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Posts posted by Surenas

  1. I'm gonna take a math stance here.


    If it is half empty than it is at -.5. If it is half full then it is +.5. So, since negatives cannot truly exist (although they can be symbolically represented, and things may be subtracted, you may never truly have a negative answer in any real life scenario), the glass is half full, where full is +1 and half full is +.5.


    What do you say? Half empty is hardly -.5. More likely it is +.5 when +1.0 is full.

    The idea that at -1.0 something'd be empty is rather too too, as my grandma might have muttered.

    Ever heard of the value 0 ?

  2. Elven Long Bow

    Itami Katana

    Nose Ring of Power (to rule them all and in the darkness bind them)

    Beauty as such


    Race: Mirkwood Elf





  3. I prefer HGEC (normal dcup).


    Not so fast, please!

    The body from off the rack alone doesn't make a figur 'beautiful'. Still we humans identify ourselves exclusively by the face.

    So if your char's face looks ugly and mean in the end, simply cos you're no artist on the slide controls, this is by no means to be nullified by a perfectly filled HGEC cup of certain size.

    Start perhaps with the known NEC faces off the rack to get a first feeling of virtual beauty. And believe me, anime figures don't even look good enough for a single date in the Mercenary's Inn...


    http://www.greensmilies.com/smile/smiley_emoticons_unknownauthor_lady.gif Hannah

  4. @Surenas

    No pardon required, please feel free to quote in the original language but could you add a translation in parenthesis below it? When I use a Latin or Greek quote I assume that not everyone else is fluent. :thumbsup:

    I should apologize also, I erroneously assumed you were Israeli instead of Dutch..I guess I "went a bridge too far".

    Thanks for your patience. I will offer a translation henceforth :smile:

    And yes - I am Dutch, but of Israeli origin (thus for example always interested in military history and alike) :thumbsup:


    http://www.greensmilies.com/smile/smiley_emoticons_unknownauthor_lady.gif Hannah

  5. Nothing ever follows from two single sentences (Plato)

    Generic memory on trial... and we can't even remember what we've said last week *ummpf*


    http://www.greensmilies.com/smile/smiley_emoticons_unknownauthor_lady.gif Hannah

  6. The main question is the effective amount of the natural water reservoir in the northern moon craters, far far away from the earlier equatorial landing zone, its valuable utilization for drinking water (presupposition for any living and production in enclaves on the moon) and as cost-effective rocket fuel source, to mention just one possibility.


    @ Aurelius

    I have indeed the scholarly tendency to quote in the respective original language of the source, quasi to pepper a text. A matter of training, I guess. And that's the case for ancient authors (like your Herodot) as well as for modern. Thus I beg your pardon.



  7. Guess there is less genetic memory left that does not deal with linear growth of the individual and the preservation (reproduction and the inzest taboo of all hominidae) as well as the environmentally mutability of the species (e.g. loss of body hair, body size and color). Exceptions are perhaps swimming reflecting our origins from the water, fear from the dark, anticipated pain stimulus and aggressive behavior as well as the tendency towards deportation of old individuals as a sign of all hunting species.


    Our genes have seemingly no ability to learn from history - neither individual nor collective social experiences are to be inherited (e.g war and its losses as well as peace and its advantages, ecological awareness and risk assessment). Possibly the shift from a pure hunter/collector society primarily competing wolves as food competitors towards an all-dominating armed agricultural culture competing primarily each other for land has isolated men from the rest of the living, followed perhaps by a decline in the common mutability compared to other species.


    just my 2 cts.

  8. [OT]

    I could never stay at home when there was chance 'to go a viking'.

    Hear, hear! Den trettonde krigaren må icke vara en från norr *g*

    Heysan! A grandiose buccaneer from Vinland on viking. Congratulations ... and skol :woot:

    On how many vikings and whereto has he participated in the past then?


    http://www.greensmilies.com/smile/smiley_emoticons_unknownauthor_lady.gif Hannah

  9. Side Note

    A simple example to prove the actual supremacy of culture and culture lines over secular political systems:

    The reason why Turkey always remains at the end of the list of possible contenders for EU membership is not founded in human rights problems or alike but in the fact of being an Islamic state. And the Christian Europe doesn't want table fellowship with such a state - so simple is that. Of course diplomacy dresses the rejection in empty words. And the same is true for Australia as white part of the Asian community, Israel as welcome integral part of the Near East or Haiti as part of the Caribbean alliance - pious wishful thinking that fails due to fundamental cultural differences.


    You can even dispute with a stubborn old-communist over modern civil law - at least your language will be the same.

