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Everything posted by Surenas

  1. Wünsch ich dir auch von ganzem Herzen, 'forstiger' Frost *g*


  2. Shabbat Shalom and Chag Pesach Sameach (Happy Passover) to you, Lautrec!

    May the force always be with you!

  3. Shabbat Shalom and Chag Pesach Sameach (Happy Passover) to you, Lautrec!

    May the force always be with you!

  4. Chag pesach sameach!
  5. *ping* the egg woman was here ;)
  6. Avoid subliminal ad hominem, my friend. You still haven't understood my question. It deals with the situation in the USA - the stage and risks of public amarment (last but not least for the Obama administration) - and not in court in case of violence. Don't pussyfoot around, cos that's a waste of time for the reader. http://www.greensmilies.com/smile/smiley_emoticons_unknownauthor_lady.gif
  7. With exception of one friend everybody involved has volunteered in doing the recommended rerun test for the staff. The result is clear and I have dropped a line to LHammonds. Thanks again to the coalition of the willing :)
  8. You haven't answered a simple question that relates to the US and not to 'Carlos Marighela in Brazil' or somethin... I repeat: That has led to what (in the USA of today) ? http://www.greensmilies.com/smile/smiley_emoticons_unknownauthor_lady.gif The Ultimate Face
  9. Hehehe - I simply love that fruit so much ;)

    Of course not the green or rotten ones :p

    Nice to see ya, Mal my man

  10. Three of the four voters whose ratings were registered as "incorrect" have participated in the retry test and in all cases it has worked :)

    I love all y'all!

  11. cool - that means that the staff was right with the assumption that perhaps not the error but at least the loss of the ratings is homemade by us and that we always should retry if we don't see our given thumbs appearing in the rating.

    Thanks again for your help :)

  12. We're no decision makers to make anything official in a networked system that has no office at all and that knows of merely one consensual 'commandment' - the prohibition of the argumentum ad hominem. Moreover, the international forums and lists are just a facet in the game. Still the national counterparts play an important role (to discuss about tulips I need no international list...) - so it is almost impossible to communicate e.g. on German TES forums in a foreign (colored) language, either you'll find yourself in a small talk greetings niche or you remain outsider - alien due to your strange 'German'. Guess we're the generation on the linguistic edge. The next one knows more and everything much better. http://www.greensmilies.com/smile/smiley_emoticons_unknownauthor_lady.gif לילית
  13. ,,, and that has led to what? :wacko: http://www.greensmilies.com/smile/smiley_emoticons_unknownauthor_lady.gif The Ultimate Face
  14. That's hardly ironically, but psychologically to be understood. We feel ourselves as being 'alone in the dark'... and out of the fear it rises: the intense interest, the chimera creating irritating hope, fascinating and repulsive at the same time... the alien magnetism http://www.greensmilies.com/smile/smiley_emoticons_unknownauthor_lady.gif The Ultimate Face
  15. That someone is probably not yet born - the field is simply too complex and enwrought with old imagery and symbolism we don't fully understand any longer; moreover, such an interdisciplinary research would presuppose the ability of the scholar to put aside his own religious (or atheistic) preconception a priori to simulate the ancient authors and artists, to understand their "alien" thoughts. Real roleplaying of unknown historical figures and their works is by far more difficult as it might seem to us who we play virtual roleplaying games after a given concept, a given script... http://www.greensmilies.com/smile/smiley_emoticons_unknownauthor_lady.gif The Ultimate Face
  16. Great! I'm entirely satisfied with Noa... and my life :)
  17. The modern man as the first who has ever dug out a dinosaur skeleton... Don't even think about it! Please. Moreover, there's a clear connection drawn by the ancient Hebrews in Egypt (or under Egyptian dominon) between the sea serpent, the Leviathan and the constellation of Draconis/Dragon (likewise present in the later Kabbalah) - in those days the polar star (Alpha-Draconis), thus all-important pointer for all sorts of land and sea travel and background of worldwide dragon tales, always in connection with bones found in the ground. No bones, no myth. On the contrary, angels are more difficult to understand. In Hebrew it just means messenger, messenger between people on the ground and god in the heavens, beyond the sky. Now, to bypass the enormous distance one has to imitate the birds in the sky first, the flight, there is no popular alternative... except a later one - the Merkabah (throne chariot/'living creature') mysticism in the Babylonian colored Book of Ezekiel and elsewhere in the Old Testament, juncture to the four-wing female geniuses and mixed beings in the mythology of Assur and Babylon. In the end you're perhaps familiar with Hebrew and cuneiform... but that's already all. The rest remains what it was before: Arguments from silence, interesting speculations without any practical value of benefit. Sad, but true! http://www.greensmilies.com/smile/smiley_emoticons_unknownauthor_lady.gif The Ultimate Face
  18. Salut Lautrec! Ça va? ;)
  19. The same to you, _frost_! :)
  20. Okey-doke! hehehe :)

    After a short trial I've again lost any interest in debates ^^

  21. Don't play hero in Homer Simpson fashion when somebody has already "blown a large hole in the door" (the rocket launcher mentioned above?) - cos that sounds like soap opera. And you'll indeed end up in Guantanamo if you have a beard, a rocket launcher, a secret canabis lair (peace, brother!) and a shredded neighbor at the doorstep (oops!). BTW Hippie subculture and private militarism, that's already an oxymoron at its best, for one has to make a strange metamorphosis first, the shift from the former student Jeckyll to the suspect Mr. Hyde :wacko: http://www.greensmilies.com/smile/smiley_emoticons_unknownauthor_lady.gif The Ultimate Face
  22. More likely HIV, the human immunodeficiency virus, is a (perhaps even artificially created) high mutagenic half-brother of the HEV virus among pigs, the pathogen of the known Encephalomyelitis. Of course, a lot of things are, at least theoretically possible, but without any evidence these are pure arguments from silence. And as it is with the flight of blowball seeds we'd have to deal with chaos theory. http://www.greensmilies.com/smile/smiley_emoticons_unknownauthor_lady.gif
  23. Sounds almost like a fetish to me... and a crying widow comes into my mind. Lo - when you've finally realized the guy at you doorstep as "a heavily armed robber" it's, as a rule, already too late to produce your gas pistol. Why? Well that guy would probably have already the unlocked machine gun at the ready before you've opened the door... unaware... To nullify the robber problem simply by opening the door always with an unlocked rocket launcher in your hands would directly lead you to Guantanamo or somethin, I guess. Peace, bearded brother :teehee: http://www.greensmilies.com/smile/smiley_emoticons_unknownauthor_lady.gif
  24. No, none at all. Like many other hypothesis about life, this earth, this univers, nobody holds any evidence. Only speculations. Oh - how true! We call it human nature. http://www.greensmilies.com/smile/smiley_emoticons_unknownauthor_lady.gif The Ultimate Face
  25. Even if the collision effect of dead material is true for the eathly evolution a such, for it always had influenced the parameters for life on earth, like the climate, you seem to imply life in the particles - the directed or undirected panspermia, right? Any proof for the hypothesis?
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