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Everything posted by ninja_lord666

  1. I have no idea. It was probably an ill-placed random monster spawn.
  2. This is why Snow Ninja chose the plumbing. His body may be all but gone, but his spirit remains as long as there is a single flake of snow left. Snow Ninja focused his powers, cooling the water, eventually freezing it. The coldness spread throughout the pipes, and all that water that flooded in was turned to snow. Freddy and the ninja mudcrab charged Terminator but were interrupted by a giant stalagmite of ice shooting up through the floor. More ice spires shot up everywhere around the shi, even the exterior, turning it into a porcupine outside, and a maze inside. One of the ice shoots smacked right into the ship's main control panel. The power to the ship severed shutting down all electricity, shutting off the engines, and shutting off the shields. In a matter of seconds, however, the energy was back on, only, this time, the Retribution had been infiltrated by the essence of Snow Ninja, it became Snow Ninja. The Retribution's exterior doors flew wide open sucking out everything not nailed down into the void of space Freddy, the ninja mudcrab, and Terminator were hurled out the door along with all the ship's crew. The doors then sealed, and the ship turned and shot off towards a different corner of the universe. Edit: Remove the parts mentioning Freddy and the ninja mudcrab, Terminator killed them before I finished the post.
  3. It says in the official guide that the player can cast slowfall on him and save him. That means that a lot of people probably tried it and probably succeeded.
  4. An Island east of Mzahnch; careful, though, he's indistinguishable from normal mudcrabs. You don't want to kill him, right? Also, he only buys weapons, armour, and potions.
  5. The Retribution stayed in space, hidden from all, for several months. However, supplies became scarce, so they sent a smaller pod to a nearby planet of Hoth to resupply. The pod landed in the middle of a large blizzard. After gathering the necessary supplies, they tried to start up the pod again, but the engine had frozen over. The storm was letting up, so they decided to just wait it out and try to defrost the engine. A couple hours later, the snow was all but over. They opened the door to check up the engine, but just as they did that, a pile of snow formed into Snow Ninja right in front of them. He quickly slew everyone. Snow Ninja then called the ice off the engine and blasted back towards Retribution. Thinking nothing had happened to his crew, Terminator let the pod back on. The pod door opened and crewmen came aboard to take the supplies off, but found no one there. Snow Ninja leaked out the back end and made his way into the ship's plumbing undetected.
  6. A missile from the Jefferson Starship flew through space smacking into the Retribution. It exploded into a burst of snow. causing almost no damage. The snow then, slowly at first, erupted into a swirling wind. The gusts became closer and closer together packing into a tiny snow ball. As more missiles from the Jefferson Starship fired towards the Retribution, the exploding snow particles became absorbed by the snow ball. After enough missiles, the snow ball was now 4' in diameter. It attached itself to the side of the Retribution. The snow ball rolled around on the surface until finding a small vent. The snow shoved itself through. Inside the Retribution, a couple patrol guards stood confused as snow began leaking into the ship. When all the snow was through, it reformed itself but this time not as a sphere. The snow formed into Snow Ninja. The guards were about to scream for help when they were quickly silenced by two ice darts which quickly melted. Snow Ninja fell apart into a pile of snow and crawled up the wall, entering into an air duct.
  7. Yeah, those things are pretty bad, mainly because they can still kill you at a high level! :ohmy: Also, they remind me a lot of Cthulhu...who is quite scary, too.
  8. The Talking Mudcrab Merchant? He's not so unusual; even M'Aiq knows about him... However, the shield as a weapon thing...That's not right. You don't happen to have a screen shot of that do you? :D
  9. The Jesus Ring: constant effect water walking.
  10. I made this one item I forgot to mention, not a weapon, but still a great enchantment: an exquisite ring with constant effect restore fatigue 24 points. Suffice to say, I always have max fatigue, always. :D I also made a paired ring along with it: another exquisite ring with constant effect restore health 4 points. It's not as good as the first one, but it's still unmeasurably helpful.
