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Posts posted by RZ1029

  1. My question is how does a civilian get his hand on a select fire I know for a fact that they were all made after 1986.

    A lot of tax money, the ATF, about a dozen background checks, and a friend on Capitol Hill.


    Welcome to America, my friend, where you can get anything you want if you're willing to pay the price.


    EDIT: Also... not exactly entirely civilian, but that's beside the point.

  2. I use DVD at the moment because where I live the internet connection is pretty sad, and can be unreliable at times, so using Steam with any regularity can get frustrating at times, while my DVD drive is tried and true (knock on wood...).
  3. What sort of light you have, Tougeninja?


    Also, I'm rather enjoying this thread, a combination of humor, good advice, and interesting stories.


    And I'm curious what your thoughts are on the H&K 416? 5.56 with a 16" barrel. It's got a select-fire, legally owned and registered and such, but I've thought about trading it/selling it to get something else. I mostly use it to blow off steam, though I won't deny I've popped a deer or two with it before.


    Other than that, I own a fairly good collection, I like to think I know a bit about guns, but I'm far from an expert. Wanna-be military, since I couldn't get in when I was 18, and a decent family history of firearms, from military service to a retired gunsmith.

  4. Russia Today have had some people on suggesting it could be a trap, the rebels could be stuck with their backs to the sea and no air cover. It's a risky strategy but Gaddafi must be getting desperate.

    At least they're better armed, now. They have AT weapons and such because they raided some armory of the Libyan secret service or something like that. Don't remember the details, my brain's slightly shot today.

  5. The problem with your logic is that the Native Americans/Indians/whatever never considered themselves the owners of the land to begin with. So... people pretty much just claimed land that people were squatting on, then cleared them out in a brutal and violent way.
  6. I wouldn't hold an opinion I don't think is right, and without solid proof behind my thinking. Therefor, in my mind, I am correct and have no reason to give ground. I am closed-minded and judgmental but not racist, sexist or anything like that, I hate all people and maintain an equal level of cynicism about all people groups.
  7. When I post my opinions without facts, I get attacked for not having information. If I make posts with facts and logic, I get attacked for not realizing it is a opinion thread.

    Do what I do. Post so much information people just assume it's right and don't bother to check behind half of it. I tend to think most of it is right, but could, for all I know, be highly prone to error.


    It's not what you say, it's how you say it and whether people believe it. Plus, it's fun to delete emotions entirely and argue cold, hard facts. That really makes people mad when you tell them that something like 50-60% of people aren't worth the expenses they incur. Also, using believable but not necessarily accurate statistics also make for great debates.


    Also, debating while on narcotics. That's where the real talent shines.

    EDIT: On narcotics, not in them.

  8. Why deport someone born into the country, when they didn't even have a choice in the matter? Doesn't seem very fair to me to take the kid out of the country they were born in, and put them somewhere else were they have never been before.

    Your logic is flawed. Their parents are here illegally, they have no right to be here either. If 3 then 1 + 2 does not work when you should have 1 + 2 before you can get 3.

    Also I can name a number of countries, the most obvious being Canada. Quite a few others, even Mexico itself has similar laws.

    Similar, but both Canada and Mexico require the parents be in the country legally for the law to apply, if I recall correctly. I don't have the time to look it up at the moment, unfortunately.


    The United States is historically a country of immigration. How much Native American blood do you have? Your ancestors were likely at one point immigrants, and its possible they were even illegal.

    .1% or so, if that much. All of my great-grandparents came from Germany after World War I, and they all came through Ellis Island, legally, and I'm proud to say I still have their papers, and one of their journals.

    Is there any strong evidence that "anchor babies" drive immigration?

    The sheer numbers are staggering. In Stockton, California (2003), 70 percent of the 2,300 babies, born in San Joaquin General Hospital’s maternity ward were anchor babies.

    First Google result. Again, lack of time prevents me from digging further.


    Not to mention if this right was removed, how will it be handled for people now? People born into the country will not be able to be deported since they do not have a official citizenship elsewhere. Do you have to deport them to their parents country and force them to become citizens there? Its a problem that will require a great deal bureaucracy and problems. You may not even be able to figure out where the kids parents came from. What happens in this situation?

