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Everything posted by 7thsealord

  1. Also as previously mentioned, two hundred-odd years since AND the sheer resilience of nature. Certainly not saying the world would have reverted to an unspoiled state but, as a certain person once said, "Nature .... will find a way."
  2. What do I think of his argument? It's his opinion. Doesn't bother me since, such is the nature of the Net, one can find people who will argue vehemently for or against just about anything.
  3. The differances may not be as dramatic, but they are major. Again, great visuals there. My compliments.
  4. Certainly interested but, for the life of me, can't think of any specific DLCs or locales.
  5. Good points. We don't know a thing about Hawaii's fate or status in the FO-Verse. But, given the known state of the Enclave, it could be inferred that, if this was ever attempted, then "something" happened. Maybe a split in the organization, maybe a disaster of some kind, maybe enemy action (those darn Aliens, perhaps?).
  6. Using any mods that might affect the HUD? That's all I can think of.
  7. But was it? The entire Central Pacific, that is. Military installations in the Hawaiian Islands (and Wake, and Midway) would have been priority targets during The War - if only because those places would have been valuable for retaliatory strikes against China. Personally, I think they would have been amongst the FIRST US locales to go. They were comparitively small areas that were rich in military targets, so probably not a lot was left of them afterwards. But I agree fully that the Enclave sitting on their collective @$$e$ for 160-odd years makes no sense. Unless there were other factors - somebody else impeding their expansion plans, perhaps?
  8. Wow. Beautiful pics. Hard to believe it is The Pitt.
  9. Never had any problems on this front. Then again, I usually visit Arefu very early on, and don't get to Andale until later. One thing I found is that the Arefu folks can react VERY unexpectedly sometimes. Tried using the Groovatron there (to upgrade their weapons and armour, as I did with other places), and everyone in Arefu IMMEDIATELY flipped out and turned hostile.
  10. The 'Australian Companion' mod has a few lines of dialogue about what happened in Australia post-war (the Chinese invaded, and were using the Sydney Opera House as their central HQ).
  11. Not an expert, but I suggest killing 'Games For Windows Live'. That @#$%^&* thing only ever gave me problems similar to the ones you seem to have now. There is a very good disabler available in the Mods ( http://fallout3.nexusmods.com/mods/1086 ) - install and follow instructions. I cannot guarantee this will fix things for you, but think it is worth a try.
  12. There are a LOT of threads here dealing with the things you ask about. In brief, GECK for mod creation (there are also Youtube tutorials on how to use it). For installing mods, I use FOMM (Fallout Mod Manager) and Fallout Mod Installer, but there are other alterntaives.
  13. Thank you so much for that set of mental images. I might never close my eyes again. :biggrin:
  14. H-e-y, this is the guy who put Palm Trees AND Saturnworld and a bunch of other .... odd mods into his game just because he liked the look. :cool:
  15. Just one part of the whole 'Vault 112 potent-hallucinogenics-in-the-air' experience, daddyo. Just go with it. they don't stay for long.
  16. In combat, my own experience is that #### often happens far too quickly to effectively use more than one Grenade.. Unless you are facing a lot of low-value opponents closely packed together and not much else, one standard grenade will not make a big differance. The best use I get out of grenades is for: Clearing tunnels and rooms of flammable gas (stand off, toss in a grenade and wait for a few seconds).Blowing up general stuff that is likely to explode anyhow (cars, minefields, etc.)The Shady Sands Shuffle (usually effective and always hilarious). BTW, if you ever make or otherwise acquire Nuka-Grenades, DO NOT use them for the Shady Sands Shuffle. The blast radius is quite large. so you have no chance of getting clear - and those things HURT.
  17. Considering the destruction of the War, I think it is only an assumption that an area would automatically revert (more or less) to its pre-War climate. Climate and weather patterns COULD change radically - they have been known to do so even without human interference. There are other things like changes in riverflows and alterations in the water table. Plus all those nuclear detonations could have caused major tectonic shifts and maybe even alterations in the Earth's rotation and/or axis. Given all of this, Death Valley COULD end up becoming a rainforest (or vice versa). An extreme and probably unlikely case, I grant you, but there are always possibilities.
  18. Talk elsewhere about fishing got me to thinking. How about some kind of scenic mod that adds assorted small fish and the like to the waters of the Potomac? Gotta figure that the Mirelurks are not the ONLY aquatic lifeforms to survive - it's a big ocean. Mostly, I'm just thinking scenery (eg. the aquarium resource used in several great mods writ extra-large, so to speak). Be nice to swim through a realm that ISN'T even more barren than the vanilla game's land. If encounters are a possibility (not asking, but people are surely thinking of this), maybe have some sharks and/or orcas. Jaws & Fallout. Fishing with Mininukes. What could be more awesome? :D
  19. Something that occurred to me just today. The Outcasts make a big thing about how they are the real BoS, and how Lyons has tainted the order. Recall Casdin expressing his wish to see Lyons face a firing squad when the rest of the BoS come east and clean house. And yet .... As far as we know, neither the BoS (DC Branch) or the Outcasts have reliable communications with their .... western kinfolk. Certainly, no one ever mentions any such thing. Such a link, however faint, would be vital in confirming one side's legitimacy over the other. Presumably, if such a communications link ever existed, it broke down a long time ago (could be an interesting backstory there, perhaps). But the main point I want to make is this. The BoS's arrival in the East was marked by the Scourging Of The Pitt and their subsequent move to DC. All that was twenty-plus years ago with, apparently, zero contact with the western BoS in all that time. The Outcasts might be all sentimental about what the BoS should be, but they have absolutely no clue as to what changes may have occurred in hte "main" organization in all that time. Could be a nasty shock or three in their future, such as it is.
  20. Know the site well. Good stuff there. One headshot though? Possible, but I wouldn't depend on it. Multiple headshots, every frickin' time? Less likely, to put it nicely.
  21. Most of your points are well-taken, but the rad-tolerance of cockroaches is a tired and now proven inaccurate trope. ('Mythbusters' episode a while back. They tested various insects, and roaches are actually rather wimpy compared to some others. Boll Weevils, for instance, have PHENOMENAL rad-resistance. But I guess a mutated giant Boll Weevil might not have the same impact as a giant roach.) :cool:
  22. Yes, it is true. I often upgrade the residents of Megaton, Bigtown and Arefu with repaired hardware from Talon Company and the Enclave. Makes me feel warm inside, seeing those nice people stomping around in powered armor. The 'Groovatron' mod comes in very handy for this kind of thing, but can have unexpected effects sometimes - using it in Arefu makes the people there go berserk, but it seems fine in most other places,
  23. Comes to that, most people in the DC Wastes can soak up multiple headshots from the smaller calibre weapons (ie, .32 and 10mm) without armor - and STILL keep coming at you. Pretty sure that makes them a lot tougher than any of us.
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