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Posts posted by MikeRyan

  1. Megaton, The Capital Wasteland


    ”Well, I got to start somewhere” Mike said looking up at the gate to the town.


    He adjusted the strap to his bag, checked his Pip-Boy (for no reason really, just to make sure it still works) and pushed the gate open, to be immediately greeted by the town sheriff Lucas Simms: “Well, would you look at that! You’re from that vault! Welcome to Megaton, the name’s Lucas Simms. What can I help you with?” He walked forward and grabbed Mikes hand for a friendly handshake to properly welcome him to the town.

    Mike was kind of surprised over the sudden nice greeting, but he gladly shook hands with the sheriff; “Well err hi, my name is Michael James Ryan, well the short version anyways, but you can call me Mike. I’m looking for my father, middle aged guy, bearded and brown, grey hair. Have you seen him?”

    Simms took some time to think and then said: “Well I can’t say I have, but you could go to the local bar and ask there, maybe Moriarity have seen him, I think I saw someone matching your dads description go there a while ago” Mike nodded, thanked and went towards the watering hole, which happened to be very busy this night. He stepped inside and looked around at the patrons, no one catching his eye but one wearing a coat that looked rather dusty and a black cowboy hat but none the less he went up to the ghoul bartender who asked; “Hey smoothskin, can I get you anything?” Mike sat down on a stool; ”Let me think about it my good man” “Wait, You’re not gonna hit me? Yell at me? Not even berate me a little bit?” Gob, the bartender, looked genuinely surprised as if he had never encountered something like this before “No I hadn’t planned on it, a nuka cola please” Gob shook his head to snap out of the confusion and then went “well this is unusual. Hey tell you what, Moriarity would have my head if he caught me selling at a discount, but for you I’m willing to risk it, and the drink is on me” Mike nodded as a thanks and felt a bit good about himself, knowing he made someone feel a bit better. He then remembered why he went to the bar in the first place and asked Gob if he had seen James (his dad) but Gob hadn’t seen him and recommended Mike to talk with Moriarity instead. On the way out, a man sitting in the corner waved Mike over and introduced himself as Mr. Burke and said he had an offer for him but Mike declined after hearing it was about blowing up the town using the nuke that had given the town its name (Mike later disarmed the bomb after talking to Simms about it). He chatted some with the locals before going outside to talk to Morirarity, Gob have told Mike that he would be outside and warned him that Moriarity is pretty greedy.


    Outside, he did indeed find Moriarity right outside the bar so he asked if he had seen him. It took some negotiation but sure enough, Mike was told where his father went, right into the D.C. ruins, towards the GNR station building. Mike thanked for the info and left the town, but not far from it he heard a voice behind him; “Hey! Hold up partner!” Mike turned around to see who it was, and saw that it was the stranger wearing the cowboy hat from the bar; “Sorry to interrupt you like this, but I saw you in the bar earlier and thought that you might not be that very experienced with the wasteland, am I right?” the stranger stood a bit bent over to catch his breath and Mike nodded towards him; “Yeah I just got out of the vault, so if you got some good tips I’m willing to listen to them, but first things first, what’s your name stranger?” The stranger straightened himself out and looked at Mike, with a look in his eyes that pretty much said “I know what I’m doing” and said:” Ah yes where did my manners go? The name’s Morgan, Morgan Hollister. I’m a courier and a man who knows a thing or two about surviving out here, and I’d be more than happy to help you out.” Mike nodded and grabbed Morgan’s hand, which he held out after stating his name, and introduced himself: “well, my name’s Michael James Ryan, but you can call Mike. So you really know a lot about traveling out here huh?” Morgan nodded and asked Mike if he could have a look at his backpack, which Mike agreed to, since Morgan seemed like a trustworthy person.


    Morgan started to dig through Mike's backpack while commenting on the contents:"You know kid, you're not going to get far with this little stuff and...Hello, who's this?"

    Morgan held up a picture that he found, depicting Mike, Amata and an unknown girl; "Please be careful with that picture" Mike asked Morgan "It's one of the few I have left from my time in the vault"

    "Well who are the girls?" Morgan replied

    "Well" Mike said "The one on the right is Amata, the overseer's daughter, and the one to the left is my sister Catherine"

    "And what about this picture? You and the sister again?" Morgan asked after finding another picture in the bag.