    Parents here illegally? Send them back to their home country, with their baby, and let them sort out the paperwork. Since they're legal citizens there, the country would likely just grant the child citizenship with no problems. Parents here legally? Great. Welcome to America.


    The 14th Amendment was enacted to give citizenship rights. If you support the constitution and its amendments? I know a lot of people here claim to support the constitution and what it says and stands for, but what does that mean if you have no problem with things being removed that you dislike?

    Do not use sad tactics like this to win a debate, Marharth. You are smarter than that. If your best argument is 'you're either completely for us or completely against us', your last leg is shaking badly and you might not be able to stand on it much longer. That being said, I have issue with this portion of the 14th Amendment as it is currently used, which is not what it was intended to do when first passed. I also have some other issues with various bits and pieces of the Constitution, and how I believe it was intended to be used, and how it is currently being used, or the existence of some parts entirely. But that's more personal feelings than anything.

  9. I'm guessing those are things you can't do to prisoners of war ( somebody correct me if that's wrong ),

    You're correct. None of this would ever be condoned in the slightest under the Geneva convention's 'rulebook' of war. It's heinous, cruel, and almost illegal. I say almost, because they haven't been shut down yet, and likely have some ace lawyer with no soul to back them up. Places like that tend to.


    There's a right way, and a wrong way, for everything. This is clearly the wrong way.

  10. What I've always wondered is if the U.N. could step in (a lot of -) and help out (royally -) Mexico. If it is clear that the cartels control various areas of Mexico and have created a level of unrest that puts lives in danger, which it clearly does. Couldn't that (should) be taken as a human rights issue.



    Name three things the UN has actually succeeded at.


    Unfortunately Mexico has been run by the cartels for a while. As for fixing it... I'm not really sure. Mexico's really just messed up at a governmental level. It would require a lot of overhauling in order to fix things up, and likely some sort of oversight because clearly their system in place isn't working.


    EDIT: At overturning the apple cart: Unfortunately, the cartels are better armed than most US police departments, barring the larger cities with larger SWAT/STAR teams.

  11. Unfortunately, nukes usually result in many more civilian deaths than a conventional war, even as the war is being run now.

    We'll let the human rights activists go in first, to protest using a nuke against civilians. That clearly was an AK-47 in glass form the activist was holding. They were enemy combatants, I swear.

  12. 2.) Building Computers. I'm majoring in computer science. Apart from my rather extensive knowledge in software development, I know a great deal about computer hardware, configuration, efficiency, compatibility, cooling, etc. So i'd like to build mid-high end computers on the side. I just built 4 systems, all of them gaming rigs around $1000. I also helped build a rig with a 4-way SLI setup. This kind of thing isn't new at all; many people have been AND are doing so. So how would I go about finding a market for it? Where would I find customers? Tips? Should I go as far as making a website, affiliation, and so on? I would mostly build gaming rigs and professional systems, with some internet-surfing computers if called for.


    This. However, I'd recommend less building and more networking and virus cleanup than anything, from my own personal experience. I do work, mostly for friends/family/friends of friends and family, to keep a little extra cash in my pocket if I ever feel like buying something. It usually consists of some very basic diagnostics (aka: "My computer won't turn on!11!!1!!! Fix it!"), and then either virus removal, on the rare occasion some part replacement (power supplies going bad, network cards fried by lightning, and a GFX card that went nuclear after the fan was jammed with cat air... ugh, and that was just last month), and networking issues, either setting up or repairing.


    As far as the market, it's a little dry at the moment, but still far from empty. The issue is most people get conned into the concept that places like Geek Squad are the know-all, end-all beings of the computer world, when 90% of them around here are tech support by-the-numbers with pocket protectors. Like I said, most of my work comes from friends, coworkers, or people my family recommend me to.


    You could try to run an ad, though, in the local newspaper. Marketing was never my forte, I've been fortunate to keep a good supply of business purely from word of mouth, which now has me maintaining a server for a local doctor's office.

  13. I find the hard and fast moralists quite droll, if you have never been in a 'kill or be killed. situation then I submit that your high moral position has yet to be put to the acid test. One simply does not know how they will react until the moment arrives, that is when you find out whether survival or morality is your paramount concern. I'm with HeyYou on this , I have zero problem with the use of deadly force if the situation mandates protection of what is near and dear to me.

