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Posts posted by RZ1029

  1. Hey guys... I heard that there were some pirates in Somalia. Why don't we go delete all the DNS entries that lead to the--- oh... wrong kind.


    Anyways, even with the original DNS thing in the bill, you can STILL get to the website, no problem. Just use the IP address. No more www.google.com, just use (my local Google server). It won't ruin the internet, just re-structure it. Instead of having the pirates, the lolcat-ers, the youtube-ites, and the forum trolls, you'll have pirates... and the odd knitting forum, so long as they don't link to any sort of copyright knitting pattern from a major knitting corporation.


    Essentially all you'll do is categorize harmless users as pirates, who'll continue doing what they've been doing for eons: Whatever the - they want to. On the internet, you're not a person, you're a number. Around town, you're known as or something of the likes. Around the world? Who knows, between DHCP, proxy servers, MAC spoofing, etc. you can be anyone, anywhere.


    In a way, I almost wish this bill would pass, if nothing but for the fact that people would have to become more computer-savvy to continue their cat video perusing and the such.


    However, I do take issue with handing over the reigns to corporations and being like 'Yep... have at it guys'. We already have the Digital Millennium Copyrights Act from back in... 98? I think. It provides all that the company needs to handle SERIOUS cases of copyright infringement. Sure, you can't hit every little thing, because it's the friggen internet, for every website you take down, six pop up. You target the major issues and cut your losses on the rest. I'll feel sorry for Hollywood losing money when they quit clearing record numbers at box offices.


    TL;DR (aka, the Call of Duty Explanation)--


    STFU and GTFO, Hollywood. QQ moar.

  2. Because killing people is so much more effective then informing the masses.

    Welcome to the dark side. Have an AK.


    Seriously though, 99% of these great dangers lurking in our closets are hardly the issue that people make them out to be. Internet censorship is almost impossible in the US, due to the way our system is topographically laid out. And we all know the military lacks the coordination to launch a well enough timed attack to take down every ISP simultaneously before some facebook-hugger posts all about it. The easiest method would be software blocking, instead of actually cutting the hard lines. And, as any good computer nerd knows, they can make walls, but we shall dig tunnels, and we can dig far faster than they can build.


    Totally. not. worried. Now, they come and try and take my AK... there will be blood. (In all likelihood, it'll be mine, but I'll take at least one or two of 'em with me.)

  3. I found your problem. I forgot to throw in my two cents. I'm sure you'll all clearly agree with me after this, but it'll take a minute.


    For Governmentization:

    Please show me one successful socialist/communist/etc. nation that has ever existed for more than perhaps twenty years without falling to pieces. (No. Britain does not count. Do see most of the former Soviet Bloc countries, and their current KGB-run status.)


    For NRA Members, and Others Like Them:

    Care for a beer later? I'll buy. After that, we can begin to address the issue of Humans. Namely, their inherent greed and stupidity. Afterwards, we can all sign a murder-suicide pact in which we agree to purge the world of any irrational, greedy, overly-generous, intelligent, stupid, overly rational, patriotic, un-patriotic, pro-life, pro-abortion, pro-gay-marriage, anti-gay-marriage, socialists, communists, anarchists, conservatives, rebels, goths, overly-happy people, depressed people, and pretty much anyone else we can find, before we shoot ourselves, assuming we don't commit suicide by cop first in our rampage.


    Did you miss me?

  4. All I can say is, if this passes, I can be reached at [email protected], I'll gladly give you detailed in instructions on how to bypass any sort of filters and blocks that they attempt to impose, including a crash-course in ethical(?) hacking.


    That being said, I find it unlikely it will pass. It's just like the whole ban-streaming-bill that they had around for all of a week.


    ? being defined as whether or not it would be considered ethical depending upon your definition of ethical. It would be illegal, but if it's against a law that is unconstitutional in the first place, is it really illegal, or just rebellion, for which provisions are clearly laid out in the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence. The latter more than the first, but the first still contains some relevant information.


    EDIT: @Ginnyfizz: I laughed hard at that, because I see an irate Frenchman cursing out some diplomatic whatever before hanging up on him. It doesn't have to make sense, I just saw it in my mind.

  5. I swore I wouldn't do this, but I also swore I'd give up Cheetos's and that hasn't worked out yet, so:


    When you take the money out of a democracy, the democracy loses power. Though Athens had open forums where anyone could speak, and practiced something resembling direct democracy, the only ideas that were ever really passed were those of the rich and powerful. Why? They had the money to make it happen.


    And why can't communism be brought up? In reality I would draw it more akin to socialism, but honestly you're arguing over semantics if you want to get that technical. Even their slogan is something quasi-pro-restribution-of-wealth. The 99% wanting what the 1% got, by whatever means. The irony in that statement is the fact that Occupy Wall Street was started by a Canadian activist group. Yep.


    Also, they still aren't organized, at all. I've found a half-dozen list of 'demands' that the Occupy Wall Street/Occupy Oklahoma/Occupy Mexi-- oh, sorry, that's the ATF, anyways...


    Like I was saying, it's nowhere near organized enough to make that one, clear and loud voice that you have to have in politics today. Coupled with the fact that the 'face' of the Occupy Wall Street movement is some idiot running around with a sign and a Guy Fawkes mask on. I'm totally sure he's qualified to speak on serious matters of congressional importance. Right?





    Really? This isn't 16th century Europe. Nobody's coming to your house in the middle of the night to steal you away, necessitating the need for a mask to maintain anonymity. This is, largely, a generation of people out of college with Liberal Arts degrees, stupidly expensive student loans they were talked into, and nowhere to go.




    This is a little closer to what I see going on. They're clueless.

