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Posts posted by MikeRyan

  1. Morgan, still trying to joke about it spat out some blood and said with a weak, pale smile; "well, atleast i still got my aiming eye" and pointed to his right eye.



    "Maybe *he grimaced in a sting of pain* maybe we should turn back to Megaton and see a doc"



    he accepted the eyepatch and looked at it then laughed slightly "I should get a matching bandana" He then passed out again, tired from all that just happened.


    Morgan actually wasn't that very calm even though he made a few jokes, he was actually terrified inside, not knowing if this was the end of his journey or not

  2. Morgan, trying to make a joke about the whole thing to keep himself calm, as he usualy would, looked up, coughing from damage he got to his chest when he hit the concrete pillar said to the ones looking at him;


    "You think...the ladies will dig an eyepatch? hehe"


    He coughed some more, seeing Loki come up to his side to try and comfort him as well

  3. Morgan got up, holding his hand against his head as if he was having a big headache, understandable since concrete is not soft to land on, and walked up to the slain deathclaw.


    "Well I'll be...Never thought it wou......." Morgan saw something on the tip of the horn that had him him in the face which made him bend over, away from it, to throw up.


    On the very tip of the horn was his own left eye, ripped out in the dying flails of the beast. This sight, and the pain from having an eye ball ripped out was enough to make Morgan collapse yelling in pain

  4. Morgan took of into a sprint, firing his colt into the leg of the deathclaw, which stunned it long enough for Morgan to hop up onto its back and make his way towards the head where he pulled out his bowie and stabbed it, right in the eye. This ofcourse angered the beast and made it flail its claws towards Morgan, and also smacking him in the face with one of its horns which made Morgan yell in pain from some damage that was hard to see, and then hitting him with its arm with a force that made him fly off, draging the knife across the deathclaws face, right into a concrete pillar yelling in massive pain.



    He lifted his colt again and fired a few more rounds, killing the beast, before collapsing in a pain attack

  5. Tomoyo flinches and backs away. "I-I am sorry sir, but I have not had many good experiences with Men. If you go into the Mart you will see someone sliced in half that.. Did bad things to me in the past. Very very bad things. And killed my family. Sorry, but it will take me awhile to trust you, or any other male here. Ghouls are fine, Raiders hate ghouls. And they are incapable of doing the horrible things. I do not have to draw you a picture I trust?"



    Morgan put on his hat again and nodded "That is alright miss, I would do the same if I where in your shoes."


    He then looked over at Vlad and picked up the assassin again; "I think you and I can handle them pal"

  6. "Um... Tomoyo Daidōji sir." She says. Tomoyo was very uncomfortable around strange men.



    Morgan, being the gentleman he is, took of his hat and then kissed Tomyo's hand lightly


    "Pleasure to meet you Ma'am, the name is James Morgan Dante Robert Fitzgerald Hollister, but you may call me Morgan"

  7. "Well Cath, my guess would be, and it is far fetched, Tenpenny Tower, a good distance away from here. But I doubt it since that place has big walls and a big group of heavily armed mean would sure turn a few heads"


    Morgan stopped dead in his tracks, dropped the assassin on the ground who let out a loud "OOF!" and then drew his colt


    "Well, I can go have a small look, see if there is any more here. Thanks for telling me miss... I don't think I catched your name"

  8. Morgan picked up the assassin and threw him over his shoulder before he turned to Cathy


    "Yup, you sure did hear about a tower." he then turned towards Vlad "Oh and Vlad, leave this one to me, I think I can get some answers from him"


    He then started to walk towards the mart, thinking of how to best make him talk

  9. Morgan nodded slowly at what Luisa just told him then whispered back; "As long as you don't try to stab me, I'm alright with that dearie" He then turned his attention to Sandro to ask him a question: "Chems? You sure it was legion? those guys dont carry chems normaly you see, Caesar put in his veto ("I forbid) on them."


    He then turned towards Axelle with his final question for now "Tell me kiddo, have you ever eaten mole rat cooked just right?"

  10. Morgan smiled and nodded "Tonight sounds just great, maybe i could teach you a thing or two about something too eh?"


    Morgan then suddenly realised that he has smiled a lot more and felt a lot more happier ever since he started traveling with this group. Maybe these are just the kind of people that will be able to help him forget his past and be able to sleep again, just maybe

  11. Morgan nodded and took out some rope from his backpack, and then hogtied the assassin with such expertise he could have done it several times before and then turned and faced Axelle


    "Well its not something to waste a stim on, but I still think you should let me bandage it up a bit, to keep dirt out of it."


    He then looked at the hogtied assassin and kicked him once, a hard kick non the less, and then crouched down and looked at him "Thats for trying to kill my friends, scum"


    He then got up and grabbed Axelle's arm and turned her hand around to have a look at the wound in the palm


    "Hmm, looks like theres no need to stitch it, doesnt look too deep. Some disinfectant and some bandage should do the trick, but first I will have to clean it out"


    He then got down to business and started cleaning out the wound with some water and alcohol before bandaging it up neatly.


    "There, now there shouldn't be anything getting in there"

  12. Morgan got up on his feet and walked towards the commotion with his rifle drawn, scope removed incase something would jump at him. When he got there he saw Versing and Axelle standing by some more Legion scum.


    "Well, this looks bad. Anyone of you hurt?"

  13. Morgan smiled and nodded at Luisa and chuckled slightly


    "It sure is a bowie, but it has been customised by a man who was like a father to me so it has some features that normal bowies don't have. You said your job is different, what do you mean? If you don't mind me asking that is."


    Morgan sheated his knife and held his view at Luisa, awaiting her response.

  14. Morgan heard how Luisa called at Cathy asking for a smoke and fished a pack out of his pocket which he casualy tossed to her before he sat down a a small distance infront of her


    "Here, I rarely smoke cigarettes so you can have them" he then pulled out his own knife and inspected it to make sure it was still sharp.


    Morgan had always loved his knife since the only nice legion member he met gave it to him. And that man also made it himself after his liking, to be a perfect survival knife. The blade is similar in design to that of a bowie knife, incase things would get messy, but it has serrations like a standard issue survival knife to be used in survival situations. The blade was also reinforced and sharped expertly so it would be both durable and cut through skin and armor alike. The handle has been made out of a high quality horn, filed down to have a comfortable grip in your hand and a slight rubber coating so it wont slip around, it also have some weight in it to increase penentration and allow for a more dangerous cut and to be used to bludgeon someone who got a bit close to stun them for a second or more. The end is also reinforced so it can be used as a hammer incase you would need one. The only real modifications Morgan has done is some tallymarks showing how many people met the stabby end of the knife.


    After polishing it some and sharpening it slightly, he pulled out a cigar and started smoking on it while he looked at Luisa.


    "So, how is it to be out in the field as opposed to being in a bar?"

  15. Morgan, having gotten drunk and fallen asleep after his chat with Versing woke up with Loki sniffing around in his backpack so he shooed him off


    "You know better than that buddy, if you are hungry you could proboably sniff up a rodent." He then got up and started to look for his ghoul friend,or anyone rather, looking for someone to have a civil conversation with

  16. Well darn, you are away about a weekend and you have about 20 pages to read and catch up on :P


    sorry if ive been quiet guys but ive been at a friends house for the last 3 days and we have been doing some random stuff like playing mgs3 so i havent been able to read up. Anyways BestIdiot, its looking good so you have my approval

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