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Everything posted by AllanOcelot

  1. its great to hear your making headway. I hopem you get it all working, and maybe, evena tutorial? ;-) also - if yopu need any help with meshes for objects for your mod (shaving bag or something for instance) drop me a line. Im always happy to offer what little experience I can. :)
  2. I disagree. we are not attacking peopel, merely sterotyping them. We all have diffrent tastes, and there is never anything wrong with that. But I feel this mod is dedicated to the `for the love of god, why would you want that in a game,' The adult mods annoy me more than anything due to the fact that , well, all im going to say is, your on a PC, you have the net, Do the math. aha.
  3. Im having a laugh. As an English man I have a perfectly NORMAL fear of the french. We did fight a 100 year war with them........or was that the Spannish..........or the Germans.......or the.....yeah, we have a lot of wars =/. On a serious note, I dont want to discourage the guy, but it would be a seriously big project to take on as a first blend. Just my two cents.
  4. Yea, sorry, I forgot that my opinion could be steam rolled by just putting some poles together. Listen to this guy, he is cool and aint afraid of nothing. Seriously.
  5. ahaha `- Would any copyright issues be a problem? Wouldn't want the French angry!,' thats your biggest worry right there. As you have stated yourself, you will need a lot of blender experience before you even attempt something like this. Making a model that big is still going to be a challenge, not because of detail, but face count. You see, world models in NV use a low poly line of sign model to stop the big sights eating away at your pc. So a modder has to do twice the work as making say, a gun, or something similar. Your best bet is to start small, maybe try making your own item as a seperate mod first, and see how you take to modeling? Head over to the blender website, and go to training, there is a bunch of tutorials there, and no matter what youtube has, I promise the blender videos are so much more proffesinal ( be ready to watch someone for an hour or two at a time in blender as he talks you through the steps) But most of all, HAVE FUN. Modeling is a new hobby of mine, ive already made a few new friends because of it, and im ALWAYS learning something new. So give it a wirl and one day you will get your Eiffel tower in game.
  6. they can be a bunch of faces. I belive its better to have less faces, visible or not. I tend to say - if I dont want them to see it , I wont put it in. As for gaps, you will see the gaps between the faces, so simply join the edges. I extrude a lot, so before exporting my model I go into wireframe mode and make sure I have no double faces, overlaps, or faces on the inside. In short, delete the faces on the inside.
  7. The idea is to have the teddy as an item. Just like owning a bobblehead would give you a small increase in certain field. for example. http://images.wikia.com/fallout/images/a/a4/Collectors_Edition_Bobblehead.gif A bobble head might give you + in a skill, but it was also just fun to collect them. Anyone have any comments on the collision?
  8. The new textures should be set automaticly if you extracted the .nif files form your fallout 3 BSA meshes. If not, you could always use a texture set on the wepon. Also , you might wish to checkaround the nexus, I belive someone had made / was making a mod like this one :) they might be able to give you some pointers.
  9. Keep in mind that people are less willing to download a big file for something that changes gameplay very little. Think about everything you are adding, and think if they can be added seperatly. your posters, for instance, might make for a great atmosphere in game, but how many times are people going to go to the same location to look at them? In my opinion filesize is not a worry at all however, there has been many a time that I have no downloaded a mod because I felt it did not have enough contect for its filesize. ( thats not to say that some of the best mods are only 5mb)
  10. Hi guys, Just a quick little post. Need some ideas. Ive made a very simple and fun mod to the original bear. His name is Bamboo. And well, this little mod really has on point. You see, my original idea was to make these bears collectable, like the original F03 bobbleheads, and have them grant perks. The one below - Bamboo, would grant a strength bonus or weight bonus. But im having problems with the collision. Ive edited the collision - well, the box going around the teddy in blender, and exported it. I have then opened nifskope, copied over the new blocks over the orignal blocks ( adding extra children to the parent block ) and after a few crashes in geck ( we really need a troubleshooting guide for that thing >.> ) I get my nif ingame. However, poor little bamboos backpack is on his side, meaning, of course, he is outside of his collision data. My real question is this - how would I go about editing his collision data to accomidate the backpack. my second question is - any ideas for bear names aha.
  11. Im not sure, but could you not do this via the geck. I know if you make a robobrain or something as an npc, go into the NPC editor in the geck, there is a tab for replacing sections.....alough I have a feeling that it is only for replacing robobrain parts. for instance, you could make a normal robobrain - but give it the robobrain miltary headm and military tracks.....Kinda like mix and matching. as for modeling tutorials and such, you'l want to ground yourself in blender . I just learned about this guy today, but man, his tutorials are FANTASTIC. This might be a bit too fast, but its the only link I have on had. All his other tutorials are advanced, but his older tutorials will make you a blender pro in under three hours or so, youll know your stuff. http://www.blendercookie.com/2009/05/12/creating-a-burlap-teddy-bear-part-1/
  12. Awecomecakes ( Iavor) really wants this position. All the ebst cakes, but you really should learn how to texture map and get items in game, Im sure that McclaudEagle would not like the trouble of teaching you all the ins and outs. Or maybe he or she would, I its not my place to say. He can make some pretty good models, its a shame about the poly count and having to transform them into ingame items or hed be a great modder by himself. He is best when given a task though, so I suggest McclaudEagle , you give him something to model and let him show you what he can do. :)
  13. Great to hear this is still alive ccronin, Edit: I forgot Id also offered to help with this project before xD
  14. Great stuff is great. :) Ill take a look at them later and see how you do your uv mapping :)
  15. I use this thread a lot. Im planning to contribute some items on my next days off. Mostly untextured items im not skilled enough to texture. :happy: But its better then nothing.
  16. The annoying mods are the sad little animated pro's and others like it. I went and dowloaded the Natural breasts for FNV, and regretted it after. It amazes me how people can play with these mods or even look at them, its just, not right. if anything, its get a girlfriend time.
  17. Its ok.

