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Posts posted by Urwy

  1. -snip-

    ...but i never tried to add effects like fire or such stuff to armor.


    well, that's exactly what i intend to do :) similar to this:



    But instead of a sword, it'll be a shield.

    But regardless of the object the fire is on, it would be nice if it actually emitted light into the world, instead of a bright glow into the player's eyes alone.. :P

  2. How come no one has made a Thor Armor and Weapon with all the norn lore in this game its just self demanding!


    Really? have you even searched the forums or the nexus?







    That took about 20 seconds.... :ermm:

  3. Looking great!



    I'll be making all the models before i start any work in the CK, keeps me focussed :) (unless there's someone else who's willing to do that.)

    Another little update:







    Don't worry, the Arakh are next :)

  4. Do you have both an environment map and an environment mask map created and set up in the correct slots?


    you need to darken the _m not the environment map itself


    ah, sorry 'bout that : thats what i meant :blush: the specular map (_M) is the darkened part. And i dont even touch the environment map. :)


    _m textures are not a specular map. They are a mask texture that masks the reflection map effect on a per pixel basis. it's only similar to a specular map in that it allows you to have more than one material definition on one texture (set). If you black the whole thing then the environment map effect will be completely masked and not visible at all, but works independently to specular reflections.


    Specular map is in the normal maps alpha channel. What that does is actually modify the pixel on the diffuse map to be lighter depending on how much light is reflected off it towards the camera and how bright the spec maps pixel is.


    :O Well..... thanks for clearing that misunderstanding! :blush: I dont know where i went wrong and got the wrong idea, but glad you pointed it out :)


    Glad you're getting it sorted out :thumbsup: ... Skyrim always displays Diffuse textures brighter than they appear either in your Graphics program or Nifskope, I usually darken my final textures by a couple of points, just above the level where you look and say "that's too dark! I can't even see it!" You do a LOT of opening/closing Skyrim to get it just right.


    Yeah, when i darkened the diffuse i had exactly the same thought! "Darn, that's probably way too dark, but we'll see how it looks ingame"....and what followed was a frenzy of starting and closing Skyrim :laugh:

  5. Do you have both an environment map and an environment mask map created and set up in the correct slots?


    you need to darken the _m not the environment map itself


    ah, sorry 'bout that : thats what i meant :blush: the specular map (_M) is the darkened part. And i dont even touch the environment map. :)


    Some things i've seen in ya files without trying it ingame:


    - The diffuse of your blade is veeeery bright/white, some other settings like emissive saturation/env map as well... in combination with the wrong cubemap this might cause such a massive effect.

    - The BSLightningShaderProperties of your blade have no Environment Map Strength settings, they are greyed out...works when you copy/paste the properties from another block.

    - There is a _m map for your longclaw's blade in the textures folder but it is not in its texture path



    Ever tried it without those "torch glow" effects you put over the blade?



    Just checked some of my other weapons, and am getting to feeling that your onto something with the overly bright diffuse map :)

    I'm gonna tone some things down a bit and see if that works :D



    Tons of typos :P




    Seems you were right about the diffuse map :)

    I never thought the actual diffusemap itself would affect the shininess as well :blush:




    Thanks Ghosu, Ghogiel and Perraine! Kudo's to all of you :)


    I'm hereby relieved to announce that the headache is over! :happy:

  6. I guess it would be easier to upload the whole thing, afaik you can't make many error in the creation of the maps...well i save all maps as DX5, when you applied a correct specular i would see no other problem that might cause this error...can imagine that the problem is in the nif.


    Im feeling more stupid by the minute :(

    Anyway, its not my first model that has this. Although my first few models ever didnt have this problem, which might be due to them not using vertex colors... but right now im probably to confused to tell up from down :wallbash:


    Link to blade with similar issues as the one in the image attached to the OP:



    And in case anyone wants to do a comparison with one of the first blades i mentioned:

    1: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/download.php?id=42581

    2: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/download.php?id=40472

  7. Specular map placed in the normal map's alpha channel?


    Yeah, and added some more alpha value as well to make sure there werent any opaque areas left. :/


    I'll cook up a little preview so people can see the textures...

  8. What format are you using to save the .dds files?

    Should be DXT 5 for Diffuse Maps and Normal Maps and can be DXT 1 for specular/mask maps


    What is the LightingShaderProperty type in the .nif? for the various parts '0' or '1'


    What cubemap (if any) is being referenced in the textureset ?


    What do you have the emissive colour set too? And what is the lighting effect value set at


    Is Vertex Color Yes or No


    Is NumUV Sets in the NiTriShape set to 4097? (not sure if that right for swords though?)


    Sorry for the long list, but it may help t clarify what's causing the problem for you ...


    Yeah, im useing DXT1 for Diffuse and spec maps. DXT5 for normal.

    LightingShaderProperty is set to 1 (Environment map.)

    No emissive colors. Those wouldnt even work if the LightingShaderProperty isnt set to 2.

    Vertex colors is set to Yes.

    And the NumUV is set to 4097. (from what i know it has to be for the normalmap to work.. or is there more to it?)


    Sorry i didnt include that to begin with, But since i use a vanilla Nif-file to build my weapons, i figured that shouldnt be the problem...

  9. Edit:

    Problem Solved! Headache is over!


    Hello fellow modders!


    I've run into a little trouble along my path of creating a modders resource... This problem involves the shininess of ingame items.

    Now i know that the alpha channel and environment maps affect the shininess of an item, along with the actual values inside the Nif file. But lowering those values, clearing the alpha channel for 99% or darkening the Env. map didn't seem to do anything to solve this.