  6. Occupy Wall Street is a joke.


    They have no organization, at all. When they come up with a coherent manifesto stating the purpose and goals of the Occupy Wall Street 'movement' or whatever they're calling it, I shall respect them as a legitimate political force.

    -> Side note: Try to cut down on the hypocrisy too, that would help.


    Even the Tea Party has better organization than that, and theirs is still pretty poor.


    That is all, have nice day.


    Also, I know a lot of people don't speak English as a first language, but would you please read your posts aloud before you click post. I can't understand a lot of what's been posted lately, which kind of sounds like how I talk when thoroughly wasted.


    EDIT: Also, Police > Protestors any day. Think about who has more to lose if they get caught lying. Nameless protestors wearing stupid masks, or respected officials maintaining the peace? Despite what people seem to think, the world isn't out to get you, there is no Orwellian society, Animal Farm is a book, not your reality.


    Want to change things? Get involved with the government. Go vote, find a lobbyist organization that supports what you think, get involved with them. People say their votes don't count for anything, but they count for even less if you can't be bothered to cast them in the first place. And maybe one voice can't make a difference, but you get one thousand all behind one, coherent and clear message, that voice starts getting some attention, and it builds, and builds, and builds until the boys and girls playing around on the hill hear it.


    I think that covers everything.

  7. Well, I got it back, but I'm loving these answers :thumbsup:


    I got him to respond to me online under a different topic then i asked him wut he was doing later today... he said nothing but homework (so he WILL be home) and then i asked him about it then i went over and got it. idk why he didnt just give it back sooner rather than duck me. lmfao.

    don't let him borrow your car

    nor your girlfriend :rolleyes:

    Car... girlfriend... car.... girlfriend... car... girlfriend.



  8. Most of us are intelligent adults...why should Dark0ne and the Mods mind us like little children?

    Hmmm, that one I think I can answer, and I personally feel pertains well to the topic, as it directly relates to why many threads are being locked, and causing a general decline of the forums.


    I think that Dark0ne and Co. have the right to do so, but not so much the responsibility, as I suspect they have fairly tight standards they would like to hold the forum up to, and make it something worth coming to and joining. If the first thing someone sees is a 'Debates' section full of bickering and immaturity (not that I feel this is the case, just that it would be possible if not moderated), it might turn them off to the site as a whole. I know it would do that to me.


    Otherwise, continue, I'm thoroughly interested to see what others have to say.


    Also, nobody should be taking blame for the decline, as it takes two to get in a pissing match.

  9. "How about just hunting down the drug cartels? Sure Mexico wouldn't like it much, but if we are going to go hunt down terrorists in countries that have nukes without permission, I don't think Mexico will be a problem. "


    Don't you think taking Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California was enough violation of their sovereignty? Think this time we might just want their consent. I can't believe I'm the on proposing moderation this time..lol

    You're getting soft, Aurielius. Load the guns and meet me at the border.

  10. I brought this up before but I will say it again.


    Does anyone think it would be possible to make a legal deal with Mexico to merge them with the states? Would that even be a good idea if it could be done?

    Possible? Totally.


    Good idea? No, no, no and no.


    We're broke, Mexico ain't doing so hot, either. Approximately half of everyone in Mexico lives below the poverty line, compared to less than one-fifth in the US, and we have trouble enough taking care of our own.


    If we bring Mexico into the US, we'd either have to split it up into states, which I suspect will not go over well due to their generally strong sense of nationality, or leave it as the whole Mexico, instantly giving it a very large say-so in all going-ons of the US, due to the large amount of representation in the House, which I suspect won't go over well here at home.


    Also, due to a general 'dislike' expressed by very opinionated 'Southern-Americans', I suspect it won't receive enough support to happen anyways.


    Plus, if it did happen, what good would that do? You now have a massive area of land ran mostly by drug cartels. Are we going to just go in and lock the place down with military force? There's already a massive outcry against the Iraq war, which actually has had extremely low (comparatively speaking) casualties, I'm sure taking military action in a newly-added state would go over brilliantly well.


    There's no up-side to it.

  11. Unrelated Edit: I wonder if the debates section should be split, a section for scientific and logical debate, and a section for people I can ignore...

    Tsk, play nicely now. Just because you don't agree with the way I think doesn't mean you should be bashing me.

    EDIT: @Ghogiel - If you read some of my older posts in threads I actually got into, you'll find I actually argue my points quite well, with a fairly abundant amount of information which is always fact, although I have been known to take it out of context, intentionally.

  12. 3. True, but it will mostly happen in Mexico, smuggling won't be much of a issue if the US has drugs that can be bought legally in the states.

    I don't think you get how gangs work, man. They fight for turf here, in the US, where they deal, which streets they own. Legalizing it wouldn't change a thing about that. They'd just be shooting eachother up for turf rights, here on our turf.

    This topic is about border violence after all, not how to fix Mexico.

    I know.

  13. Legalizing drugs would decrease the violence on our border, as most violence is caused by drug cartels. Legalizing drugs would put the cartels out of a job, and therefore the violence on the border will be severely reduced.


    1) Prove it.

    2) I disagree.

    3) Out of a job? I think not. It just makes their jobs easier. The cartels, they don't fight cops near as often as they fight each other. So now they'll just be shooting each other up in the streets for turf. They aren't about to buy a storefront when they're already wanted for all these other crimes they've committed, robbery, murder, extortion, etc.

  14. I don't understand the point of them, so I see them as being useless. I don't want to watch the life of some drunks/loud-mouths/divas thrown all over national television while they wander around ruining their own lives making absurd amounts of money in the process.


    I'll just say I've never had a deep, philosophical debate with someone who watches "Jersey Shore" with any regularity.

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