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Everything posted by Surenas

  1. Thanks Mal - smootching back :)

    I'll do that at short notice, Aurasoma. I've finished Fallout-3 due to the lack of any INet connection within 36 hours, btw. *lol*

  2. Strategy: Gaius Iulius Caesar ("How to turn a republic into dictatorship by military means") Tactics: Vo Nguyen Giap ("How to turn western invincibles into vincibles successfully") http://www.greensmilies.com/smile/smiley_emoticons_unknownauthor_lady.gif
  3. Thank all y'all and Dankeschön :)
  4. Even after cutting the fat from the long sentence, I fail to get what you are getting at. Were you asking me a question or something else? The 1st 4 words confuse me. Actually it is self-explanatory. The fat, as you say, is the key to unlock the fragmentary citation. Wonder what you want to say after you have said it already... Guess we should discuss that in private, not to confuse (or to entertain) all others. http://www.greensmilies.com/smile/smiley_emoticons_unknownauthor_lady.gif
  5. Well, LHammonds, you've pointed to the Khan twice already, now strenghtening a stage of brutality he'd shared with the Assyrians, P. Africanus and Adolf Hitler in power, and now even the last should know your legitimate opinion. Though the question is, against you, not a religious one, for all around the world and through all ages military people have one thing in common, totally alien to rulers, politicians and religious men in their ivory towers - the respect for the military abilities of all those who were, are and will be, opponent or not; and that's the quintessence of all Art of War. http://www.greensmilies.com/smile/smiley_emoticons_unknownauthor_lady.gif
  6. Military success is not a simple matter of gaining space, at least not if the space is largely composed of grassland, necessary for large scale maneuvers on horseback. Moreover, the strategic defensive it is a known paradigm as well as the cultural assimilation of the conquerer by the Chinese. A mucher better parameter is effectiveness at a low ratio of own casualties on any terrain. http://www.greensmilies.com/smile/smiley_emoticons_unknownauthor_lady.gif
  7. Guess what remains in a quarter of a century... :whistling: Well, here comes the mine: 1. Experiences (and this includes sex) 2. Thinking (too often even during sex) 3. Spending money (surely not for sex) http://www.greensmilies.com/smile/smiley_emoticons_unknownauthor_lady.gif Hannah
  8. The latter would have been the case for the baker stood visibly in bread up to his neck.

    "Gee!" muttered the German and toddled off... *lol* I mean, if a Marsian would ever asked me in his tongue, e.g. for the next burger king I'd perhaps cry for help...

  9. It's not that weird. A few words in Arabic and I got fresh bread from a baker in the souk of Tunis last year - the German behind me in the line asked the same in English... and got nothing. "Sold out!", the baker cried *g*

    The Hebrew of Psalm 144.1 in the Jewish Tanakh runs:

    "Blessed be the Lord, my rock, who trains my hands for war, and my fingers for battle."

  10. This is closely related to both the historical timeline and developments in warfare in the leading cultures of the eastern and the western hemisphere. We find tacticians of enormous innovative influence on warfare with no or just minor own engagements in battle like Sun Wu 6th c. BC and his later descendent Sun Bin 5th c. BC (the former wrote the book Wu Sun Zi that came down to us in the known fragments as ‘the Art of War’), the pillars of the traditional Chinese warfare, or Frontinus’ Roman Stratagems of the 1st c. CE and the Byzantine emperor Maurice’s Strategicon of the 6th c. CE, culminating in the book ‘On War’ by the Prussian Clausewitz. On the other hand we identify strategoi, field commanders that have added nothing new to the art of warfare of their time, but were ingenious in the use of it like Pompeius, Julius Caesar, Napoleon, Hindenburg and Mao tse Dong. Then we find innovative field commanders like Miltiades, Perikles, Epaminondas, Hannibal, Scipio Africanus and Marius in Antiquity, Chalid Ibn al-Walid , ‘the Sword of Islam’, Attila and Genghis Khan (to mention just two of the eastern horse people) in the medieval epoch, the icons Rommel and his counterpart Montgomery, perhaps even McArthur as well as the Vietnamese general Giap in modern times, to be brief. Finally, a category of important leaders with a short military span of life, normally operating on smaller scales is to be identified like the Parthian Surenas (my alias!), who butchered the trained Legions of Crassus in Blizkrieg fashion at Charrae (today Iraq) in the 1st c. BC, only to be killed in the year thereafter by his own King who feared his growing popularity, or the founder of the successful Red Army Leo Trotzki, killed in exile by agents of Stalin by similar reasons, to mention just two exotic birds. You see, the above question is everything but easy to be answered. "If Hannibal, in his time, had been able to operate with the means and ideas Caesar had at hand later... the ancient world of the West would not have become a Latin one." [Hans Delbrueck_History of the Art of War] Just my 2 cts. http://www.greensmilies.com/smile/smiley_emoticons_unknownauthor_lady.gif Hannah
  11. I know merely a few phrases in Persian, vesemir. But I always try to come up to my dialogue partners from afar in their foreign tongue - it's a token gesture of friendship :)

