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Everything posted by Surenas

  1. Notwithstanding the copyright, it doesn't explain the use of a highly questionable leasing principle here. Where is, compared to print media, the advantage? I tell you - in this way the value of the product is not freely convertible on the market, i.e. probably too high set, what else?
  2. That goes both ways, Marthos. Intentions are one thing, waterproofness is quite another
  3. The only fact is that you're referring to a classical myth - the car salesman myth that leasing of a product (and that's what we're doing here) would be cheaper than buying. That's rather too-too, as my grandma might have muttered.
  4. Sorry but the juridical practice in Europe shows that they are not particularly familiar with what they can and can't do ... they simply do it. Though the chance that they'll be challenged in court proceedings that deal with the EULA is indeed low... up to now. But don't count on that.
  5. A limited license to use the software... that's the CD/CDR one has bought. Now it's juridically nonsense to state that the hardware as media of the software would ever remain in the possession of the distributor or developer. Same is the case with printed "software", our books. We buy the stuff - we possess it. You see, we are always dealing exclusively with software here and the attempts of the owners to keep their stuff copyrighted. It is important to know that license agreements are only as and when juridical effective when they are visibly part of the original deal. Unfortunately almost nobody (online purchases factored out!) signes a contract when he buys a book or a game software. License agreements for a setup routine that show up first in the moment of installation, that is after the purchase of the ware, are legal ineffective trade terms for delivered in addition to the already consummated purchase. It should be clear the the Eula is the problem for both parties and not the copyright. The idea to hire software is simply a stillborn one. A copyright sign (as you'll find in any book) does juridically nicely as well.
  6. Surenas

    Open Carry

    I know that from the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. It's the show up of the young Hezbollahim during the often daily funeral services. They take heart from the shooting mass and sing their Shuhada song in an endless loop, sucking guts for their actions to come - the terror against Israel. Nothing good comes from people that gather together, armed and trigger-happy.
  7. Only people that haven't yet learned to distinguish between "mine" and "yours" or that have elsewhere experienced that robbery randomly remained unpunished will run into trouble, hopefully. Anyway, when I've registered myself in 2002 on the Nexus predecessor forum it was clear to all of us that we have to ask for permission first, no matter if there was a line in the Readme that deals with the usage rights or not! When it was actually the intention of the modder to leave the stuff free for further usage he has told you that explicitly in the Readme. Time has changed, and people have changed. The next generation is in game. Would the actual raider event to be backdated into say 2003 - most of us had to play vanilla since the days of Oblivion...
  8. The staff isn't the testamentary executor of protected material by modders that are already gone or that keep silence on the airwaves by means of whatever. There is no such testament. Thus the ownership, the right to publish and to grant or to reject permission are clear and not to be diluted. Try to understand that an uninhabited villa doesn't mean a legal invitation for squatting.
  9. Surenas

    Open Carry

    That's no wisdom but crap. I wonder what the strange interest in anarchy is doing here.
  10. Surenas

    Open Carry

    Yes, it's no use saying that you don't know nothing It's still gonna get you if don't do something Sitting on a fence that's a dangerous course Oh, you could even catch a bullet from the peace-keeping force Even the hero gets a bullet in the chest Oh yeah, once upon a time in the west _ Dire Straits, Once Upon A Time In The West Well, those who favour open carry remind me of my time in Uruzgan, a province in a land of open carry where nobody trusts in the police... one of the main reasons for the men to be armed. And we've shot those armed civilians that consiously or not crossed the lines in conflict situations cos there is absolutely no time left for a who's who quiz. Collateral damage is always the result when civilians apparently take sides. I believe that there is no difference in the valuation of a single situation between the several stages of armed conflicts. It's always more a job than just a duty. So whenever civilians are unasked alarmed to do their emotional duty they will fail in general cos they are not trained in a job that is not theirs, a job that deals with conflict resolution, not with risk-free ducking or a mere practice shooting at cardboard characters. Join the police if you really want to fight armed crime. Don't play cop by the grace of your own. The moment you start playing, the devil's sitting in the corner, just laughing.
  11. Radio Cockroach-Free Wasteland on 88.3 MHz - where the drum beats roll http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9gAfJzF8Uio USA [ Soundtrack ] - Album The Hunt for Red October 1990; Cover Art Basilis Konstantine "Basil" Poledouris died on November 8, 2006, aged 61 http://www.abload.de/img/anne9hol.gif me 'earties, yo ho!
  12. The eye contact is completely missed on the Internet and thus the repertoire of facial expressions and gestures so important for a civilized interaction. Unfortunately, Skype is absolutely no substitute, for what you get there is often nothing but a virtual visit to the zoo, to say the least. In real life however, you smell it, you feel it in your bones if the virtual gunman is more than just an Internet swellhead. The weighing of the other one happens almost in real time. Though on the internet (self-)deception is evidently the point, and that easily nips any common courtesy in the bud so that one often gets the coconut for afters.
  13. Pong (1972), played on Arcade in around 1991 in the Dutch theme park de Efteling, as the legend goes.
  14. Please don't offer the impression as if the <start>.exe would not be the decisive part of the DRM and object of what we're dealing with here. The NoCD crack is still a "terms of use violation". We can live with it though... as long as steam doesn't become standard and cracked stuff is no longer to be justified as "private safety precaution" or somethin', for illegal per se.
  15. Surenas


