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Everything posted by ninja_lord666

  1. There are no Morag Tong assassins in Oblivion... :glare: With DLC Mehrune's Razor. ;) We've pretty much established that we're only talking about Vanilla Oblivion, because not everyone has whatever mod is being mentioned, like that one. In may be official, but I, and many others, would rather not pay five dollars for a mod that's not even close to being as good as what you can get for free.
  2. There are no Morag Tong assassins in Oblivion... :glare:
  3. The bunnies charge after jojo and jump into the water. However, the lake is filled with rabid snow bunny eating turtles of chocolaty goodness. Back in his Fortress of Doom and Cookies but Mostly Doom, Ninja decides a new tactic. He sends his rabid snow bunny eating turtles of chocolaty goodness eating doom snakes of high cholesterol to invade the lake and eat all the rabid snow bunny eating turtles of chocolaty goodness. Ninja then leaves, assuming everything goes as planned, to inspect the construction of his Giant Death Laser of Mass Destruction.
  4. Lo, despite jojo's impressive hunting skills, not even he can take out millions of rabid snow bunnies and is soon overcome by their sheer ferocity.
  5. Ninja watches everyone fight phantoms of their imagination from his throne in the Ice Fortress. "What's with all these crazies, lately?" he wonders aloud. Ninja then pushes a few more buttons on his Ninja Control Panel. Suddenly, the snow near jojo man begins rising, forming a hill, small at first but steadily growing. When the hill is fully six times his height, the top bursts open like a volcano and millions of rabid snow bunnies pour out and attack everything in sight.
  6. OOC: Yeah...um...do you know what narration is? I was narrating. The character, Ninja, is safe in his fortress. Also, it wasn't Ninja who broke you, that was the Great Old One, Himself, Cthulhu. You chose a bad name; no one can take Cthulhu's name. IC: Unfortunately for chesto, his hallucinations are just that: hallucinations.
  7. What happens next is quite unexpected, really. This 'Old One' suddenly gazes upon the face of madness, terror strikes him as no other. For there can only be one Great Old One, and this impostor is not Him. His mind snaps; his grip on reality dissolves. He is left standing in the snow, a gibbering mess. Paranoia floods his newly opened mind until he cannot trust even himself. Fear wraps itself around his heart until the very things he once loved are now frightful. Doubt is cast upon his thoughts until the most basic of objects now seem foreign and eldritch. This 'Old One', this madman, sees a fleeting glimpse of something in the snow and runs in terror, screaming about imminent death, attacking anything standing before him.
  8. Freud...going to start a mother-hating crusade, are you? :P
  9. "OOO! A new playmate! I shall have much fun with this one, I think," Ninja said with anticipation as newt entered in the Snow Arena. He grinned evilly as he pushed a button on his Ninja Control Panel to bring up his Ninja Control Panel. After thinking about what he should do for several minutes, Ninja came up with a wondrous idea and pushed the button on his chair to conjure up a giant snowstorm. Within the next several posts, the Snow Arena will begin being covered in a thick layer of s-------eginning with this pos------------e and everything will be fl--------------------ite scour---------------------! Run while y--------------------------med by th-------------------------- de-- Moderator edit: Don't hold a key down to make a point, it screws up the forum display. Buddah
  10. Apparently, being a god doesn't include reading, for Ninja never killed Slyther, just banished him from the Snow Arena. Gods may not be able to be killed, but anyone can banish a god. Ninja sits in his Ninja Fortress of Doom and Cookies but Mostly Doom waiting for Freddy to make his move.
  11. Ninja, having one level of ranger class, has a favoured enemy which happens to be Favoured Enemy: Slyther. Ninja grins because he has a +1 damage bonus which, being multiplied by his class feat Ninja Awesomeness, is actually a +300 damage bonus. He then Ninja Teleports behind Slyther and back stabs him with a Ninja Sneak Attack. There is no hope for survival. Slyther is hit so hard, that he is knocked out of the Snow Arena forever.
  12. exactly. Whenever I do DB quests, I learn not to talk to him, because when I do kill him, I just feel guilty about it... :confused: The Dark Brotherhood is a guild of cold blooded sadistic murderers. If you feel anything but "he died too quickly," you do not belong there. Oblivion butchers the Dark Brotherhood, wussifies them.
  13. "By the gods! Not...not snowcrabs! A ninja's only...wait...ninja's don't have any weaknesses. Whatever." Ninja used his Ninja Musical Talent to play the piccolo he had just stolen. However, the magic seemed to be with Freddy and not the instrument, so Ninja only succeeded in playing the best piccolo performance known to man. So, Ninja crushed the piccolo to dust and Ninja Teleported to safety in his Ninja Fortess of Doom and Cookies but Mostly Doom. Just then, however, he remembered... "D*** it! Ninjas don't have any weaknesses! I just Ninja Teleported for nothing! Whatever..." Ninja used his Ninja Booming Voice of Plot Devices to speak/shout to/at Freddy despite being miles and miles away, "YOU WIN THIS ROUND, FREDDY, BUT I WILL RETURN! MARK MY WORDS. I WILL RETURN..."
