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Everything posted by Surenas

  1. That's a known argument made by Ortega y Gasset in the 2nd decade of the 20th c. CE, but the absolute number of philosophers that had to speak German at a certain time due a professional literature written in German has never ever entered into an equation similar or equal to the one we're are dealing with - if you'd like to understand the Holy Bible in a professional way it is even today still necessary to learn Hebrew and Greek first. Both wonderful examples are beside the point, I think. http://www.greensmilies.com/smile/smiley_emoticons_unknownauthor_lady.gif
  2. Basic l33t is just replacing vowels with numbers and I guess the users of the code that follow a kind of group pressure aren't even aware of that. What I've meant is the linguistic bouillabaisse, to use an euphemism.
  3. There's a decisive difference between closed inner-cultural and networked international interactions. It makes less sense to try to trade with a Chinese supplier from the steppe hinterland in Hebrew - this would end up in helpless gestures. That's why a linguistic consensus sometimes is needed and sometimes it is not. For the moment we have such an international consensus - the English. Though it could be Mandarin in a few generations as well, one has to be distinctly aware of this as a linguistic phenomenon in progress, always dominated by the leading country of a commercial and military circle. Today it is a globalized, worldwide circle and the leading country are the USA - so learn their language not to become segregated from the show. In ancient days it was, on a smaller scale, Latin by the same reasons. On the other hand we see a virulent degeneration of culture language as such, the ability to speak and to write the mother tongue without a bunch of errors. The international consensus with the internet as catalyst seemingly has a negative influence on culture language - unreadable slang appears that sometimes even hurts the ears, the horror of all teachers and parents, cos they don't understand the young generation anymore, at least not really. Food for thought. http://www.greensmilies.com/smile/smiley_emoticons_unknownauthor_lady.gif
  4. The same to you, Todd! :)

    I'm back in play for a time - the guys in Cyrodiil have already badly missed the sunshine *g*

    But still I control my thumb, thus show me the real McCoy, hehehe ;)

  5. First of all, GPG's Dungeon Siege was not only an RPG but an MOPRG; we've played it online on Zonematch from 2002 on with up to eight folks plus buyable packmule baggage train (introduced in MP by me), preferably different orientated and equipped chars to play different roles. Tactics was hack & slash, whereby the question who would win was always heavily dependent on the chosen Siegelet and its AI. With the Siegelet Steelsworld and its Bone Warriors we'd reached an AI stage high enough to kill all high-level players that had not yet learned to play in a team. That was utterly real... DS was a good game, worth a try, whereas its successor DS-II never emerged from behind the shadow of the original. Long time passing. On the contrary, NWN was something for Mom, Auntie Marie and the rest of the coffee hour cos it had no fire at all. http://www.greensmilies.com/smile/smiley_emoticons_unknownauthor_lady.gif The Ultimate Face
  6. [OT] Your delightful common sense might perhaps develop a quantum sense of humor, sometimes a very useful mechanism to avoid premature wrinkling :teehee: [/OT] http://www.greensmilies.com/smile/smiley_emoticons_unknownauthor_lady.gif The Ultimate Face
  7. Which considerably lowers the chance to get killed in a heroic shootout for the 5 Euros in your pockets, or even more worse - to kill an innocent by night from sheer fear and only then asking "Who's there?" After having spent my youth in Israel I know already that next to the suicide bomber the fearful one that cries for a gun is probably the most dangerous person on earth when armed, for his latent advance towards overreaction when he feels pressured (and all alone) is an incalculable, thus inacceptable risk for the society. And those who need a gun merely as pill for their virility I have to say, from woman to man: That doesn't work... Shabbat Shalom http://www.greensmilies.com/smile/smiley_emoticons_unknownauthor_lady.gif
  8. Nachtiii *froi* :)
  9. You seem to have learned absolutely nothing from the bloody history on European ground, being unaware of the new phenomenon of networked globalization. Guess we have to let the eternal unwilling people go when it comes to a final decision for a construct all nationalists are afraid of. An exodus is not that new...
  10. A United States of Europe will occur, cos you have no (peaceful) alternative at all, neither economically nor strategically. And - I do not see that European culture would differ from each other for more than a yota. Moreover, the German nationalistic facet, to pick up your argument, is as old as the event in the Frankfurt Paul's Cathedral, some 160 years or just five generations. That's not enough to fill an egg cup with special requests from the past, the dark age. You know the past, guess so.
  11. The eternal youth that knows of no change ... until the beards turn grey and the hair gets lost :teehee: Actually we're not talking about changes, but defined events between the points A and B of an open or closed interval - a move appears. That's time... and those who come to late probably miss the train. http://www.greensmilies.com/smile/smiley_emoticons_unknownauthor_lady.gif The Ultimate Face
  12. From what I see in the Image Section... must have been the Muppet Show, the Duck Tales or somethin.... :teehee: http://www.greensmilies.com/smile/smiley_emoticons_unknownauthor_lady.gif
  13. Thanks. Gimme that carrot, Mal my man. I'll see what I can do for the lil plant *lol*

