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Everything posted by Surenas

  1. Yup - I belong to the elders here... the pilgrim mothers of the scrolls whom already grass has grown on their cheeks *g*, joined in winter 2002/2003, if memory serves. Before then I worked for Gas Powered Games' Dungeon Siege and had not even time enough for a boyfriend, far less playing games of "the evil business competition" in the not present leisure time *lol* Actually, 1970 was never ever a problem for me, cos I had none in those days *rofl* http://www.greensmilies.com/smile/smiley_emoticons_unknownauthor_lady.gif
  2. ... as I've said! My pleasure. _Hannah
  3. 1. Dungeon Siege (multiplayer Zonematch 2002-2006); my username still refers to it. 2 ff. Bethesda Games, what else?
  4. Howdie! Groovy kind of music :)
  5. The weekend was so-so, funny barbecueing and a few dudes have overtexted me bout all my doings (instead of minding their own affairs) - nuttin new in the east...

    And hey, thx that u love that I've brought sounds into the silence. I need this! :)

  6. Relax, James, keep cool :)

    The change of life we've to face first in TES... um... let's say: in TES10 *g*

  7. That somebody simply has to repeat his endorsement; this works, for we're no longer dealing with the strange rating error of winter.
  8. Greetings from here to there :)
  9. Aloa Hea amnis, das wünsche ich dir auch :)

    Happy weekend to all'y*'all

    NB The image quality of the animated gifs used for the profile is low, as is usual for this image format. Please bear with me.

  10. The pious idea of 'times change - people change' is somewhat foolish, I guess ... after a brief look at our own impure history. A Holy War - "James' Jihad" - was necessary to bring back the water of life to the people, and wars will be necessary to defend its possession and to keep it pure when a busy civilization returns from the graves.
  11. Shabbat Shalom - 4 mins vor Ende, uff, hehehe
  12. Having played FA3 in the original vanilla version without any corrective add-on, my female lonely wanderer died as suffering servant of her father's ideas in good messianic fashion, viz Bethesda tradition, leaving all the mutated people behind on level 12 with sufficient clean water of life, probably for the clan wars to come. "That girl of Vault One-O-One, folks", as Three Dog might have commentated between two boring sounds if the 50s on Galaxy Radio, "is legend", remember?
  13. Iechyd da, Thorin!
  14. Okay, I've abloaded the Harad.wmv on my own webspace; simply click on the Ring thumbnail above. Enjoy!
  15. Read YouTube instead of Yahoo, a typo on my side, sry. Apparently the country configuration on the bottom of the video sides decides what is to be seen, and not your IP address.

    Ain't dead sure that in the Free World Holland is still the freest country of all ^^

  16. Unfortunately, strategy and tactics of the British Crown are focussed on marriages of the peers - their Rose Wars aren't part of the thread...
  17. What a pity!

    I have chosen "country: Netherlands" and "language: English" in Yahoo - and there's no problem at all. Perhaps you might adjust it. However, it took me two weeks for the remix... *g*

    See ya, Thorin!

  18. I share Jim's opinion: 1. Morrowind 2. nothing 3. Oblivion / Fallout 3 (Dragon Age still unkown) The religious theme behind the storylines is in all above ranked games the same: You're the Chosen One, the Messiah, either the "victorious savior of the nations" or the "suffering servant who dies for our salvation"... to my liking :wub:
  19. Well, the depth of field, Aurasoma, is weaker in Fallout as in Oblivion or even in Morrowind, probably the prize for the increase in the close-ups. However, it again took me some time to construct a workable face.

    The new Oblivion image is upladed, finally, unfortunately up to now probably none has ever listened to the important background music, as the Yahoo counter tells me

  20. Well, ain't we a pair, Mal my man? *lol*

    Smootching back :)

  21. Greetings from MDPL-05 Power Station near the Enclave main military base at Raven Rock... I've been sniper in the Army, so what? *rofl*
  22. The same to you, Lautrec! :)
  23. Much ado about nothing! Next time, my friend, you'll better make it short, for we don't need the complete vita of every turban, guess so. A few sentences do nicely as well. Thank you! :thumbsup:
  24. Howdie Lautrec, and thanks! One gets not that many compliments over there ;)

    I've indeed tried out the rifle for the very first time ... not that easy after some 10-15 years exclusively with the long bow, I must say *lol*

    The sync probs are ongoing - I have to fire the provider :(

  25. Greetings to all y'all!

    I'm back from sync error. Guess how long *grr*

    Well, Aurasoma, I've followed the main quest. And that has caused the end of the lonesome wanderer (theologically: the suffering servant) already at level 12; doubtlessly my fault.

    I'll upload the delayed OBL image during the next connection to the open INet session.

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