  14. Actually, it was five, but that's beside the point. Just then the donkey spoke, "Ah ha! I am not a donkey, I'm horse." He then stood up and unzipped his donkey costume revealing a horse. "But I'm not really a horse either; I'm a dog." *unzip* "I'm not a dog at all, though; I'm your mother." *unzip* "I'm afraid to say, I'm not even your mother; I'm Bill Clinton." *unzip* "I did not have sexual relations with that woman...I mean, I'm not Bill Clinton; I'm Ninja." *unzip* *Ninja Sneak Attack!*
  15. I wouldn't say it's redundant in the same way that I'm sure you wouldn't say it's redundant that you keep doing everything with music. Though, I guess I'll lighten up on it a bit... Unfortunately for Freddy, Ninja has a Ninja-Anit-Anti-Snow Field of Anti-Snow and Ninja-Anti Snow Repulsion. The anti-snow rocket bounces harmlessly away. However, once the anti-snow rocket touched the snow covered ground, the anti-snow and the snow reacted violently destroying both and blowing up everything within 40 miles...except Ninja who Ninja Teleported to a spot exactly 40.1 miles away. Ninja then used his Ninja Powers of Impossibility to instantly create his Ninja Fortress of Doom and Cookies but Mostly Doom. He then sat on his Ninja Throne and ate a Ninja Candy Bar.
  16. Ninja's Ninja Intuition pops up and warns Ninja of the oncoming snow. He Ninja Dodges the snowball then throws a flurry of Ninja Snowballs at the attacker. He uses Ninja Telekinesis to send the giant snowball back to where is came from. He Ninja Intimidates the giant snowball sending it flying back in fear to where it came from. He Ninja Kicks the snowball sending it back to where it came from. He casts Ninja Shield which conjures up a pale blue sphere to form around him that the large snowball bounces off of and flies back to where it came from. After that, Ninja continues to Ninja Scan the horizon for possible targets.
  17. *SMACK* Ninja gets hit in the back of the head and falls face down. "What in the--!?" He says getting up and Ninja Rubbing his head. Ninja turns around and sees a giant pop-up, "BY MORE CHICKEN!" "D*** ads..." Ninja grumbles under his breath. Ninja begins Ninja Building a small snow barrier along with a pile of snow balls. He then activates his Ninja Infrared Vision and scans the horizon for possible targets. He sees someone walking ad holding four circular object. Smirking, Ninja picks up a snow ball, turns it into a Ninja Snowball, and Ninja Throws it with accurate precision almost twelve miles away at the victim.
  18. Ninja then Ninja Time Traveled to ten minutes ago. He made a Ninja PB&J Sandwich which he placed on a table. Then, after Ninja Returning to his normal time, Ninja Ninja Killed the Ninja PB&J Sandwich and Ninja Ate it. That was a good sandwich.
  19. Crazy roadies were everywhere! Ninja couldn't do anything, lest he be pummeled to a scratch. Ah, but he had an idea, a great idea, a Ninja Idea. He quickly Ninja Coerced all the insane roadies and turned them into Ninja Crazed Roadies. Ninja then gave a Ninja Order to them all and they Ninja Swarmed Freddy's new fortress. Ninja stood back and let out an evil Ninja Laugh.
  20. Again, Ninja's Ninja Dodging ability kicks in, and he dodges the ice sword. He also Ninja Parries Freddy's attack and knocks the icicle to the ground. At the same time, he uses his Ninja Stealth to steal the sword from Freddy. And just then, the sword shatters in Freddy's hands from the Ninja Aura of Awesomeness. Ninja then performs a Ninja Kick at the back of Freddy's legs causing him to drop the blade. Ninja then grabs it up and Ninja Attacks Freddy. Ninja then picks up the now fallen sword and Ninja Attacks Freddy. With the icicle now in Ninja's possession, he Ninja Attacks Freddy. Ninja then uses his Ninja Forging technique to instantly fix the broken sword, after which he uses it to Ninja Attack Freddy.
  21. Ninja, using his Ninja Dodging, easily dodges the ice and, with his Ninja Reflexes, easily catches the ice, thereby defying the laws of physics by both dodging and catching the same piece of ice. Ninja then picks up the ice he just dodged and hurls it along with the same ice he just caught at Freddy.
  22. Ron Paul, having very little power, was easily crushed by the other candidates, Clinton, McCain, and Obama. However, due to other circumstances, they were each killed: Hilary by her husband, McCain by a lobbyist, and Obama by a preacher. The Mantle of America lay empty, no one to claim it. No one cares, though, because this isn't the Political Arena! *Ninja throws a snowball at Freddy.*
  23. My worst? When I killed Bellamont, because I knew that was the last person I was going to kill for the Brotherhood. :(
  24. Liches and zombies are one thing, but this? This is not right. You get a gift: http://i154.photobucket.com/albums/s245/ninja_lord666/epic_failure.gif
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