    With an Islamist you cannot talk in the matter. And that we know of bloody clashes between radical Hindi and Muslims in India is not a breaking news.

  10. The more images of somebody one has to face at the same time the lower is the interest in the single one.

    And the lower the quality of the series is compared to a selection the lower is the will to endorse the best of it.

    People with 'flooding' image series thus easily cause a common lack of interest in their works and go home underrated. Even the friends are no longer 'to be brought into line' then.

  11. Guess there is a difference between a lingua franca and a language of wider communication.

    So it happens that a language alien to 92% of men is communication language but not lingua franca. The wider communication in English is thus in the hands of just 8% of men, the pool of the intellectual, political and economic elite. And as long as the open Western market is still the Mekka of Asian exports, well of the increase of the Asian gross national product, English will remain the 1st choice for wider communication.

  12. Exactly, the trade offs are equal. Capitalism just gives people the freedom to choose, the freedom to compete :thumbsup:

    Don't forget that the social net to field the hosts of losers of the competition is the product of early socialism, its perhaps only but true advantage. Welfare and education for all overshadows thus in a positive sense all political systems since the early 20th century and all culture circles and their organisations of the 21st.


    The thread title is imo missleading, for it is the old Ptolemaic worldview of history, focused on the genuinely West-European and now Western culture - the minor part of the whole... and the whole turns out to be a 'revenge of God'


    Democracy in the Western understanding of the term won't work in:


    - Islamic culture

    - Sino-culture

    - Hindu culture


    and perhaps not even in the South-American culture.

    The isolated Japanese culture is a thing of its own, as it always was.


    Moreover, the age of communism is over since the breakdown of the Sovjet Union, and history will see no medium-term remake. Feudalism is history, not to be confused with Islamic patriarchalism or authoritarianism and the preference of the collective over the individual as it is the case in Sino-culture.


    The question is not 'what do we want?' but 'who are we?' and 'who are they that are not we?' A cultural, not a mere political thread.

  13. Cool.

    I'd hardly expect a 'Chinese man in the Moon'.

    Teflon is btw not the product of a voyage to the moon, but the consequent use of an earlier discovery from 1938 for a successful reentry into the atmosphere, thus reflecting orbital aerospace.

    Though I guess since Amstrong' s Hollywood-style step the age of expensive manned long range space exploration (the modern conquista for the sake of a national or political glory) is over, the time of crisis management at home has come - this includes the orbit and will consume all our financial and technological capabilities.

    You won't find any drinking water within range in space to satisfy the thirst of mankind. The threatening empty teflon-coated cup is awaiting us ...

  14. What about re-terraforming Terra? Should be cheaper, more effective and doesn't lead astray, away from the actual problems. Chinese on the Moon are as good as a burger restaurant on Mars - totally useless humbug.
  15. The six dimensions that are for now necessary to understand the new physical phenomenons (guess this is an ongoing process with n dimensions in the end) are relating to particles that to are too small to be of any use for our understanding of tangible existence, we just need four dimensions to be happy. What's beyond doesn't make you happier, nor wiser cos already the fifth is an extrapolation out of the known four - a mathematical construction. If there are really more than this is hard to tell, for a two-dimensional being cannot experience height, thus it will live in a flat world no matter how round it is for a three-dimensional being. We're thus talking about 'auxiliary constructions' beyond our empirical life, of value today, but perhaps already obsolete tomorrow.
  16. Avoid subliminal ad hominem, my friend.

    You still haven't understood my question. It deals with the situation in the USA - the stage and risks of public amarment (last but not least for the Obama administration) - and not in court in case of violence.

    Don't pussyfoot around, cos that's a waste of time for the reader.



  17. You haven't answered a simple question that relates to the US and not to 'Carlos Marighela in Brazil' or somethin...

    I repeat: That has led to what (in the USA of today) ?


    http://www.greensmilies.com/smile/smiley_emoticons_unknownauthor_lady.gif The Ultimate Face

  18. We're no decision makers to make anything official in a networked system that has no office at all and that knows of merely one consensual 'commandment' - the prohibition of the argumentum ad hominem.

    Moreover, the international forums and lists are just a facet in the game. Still the national counterparts play an important role (to discuss about tulips I need no international list...) - so it is almost impossible to communicate e.g. on German TES forums in a foreign (colored) language, either you'll find yourself in a small talk greetings niche or you remain outsider - alien due to your strange 'German'.

    Guess we're the generation on the linguistic edge. The next one knows more and everything much better.


    http://www.greensmilies.com/smile/smiley_emoticons_unknownauthor_lady.gif לילית

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