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Posts posted by MikeRyan

  1. Morgan nodded at Sandro and started to rub Chips stomach like he wanted.


    "Thanks but no thanks good mr ghoul but I think I'll stay up. I have to gather my thoughts a bit so I wouldn't be able to sleep anyways. You may join in if you want though"

  2. well perhaps a little bit less on the weapon front yes, like my morgan settles with a pistol, rifle and his trusty bowie knife. So maybe shave down there a bit. Other than that there is no real worry. The more detailed the more I can understand a character
  3. Morgan nodded at Versing and took out a cigar and a bottle of some unknown liquid and chuckled a bit for himself before taking a swig


    "Special mixture, helps keeping you awake when you dont want a hole in the bone" He lit his cigar and chuckled for himself again, petting Loki and took a quick look at Luisa before turning back his attention to Versing-


    "So are you sure you dare to sit here with a murderous ex-slave in the middle of the dark night?" He then burst out in a quick laugh, showing that he was just teasing "Hehe, don't worry I wont hurt you, neither will Loki. In fact I'm a bit glad you decided to stay, it's always nice with some company when you are all alone in the night guarding. And thanks for listening earlier, it's always nice to just vent out from time to time, telling people what kind of demons trouble you"

  4. Morgan nodded slowly at what Vlad said and picked up a bucket from a nearby trashpile and filled it with water from the river and then put the fire out. He then looked at his companions while holding his pistol in his hand; "I can take the first guard tonight, me and loki are used to sitting up just waiting for something to happen. I can wake you up if I feel the need to rest."


    He then sat down next to the remains of the fire and waited for a response



    Name: Dylan


    Gender: Male


    Age: 20


    Race: Iroquois (Native American)


    Karmic Alignment: Neutral


    Appearance: 5'8 160lbs with a stocky, muscular frame and naturally tanned skin. Black mohawk, black/brown eyes, and mustache/goatee combo.


    Clothing/armor: Dark jeans, callused bare feet, and a light kevlar vest. Also a backpack filled with medical supplies


    (Optional) Pet: Protectron named Mr.Tibbs who has medical protocols instead of protection protocols


    Starting Weapon: Excellent unarmed skill focused on breaking bones to incapacitate opponents, or break necks. Occasionally uses some medical tools, like a scalpel, for less medical purposes.


    Skills/Occupation: Wandering doctor, occasional gladiator. Learned great sneak skills from a mix of using bare feet, escaping raiders, and teachings from his home. Also has a good knowledge of robots, and science.


    Personality: While usually reserved, Dylan will adamantly defend his beliefs. He has a strong dislike for most forms of control. He is prone to fits of hyperactivity, where he might: start a fight, climb something, speak gibberish, or go in search of a 'special' lady.


    History/Background: Raised on what was formerly a native reservation in western New York, Dylan was raised by his traditional Iroquois mother, and (partially from) his passive father. He learned many things necessary to survival in the wild, and sneaking past enemies. Around the age of 16, he felt his time here had passed, and set out on a life of adventure. While passing through Northern Pennsylvania, Dylan came upon an old robot factory that was set up as some sort of school of robotics. He signed up, and for the next 3 years enkindled a love for science and robotics. During his second year, he rebuilt a whole protectron, and snuck in a medical program to give him a teacher for medicine. He graduated with a very useless piece of paper stating his moderate skill in robotics, but also he graduated with a friend, and a teacher of medicine. He now spends his time travelling around the American Northeast giving aid to those who need it, and (once[it was a long day]) beating those who don't, just so that they might then need it.