    "Yeah" Mike said "thats taken about 3 years before I left, maybe earlier I don’t quite remember" Morgan nodded for a little while and then said; “I see, well this 10mm pistol isn’t going to help you for that very long, I’m going to lend you some caps for some, proper, hardware and maybe some better armor but I won’t be able to give you much ok? But I can also show you how to cook some basic meals over say a campfire but that’s about it. OK?” Mike nodded, eager to begin, and soon they were both off

    Wandering into the distance that is,


    The Capital Wasteland


    The End

  2. (in advance i wanna say sorry for the long list starting it all)



    Somewhere in the Mojave desert, Nevada, 2287.


    A man in a dusty, brown old hooded coat, wearing a brown hat, a pair of desert colored pants taken from an old desert ranger uniform, boots from the same uniform, your standard issue tough guy black fingerless leather gloves, a colorful cowboy style bandana wrapped around his neck, and an short sleeved shirt grunted as he sat down by his campfire to rest his legs after yet another day of running errands and fighting off fiends. He had been given a letter last time he was at a post office and kept it for reading when he had the time. And now was an opportunity when he actually had time to read it so he opened it up and found a piece of paper, obviously a letter, and a necklace consisting of two bullets with some kind of odd ,vaguely familiar, engravings on them, he hanged the necklace around his neck and started reading the letter;



    “To Mr. Morgan Hollister, loner and courier.

    I hope you enjoy my gift old friend and that you are sitting down, because I’m about to do what I promised and tell you what have happened since we met back in megaton when I first came out of the vault. I did manage to find a good number of friends, including a friendly super mutant (not often you find one of those eh?) and I found a pet, a dog named Dogmeat who I found in a scrapyard, faithfully defending the body of his old master who was slain by raiders. And I did manage to find my dad, but that joy didn’t last long because when I tried to help my dad start a massive water purifier he made a long while before I was born the enclave attacked and dad sacrificed himself to stop their progress (we did manage to get his body from them through a daring use of stealth and gave him a proper funeral). During that funeral I met with my old friend Amata again, apparently she opened up the vault after I convinced her father to step down as overseer and letting her take over. That was the day when she decided to join me in my travels, and now that everything has calmed down with the enclave gone and all we have gotten married. Who knew that a super mutant could be such a good baby sitter? Hehe I better tell you about that too, we have kids now too, two beautiful twins, a girl and a boy. We’ve talked and since you helped me so much we agreed to let you be the godfather of the son.


    Well I got to go now, but take care my friend!


    Best regards, your buddy Mike


    PS: Keep an eye out for a lady named Orchid Rayne, she might seem a bit harsh but she is a good friend of mine and I think you would like her, she helped me and Amata a lot too, but you clearly helped me the most.


    Oh well got to stop writing now, Amata is calling. Take care and pet your wolf from me!”


    Morgan put down the letter again, picked up a bottle of scotch and laughed:


    “Cheers to you Wanderer, you lucky devil”

    he then took a sip and looked off into the sunset

  3. Michael suddenly appeared behind Selene, wearing an apron and holding his hammer while being soaked by sweat from his tiring work by the forge


    "Well on thing is for sure, she is not going anywhere until she has made this place sparkle again"


    He motioned with his arm towards the mess that a certain vampire had causes with her food fight against the ranger.


    "Mop's in the corner, you better get started, I'm going back outside to make more horse shoes"


    And sure enough he went outside again where the musical sound off hammer striking metal soon could be heard

  4. "FOOD FIGHT!!!" Selene threw a pie straight into the rangers face laughing hysterically she then threw a pot of stew and other item's



    Just as the fight started, Michael came back into the inn, stopped in the door and looked at the madness before he said:



    "If somebody needs me I'll be in the smithy, and you will have to clean up this mess or I swear I'll leave fleas in your bed!"

  5. Michael was out in the garden when he suddenly sat up straight as an arrow due to an weird feeling he got that something, or someone was destroying the inn in one way or another instantly he thought "It gotta be those two going at it again, I'll just smack em around with the mop later and tell them to clean up."


    He then returned to tending the plants minding his own business hoping he wouldnt find the place in ruins

  6. Casting her thoughts to Selene, she said Thank you for your help. I've apparently just used magic for the first time, and it's taken a lot of energy from me.


    Your energy should be enough for her to be able to move around soon. Arva said to her, There was something a little strange about the magic she used, as it wasn't a spell, but more like world bending itself to her will. She wished for you to stop fighting, and everyone was propelled away from each other. At least, that's what I observed. It might even be our dear friend Kelemvor intervening, you never know.


    Entering Aardorn's mind, she said I can only talk this way for now. My throat won't work. I won't look at your memories or thoughts, I promise. Rhaine is the chosen of a god called Kelemvor. She's been sent here to help with an invasion of undead that is in the near future. That's the highly abridged version of everything that's going on.



    Michael walked over to the downed elf and look at her like a curios puppy looking at a toy.


