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Everything posted by 7thsealord

  1. This is what I always thought that the U.S probably did most the damage. Do not hate me for this I am only about 30% correct but I swear I read some where Australia go taken down from the red cause they where close and allies to the u.s. Cant remember where I read it but I swear I did. I do hope there is something left is Oz I am Australian my self :P Might have been the Australian Companion mod that came up a few months back - he has a number of things to say about how Oz fared in the War. On the other hand, the 'AFS Brisbane' mod offers a much more optimistic view of how we Aussies have managed since.
  2. For me, the 700 Nitro Express is hard to beat - it was the first mod I ever put in my game and I still have it. Good range, buttload of damage, steady (though limited) ammo supply. Just about anything less than a Reaver or Overlord dies in one shot. Magic. Alexscorpion's Sniper Gear is also derned good. I especially like using the silenced version with Stealth Armour when taking down Paradise Falls, Evergreen Mills and Fort Bannister. They never stand a chance. The Starblazer from the 'Despicable Dashwood' mod is my favourite energy weapon, even if its ..... peculiarity rules against using it stealthily. ;) For hand-to-hand, the Multipilebunker from 'Uncle Shub's Salad Scissors', all the way.
  3. Should be doable. There is a mod that shuts up Dogmeat, which I use. Much as I like him, his constant barking can drive a person crazy.
  4. There is the brute force approach. Try disabling one mod at a time, and see what may be causing it by a simple process of elimination. From the sounds of things, you have the cause narrowed down to just a few mods - either one of them or a couple working at cross-purposes would be my guess. Sorry, dude. The mental imagery of this problem just keeps cracking me up, even now.
  5. Don't sweat it. As my high school science teacher used to say, "When in doubt, read the instructions."
  6. Depends what you want, really, because there are so many mods for just about everything. Name yer poison, and I am sure somebody will think of a mod or several that covers it. If I recommended just one mod (of many), it would be DC Interiors ( http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=5573 ).
  7. There was another time when I was in an office building in the Bethesda Ruins. Three levels, with most of the middle level plugged with rubble. I'm on the upper level, and find a roughly person-sized hole in the floor which goes all the way through the middle level and down to the ground floor. My radar show a bunch of bad guys in the area, and I figure that they are actually below me and congregating around the bottom of the hole. Not sufficient smarts to take the stairs or anything, so what can you do? What to do? I start dropping land mines down the hole (4-5 in all). They arm and detonate the instant they hit the ground (two levels below me) which puts my crew and I nicely out of the blast zone. Sometimes wonder what the show would have beem like if I had used something with more punch - a Nuka-Grenade, for instance. Ah, well, wiped out the lot of them anyhow. Thanks to the mods in use, I scored some nice armour (now on display in Tec-Vault's Museum) and an especially powerful Laser Pistol (now used by companion Zhao Jiao). It was a good day.
  8. Oh, yeah, there are several places that have a bunch of ready-to-explode motor vehicles. I remember when first starting to play the game, and was ignorant about a lot of things (miraculously surviving anyhow ;) ). Was taking the long way out from GNR (you know, out the back through various tunnels and so forth). Got into a fight with Ghouls on a bridge over one of those ex-motorways - and it was suddenly like the entire world blew up in my face. Sure got rid of the Ghouls, though.
  9. You're absolutely right on that last bit. Hmmm, I suddenly find myself wondering if the mines will work underwater. Could put a whole new twist on Mirelurk fishing.
  10. There is a FO3 mercenary group called 'Reilly's Rangers'. Good people, but no relation to the FNV Rangers.
  11. Sneak mode with Chinese Stealth Armour and Alexscorpion's M82 smiper rifle (silenced version). Just go in ultra-quiet and systematically clear out Slavers, Raiders and/or Talon Company from their favourite haunts - the Lincoln Memorial, Paradise Falls, Evergreen Mills, Fort Bannister. Most, I can get unawares - by the time the Bosses wake up to something not being right, most of their troops are already down. Waste said Bosses, then go collect my companions and sweep the area for anything that isn't nailed down. To change the pace, there is always the 'Shady Sands Shuffle', which is always loads of fun. One word of advice - think VERY carefully before you try this with a Nuka-Grenade. I did it once in Paradise Falls - killed the guy, six other people and about 90% of me. There are also Stupid Land Mine Tricks. I always get the 'Light Step' perk ASAP. Once there, one just tends to accumulate lots of land mines. I really like "daisy chain" effects. Just putting a bunch of mines in one heap makes for a great BOOM, but is kind of limited. So, with practice, one can lay out long strings of landmines, kind of like a trail of gunpowder, with you at one end and a big heap of explosives at the other. Shoot the first mine in the chain with anything you have, then just watch. I used this once to kill Tenpenny. Instead of heaping landmines in front of him, I laid out a daisy chain that went all the way around the balcony and came up on him from behind. The last mine in the chain was close behind him - and nuclear. It was awesome.