    my uv mapping is HORRIBLE. So, my models looks like utter rubbish.

    I made a fantastic combat knife. But I feel like I will have to let it go to the modders section for free use due to the fact I cannot texture it for a hankeys worth.

  18. I'd love more karma perks. My current mod has rewards based on karma, and I always did love the `be a bad ass, and look cool, be the good guy and feel great, or be normal.....and ugh...normal looking?,' side of RPG's. So yea, any perk that changes Karma. I myself would not really use creature perks as I dont see the point..... unless, and heres a good suggesiton, you make a fallout starsign guide. =DD I should really be making that mod, its a great idea xD When you make a char - at the end, choose your date of birth, or star sign, and it gives you a trait based off of your choice. go me for suggesting it xD
  19. Float, what a STUPID post. You did not even take the time to google what he was talking about, wasteland defence is a very well known fallout mod, along with RTS. If you did not know what he was talking about, why bother even replying? just for spams sake? `this forum has givin me a lot of great info, and insperation, and this thread is like wtf,' - That does not even make sense, this topic makes perfect sense, he is using a mod, called wasteland defence, He would like to know where abouts other players have their forts set up. @ Badguy, my fort is outside the raider vault near new vegas, where all the raiders hang out and you find cook cook. I built it around the ruins of the destroyed house and get a lot of cover from the destroyed house. not to mention my snipers love it up there. Another great place is near primm , just along the side of the road. Loads of open space. If its your first fort I would recommend an area you know very well, heck, even goodsprings. That way you can plan out your build.
  20. ok guys. Can someone please close this topic and give kudos to EVERYONE who helped. It was not a fault wiht my test model - but indeed of archiveinvalidation. This means I can release my mod in alpha on my next day off work, hopefully allowing me to get some voice acting in there or something aha. once again,thank you all for your helpful advice ^^
  21. update. I belive its a problem my end. I just finished making a new modele- uv mapped it propperly this time. and im about to test it in the geck. HOWEVER, I am led to belive ( as seeing this working on tutles pictures ) that it might be my install..... even after a full install the textures were playing up. Anyone know how to uninstall archiveinvalidaiton?
  22. going to uninstall and start fresh. Will let you guys know the outcome after my investiagation. goodnight =D
  23. Yes, I did not upload my full file because I thought someone would steal it, all due respect im debted to this community, last week I knew nothing about modding at all. If anything when this mod is done I wanted to make a step by step video tutorial for new vegas showing how to do it, yet of course, if I myself cannot make a simple sword mod im not a good teacher. I belive my problem is Archive invalidation - the problem Is i dont know how the hell to uninstall and relace it because I used an exe to install it in the first place -..- As I say, none of my textures are showing up that were showing up before. Everytime I try to enable it in FOMM it gives me an error. Regarding the UV map - I have said this sword was a rough draft, such as with my first model, I like to get things working in game before they start looking good if you see what I mean. ( on a side note, im s*** at modeling and texturing, but I get by ) Thank you for all the help you have given. Another day without releasing my mod, another day ive got to wait until I get home from work to work on it >.<
  24. The model was not finished yet. I wanted to get it in game. So I did the basics of everything I did on the first mod. I think I might have done everything correctly, but my archive invalidation is a load of balls, seeing as mods are screwing up textures. but deactivating that and reactivating that does nothing >.>.
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