  11. We're done with that story now, Slyther. Besides, Ninja Lord is in his realm now.
  12. Personally, I just want to focus on the new story; let's forget about the old one if that's ok with the both of you. Ninja Lord returns to the Sphere of Awesomeness to rule over the ninjas once again. Upon his return, he finds that his young nephew, Snow Ninja, had already entered the Snow Arena. This was to be his test. If Snow Ninja could prevail, he'd become the heir to the Sphere of Awesomeness...not that Ninja Lord could ever die. ;D
  13. Clouds gather over the fortress, now complete. A slight snow begins falling. Freddy watches the tranquility through a window. "Maybe it was nothing," he says thinking about the sphere. He notices that the snow is falling faster now than it was just a few minutes ago. The snow continues falling faster, harder, and in larger volumes until everything is completely whited out...everything but the faint silhouette of someone standing outside, that is. The snow is now so fast it's ripping holes through the fortress walls, like a machine gun through a sheet of paper. In a matter of seconds, the fortress is reduced to a pile of rubble and everyone in it shredded. Miraculously, Freddy survived, because, if he didn't, Snow Ninja would be too powerful for the Snow Arena. :P As soon as the snow came, it was gone. Freddy looked to where the silhouette had been before, but it was gone, too.
  14. Understand this, gods are not invulnerable, not necessarily. In fact, the only god that actually is invulnerable is the Christian/Muslim/Jewish god. All other gods are vulnerable: Greek/Roman, Egyptian, Norse, Celtic, etc. And yes, you are very much ruining the arena. As far as your 'movie' is concerned, it's completely biased. Also, it's waaay too loud. I had my speakers down to the lowest setting and it was still too loud. Freddy looks out over the vast field of snow from the top* of his partially complete fortress. Some distance away, he notices a small black sphere that he could have sworn was not there before. The sphere's gravity rapidly increases absorbing the nearby snow. As it consumes said snow, the sphere gets larger and begins to distort it's shape. The black sphere eventually takes the appearance of a ninja but has no contrast whatsoever, thereby looking like the shadow of a ninja. Colour begins to enter into the figure giving it visible depth. Snow Ninja has arrived. Snow Ninja, despite being made of snow and pure concentrated evil, looks just like a normal ninja. Snow Ninja dissolves into the surrounding snow. Where he's bound for, no one knows. *top as in the highest point so far
  15. Ooo! How do you like them!? :biggrin: I love Lovecraft! I'm currently reading the Vex Inventor's Guide... :whistling:
  16. You people act as though TES is the only fantasy rpg game out there! There are tons of multiplayer games already in existence. Personally, I like that one company is actually making a fully single player game. I congratulate Bethesda on their uniqueness.
  17. None of them are scary, not in the least. If you want scary, play Silent Hill or Fatal Frame. Now that's scary. However, I absolutely hate the cliff racers and slaughter fish both. Whenever I step anywhere, there are half a dozen cliff racers chasing me, and whenever I go in water, there are about two dozen slaughter fish charging me. I wish they both would just disappear!
  18. Obviously you don't understand math... This means that Ninjas are better than gods, ... ...and this means that I'm even better than normal Ninjas. You can't ban someone better than you. Due to his error in logic, Slyther accomplishes nothing. Ninja opens a Ninja Portal into his realm in the Sphere of Awesomeness. An army of Ninjas Ninja Appear and all collectively Ninja Attack Slyther. Faced by the innumerable Ninjas, Slyther gets Ninja Pulverised. With his destruction, Slyther's realm implodes. The Ninjas and Ninja, himself, survive and return to the Sphere of Awesomeness.
  19. Foolish little god. Do you not know math? (God + Stealth) * Awesomeness = Ninja Ninja² + |666/0| = Ninja Lord Ninja creates a Ninja Time Rip to go back in time three posts. He then Ninja Kicks the Mudcrab Emporer as he's coming through the portal sending him right back. Before Slyther can announce the Mudcrabs banning, he's smacked in the face with said Mudcrab. Ninja then uses Ninja Magic to re-enlarge the Mudcrab Emporer to his normal size.
  20. Ninja quickly Ninja Heals and stands up uninjured. He then opens a Ninja Portal into this "real world" and Ninja Attacks Slyther. Slyther is caught off guard, but manages to dodge the Ninja Attack...mostly. Ninja's foot hits Slyther right in the head breaking his left arm.
  21. Just then, a mysterious figure Ninja Appears. He Ninja Kicks Imperial Chuck. The vulnerable Imperial aspect falls victim to the deadly Ninja Attack, and Imperial Chuck dies in agony. Ninja waits for more prey.
  22. Morrowind has exploding arrows; Morrowind has an official plug-in devoted to exploding arrows.
  23. So, you're saying that Bethesda will preform the, as yet, impossible procedure of cloning, then mail the new clone in an inhumane box to us to be our own personal slave?
  24. How, exactly, is Bethesda supposed to give us modders?
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