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Posts posted by Surenas

  1. "People want to eat cheeseburgers, play the lotto and watch television"


    Yeah, and that's probably all-too-human. Remarkably, people love to watch trouble of all sort, today on TV, steadily followed by cracker-barrel spiel without ever being directly involved. That's the eternal circus phenomenon of the gaping crowd, always horny for terror against others elsewhere, no matter if a witch is burnt or an ex-leader is hanged, though once seized by the own collar nothing is left but the silence of the lambs. No backbone present when the fear comes close, but much faith in the success of an ostrich policy - the cup of wrath may pass by, preferentially to the neighbors of the Kingdom of Far Far Away ... alongside the Gulf Stream.

  2. I got plenty of birthday wishes simply due to the fact that my birthday shows up in the My Information block on the profile page. Those who never visit the pages of friends and ppl of interest and thus don't maintain these relationships would probably miss the day... and a reminder on the main page as well, but that's in real life quite similar, isn't it?
  3. Now, the ratification of the Kyoto Protocol is the conditio sine qua non for any discourse on the matter that claims to be more than a mere clash of cracker-barrel opinions based upon shortsighted impressions a posteriori of the one or two generations everyone can overview for himself and an even a more shortsighted five-year plan view based upon nothing but a classical cui bono thinking exclusively for political and economical reasons.


    I thus fear that we'll read much about contrarieties and less that's consensual...



  4. I recall the later shift in the mentioned paradigm:

    "All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others!"

    This has made at least the pigs of the Animal Farm happier... for a while or two.


    The only remarkable American ideal I'm aware of follows from the proud answer given to me by a good friend on why he has bought a Motorola Handy and no other:

    "I have to support my country!"


    Ummh! Okay... :woot:


    tot ziens


  5. Just a side note.


    Don't mismatch the ability to deploy troopers, to launch air strikes immediately and everywhere on this planet with a military dominance of an empire, or perhaps even with a guaranteed national security or individual safety at the home front - Rome sweet Rome is history since long. It is, however, just one parameter among others in warfare, the not that modern hegemonic opening draw of a campaign for resources or political dominance, based as usual upon an overwhelming firepower, but nowadays (and not only because of the beloved installation of puppet regimes) with a fatal final outcome on the field as the rule - for the former Sovjet Union as well as the USA; China might follow later in history. Unfortunately, embedded war reporting in good German Wochenschau fashion doesn't really turn marking time into victory, it just fools the people at home with censored images... for a time and a half.

    Actually, the empire doesn't strike back, for there's none that has survived history. And the fancied hegemony of former rebels... huuh... that won't even last long enough to make the Methuselah in us nervous, as the fate of the Sovjets proves.

  6. I've to agree with Vagrant0's remarks. Regarding censorship I'd just like to point to the rules on the neighboring German TES forums, where the first nipples were not yet seen behind the stipulated matte. The Nexus is thus utmost liberal, esp. in dealing with fantasies of singles and still more inexperienced...



  7. http://www.ztilbruch.de/SMILIES/Cheerleader.gif Hup Holland Hup! http://www.ztilbruch.de/SMILIES/Cheerleader.gif

    ~ Holland Wint De Wereldcup! ~


    http://www.abload.de/img/anne9hol.gif We speak Afrikaans

  8. MGE is your friend here.


    MGE is, among other things, just THE tool to drive new shaders. Moreover replacers are necessary as well as e.g. grass and a few things more.

    Keep in mind that an image of the screenshot section is merely randomly a WYSIWYG ref to an in-game situation; they are usually more or less heavily revised, e.g. in Photoshop.



  9. The credit pudding is easily overegged, cos if I'd have nothing to say the dot given reflects nothing but dumbness and comfort - a low value action, folks.

    I'd call for more than just to push the button as well as a rather meaningless "awesome" (blockbuster of the season; successor of a former 'hello'). One has to make time for it or to let things slide.



  10. Unfortunately, the important kudos system has, simply due to gaps in the theory, led to factions within the image sharing community,

    Malachi Delacot, however, has pointed to the views as a good feedback alternative. Guess the blocking of counting in the case of own viewing by the authors would be the key to solve a few problems.


    Just my 2 cts,



  11. This turns out to be a kind of summary of an earlier glorious part of the vita.

    But okay: Already at the age of 15 I was verifiably in Gas Powered Games' Hall of Fame, as one of less than 20 people among millions of players in the Zone; same pseudonym in those days.

    And what is it retrospectively worth? Almost nothing but the cognition that one can hardly repeat that when one is 2times 15 yrs old.

    And those who are today 3times 15 yrs and older shouldn't even think of it. Inherent inspiration and speed is the true strength of the youth, to-do-as-if... the one of the elderly people. The latter tend to talk you down until they succeed btw; as if talking would be a workable substitute for missing facts.


    You can't teach an old dog new tricks!

  12. I know that moonsugar is made from some sort of reeds on some coast, and that Kajihts use moonsugar religiously, but how exactly is moonsugar extracted from the reeds, and refined into skooma? I've always been curious about it.


    Skooma is nothing but burnt moon sugar. The extraction of the sugar itself has not survived in the lore, I guess.

  13. Character attributes like being troll are not to be changed. The troll simply moves on after his 'execution', usually due to an ad hominem (esp. in debates) and makes other ppl unhappy elsewhere. He's always self-opinionated without any ability to learn except one experience he'd made in the past - that folks are easily to be hurt by an argumentum ad hominem. That makes him temp. strong and the others weak. So the moderator was born...
  14. If the installation path of the game is C:\Programs\Betheda Softworks\Fallout 3 you'll eventually get problems with the security feature UAC - that goes for Win7 as well as for Vista.



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