    It looks like an interesting character, hte use of a pet robot is a bit unique but you have my approval. Gonna be interesting

  6. Morgan set up small campfire, seeing as it started to get dark and sat down, looking into the flames for a while before he started speaking;


    "You see, I've always had a troubled past, I won't lie. My first encounter with the legion was actually before I came to the Mojave, way before a bit more into the west



    When I was 4 the legion attacked my town and burned it down. Most of the men where killed, the women where taken as slaves, both naughty and normal ones, and the kids including me where also taken slaves. We were forced to march all the way back to their camp. Along the way we could see the hundreds of people they had crucified for various kinds of crimes, that really leaves its marks in a small kids mind. It kind of went well for about 3 years, but then I accidentaly dropped hot food on an officer there, thats how I got my scars, well the ones in my face anyways. But there was ofcourse other situations where they hurt us because we did something bad. so my scars are not from a bar brawl as I claim they are, that's just a cover story to seem more...tough. Actually I'm ashamed my scars. And it's not all, you might have noticed that i walk with a slight limp, that is from my time there when an legionaire decided it would be fun to beat one of the slaves. And that slave happened to be me. Broke my leg, for fun, so it didn't quite heal well and since then I have walked with a limp"


    Morgan looked down into the fire as if to collect himself before continuing: "I met one nice guy there, Gaius was his name. He taught me a thing or two like reading and maths, some of these good things you could need to know. He was like a father to me there, snuck me some food or sweets from time to time and sometimes books. He even taught me survival lying to his superiors that he was thinking of maybe taking me under his wing as his personal slave or trainee. But sadly he died after a battle when I was about 10, just before he croaked he gave me this bowie knife I have, and it was with it I made my first kill when I ran off at 11. I went up to the guard, tricked him into bending down and then stabbed him in the throat quietly,took some other child slaves with me and just ran, sadly a few of the others died and we got split up. It was about 5 years later that I met Loki here. I heard sad howling coming from a canyon so I went in there, dumb as I was and there I saw poor Loki guarding his dead parents. It turned out that his parents had been killed by hunters so I took him in as my pet, and now we never leave the others side. I've managed to pretty much avoid or kill their patrols for the last 10 years now, hoping to never see them again, but it had its price of course. I can never rest easy unless I know it's safe, thats why I pulled my gun on Axelle, the girl you know, in a bar I was asleep and thought she was a pickpocket or assassin trying to get me so I pretty much panicked, I discovered that being drunk made it a bit easier to sleep but it's almost never enough and I still rest uneasy and paranoid. I'm almost always afraid that they will pop out around the next corner to kill me. This whole thing is also why I hate slavers, each time I've met some it always ends in a bloodbath with me standing there all bloody with the slavers dead. And it's nothing I'm proud of."


    Morgan took a small break to drink some more and then continued to finish his story;


    "I felt that I got filled with rage when I saw those legion guys, seeing my past. Right now I'm pretty much fearing that they will expand out here and find me, now that they have scouts out here. I'm not blaming you Versing for draggig them here, but I think we better be careful." He stopped talking and looked into the fire for a good five minutes, and then he said shortly, in a slightly determined voice; "I've heard rumours of one of the slaves, a girl, being somewhere here in the capital wasteland so I decided to try and find her, but that will have to wait until later. Once I decide to leave this group, but I doubt that will happen now that I know I have some proper friends to travel with"

  7. Morgan sat down infornt of Versing, a small distance away, and started to bandage his bleeding fingers and made sure that he hadn't injured his wrist which he luckily hadn't. He then looked at Versing and started talking:


    "I bet you're wondering why I have such problems with the legion, well if the others gather around I'll tell all of you because I feel like you need to know the whole story, but be warned it's not that pretty."


    Morgan took out a bottle of water and drank some as if he were preparing himself for talking a lot.

  8. Morgan looked at the body of the scout and felt a small sting for fear, if the legion really is going to expand out here, then he would be ín trouble for sure, seeing as he has managed to avoid them for the last 10 years and finaly finding a place without them and now this?


    Morgan just lost his temper for a little while adn punched a nearby tree, but he quickly realised that maybe wasnt the best of ideas and yelled out in pain.


    Loki just looked at Morgan in confusion and then at Spark as if to ask him "Do you know what my human is doing? I don't think attacking that tree is going to help at all."

