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Everything posted by ZeroKing

  1. Then use the Contact Us button below to get in touch with the site owner, Robin Scott. He's the only one who handles financial matters on NexusMods.
  2. It's something only Steam can handle. If you don't have the Steam key or the account that the copy of Skyrim was bought for, then you'll have to purchase a copy of Skyrim again.
  3. The red channel controls metallic/chrome reflection (akin to environment masking in Skyrim). The green channel controls specularity (similar to how Skyrim handles it). The blue channel controls subsurface scattering (somewhat like the subscattering in Skyrim, but it's incorrectly rendered in Fallout 4 according to the render target).
  4. Use the "Contact Us" below to get in touch with the site owner.
  5. Healing spells make use of different properties in the mesh itself, with the texture acting as a glow map only. You'll need to extract the meshes for magic effect (meshes\effect) and analyze how they work (for instance, the glow is dictated by the color of the effect shader). Likewise, most effect textures are aptly located in (textures\effects).
  6. It's hidden by a moderator. You have to wait until the mod's been investigated.
  7. You still need to clean the master files, as suggested by alt3rn1ty.
  8. It happens to me every time the end of the month arrives.
  9. The female one? It's Demon Hunter Armour.
  10. Just use BSAopt and extract them from your Skyrim - Meshes.bsa and Skyrim - Textures.bsa files.
  11. Get in direct contact with a moderator. Give proof, links, images, etc. They should be able to resolve the problem.
  12. All normal maps need specular (including landscape textures), since the updated engine make use of the alpha channel now. The texture format seems to be the same (it's not the BC3 or BC5 compression, that's for sure).
  13. It's still 255 .esp/.esm file limit. Just because Skyrim SE is 64-bit doesn't mean that it will support hex FFFF word size, because the engine has to have the registers for it as well. Since the Creation Engine is still an overly-developed Gamebryo Engine, it never got updated with a new hex register. It's not broken, and it'll likely not be updated (see Fallout 4's similar condition).
  14. DX11 doesn't mean tessellation will be supported. The engine has to support the rendering as well. The Creation Engine, which is still an in-house derivation of Gamebyro, doesn't support tessellation (it only support parallax, but through API rendering only).
  15. Use the "Contact Us" button below to get in touch with the site owner, Dark0ne. He handles all payment and membership inquiries.
  16. Normal maps for landscape textures need a specular layer in the alpha channel. Lack of that specular layer causes the excessive shine (no alpha channel means the engine assumes it's a white layer, and white is 100% shine).
  17. You don't just "convert" a game to a different architecture. First, you need the source code, which is owned by Bethesda Game Studios. Second, you need to redesign the draw call and render target systems for the engine to work on that new architecture. That's on a whole new level of programming, completely different from just modding a game. Third, field-testing the renewed engine prior to converting game assets to this new game requires a lot of compute hardware (not the game as gaming hardware). Again, something nearly no mod author (and practically no average user) has the hardware or time for it. Fourth, distribution of that converted game is illegal (like any proprietary software), since the game (engine, assets, code) is still Bethesda's. Plus, the particular Gamebryo engine that Skyrim and Fallout 4 (Creation Engine) is the property of Gamebase USA, which has exclusive licensing agreement with Bethesda, so you can goodbye to any publicly-released converted games.
  18. Ok, yeah. Armatures are not actually supported in Blender 2.7+ yet. Try using, say, Outfit Studio or Mesh Rigger to rig and weight your mesh. I used Mesh Rigger to add comparable weight paints and then in Outfit Studio for precision stuff. I do mesh shape editing in Blender only. Something happened with Blender, ever since it was moved to Python 3.4 (I know it's actually harder to work with the newer Python releases, your example is one of them).
  19. Curious: what's the error you're getting? Bad bone export? Blender 2.7's nif exporter scripts are still at the alpha-dev stage. Perhaps you could fix the bone weights or add it in differently?
  20. Makes no difference. When you export with your skeleton and mesh rigged together, Blender 2.6 (and newer) saves them as they were imported. Now you do need to re-edit the details for the BSLightingShaderProperty (and etc), because it just saves the texture path and a generic BSLightingShaderProperty subset. You can do that in either Nifskope or in Blender itself; I find easier just to copy-paste the BSLightingShaderProperty block from the original .nif to the newly-exported .nif file.
  21. I tried this a while ago, and it worked: http://beyondskyrim.org/2016/04/24/exporting-blender-2-7-skyrim/ I just grabbed the Nif Exporter, added it to Blender, and set it up; don't bother with the whole NifUtilSuite stuff. The only problem is that Blender 2.7+ doesn't seem to save my settings, so I have to export manually (by selecting Skyrim as the game during the export process every time). I also referred to this forum for troubleshooting the export process (where I found out that you need to set Skyrim as the game during export): http://niftools.sourceforge.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=38&t=5988
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