    BTW Guess the congeneric people of Duckburg have to eat much more carrots, eh? *g*

  14. Gosh - this is known as well as the common faking of the actual possibilities! And you should already know the required acceleration time, eh? We're still living in a present scenario and not in a long yearned for hypothesis...
  15. I've joined already before the show, long time passing. You've got me there! Alien I am :blush: http://www.abload.de/thumb2/picture0001ik60.jpg http://www.greensmilies.com/smile/smiley_emoticons_unknownauthor_lady.gif
  16. How to answer unanswerable questions without bottled preconceptions - the hypothesis, born out of fantasy, grown up as scenario by milky faith, sold as 'truth'? Whoever wins such discourse, certainly by means of a better developed rhetoric, logic and mind will lose, cos in the end we just know that we actually know nothing. Let us thus always start with "Let's say, just hypothetically, that..." or alike.
  17. You have the backbone to grasp the mantle, right? Cool - cos I need a name when I have to wobble across the steppe with a war club in my hands... :tongue:
  18. ...which would directly lead to the above mentioned club-aided clan wars :thumbsup: Guess we'll have only one choice in the run-up to the 60s: Blue or Red Pill ? http://www.greensmilies.com/smile/smiley_emoticons_unknownauthor_lady.gif
  19. That is meant with 'the sequence of events'. Reference system remains the earth and our solar system - til we make an exodus in space ...
  20. The stage of quality in measuring time as the sequence of events and thus as a momentous 'priestly control system' of the ancient to bring a social group in line, is almost useless even for an ancient agricultural society based upon moon-aided crop rotation, if one has no events at hand to fill past time sequences chronologically - the proof of authority - with legends, myth and lore, the names and deeds of the ancestors (knowledge we've almost completely lost, cos who among you still knows the name of his grand-grandfather and his job?). Only if one has such important information then a backdated chronology of the members of the group behind the measuring system appears - their historical 'sitz-im-leben', their history within history. Not easy for us today to find correlations to datable events known to us to date a group of the past and their actions precisely, with a chronological aberration of one generation we have to reckon, as for instance in the case of the Jewish 'fundamentalists' behind the Dead Sea Scrolls. You see - the knowledge of time (and time-related events) is an all-important instrument for those who once aimed at social control, of the present, the future as well as of the past history of man. Today it is probably adequate to buy a Swiss watch with balance spring to know for whom the bell tolls... http://www.greensmilies.com/smile/smiley_emoticons_unknownauthor_lady.gif
  21. Ho amnis!

    Yup - Kontakt hergestellt. Das Problen soll für Images ab dem 22/3 gelöst sein. Davor ist leider Pech (oder Eigenverschulden des Voters) angesagt. Der Test meines Bildes war ziemlich umfang- und aufschlussreich. So sind alle 11 Voter Ip-mässig nicht miteinander verwandt *g*

    Ich bin froh, daß dieses Bild nun stabil in der Präsentation ist - mehr hab ich ja auch nicht erhofft.

  22. Ho amnis!

    Yup - Kontakt hergestellt. Das Problen soll für Images ab dem 22/3 gelöst sein. Davor ist leider Pech (oder Eigenverschulden des Voters) angesagt. Der Test meines Bildes war ziemlich umfang- und aufschlussreich. So sind alle 11 Voter Ip-mässig nicht miteinander verwandt *g*

    Ich bin froh, daß dieses Bild nun stabil in der Präsentation ist - mehr hab ich ja auch nicht erhofft.

  23. Thanks to LHammonds and Dark0ne my last image (no.4 here) moves again. Three of four ratings remain lost, but who cares? I'm happy with the result :)

    Dutch squiredom rulez! OK - with a little help by Pushkatu and support by my friends *g*

    Thank you, I love all y'all!

  24. Dear Dark0ne, Conc. the problem - the mine (before 03/22) is now sufficiently known. Oh - I've actually addressed the counter, not a member of the staff, I'm so sorry. Can you forgive a woman the faux pas - e.g. the ironical use of an Avatar proverb? http://www.greensmilies.com/smile/smiley_emoticons_unknownauthor_lady.gif
  25. First of all, thanks for the reaction. No - I don't think that the staff would ever read threads without any reason. I had already twice reported the problem incl. the link in the report section with email address and code prompt, first to the dbase section and then to feedback. Now, I guess the guys who have rated are no newbies, they themselves have this problem from time to time. All we can say is: Appears it more than one time in a single thread, which surely happens mere randomly, then you can count for more, the error accumulates. One of these flops we accept already, for it happens too often, by means of whatever. But a 'Full House' or somethin is no longer amusing for not part of a fair play, as we understand it - and we're indeed playing... a fun contest. Anyway! Where is the correct thread link for us if this happens again? I've simply followed a friendly hint given by Pushkatu in the hope that it would be the correct one. And again - thanks for your help! _Anne aka Surenas
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