  9. Morgan gave Vlad the entire pack without questioning and chuckled a little "I don't mind me some sniping, havent had a chance to use my rifle yet but attacking someone like him sounds like the perfect opportunity to do so."


    Morgan then took out a bottle of water and handed it to versing with a handshake; "The patching up was no trouble at all, glad to see a friendly face. Now, take this water and clean yourself up a bit so you dont look like a wandering dead guy" Morgan looked at his ghoul friends and wondered if he had touched a nerve there since ghouls generaly gets called zombies


    he then looked back at Versing and smiled; "And I will sure as heck tell you if I need some help killing assassins"

  10. "Suit yourself. Anyone else wants it, it'll be here in the dirt. I'll keep it if nobody claims it." He thrust the sword, point-down, into the sand at his feet, and walked over to Morgan. "You've killed Legionairres, too, then?"



    Morgan took a deep breath and looked at Versing from under the brim of his hat; "More than what I am comfortable with. Only had one good encounter one, and that was the one who gave my knife. The others just gave me scars for life"

  11. Morgan looked at the spare Gladius but then he shook his head


    "No thanks lad, they might be good for stabbing people, but like I said I have a bad history with them so I'm afraid I'll have to say no, besides I already have a weapon I got from a legion man" Morgan took a look at his bowie knife and got a small smile on his face, as if remembering something good

  12. Morgan checked his pockets and then turned to Vlad; "You want a cigar or a cig? Got both. And yeah it has been a while since I was back home. But I like D.C. too, the communities here seem to really hang together tightely here. And we got muties and ghouls back there too so I'm not unfamiliar with them."
  13. Versing gritted his teeth as his injury was stitched up, but was otherwise fine. When Morgan asked him what he was doing this far east, it took him a moment to answer.

    "I'm out here in D.C because those damn legionairres are assassins. I fought against the legion with some guerilla tactics a little farther west, but Caesar sent assassins after me. There are still four out there. I've killed five, partially thanks to Vladimir here. Don't let that fool you, though, they're some of the Legion's best soldiers, they carry top-notch weapons, and they can survive, or even thrive in some of the worst parts of the wasteland. If you like, I could explain a lot more than that, but I don't want to bore you."



    Morgan shook his head in disgust ;"I know how those assassins are, have some...personal issues with them. They are basicaly the main reason I had to leave the mojave. Seeing them here now does kinda make me hope those four you mentioned are the last we will see here, but you never know with those guys. Now that I think of it, how's the situation around the mojave? Heard anything about that?"

  14. Morgan took a look at the wound and felt a small sting when he saw the wound but didnt reflect on it much to try and forget about the last time he was stab, which wasn't pretty, and started to


    "Nasty cut that but some proper patching and well it should be a bit more pretty looking" Morgan took up some medical thread and needle he had just in case in his first aid kit and started to carefully stich up the wound,cleaned it with some of his precious alcohol and then bandaged it carefully incase anything was broken.


    "There we go, best I can do but it should hold until we find a doctor atleast. Tell me, what is an NCR boy and some (Morgan shivered slightly) legionaires doing this far east? Last time I saw you guys was when I worked for the Mojave Express as a courier for a while, and that was some time ago."


    Morgan put down the rest of his medical equipment in his bag and looked his work before nodding proudly at his work.

  15. As they walked up the slope, near the group he looked to Versing. "They sound like monsters, luckily you aren't dead now. You look in bad shape but I am sure one of us has some skill in the..erm medical area however medical expertise is learned these days." As they reached the group Vlad looked to Morgan with a nod, gesturing to Versing. "You don't happen to be any good in treating wounds?" Vlad said, as he glanced around the group with curiosity.


    "Versing, this is Morgan." He points to Morgan, then he to the girl. "Axelle." Then his finger glides to the ghoul. "Sandro." Then at last his finger reaches the dancer.

    "I'm afraid I don't know her name yet."


