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Posts posted by Surenas

  1. The stage of quality in measuring time as the sequence of events and thus as a momentous 'priestly control system' of the ancient to bring a social group in line, is almost useless even for an ancient agricultural society based upon moon-aided crop rotation, if one has no events at hand to fill past time sequences chronologically - the proof of authority - with legends, myth and lore, the names and deeds of the ancestors (knowledge we've almost completely lost, cos who among you still knows the name of his grand-grandfather and his job?). Only if one has such important information then a backdated chronology of the members of the group behind the measuring system appears - their historical 'sitz-im-leben', their history within history. Not easy for us today to find correlations to datable events known to us to date a group of the past and their actions precisely, with a chronological aberration of one generation we have to reckon, as for instance in the case of the Jewish 'fundamentalists' behind the Dead Sea Scrolls.


    You see - the knowledge of time (and time-related events) is an all-important instrument for those who once aimed at social control, of the present, the future as well as of the past history of man. Today it is probably adequate to buy a Swiss watch with balance spring to know for whom the bell tolls...



  2. If this has happened on any image uploaded after the 22nd of March then please let me know. There was a bug in the system, as far as I can tell, that meant some ratings weren't being recorded. It got fixed after Floydian PM'd me with the problem.


    While aggravating for all of us you should mind you don't come off looking like an ass. Yes, it's annoying, but you should still address people with a certain courtesy that your posts are lacking.


    Dear Dark0ne,

    Conc. the problem - the mine (before 03/22) is now sufficiently known.

    Oh - I've actually addressed the counter, not a member of the staff, I'm so sorry. Can you forgive a woman the faux pas - e.g. the ironical use of an Avatar proverb?



  3. First of all, thanks for the reaction. No - I don't think that the staff would ever read threads without any reason.

    I had already twice reported the problem incl. the link in the report section with email address and code prompt,

    first to the dbase section and then to feedback.

    Now, I guess the guys who have rated are no newbies, they themselves have this problem from time to time.

    All we can say is: Appears it more than one time in a single thread, which surely happens mere randomly, then

    you can count for more, the error accumulates. One of these flops we accept already, for it happens too often, by means of whatever. But a 'Full House' or somethin is no longer amusing for not part of a fair play, as we understand it - and we're indeed playing... a fun contest.


    Anyway! Where is the correct thread link for us if this happens again? I've simply followed a friendly hint given by Pushkatu in the hope that it would be the correct one.


    And again - thanks for your help!

    _Anne aka Surenas

  4. I've reached the humbug all time high, so it seems: a 7 out of 11 rating rate, no clear breaking point and no end in sight. This makes perfectly sense.

    That's anything but funny, it's an anachronism and does not even happen in kindergarden, if memory serves.

    Actually, my dear friends, the rating counter is pissing on us and not even giving us the courtesy of calling it rain :verymad:



  5. Guess my grandchildren will be engaged in club-aided clan wars or somethin... at full moon in the steppe between the Western Sea and the Eastern Barrier Mts. - in Middle-earth :blink:


    _Anne http://www.greensmilies.com/smile/smiley_emoticons_unknownauthor_lady.gif

  6. Sometimes it's called spinning.... when almost nothin turns into somethin and from there into everything we want to feed with our faith. Same religious procedure as every year since the Neandertal man. Is there something, someone out there? Interested in me? Bringing comfort to me? Supporting me against my enemies? For if not, why the hell am I here? LOL

    Lo! Before we'll meet an alien at home grass will grow in our cheeks and he will still not have come! All this reminds, not by chance, of earlier messianic expectations...


    Don't worry, in heaven we'll meet them all - the alien as well as our mother-in-law. That's great, isn't it?


    The question behind the myths is always the same, I guess : Did gods came down to earth, sharing the beds with our women, producing demi-gods, missing links between us and our true hopes - to become kinsmen of the deities... in the flesh.


    Take it - as always - with a grain of salt :smile:



  7. You not only don't know enough... you know not a sausage!

    In reality the whole thread is speculative wishful thinking, to

    tell the truth - the eternal dream of dreamland, object of a certain

    human interest since the first shaman and his talks with the dead...


    I love all y'all, but pls come back to firm ground :wub:

  8. This comparison is flawed - and you know that. This isn't the nickelodeon channel anymore.

    And pls don't sell us the armed civilian as an integral part of a workable national defense,

    cos that's humbug at its best - we're no longer living in the Wild Wild West or under Civil War

    conditions. And the Buffalo Bill Show is outdated since long...

    You need a gun? For what exactly? or better: as an ersatz for what? Tell me, my man. bzzzzzt.

    There seems to be less confidence in the achievements of the modern age and its distribution

    of roles. Back to the always glorious past, I guess.



  9. I've joined the Nexus on 01/01 1970 at dawn, that's still during the Vietnam War (you remember?), some 17 years before the myth of my birth... I feel old *g*



  10. Any attempt at a solution of the Fermi Paradox based upon the Drake equation is high speculative humbug for the time being.

    Thus the only true question is: Are you guys afraid of being alone? Without a father giving us stellar hillbillies a helping hand, or more likely, holding out a tin cup to fill with all kinds of resources?


    Yes - you are!



  11. I believe 100% . . .


    If Sci-fi isn't this popular, rarely anyone will think about aliens playing a role in human history.



    There you got it: Belief...!

    Unfortunately, the role of aliens is nothing but the deus ex machina, the beloved ersatz-deity of modern man, the heavily wanted father figur from afar, negating the sad fact that we're living at the back of beyond of our galaxy...



  12. Guess we live only because our human mutation (let's take no account of the rare but successful Neandertals in movie and steroid business) has found a workable niche for survival and thus, for reproduction. That's all, thanks to the Creator.

    Once another mutation of ourselves, or the ugly Triffids or somethin would be able to handle that niche much better than we can, or if that niche simply gets lost by changed but negated parameters, our species would be loused up soon due to the lack of quality of living and finally - a missing reproduction. If that happens, no pious prayer will ever help us, for then the Creator has already turned his head to the successors, if ever - somethin he's always done in the past history of all life forms.


    Take it with a grain of salt... to avoid sexual depressions :wacko:



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