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Posts posted by RZ1029

  1. http://img84.imageshack.us/img84/1892/captureqve.jpg


    Uploaded with ImageShack.us


    My Win7 comp. Not amazing, but it's enough to play the few games I prefer on PC. (New Vegas, basically, for the mods that I couldn't live without now.... And Minecraft, because it runs better on this computer for some reason, even though my Ubuntu one is better. Also... yeah, that After Effects I have down there... Win compatible only. <\3 for Adobe for the 0 Ubuntu love.)


    My Ubuntu machine is a little cooler, with all sorts of flashy toys and stuff, but generally impractical. It's just to stroke my ego, I might put up a pic of it some time when I remember to. >_>


    EDIT: Oh jeez... Mudlet... pay no attention to that thing. Also: WCIII is so special it doesn't have to go into the games folder. Even Steam didn't make that cut.

  2. That by any standards is pretty terrifying, and don't even think about saying "If you've done nothing wrong you have nothing to fear."


    But... but... I'm sure you have nothing to fear, it's not like you've done anything wrong... have you?


    Yeah, though I believe I actually used that phrase in the debate on the Patriot Act, I see the highly flawed argument behind it as well. You've got nothing to fear so long as you've done nothing wrong assuming the guy in charge doesn't decide he doesn't like what you're doing, whether it's okay or not by law. Because now he can haul you in if he wants and you can't say anything about it, because it's legal.


    Also... dang this green is ugly. I need a better color.


    This blue?

    This blue?

    Or this... err.. color?

  3. Screw freedom for a moment: look at their economics. Name three Socialist countries that has a booming and successful economy.


    A broke country can't help much of anyone, look at the US. We've been fighting a war we should have won in the first year for... 10 years now. Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security are continually failing those it was made to help. (Though I have some issues with those programs, that's a different argument for a different day.) Unemployment is so broke(n) it's not even funny, and we're living on borrowed money from the Chinese who could probably come collect at any time and leave us broke.


    And the funny part is, I'd prefer we didn't have any of those things. But, if we're going to have them, they'd better get their act together and figure their stuff out.


    Also, sad note: The banhammer has been dropped on my orange-brown color, I've going green. (insert environmental joke here, probably involving the fuel economy of my truck.)

  4. I'd just like to take a moment to introduce you all to my favorite (and arguably appropriate) game by the name of Liberal Crime Squad.




    Produced by Bay 12 Games, the makers of Dwarf Fortress, if you've heard of that. Play that for a week and I guarantee you you will understand the liberal agenda perfectly while learning how to combat the evils of conservatism.


    (That was all entirely sarcastic. That game is freaking hilarious, though, if you have a sense of humor when it comes to politics and an ability to take the foul language and amusing encounters without being offended.)


    Seriously, though. Tea Party gets painted by the media as a bunch of idiots or nutjobs more often than not, because you get those idiots in every crowd. Then you have to add the issue the Tea Party had with racists in the beginning, who were associating themselves with the group to push their own agenda. I'm with Aurelius on this one, I mostly support them because they're actually trying to get the government to take some responsibility for their spending. That, and the whole free market thing, I'm a fan of capitalism.

  5. I would cry and hate DICE for the rest of my life because it would probably mean another upgrade to play it. Oh, and likely DICE would have to fight off mobs at their HQ with pitchforks and torches... and real guns.


    If there could be only one Prince of Darkness... (lol)

  6. I'd just cut out all the Crusade parts and then take what's left between. While violence and bloodshed may be interesting for a video game, not a life I'd like to life, thanks.


    If you had to pick only one game (video, card, or board) to play for the rest of your life...

  7. It doesn't have to do with being anti-Semitic, it has to do with not letting parents cut off body parts.

    Dude... they're not taking the whole thing off. And there is actually some medical validity behind the same actions. Say the parents want to have them circumcised for non-religious reasons, is it still not OK?


    The constitution protects religious practice to a certain extend. You can't claim you are part of a religion that allows human sacrifice, then go around kidnapping people and killing them for your religion can you?

    Nobody is being killed, it's like... two snips of some surgical scissors and the kid's no worse off for it. It's a religious practice they've held for... well, by their books, nearly forever. I've never heard of someone being discriminated against based on the lack of a foreskin, nor anyone being killed for it either (within recent history).


    The Jewish youth do not have a religion until they decide what they want to beleive, if their parents force them into it it is not their religion, it is their parents.

    Okay... cool. So we'll let them deal with their opinions and beliefs when they're high-strung emotional teenagers. Until then, their parents can take care of them as best they see fit unless their actions directly endanger their child. Since circumcision has been practiced for thousands of years... yeah... I'd call that pretty safe.

  8. The Minnesota Twins might have a chance. (Random baseball team... I really don't know anything about baseball other than how to play.)


    If you had to choose one day from your past to live over and over again...

  9. Granted, but you give the original Borderlands and it's sequel to me so I can play it. (With all DLC, at your expense.)


    I wish it was November, but all the time between now and then is credited to me at work and I have an unusually high amount of money in the bank...

  10. Is McDonalds food healthy?

    When in doubt? Google: Supersize Me.


    Seriously though, go watch that. Dude, anyone who is convinced that McDonalds or ANY fast food restaurant (or most restaurants for that matter) serve healthy food is extremely naive or lying to themselves.


    In America, one of our 'freedoms' is the right to be stupid within a reasonable limit. The government is to prevent chaos, not poor health decisions.

  11. When you pack that many idiots into so little (sarcasm) square footage, guess it's bound to happen eventually.


    That being said, I'm moving to Colombia. If you've got enough money, you're as free as you can bribe someone else to be.

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