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Everything posted by ZeroKing

  1. The "Report" and "Share" buttons should be placed next to the "Track" and "Vote" buttons. The font for the short description of the mods being displayed on the main page should not be so transparent. A more solid colour helps, to better contrast with the background image of the mod being displayed. Given that multiple file sizes are available for some of the mods, it's best not to display them on the main page. It should be restricted to the download sections only.
  2. When you try to go to the Nexus profile via the forums, it directs to (in my example): https://www.nexusmods.com/games/users/2327456. Whereas, the current url (in my example) should be: https://www.nexusmods.com/users/2327456.
  3. Re-verify your game cache via Steam. Also, give us more details. What is your PC configurations? Operating system? Drivers?
  4. Windows 10 means only 4GB of VRAM available for DX9 applications, for any GPUs that you use. Microsoft acknowledged the issue some time ago: https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimmods/comments/6k58mf/dx9_4gb_memory_issue_should_be_fixed_in_new/
  5. Z-fighting was never fixed to begin to with. Unless you create an engine that does away with the problem, it won't be fixed. Skyrim SE is just using a rehased DX11 version of the Creation Engine.
  6. Use tags to block translation mods.
  7. Either there has been no permissions obtained, original mod author is absent or doesn't have time, people aren't interested, people don't have time, it's currently on-going..... take your pick. Perhaps you could ask the mod author if they are porting it, or is willing to give permission to someone else to port it, eh?
  8. You'll be better off using the 'Contact Us' button below to get in touch with the site owner. He personally handles financial matters.
  9. Console commands aren't really the way to enable the marriage feature on NPCs (some NPCs can't ever get married to you due to dialogue/quests/scripts). Now, if you have the Creation Kit, you could try to enable it. This tutorial is for custom followers, but you can apply the logic to an already-available NPC.
  10. Assuming you're talking about "Skyrim: Special Edition", then this is the forums where you would discuss and request things https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/forum/4065-skyrim-special-edition-mod-requests/
  11. Can be fixed with this: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/84407/?
  12. It's better to use the "Contact Us" button below to get in touch with the administration directly regarding your issue.
  13. Finally, someone gets it, food analogy a bonus. Though now, I'm quite hungry.
  14. You were given a formal warning already, on top of being blocked by the mod author: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/5693187-croc123-formal-warning-issued/&do=findComment&comment=50676372
  15. *pokes* Hello!
    1. Lisnpuppy


      HAI!!! Sorry for my late reply. Been out of town seeing Wild and Wonderful West Virginia with Mackenzie. Hope you and yours are all good!?!?!?!


  16. If it's for personal use only, then by all means you're allowed to do so. If you're going to release the mod to the public, you require the mod author's permission. Just because Bethesda has new permission requirements for porting between the old and new versions of Skyrim doesn't mean you can release a ported mod that belong to another mod author without permission (unless they exercise open-source or that they gave personal permission).
  17. You'd be best listing (under a spoiler) your mod list. Having a lot of mods, which are not properly sorted for loading is bad. As well, do you use outdated mods? Broken mods, perhaps? Do you use the Unofficial Skyrim patches? Perhaps your save files are also broken. Did you use console commands for quest advancements? You should not have, if you already did. As well, what are your hardware specs? Black textures indicate low VRAM availability. Purple textures indicate missing texture files and/or corrupted texture files.
  18. This is absolutely amazing stuff, mate. Good work! I'll see if I can promote your content on my mod pages.
  19. There are rules, and you're expected to follow them. Use the Contact Us button to get in contact with the site owner if you believe you've been wronged by a moderator.
  20. It works just fine for me. Perhaps get in touch with a moderator if the report doesn't work, could be a temporary glitch.
  21. Perhaps you should've read more into the situation before asking, but here's the short run: ask and read the Terms of Use of that mod author first. This entire situation boils down to just that. Big businesses have legal teams. Sometimes they win, sometimes they lose. It's not a criminal trial, so you have every recourse to be able to read the Terms of Use as well as how Fair Use actually works. Don't drag yourself into this mess, it's bad enough as it is. The limits that exist with regards to that content resides with the original content creator (and the counter-limits that exist with the basic court defense of Fair Use). Each content creator and/or publisher has their own Terms of Use (permissible under copyright law, up to a reasonable limit), hence why you applying the case in such a broad fashion isn't the way to go. Read up on what content you are reviewing or dealing with, what that content's (and author's) Terms you are agreeing to, what your rights and responsibilities are (be it within those Terms as well as self-defense claims and fundamental rights), and ask for permission with that content provider should you don't want to end up like what's happened here. The crux of the entire fun-bag here is that one person supposedly breached the Terms of Use of another with regarding to monetized Youtube videos. You'll find most people are fine with you discussing content, even uploading your own pictures of said content (transformative or not). Be informed by actually and acitvely communicating with the content provider. Asking them with regards to Youtube content that you share there isn't that difficult, but applying that same logic for most other stuff (your own images of said content, text descriptions and typed reviews) is an extreme given that it's not what some/most mod authors here have problems with and would likely consent to freely (perhaps I'm wrong about that).
  22. Uploading a monetized video displaying certain content is what's being argued here. Don't start to apply the case to other situations that are wholly unrelated to the case itself. This was a case of a mod author arguing her Terms of Use was being breached when a Youtuber uploaded a monetized video without respecting the Terms of Use, who is using Fair Use as a right (wherein it's a court decision as a self-defense). Hyperbolic application of a case isn't smart.
  23. The hair reminds me of Galadriel (LOTR).
  24. Normally, that would mean that either your load order was not properly set or you have/had mod conflicts.
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