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Posts posted by RZ1029

  1. Question, if I take a picture of my junk and post it on the internet, will I get on the news?


    Answer: No. And I bet you feel awkward now.


    It's kind of stupid that the guy's getting so much crap over this. I thought it was pretty funny to be honest. I mean, I'm willing to bet a good number of them (Congressional individuals) have cheated at least once, most of them probably have pictures of their junk, maybe not on the internet. This is just the poor sap that got caught. As long as whoever those went to weren't minors, I got no problem with it.

  2. They might manage to take down their web servers, but I highly doubt they've even barely affected the CIAs ability to operate. That... or the government really is way dumber than I think.
  3. On a relevant note, something that's a very serious environmental issue that also pertains to climate change:


    Due in part to its widespread use in industry, Dihydrogen Monoxide (DHMO) is involved in many environmental incidents each year. While most are unavoidable given current technology, there can be little doubt that the presence of DHMO in each significantly increases the negative impact to the environment.


    Among the many commonly-sited DHMO-related environmental impacts are:


    DHMO contributes to global warming and the "Greenhouse Effect", and is one of the so-called "greenhouse gasses."


    DHMO is an "enabling component" of acid rain -- in the absence of sufficient quantities of DHMO, acid rain is not a problem.


    DHMO is a causative agent in most instances of soil erosion -- sufficiently high levels of DHMO exacerbate the negative effects of soil erosion.


    DHMO is present in high levels nearly every creek, stream, pond, river, lake and reservoir in the U.S. and around the world.


    Measurable levels of DHMO have been verified in ice samples taken from both the Arctic and Antarctic ice caps.


    Recent massive DHMO exposures have lead to the loss of life and destruction of property in California, the Mid-West, the Philippines, and a number of islands in the Caribbean, to name just a few.

    Research has shown that significant levels of DHMO were found in the devastating Indian Ocean tsunami in 2004 which killed 230,000 in Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia and elsewhere, making it the deadliest tsunami in recorded history.

    It is widely believed that the levee failures, flooding and the widespread destruction resulting from Hurricane Katrina along the U.S. Gulf Coast in 2005 were caused or exacerbated by excessive DHMO levels found in the Gulf of Mexico, along with other contributing factors.


    I'm with you on this one HeyYou, we clearly should start raising aware about the dangers of Dihydrogen Monoxide...


    For those of you who are chemically challenged, DHMO is better known as water. DHMO.org. Because people are gullible.

  4. "History is a pack of lies we play on the dead."

    -Voltaire (1694-1778)


    "History is a set of lies agreed upon."



    "History is written by the victors ... There are a terrible lot of lies going about the world, and the worst of it is that half of them are true.”

    -Winston Churchill


    "Be careful when you fight the monsters, lest you become one."

    “If you gaze long into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you.”

    -Friedrich Neitzsche


    If just one person had stopped and taken the time to look at the guy, to listen to him, to figure out what was wrong with him it might not have happened. It took five people to kill him. It would have only taken one person to save his life.

    --Some CSI Episode I watched, thought it was a fairly... poignant quote.


    "To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; to earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends; to appreciate beauty, to find the best in others; to leave the world a little better; whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition; to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is the meaning of success."

    -Ralph Waldo Emerson

  5. Stupid Al Gore. I told him it was a bad idea, he didn't listen. Now it never snows here anymore.


    Seriously though: Climate change, I'm calling natural cycle. Prehistorically speaking, I'm 90% sure my Earth and Environmental Science teacher told me that we used to have a ton of CO2 in the, way more than we do now, and it was way warmer, et cetera. Of course we've also got the ice age stuff everyone else has mentioned.


    Does it happen? Yep. Do we probably speed it up a bit? I think so. Can we stop it? No. Should we try to lessen our impact? Yes. Natural is natural, no need for us to try and manipulate that too... unless it's to save all of humanity or something like that. The media over-hypes it just like everything else they think would make ratings. I've lost my faith in the media a looong time ago.


    I'd say most don't think it's an issue/don't treat it as one because they either 1) don't care, 2) don't know, 3) realize there probably isn't anything we can do about it, and decide to continue about their life as comfortably as possible before we all toast in our own atmosphere... or something like that.

  6. 9. And OBTW...my input was not bitterness,

    I know, but sometimes the debates get too serious. I'm here to make sure that doesn't happen.


    and sarcasm isn't going to get you anywhere....

    You have much to learn, my young padawan.


    but this was fun, we should do it again sometime. ;)

    Indeed! How's next Tuesday sound?


    Also, @marharth: In case you didn't know, marching from Germany to Russia is a little longer than a few seconds. I'd say it took at least a week to break it.

  7. And who are you?

    I'm RZ1029. Nice to meet you, I smell bitterness.


    Can you see the future now, cause I would big money to see that.

    I can, I do and I have. Your shortsightedness is amusing.

    You don't know what lies in the future, no one does, we can only predict.

    My predictions just happen to be very accurate.


    People predicted that the world would be destroyed in WWII, but it isn't destroyed now is it?

    Depends on whose world. Germans really got the short end of the stick on that one.


    We may still be picking up the pieces, but it's still around isn't it?

    Holding on with duct tape and string, no doubt.

    The fact that you're saying countries can't work together is an opinion because you don't know that....that's only what you think. Countries are still working together to this day and fighting as well, yes. But how do you know that things can't get better? The answer? You don't...

    Hmm... track records for cooperation: bad. Track records for war: pretty good. Google the phrase "war" and you get: 2,180,000,000 results. Google the phrase "peace" and you get: 743,000,000. One-third the result, even Google knows it's pretty hopeless. If 3/4s prefers war, 3/4ths is well above a majority. See? The interwebz can teach you stuff. Also...



    That is such a freaking awesome picture, just saying.


    EDIT: Also... ZOMGWTFBBQSAWCE... Marharth and I agreeing? It really is the apocalypse... just a few weeks late.


    RE-EDIT: That picture... now my background. Probably the best movie I've seen in a while.


    RE-RE-EDIT: Also, James Cameron's Avatar... also amazing.

  8. Are you assuming that every government is evil?

    I do. Name three governments that haven't ended in disaster, or aren't headed that way now.


    Why can't it be a one world government with less law then the US has? Why can't it simply be a government that has a police department, simple laws, and nothing more?

    That's the biggest police department I've ever seen, and that police department would really have to be more like a military. Just because we're all one happy nation doesn't mean you aren't going to be fighting wars. Criminals have some heavy firepower now, most police offices in the US can't handle AK-caliber weaponry. As far as simple laws go, laws are never simple. If laws were simple, we wouldn't need lawyers.


    What is forcing a world government from being large and bad?

    A legion of armed civilians willing to (and capable of) do something about it if that happens. Barring that, we're f(*#ed, pardon the profanity.

  9. Yeah, I'm with granny here. HeyYou for Pres with CS for VP? I'd vote for you guys, no problem. In fact, I'd like to apply for Secretary of War now, just to get my application out there...


    But, in case that doesn't work out, I'm off to a job interview. I'll post my own opinions when I get back, but it'll be in large part an echo of what's already been said, plus a few domestic changes.

  10. Broken records for the number of veto's used.


    Actually focused on the economy instead of a healthcare bill that does nothing to improve healthcare.


    Closed down TARP and demanded our money back.


    Let GM fail.


    Please run you have at least one vote.

    Two and a half votes, actually. Jim for Secretary of Treasurer.

  11. MW3, Skyrim, ME3, and pretty much anything else nerd-related.


    EDIT: Almost forgot, Battlefield 3... Must haz moar.

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