  12. When I tried Alpha-CEV, pretty sure it was pre-NavMesh fix. Anyhow, don't just take my word alone for it, as A-CEV may be OK for you. It is a dern good home-mod.
  13. I definitely like Alpha-CEV. Unfortunately, for me it did really weird things to Rivet City's navmesh / NPC behaviour (always rather bodgy anyhow), so had to remove the mod. As regards 'Mid-west' mods: Scarabaeus ( http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=12849 ), located under Tenpenny Tower (or under your Megaton House). Very large underground base, lots of space, some kewl weapons and large display area. Bond's Luxury Cavern Shelter ( http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=14959 ). This guy does AMAZING home mods. I haven't tried this particular one yet (unsure if my PC can take the strain) but it is located near Roosevelt Academy, has display areas and is certainly quite awesome besides. If you haven't already, definitely get 'DC Interiors' ( http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=5573 ) - the page seems to be on Hide mode now (don't know why), but it is absolutely worth getting. With it, all those houses you see in the Wasteland now have actual interiors, and can be entered.
  14. My personal favourite is the Enclave Hideout ( http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=13982 ). Attractive, roomy and clean interior; lots of living space for companions; plenty of storage space of various kinds; all the basic mod cons; in a convenient locale (Springdale); has a live-in NPC who can do repairs; and even has a plausible backstory (Enclave officer's "retirement plan"). I use lots of other mods, and haven't hit any yet that seem to conflict with this one at all. As regards display space, there are some largish tables that can be used specifically for that purpose. My other favourite is Tec-Vault ( http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=13517 ) Getting this is an especially tough slog, and I recommend frequent references at the Walkthrough that the creator very thoughtfully provided. Assuming everything works out, what you get is to own an entire Vault ( ... but much much much nicer than any Vault-Tec vault). HUGE amount of living space, helpful live-in NPCs with varying abilities (some do repairs, some will buy/sell stuff, etc.), a full range of facilties and resources, storage space galore, and the list goes on and on. And on. One special feature is that one can spend caps for various additions to the Tec-Vault. In terms of display area, you cannot go past the "Museum" set of adds. Get them all, and the resulting display area is BEAUTIFUL, worthy of attention in its own right. There are spaces for Mannequins, but you will need to get the separate Mannequin mod. Plenty of space to lay stuff out for display, anyhow. Honourable Mention to MiniHideout (Original - http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=6394 . and an altered version - http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=15066 ). Very nice, all mod cons and a little extra, no facilties for companions, but a very good display hall. If your Lone Wanderer is a Lone Wolf type, then this is probably the place for him / her. Very close to where the Enclave Hideout would be, so there is probably conflict between those two.
  15. Explore - never fails to turn something up. Meet (or kill) some interesting new people. Try out those odd weapons sitting at the back of your locker. Shoot skeets on The Mall - with a Fat Man. See how high up you can launch a shopping cart, using just frag mines. See how high up you can launch a Super Mutant, using just frag mines. Think of a really bizarre way to kill or inconvenience Tenpenny - or any other NPC you dislike. If you ever thought "I wonder what would happen if..." regarding any FO3 weapon, item, object or combinations thereof, go for it (just make sure you save first :) ). Reverse-pickpocket amusing clothing on various people (for me, putting the 'Pint-size Slasher mask' on Susan Lancaster, or Raider Sadist Armor on the Wellingtons NEVER gets old ;) ). If all else fails, change settings and/or mods - see how you go when playing in Hard-Core mode. Or, longer term .... Take a break, do something completely different for a while. FO3 will still be there later. Heck, I love bacon, but that doesn't mean I gotta have it for every meal, or even every day. Nor would I want to.
  16. That'd be my guess as well. Go to the bottom of the front steps, turn around and face the Lincoln Memorial, then head off to the left. You'll see a doorway in the base of the memorial. Leroy is usually in the rooms inside.
  17. It's all about the exploration and the side-quests (IMO). Stick to the main quest, and you miss out on most of the game. Oh, and getting 'Broken Steel' helps a lot too, as has already been said. Plus the other adds.
  18. well heres the thing. i dont like using console commands. especially to cheat like that. besides the oblivion mod makes it so that when the item sells an npc gets said item because they bought it. and because of that it appears in their inventory meaning all i have to do is look around till i find the same NPC that bought the item and there it is i can get it back either by stealing it or killing them or something along those lines. i dont like cheating but i will work for my caps you see. :P W-e-l-l, some could argue that the whole thing of "Sell big to the merchant so I can rob it all back later" is kind of cheating too. Just sayin'.
  19. If it is mainly about current shops not having enough caps to buy all your stuff, pretty sure there are mods to improve this. I think there might even be console commands to give merchants more money. Also noting that (for my game, at least) 'Pirate Pely's Boats'n'Bait' has a buttload of caps (several thou, if I recall). Assuming you don't chuck in adventuring to stay on premises 24/7, you will also need to get someone to run things for you - hopefully that person will be both competent AND honest.
  20. :D Then it's you against BOTH sides.
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