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Everything posted by Surenas

  1. It goes both ways, Burnagirl. There's nothing special with the USA, especially not outside of their today orbit. We aren't living in the epoch of Cold War anymore. And - we are no Asians in Asia. In an inner-Asian conflict the US claim to leadership is not only unwelcome, it's dangerous, remember? Both US and South-Korea have to learn this before it is too late. The age of the Whites in Indochina is over since long, the time of the Asians has come. So, whoever wins - we lose. It's up to China how much we'll lose and within which time...
  2. Well, whenever man comes face to face with me, the big boy turns into a willing dwarf :wub: Is that different for you over there? Too bad :wacko: Though seven at one blow, that's still above my head, therefore my favorite is Princess Snow White... Men cluster to me like moths around a flame And if their wings burn I know I'm not to blame _ Marlene Dietrich http://www.abload.de/img/anne9hol.gif Uh-huh, oh yeah, uh-huh!
  3. Thanks for visiting me as Rachel in the Wasteland.

    There I'm indeed the frakkin' Lone Wanderer from Cyrodiil *umm*

    I always had the talent to fall between the cracks *lol*

  4. Radio Cockroach-Free Wasteland on 88.3 MHz - where the drum beats roll http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T7rmA2_V8RY USA [ Pop/Rock/Soul ] - Album Private Dancer 1984; Cover Art [ Fallout: New Vegas ] http://www.abload.de/img/anne9hol.gif Uh-huh, oh yeah, uh-huh!
  5. The relation is called "motion". And time is a function of motion.
  6. Ciao Nonna, come stai? :) I'm pleased that you like the Italo blues. Beautiful Italo lovers are crossing my mind whenever I hear that tune *huuuh* See ya!
  7. That's the principle of hope. Don't count on that not to be reckoned among the stupids later. China of today will go as far as the US considers their own action necessary. Actually China isn't afraid of the US military machine, a useful thing for China to develop its wealth without massive own military actions. When it comes to a clash within the declared Chinese sphere of interest, today it is just Asia, the US will get the boot from whole Asia. Don't tempt providence, the US have not enough troops to play more than just the temporary worldwide Sheriff of Megaton, sometimes welcome, often unwelcome, especially when the first US action is a military instead of a diplomatic. Chinese friends told me that this would be pubertal behavior, almost childish. I don't comment on that but slightly unintelligent the today US behavior is indeed for calculable. The gunboat diplomacy isn't that new, already your great-grandparents have known it...
  8. A conventional war between the USA and China would ultimately lead to a facial change in the hegemony on earth. That isn't your true intention folks, eh? No one'd be stupid enough to give the ride of the dragon a try.
  9. That's why image makers do it the other way round.
  10. Radio Cockroach-Free Wasteland on 88.3 MHz - where the drum beats roll http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ID5q8-H4yeo Italy [ Blues & Rock ] - Album Blues 1987; Cover Art [ Fallout: New Vegas ] http://www.abload.de/img/anne9hol.gif
  11. The opposite is the case. At least that's my conviction as "image maker" here. The own death as a frozen tfc figure in an environment in motion is usually caused by a personal delay in using the keyboard commands, this includes the screen capture key to make the shot as well. There is no good reason to prefer a totally frozen scene cos it disables the option of sequentially shot images quite similar to movie single frames and, of course, the individual selection of the best shot thereafter. Action is elsewhere but in the frozen world of tfc 1. VATS I reject due to its round-based character, the ping pong game that has nothing to do with role playing. One might run into trouble when the pong, the counterstrike comes in.
  12. Neither am I. Listen up! You are by no means satisfied - the alleged shame caused by your national legislative in the wake of European directives you've explicitly mentioned above hardly satisfies you. You've expressed more than just a disappointment. That was a really lousy try. However, I'm outty. Bestiality is not included in my comprehensive repertoire. Tata!
  13. You might ask for political asylum in states that still favor human bestiality, DM. Perhaps they grant the mercy you deny. Give it a try.
  14. Well, I'm no conformist for there is no ethics left for conformism in a murder, individual or state. I just wanna get rid of all this bulls*** for it plays absolutely no role for us here in Europe. I'm very proud to live in this version of Europe and not perhaps in the mental medieval age that all too often good visibly surrounds us. May God forgive the sinners their sins, though I don't feel myself addressed.