    No problem, sonk2 :)

    I'll add the new image (see above) to the image share section, the day after tomorrow I guess. I hope you'll like it! :)

  12. I've added a 3rd variant C - the ring with the eye of Sauron. A better known alternative. Still undecided.
  13. All's well that ends well, Aurasoma. I mean, there must be an end of the problems some day for there was also a beginning *g*

    Today's special: Carrots for free! Mal, my man :)

  14. mobile tent :tongue: http://www.greensmilies.com/smile/smiley_emoticons_unknownauthor_lady.gif
  15. Evidently far too few... :rolleyes: http://www.greensmilies.com/smile/smiley_emoticons_unknownauthor_lady.gif
  16. Broderbund's Myst 1993 http://www.greensmilies.com/smile/smiley_emoticons_unknownauthor_lady.gif
  17. What do you say? Half empty is hardly -.5. More likely it is +.5 when +1.0 is full. The idea that at -1.0 something'd be empty is rather too too, as my grandma might have muttered. Ever heard of the value 0 ?
  18. Sweetwater Camp - with the woods in the rear and Lake Rumare in front :whistling:
  19. Elven Long Bow Itami Katana Nose Ring of Power (to rule them all and in the darkness bind them) Beauty as such Race: Mirkwood Elf http://www.abload.de/img/wildthingii-tn46fn.jpg http://www.greensmilies.com/smile/smiley_emoticons_unknownauthor_lady.gif
  20. Not so fast, please! The body from off the rack alone doesn't make a figur 'beautiful'. Still we humans identify ourselves exclusively by the face. So if your char's face looks ugly and mean in the end, simply cos you're no artist on the slide controls, this is by no means to be nullified by a perfectly filled HGEC cup of certain size. Start perhaps with the known NEC faces off the rack to get a first feeling of virtual beauty. And believe me, anime figures don't even look good enough for a single date in the Mercenary's Inn... http://www.greensmilies.com/smile/smiley_emoticons_unknownauthor_lady.gif Hannah
  21. Sunday greetings to all y'all. By chance I am online, a rare temporary island in the sea of connection faults since 4/12.

    Owing to the great demand I'll upload a new image, preview above, hopefully before my birthday next friday :)

    Version A is the normal one, version B has an implemented map of Middle-earth. No decision made by now.

  22. Thanks for your patience. I will offer a translation henceforth :smile: And yes - I am Dutch, but of Israeli origin (thus for example always interested in military history and alike) :thumbsup: http://www.greensmilies.com/smile/smiley_emoticons_unknownauthor_lady.gif Hannah
  23. Nothing ever follows from two single sentences (Plato) Generic memory on trial... and we can't even remember what we've said last week *ummpf* http://www.greensmilies.com/smile/smiley_emoticons_unknownauthor_lady.gif Hannah
  24. perhaps the image hosting sites in Mordor, where the shadows lie are still unfiltered. Give www.abload.de a try.
  25. Doesn't matter, I'm gifted in languages *coughing bout*

    Jackson himself has probably borne the One Ring for too long and now he shares the doom of Gollum and fades away, slowly but surely - ooops *g*

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