    "Need some help lady? The floor looks kinda uncomfortable. By the way nice, light show. The first time you use magic is always the best. Yes I have some experience with it, it's a funny story for a time when you are not on the floor"

  7. "Michael, is that you?, what happened last thing i remember is reona's face... why?" she was genuinely puzzled



    "You passed out after you gave some of your life force to Reona, good thing I have some blood incase my thirst gets too powerful. It's the best thing to get a vampire back on it's feet, and it tastes pretty good too" He then reached out his hand offering Selene some help up


    "oh and there is some pie in the kitchen good ranger, enjoy"

  8. Michael slowly got up, trying to fight off the darkness nibbling at his mind and slowly walked over to Aardon and asked:


    "Is there anything I can help with? Water? Blankets? Anything, you name it, I'll bring it"

    "I don't know, I haven't healed an undead before, this is straining. But I shall use all my previous methods of healing and hope they work, Bring me a Cairn Bolete Cap, from the Cairn Bolete fungus, and Dragon's Tongue, from the Dragon's Tongue Plant, and some water"



    "Right I'm on it, good thing I gathered some plants earlier for cooking experiements" Michael ran into the kitchen and looked for the things and found them after a few minutes of searching when he remembered his hidden stash of human blood, taken from defeated enemies and grabbed two bottles, one for himself and one for Selene. He then ran back outside to the ranger after drinking one of the bottles and feeling his strength getting renewed and his wounds getting healed.


    "Here, grabbed them as quick as I could. And try giving the vampire this" He then handed over the items and backed off a bit

  9. Michael suddenly flew out of his seat, yelling with such a force that all glass objects shattered and some rocks outside cracked:




    He then sat down again and rested his head in his hands trying to calm down


    "Ugh, why do I always feel so bad after these outbursts?"

  10. Reona looked backwards into the inn and sighed, "Michael, that wasn't necessary, was it?"


    Calm down, Selene, Reona warned gently, The last thing we need is for him to become hostile toward us. We do have enough enemies already, no?


    Quietly, Arva added, before going back to his brooding thoughts, We have no doubt of your being strong enough to defeat most enemies in battle, but all it can take is one mistake to get killed off. Look at me, best warrior in my village and in a flash, some daedra makes my organs spill out in front of me because I was caught off-guard. Life is precious, so guard your temper more thoroughly, if not for your sake, then for ours.



    Michael looked over at Reona and let off a true wolf grin: "Nope, but it was fun"

  11. "Either you have death wish or you REALLY don't know what you are dealing with" her eyes blazed "never in all my life have i men one a foolish as you... but you are brave" her eyes glittered menacingly "if you will not tell me i shall rip it from your mind" with that a dark mist appeared around her hand, she cast a spell on the unsuspecting ranger tearing his name from his mind she then said "now if you put another finger out of line i will smear the wall with your entrails, understand... Aardorn? she then got down from the table and stood against the wall staring at him



    Michael looked over at Selene and froze her into a block of ice without even blinking


    "By the nine lady calm down, here at the chattering scrolls we are nice to eachother, and Aardorn was it? Don't worry about the doors and windows, I'll fix it up in time. And I'll thaw Selene in a few hours"

  12. Reona let out a small laugh and walked outside, picking up the part of her dress that she'd cut off earlier, then tossing it to Michael, "Sorry, I don't have any bandages, but that could do if it's an emergency."


    With that, she joined Rhaine and Thanatos outside, smoothing down the folds of her cropped dress and smiling at the black-skinned Dunmer with a gentle incline of her head.


    "Whats his injury?" Aardorn asked, lifting a bandage out his bag "I don't have many, but they are effective"


    "Well...." Michael raised his hand and removed some cloth from it, showing that some fingers where either chopped up or completly missing "I slipped and got the entire knife box over me, no major injuries though!" He inspected his various wounds and sighed and shook his head

  13. Reona let out a small laugh and walked outside, picking up the part of her dress that she'd cut off earlier, then tossing it to Michael, "Sorry, I don't have any bandages, but that could do if it's an emergency."


    With that, she joined Rhaine and Thanatos outside, smoothing down the folds of her cropped dress and smiling at the black-skinned Dunmer with a gentle incline of her head.



    Michael catched the fabric so quick it was hard to see, looked at it and then nodded and said:


    "Yeah this looks like it can stop a massive bleeding nicely, thank you friend!"


    He then returned to the kitchen where some more sounds could be heard and then came out with pieces of bandage and dress cloth wrapped around various parts of his body and sighed: "If only my regeneration would work, but I havent fed in a while so I can't"

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