    Guess not, and for sure not during a short time frame of just six years as in the case of the German Nazi flag at war. The Nazi victims 1939-1945 - Jews, Roma, Soviet POWs, Euthanasians and non-Jewish civilians in a KZ - number ca. 13.000.000, an incredible number that is equivalent to 1/6 of the German overall population at the outset of the war. Only the devil could beat that... in hell. Thus may God forgive the guilt of the Land of Mordor where the shadows lie. http://www.abload.de/img/anne9hol.gif Shabbat Shalom
  16. Accompanied by a certain Brian I'd like to travel back to Judea in the days of the mass crucifixions (2nd door on your left! The next, please), the weekly stoning sentences on Shabbat due to blasphemy (Who's said "Yahweh"!?... *boom*) and, of course, the 13th apostle, "Pinocchio" was the stud muffin's middle name, I think. That'd be funny...
  17. Surenas


    I've just pointed to decisive historical shifts in theory and practice and the different supporters and opponents. Ideas aren't simply to be determined by the theory but predominantly by the realization in practice. Dreamers might see this fact reverted though. For the beginners: The ideals of Mao Zedong got almost sacrificed in the events that deal with the Gang of Four and the (at least for Maoists) totally unexpected succession of Zhou Enlai by the pro-Soviet Hua Guofeng, a tactical gambit, an interim arrangement that directly has led to Zou's protégé Deng Xiaoping. You see - in a still left public atmosphere the party apparatus has made a temporary U-turn followed by a right angle turn to the middle. Remarkable tactical maneuvers by the Zhou Enlai faction to win power... and control of the future. I for one won't participate in an in-depth debate on already again outdated atheistic communism in a world of strange religious restauration, the modern thinking backwards. Perhaps I've to review my today decision in a generation or two, but not in this decade.
  18. If you're replacing the legal game exe with an illegally modified one it's a terms of use violation. That most buyers of game software operate in this way to preserve the original cd/dvd from damage doesn't make the private use of illegal nocd cracks more legal. Ever seen a nocd crack offered as support by a game publisher? Anyway! Nullo actore, nullus iude - no plaintiff, no judge. So it was and so it will be.
  19. Surenas


    May I add that the Chinese communism is none in the common understanding of non-Chinese, at least not really? In the Mao Zedong era it was the Chinese (read: Han) understanding (that is: interpretation) of Marxism-Leninism. In the struggle for power that followed the death of Mao in 1976 the Maoist left Gang of Four (among them the Mao widow Jiang Qing) got knocked out by the Imperialist right wing that consisted of pro-Soviet restorationists led by Hua Guofeng and reformers that favored a kind of socialistic market economy with Deng Xiaoping leading the way. In the mid 80s the Chinese horoscopes for a Soviet Union that had crossed the communist point of safe return with Perestroika and Glasnost under Gorbachev had reached their all-time low, with the logical consequence that Deng Xiaoping made the race, finally. Deng introduced the new way, the Chinese understanding (that is: interpretation) of democratization, esp. of industrial democratization of the urban society under the oligarchic control of the party apparatus. And here we are now. We have a new thin middle class of partly very rich profiteers, a skyline of Shanghai that lets the New Yorker look like Megaton, a flourishing economy and a retarding rural majority of the people that still lives in the poverty of the 50s. There is thus enormous future trouble in the air, perhaps even a second culture revolution of the downtrodden - a good reason for the party apparatus to keep 2.5 million trained people under arms (the annual military spending has gone up between 1994 and 2004 by 1000%). So whatever we call it - it's no communism that is at work here but the old Chinese soul. The Han Empire strikes back. We have, finally, to keep in mind that the Chinese interpretations of things were, by good reasons, never a blockbuster outside of China (not even in the neighbouring Vietnam). Those left youngster here in the West are to be warned, for Chinese lifestyle is neither to be imported nor to be exported, as history proves. It is by far easier and more probable that the West gets assimilated by the Chinese one day though. They would buy us in, that's all.
  20. A non-personal reason to give a personal statement? What is this now? :wacko:
  21. Brave new world on the horizon. Guess I need a six-pack nuka cola now :wacko:
  22. The mob might slobber over the "personal reasons" by other people, that's the only benefit, I fear. Quite similar to the interest in "the last words" of a to be executed one... already with his back to the wall. I'd thus reject any necessity of a public reasoning.
  23. Surenas


    We can’t look in the future like the prophets of old; even the weather forecast for tomorrow is often more than just shaky. We can express our hopes for and fears of the future though. And we know that man cannot resist the animal magnetism of a repetition of old stuff in slightly modified packing, doubtlessly because of a crippled educability and this all too often already after just a single generation. Anyway, at least for now communism is as dead as a dodo (even if a few mummified dodos haven't yet realized the facts). But that's all we know for sure, I guess.
  24. Yup, I've incidentally pointed to a fundamental seller problem, the massive circumcision of future sales after the first DoS. The online patches are thus at the latent risk of being unobtainable, no doubt. And notably laggy, not optimized games always cry for a lot of repair patches. Such a crap frequently happens in the scene when one enters orders... Do it yourself or don't sell it - there is no happy medium!
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