  15. I sense much faith in you. But faith is the worst military advisor ever. What makes you believe that NK wouldn't use it? Phases of war? On our side, perhaps. But that doesn't mean anything for the other side. War is no game that follows the fixed storyline of a role playing. War is won or lost in the field and not at home in the forefront. And there is no savegame when things go wrong. Count on a nuclear first strike by NK at a time when you expect it least of all. Guess Seoul would be the target to force an ultimate decision by (what they call in good Mao Zedong fashion) the paper tigers. The true question is: do we have a backbone and what is a backbone in such an extraordinary situation. However, still it is an utmost minor conflict. But not for long for we are already engaged in a mutual escalation by manoeuvres in the dark... unfortunately without any Chinese support or approval, as usual. Already soon Bejing will deem this typically arrogant, as usual. Then and not before we'd have indeed reached stage two of the conflict, the cultural one with us as aliens. The Iraq War would have been paradise compared to the hell to come for those involved.
  16. Go out to wage war (count on nuclear strikes) and find out if there is indeed something new to win or just everything to lose. Don't count on a coalition of the willing auxilliaries in a remake of the Korean War at the edge of a nuclear World War III. Don't even think of it.
  17. Especially in the Holocaust. Their leaders had no reputation before the war and none after their suicide. You're talking about the Prussian general staff, the German military machine and the Weapon-SS elite force that has shaped strategy and tactics of the post-war US Army. I myself vote for Princess Snow White, for she had seven guys at hand to please her. That's great, eh?
  18. We are proudly following the EU directives in the matter, Balagor. They say "no death penalty, neither under peace nor war conditions", or there it goes, the membership in the EU. Actually that's one of the still rare advantages we as Europeans may draw form the EU construct of today. What others do to their people is their business, we better stay out with a shake of the head.
  19. ... to accommodate the extra lights and effects of the Vegas strip for New Vegas. That sounds suspiciously like an effect mod implemented in the FalloutNV master file.
  20. You got it. It's just a standalone DLC to Fallout 3, an add-on where not only the roads are flat... The maker's are already past their best, I guess, something that happened already earlier to other series like Might & Magic, Tomb Raider and Indiana Jones. You won't get your kicks on the Mojave Road if ya come from the Wasteland.
  21. Radio Cockroach-Free Wasteland on 88.3 MHz - where the drum beats roll http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Awj8P7gyuCc USA [ Latin R&B ] - Album Supernatural 1999; Cover Art [ Fallout 3 ] http://www.abload.de/img/anne9hol.gif
  22. Foreign supporters of the hang 'em and flog 'em brigade that can't shut up in good time will be banished by the national European executives, that's a fact. By historical means there is no political acceptance left for human rights violations in Europe, especially not for state murder, we were very familar with in the past. Guess what Turkey has understood and corrected within three months of internal debate, everybody else on earth should understand within a similar timeframe, or he never will. Come to Europe. It pays. And sometimes it pays back :laugh:
  23. The death sentence is, as I've already said, nothing but a malfunctioning archaic instrument for public bread and circuses, evidentially useless to lower the crime rate in any political system. What remains is thus the old blood thirst of those fed with state happy meals and thrilling games in the circus. The risk-free show is a must see for the whole family.
  24. What you see on your screen is not the final image of a captured motion which comes with a certain delay quite similar to the exposure time in photography and that causes the blur effect, subject to the game machine. Therefore the more professional image makers still use the TFC + TM console command with much faith in their trigger happiness whenever they tickle the ivories, here: the screen capture hotkey. Limbo Rock 2009 (Oblivion) http://www.abload.de/img/limbourn7.jpg Good luck! http://www.abload.de/img/anne9hol.gif
  25. Oh well, I’m not to be shocked by drooling old gals wearing the burqa in the desert heat or being equipped with a terrifying umbrella for it rains pitchforks in certain countries almost every day. What shocks is the permanent inability of the people to learn that populism, the die-hard idea to realize (often by force) what people would like to see that should happen, especially to others that are different in one way or the other, directly calls for a tribune of the plebs, the acclaimed Pied Piper of imbalance that inescapably leads his chosen people into the abyss. Remarkably enough, exactly these folks always anxiously pretend to have known nothing after the logical collapse of their marginal fantasies.
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