reduced yourself to a degenerate. The way you killed my guard? Clever. But being clever won't be enough, boy. I'm about to give you a few more scars. After THAT, you'll be joining your parents. Send senior my regards and tell him I enjoyed his screams."


    This was enough to send Morgan into a furious rage, making him fly at Junius throwing punch after punch into his face. "DO...NOT...TALK...ABOUT.....MY...FATHER....LIKE...THAT!!!!!" each word was followed by a punch each increasing in strength

  12. After a good 15 minutes of punching eachother, Morgan lunged at Junius, trying to get him off his feet or grab him in a chokehold, whichever came first and was easier. But Junius was fast enouogh to grab Morgan befroe he could get the chance and gave him a quick punch in the face.


    "You know, there is still a chance for you to become a legionarie, make your parents proud" Junius laughed as an expression of rage filled Morgans face, who suddenly headbutted Junius, utilizing the metal plate he got installed to his head a long time ago.


    "My parents, are dead! You should know that Junius! SINCE YOU KILLED THEM!"


    Junius got an expression of shock for a second, before he grinned like a wolf closing in on an easy prey.


    "Oh yeah I remember you now, the scars, the hair, your eye. Tell me boy, how's your leg?" He then let out a laugh that only someone who knew how to cause psyche his opponents could do, similar to that of a psychopath, but he couldnt laugh for long before Morgan flew into a rage and started beating him up again, dragging them both back into action.

  13. Morgan felt the full force of the blow and stumbled a bit before he recovered and started to exchange punches with Junius, who fought very defensively this time, maybe to try and last a bit longer or to wear Morgan out.


    A group of legionaries ran past them, to give some reinforcements to the fight when one of them stopped to look at who Junius was fighting, which lead to the others joining up. Eventually they started to cheer at Junius, while a few slaves who had dared to walk forward cheered at Morgan.

  14. well my school starts again today so i wont be able to post as much as i have been so you will have to forgive me if i am not responding as fast to the rp as i have been.


    I wont be able to be on steam as much either, the school has blocked steam accesss so i cant log in during school hours

  15. Morgan popped a stim to fix up his bad arm when he heard Junius calling for him.




    Morgan threw his coat to the ground, so it wouldn't get it in the way when he was fighting.



  16. "Well I did pick up this assault rifle from a raider not long ago, guess you could have it you want"


    Morgan noted to himself that when she was not trying to kill anyone Sarina actualy was pretty cute, nothing he would say to her, you never know how she would react.


    "But craterside supply should have some guns and ammo too"

  17. Morgan smiled a little and looked around, taking in the sunlight


    "It might be brahmin dung, you got one right next to you my friend"


    He started to take on his coat and made sure that he had all of his equipment with him before he spoke again


    "Maybe we should go to the others, down by the mart, and regarding your guns, they got destroyed in the explosion that lethaly injured you earlier."

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