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Everything posted by FnimonSni

  1. But how can that be if it was I who won? :ninja:
  2. Huh? How can that be? :psyduck:
  3. Thanks, but I will also wait for the game.
  4. I rule you! ;D :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: Suprises me noone used this before me
  5. He has a misireble life, or good humour. But not good taste - his colour is blue for pity's sake! :hurr:
  6. It works like this: I type three words - no more no less - and the next poster should type three words that connects so that it makes sense and becomes a story. You are allowed to stop the sentence but the next sentence must also connect to the last, but only three words. :psyduck: EDIT: Erm, It's supposed to say 'It oughta be fun' not 'I oughta be fun', that would be kind of selfish. :sweat: And DUMB :tongue: And begin! Once there was...
  7. The waistland, then I can do almost everything I want and I would be king of the hill. 8) Would you rather eat toenails covered in snot for a whole day or drink pure fat every day in the rest of you're life?
  8. How about I fly my huge zeppelin into the three zombies while setting it on fire. :whistling:
  9. I'd go for Milk or Juice! :thumbsup: But if I have to choose between the two - tea deffenitely. Coffie is too... yuckie. :down:
  10. Ah... I did the same problem once... :wallbash: Look if you have the files in your Trashcan, otherwise I'd say you're skrewed.
  11. I'm not buying this game so I can complain about it, but because I wanna freaking play it so bad. :turned:
  12. No. But they dont break the laws of physics, with exeption for magic. ;)
  13. You could carry them in you're backpack like Link, he always carry all his stuff there. :whistling:
  14. I too think it's a good thing. I don't know why, easier to train I guess. It just feels right, for now at least, we'll see when the game comes out. :sweat:
  15. I stick to my already shared opinion: The warewolves should walk/run and stand on two legs - in a crouching position - but when he sprints he should have all four paws on the ground and leap forwards - like Gollum (but not really) or the warewolf in Diablo II. :thumbsup: No Twilight nonsense! :yucky:
  16. You've never watched any comedy movies before lol. I haven't seen that one to be honest. And I might have exaggerated by saying 'any movie'. What I really meant was like Adventure/Action/Science Fiction, like TES, but I think my point stands clear. I think almost everyone who reads this could easily play 100 hours of Skyrim, 100 hours looking at something ugly - nah! Whats wrong with having an attractive or beautiful character? Doesn't it just add to his/her mystique or make him/her more persuasive, noble, whatever. Those of you who would like a fierce or bloodthirsty face - I hope you can make them as well, why not go with the hairy lady? And yes, I do love comedy. For those of you that think this is an example of what your character will be think again .. the character creation system will be plenty complex and you can make your female/male warrior as cute as a button if you like .. I plan to .. but are all the characters in the world cute? .. not likely .. and thats a good thing .. I always hate games where every character is some artist's idea of pure beauty .. these NPCs will be a natural mix I'm totally with you. Not every NPC should have a pretty face. All I'm saying is that I feel more comfortable with a good looking character than an ugly - but I'm not saying these presets are necessarily ugly. I just want a character that is resemblant to that Nord girl in the tavern. When I saw her I thought 'Holy sh**t!' And yeah, you could probably make whatever face you'd like.
  17. You've never watched any comedy movies before lol. I haven't seen that one to be honest. And I might have exaggerated by saying 'any movie'. What I really meant was like Adventure/Action/Science Fiction, like TES, but I think my point stands clear. I think almost everyone who reads this could easily play 100 hours of Skyrim, 100 hours looking at something ugly - nah! :down: Whats wrong with having an attractive or beautiful character? Doesn't it just add to his/her mystique or make him/her more persuasive, noble, whatever. Those of you who would like a fierce or bloodthirsty face - I hope you can make them as well, why not go with the hairy lady? And yes, I do love comedy.
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