    Now i've also been comparing my textures (_D, _N & _M) against the vanilla textures to see where i went wrong. Either i'm missing something, or i'm just a complete idiot..


    For visual reference:

    This is how the vanilla stuff looks, and the way i'd like my weapons to look:



    And this is how my stuff currently looks:



    I'm hoping that some has any other ideas than what ive already tried to solve this.

  10. after seeing the mechanized dwarven weapons mod, something was nagging at me, how come I haven't seen anyone try a crossbow mod yet. I have seen guns for skyrim, surely this isn't that far off.


    was thinking high powered, slow reload, close range, with chance for sneak attack damage, and silent. Seems quite balanced to me anyways so you couldn't spam these but effective one shot stealth kills would make it viable.


    Either some kind of wrist mounted job or a small one handed version and compatible with eagle eye zoom. and damage based on Archery Skill and Overdraw, and perhaps only a 15% increase from quick shot.


    Possible? Plausible? or Impossible?

    Those guns that are floating around are simply staff ripoffs, as they use the staff animation, their bullets are actually tiny spells and so on.

    They still don't look right imho.

    To get these ranged weapon to look right, new animations are needed. So far animations have always been the bottleneck for new weapons, and unless there's a breakthrough on this subject, new weapons like proper guns, crossbows and spears are a long way off.

  11. Well, i am working on a request for a sword that is inspered by the Longclaw blade.







    It will, however, be called differently ingame, with some magic properties the original doesnt have..

    That looks awesome! Think you might do other swords from the series?


    Probably will :)

    While i havent even seen the series, i do like the designs of the weapons :D Especially these:







    God i will love making that sword! :dance:

    I dont know why that sword looks like that. I think they may have gone off the description from the book (which I have yet to read), but the sword Ice in the tv series is much larger. Still both look awesome and it would be great if you made them!

    Have you seen the Dothraki Arakh? It's a pretty interesting sword.


    Darn! I like that one too! :D

    Figured i'd show a little progress to keep people happy ^^




  12. 3D modelling

    Skill level: Intermediate and learning

    Software used: Blender 2.61

    Contact: Nexus PM



    Skill level: Intermediate and learning

    Software used: GIMP 2.6

    Contact: Nexus PM



    Skill level: Novice - Beginner

    Software used: CK (Ya Rly!)

    Contact: Nexus PM


    References / Recent works

    1. Modding resource: URW - Useless Resource - Weapons


    Should give a decent impression about my modelling and texturing skills.


    2. Mod: Dragonclaw Weaponry


    Required some basic work in the CK, pretty much shows my current abilities with the CK


    Side notes

    I'm usually rather short on time, so my skills are probably used best on a freelance basis; Doing occasional models and textures for a larger mod shouldn't be a problem, but i prefer smaller mods.

    Long term assignments are less suited for me, due to the lack of time and my ability to retain focus on a single task.

  13. Hi guys, I kinda dabble in 3D and I've used SketchUp before, that said can Skyrim allow SketchUp .skp file?


    If it does that would be so cool but if not you guys recommend Blender. I'm still doing some research on this and if you guys would be kind enough to post links for how I can get started that would be very cool.


    Thanks in advance.


    Actually, that's how i started creating weapons for skyrim; Model in SU, export a .OBJ to Blender to UVmap the model, create the textures using GIMP, put it all together in Nifskope. (UVmapping means projecting the 3d model's vertices onto a 2d plane in order to create a template for the texture)

    But that was just because i sucked at modelling in blender itself.

    But along the way i learned to model in blender, so i barely use SU these days.

    So my current setup looks like this:

    1. Model in blender

    2. UVmap in blender

    3. Export .OBJ

    3. Texture in GIMP

    4. set correct scale/rotation and add texture links to models in nifskope.


    I could add some links to the software if you'd like (since its all free software.)

    as for tutorials on how to do stuff, check my sig. It contains quite a lot of links ment for starting modders :) (Which i myself are probably one of :P )

  14. While i agree modders could give the file a name that atleast resembles the mods name, Demanding that they do so is just plain rude.

    If a file is named "111111.esp" and you personally dislike that name, just rename it. Saves the forum topics with complaints and also enables you to name them in such a way that you recognise it.


    Modding is done voluntarily. requests and questions are welcome. Demands are not.

  15. Well, i am working on a request for a sword that is inspered by the Longclaw blade.







    It will, however, be called differently ingame, with some magic properties the original doesnt have..

    That looks awesome! Think you might do other swords from the series?


    Probably will :)

    While i havent even seen the series, i do like the designs of the weapons :D Especially these:







    God i will love making that sword! :dance:

  16. Well, i am working on a request for a sword that is inspered by the Longclaw blade.







    It will, however, be called differently ingame, with some magic properties the original doesnt have..

  17. There is a basic but very functional mod http://www.skyrimnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=2548, it only takes care of spell shortcuts but it does offer you 10 extra keys to assign spells so though it doesn't address the issue that people have with dual handed weapons, it can still be very useful.


    I m thinking you could use the favourite menu together with the default 1 to 8 keys for equipping weapons and the extra keys for spells.


    The author is also considering adding a modifier key to give the user even more assignable keys.



    What do you mean the 1-8 keys? As far as I know in vanilla there is no way to set anything to hotkeys, only the favourites menu


    You'll have to favorite the items, and from the favorites menu you can number them by hovering over the item in the favorites menu and pressing a number.


  18. I like the idea, although it will be overpowered, just like you said.

    So this will probably need something to balance it out.. something like slowing your attacks by ± 10%.

    That way you gain a wide-arc attack at the cost of speed.


    Seems more balanced to me. Anyone agrees/disagrees?

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