    Vlad chuckles as he sits down and takes his rifle, popping out the bloc clip and getting one round from his bag, then shoving it in the bloc clip he pops it back in and cocks the rifle. Placing it back on his shoulder. Within that moment he wrestles with his bag to obtain the small flask from the side pocket of his bag, screwing the cap open he takes a long gulp of the pure water.



    Morgan laughed slightly and unrolled a bit of the bandage; "after a few years living in the wilds and meeting all kinds of people you pick up a thing or two about medicine. Get over here soldier and I'll have a look" Morgan motioned for Versing to get closer so he could get a look on his wounds.

  16. "I'll explain the uniform later, if you and your friends can't identify it." Versing gripped his side and grimaced a little. "and in case you were wondering, that guy you shot was a bad guy, from a huge group out west called Caesar's Legion. They keep slaves and crucify people. And there's more of them in the Wasteland somewhere." Versing looked himself over, and discovered that the cut on his left ribcage was bleeding a little more than expected, and that his NCR chestplate was covered and smeared in the blood of the legionairre he'd stabbed in the throat. He wiped the blood off the NCR logo on his chestplate, but left the rest there. He didn't want his sleeve to be permanently dyed red. They were approaching the group that this Vladimir mentioned. Versing hoped that none of them hated the NCR.



    Morgan approached the stranger and tipped his hat in the usual cowboy greeting he does "NCR boy huh? You are a good bit from home. Names Hollister, Morgan Hollister. Used to do some traveling in the NCR territories so I know that uniform anywhere. Not to mention the uniform of the guy that just bit the dust. Need some bandage?" Morgan was nodding towards the bloody chestplate of the soldier while holding a roll of bandage in his hand.

  17. Morgan hugged Axelle back tightly like he usualy would "Thanks kiddo. Feels kinda good just letting it out you know? But, having some good friends with me, I might be able to sleep again. And trust me, you do not wanna come in contact with the legion. What I don't quite understand is why tha legionaire was here of all places, as far as I know they have more power west of the colorado river and that's miles from here."


    Morgan got up and gave Axelle another hug "Thanks again kiddo, now let's go meet that other guy. Something tells me I'll have to play medic a bit." He then started to go towards Vlad and the newcomer while taking out some bandage from his bag.

  18. Axelle stammered a bit, "E-er, sure! Erm... So tell me a story!" she fumbled with her lip rings a little, a bit awkward and unsure about how to distract Morgan.



    "story err right....have you ever heard how.....ah dangit I trust you enough, I'll tell you why I can't stand his kind ok?"


    Morgan sat down and took a shot of whiskey before he took a deep breath and started talking:


    "You see, I've always had a troubled past, I won't lie. When I was 4, that red dressed guys group, known as Ceasars Legion, attacked my town and burned it down. Most of the men where killed, the women where taken as slaves, both naughty and normal ones, and the kids including me where also taken slaves. It kind of went for about 3 years, but then I accidentaly dropped hot food on an officer there, thats how I got my scars. They are not from a bar brawl as I claim they are, that's just a cover story to seem more...tough. Actually I'm ashamed my scars"


    Morgan looked down in the ground as if to collect himself before continuing: "I met one nice guy there, but he died when I was about 10 and before he croaked he gave me this bowie knife I have, and it was with it I made my first kill when I ran off at 11. I stabbed down a guard, took some other child slaves with me and just ran, sadly a few of the others died and we got split up. I've managed to pretty much avoid or kill their patrols for the last 10 years now, hoping to never see them again, but it had its price of course. I can never rest easy unless I know it's safe, thats why I pulled my gun on you there in the bar, I discovered that being drunk made it a bit easier to sleep but it's almost never enough and I still rest uneasy and paranoid. I'm almost always afraid that they will pop out around the next corner to kill me. This whole thing is also why I hate slavers, each time I've met some it always ends in a bloodbath with me standing there all bloody with the slavers dead. And it's nothing I'm proud of."


    When morgan stopped talking he hanged his head down and muttered something quietly that sounded like "I miss Lucy and Mark". He just like sat that for the next 5 minutes, silent

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