    Me, my family, my friends and any innocent bystanders are worth defending with lethal force, in my opinion. I have acted on such opinion once before in my life, with what I could argue were fairly favorable results, despite spending a night in jail.

  14. I'd just like to say I voted we turn the area into a glass parking lot for Israel to park their tanks, like, six years ago.


    RZ for president and all your problems with mysteriously disappear one day.


    You know you want to vote for me.

  15. OK, the question this time is: Do you want children? and Do children bring happiness?


    Hmmm... probably eventually. Not at the moment, but probably in the near-ish future (5 years +/-). I'll be married in the next year to the most beautiful and amazing person I've ever known. The question is more, if we do, adopt or have our own?


    More questions: Why do you want children? Does money affect your decision on having children?


    For this, I shall let a quote sum up my thoughts:

    To laugh often and much; To win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; To earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends; To appreciate beauty, to find the best in others; To leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch, or a redeemed social condition; To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded.

    -Ralph Waldo Emerson


    It's just how I feel about kids in general. They are so amazingly intelligent in their own way, and I find I learn as much from kids I know as I do from my elders. There are other reasons, as well, but it steps into the bounds of a forbidden topic.


    More questions: What do you miss without children? What if the children become total failures in life, would you still be proud of them or ashamed of them? If children bring only misery to you, wouldn´t it be better to be without them? Should a person working with children/youngsters have children of his/her own?

    I wouldn't say you 'miss' anything, really. Your life will just simply be different. You can't miss what you didn't have to begin with.

    I believe in the unconditional love for ones child, no matter how bad they screw up. I may not like what they do, but I would always love them.

    If you don't want children, don't have children, or let someone who will care for the child adopt him or her. This is a human life we're talking about, not a toy to be discarded if you don't like it. Also, @OP, please, do not call a child an 'it'. That is a human being, even in purely theoretical existence.

    Should they? If they want to. Do they have to? No, of course not. It doesn't take a parent to care for a child, but the parent should care.


    Now, to address some of this hate I see being thrown around:


    Children or no, it is your choice. Some people cannot, or do not wish to, have children. For whatever reason, it simply is what it is.

  16. So, anyone who claims that people can "get a raise" from having an additional child while on welfare, I know better.


    I will respectfully disagree and point that out more as the system failing those it should be helping. Unfortunately, there are those who have learned to work the system and get around things like that.

  17. We raise the ceiling (again), not realizing when the building comes down (again), the ceiling will have farther to fall (with even more fatal results).


    EDIT: Fix'd.

  18. Get out of my house. Make for the nearest national guard armory. I presume it is still occupied by friendlies, simply due to the fact that it's got the highest concentration of firepower in my area. From there, establish a chain of command and begin to fortify the armory using everything from the armored vehicles on-site to upturned cars.


    At this point, I can assume we (we being myself, and any survivors who have joined us at the armory, or the people who already held the armory when I arrived) are more than capable of launching raids on local grocery stores, through a combination of the military vehicles such as a Humvee and experienced shooters, we could raid local grocery stores and camp stores to keep in good supply of what we couldn't gather with relative safety.


    The obvious issue would be a water supply. Eventually it will begin to break down as less attention is being paid to it. At that point, we would have to relocate. Loading up the Humvee(s) with with all the food, ammo, water, gasoline, etc. A half-dozen per Humvee, probably three or four in total.


    The next move would be to make our way to a military base. During our time at the armory, we could use the radio equipment to attempt making contact with any others who aren't infected, and establish a save egress and destination, between CB, HAM, and military radio operators in the US, and around the world, it would be fairly easy to establish where it is and isn't safe to go. Following that, make our way out to safety and either hold our ground until the infection dies out, or just hold out as long as we can before we die.

  19. I demand Roosevelt 2.0. Enough said. Let's get some socialism up in here and get the country out of the second Great Depression! Or something like that.


    I'm with Vagrant. For every few who need the help and are actually trying to get a job, you'll find that one who milks the system. If jobs were aplenty and you were a lazy little ----, that'd be one thing. As it stands, the few jobs that are open require a high level of training that most people don't have. While I would like to see it move back to a more community-funded thing, where it was peoples generosity that covered it, not the government, but I don't think we could support things the same way we used to with donations.

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