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Everything posted by saldin93

  1. How lovely you wear the suit, How awful the soup we taste, Gloomy purple on the kitchen sink, Money were given but we have waste, Sweet pie from you to please us, Your lips seduced us to taste, How tall would you want to live, How rain had never fall on us, This poetry would never lead a win, We live in democracy; they don't speak for us, Yes your voice high as a flying dove, Yet it isn't strong to float us, How awful to live like a dying man, How wonderful for you to have a tribute
  2. nk mintak tolong bole tak?
  3. hey there, just peeking :P
  4. it can be done if you have much funds(if you don't wanna DIY) and it's very risky as heart surgery :sleep: yet if you insist, check whether your gfx is intergrated and soldered...if it isn't, try to get nvidia geforce 425m, it can run gta IV smoothly..
  5. thnks for the feedbacks! :D
  6. no problem btw thnks for the endorsement :D
  7. jgn risau, on the way! :D
  8. Trbbel Tiamus Adele Dranthere A'ttara Smoke-in-Watter Teemus Dvarten Dhaari Gro-Akagh Jeremmi Beenson Teer Naweem Leah Rossah Te'kirra Bramiddi Kahtga Gra-Goldin Anna Driphaandi
  9. greetings stranger :)
  10. woops oblivion rosak.....kne la tggu gambar -.-"
  11. phew.....akhirnya habis 1st semester.....so apa khabar?
  12. sorry to bumped into this topic...but after i imported the face into my companion, the jaw appears to be bigger. why?
  13. icewind dale 2....love the songs
  14. peeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeping :]
  15. selamat ari raye! oh...puasa belum habis lagi haha
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