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Everything posted by JuJooGuppy

  1. F03 had some excellent DLC's imo, The Pitt and Broken Steel off the top of my head were a lot of fun. I know most people hate Mothership Zeta, but I was enjoying it when I played it *shrug*. Point Lookout I never got around to playing, but it looked fun enough to me, and was more STORY driven content instead of building ball courses....
  2. Judging by your comments, you seem to have experience on this matter... He didn't upload a mod to break anyones crap, nor did he threaten to that I am aware of.. jeez. He pointed out that its possible, and that people really ought to pay attention to what mods they download, and watch for stolen content... a lot of stolen mods are getting uploaded as something like "test" or "testing" and people blindly download it. What happens when someone who is mad or wants to destroy peoples hardware "for the lulz" and they upload another "test" mod that uses something like what DDP pointed out?? THAT's his point. Not to threaten anyone. Please make sure you understand before making posts that make you look incapable of reading / listening.
  3. I am highly curious why Bethesda would stop DLC support so quickly for Fallout 4 like this. Content wise, the core game is lacking compared to the other titles... and DLC wise, its severely lacking imo. While I am fine with the idea of small little workshop add-ons, the fact they are the majority of the DLC for F)4 is incredibly disappointing. I had originally believed we were getting a 3rd wave of DLC late this year, but now I am seeing that isnt the case. But why? Why would they leave a lot of cash on the table? I mean, people are still playing FO4, and clamoring for quest-driven DLC. If they made a Shivering Isles size add-on at this point, with a good story, I have no doubt people would buy it. So I am really confused why FO4 seems to be so unimportant to them in all honesty. Then again, I was surprised they did not do more for Skyrim, given how popular it was / is... Just feel let down is all. I am not trying to b**** a storm like some people, nor am I overly angry, I just don't get it, and wanted so much more from FO4 add-ons. On a tangent, also sad about the Skyrim remaster honestly.. As nice as the Skyrim remastered looks, Its not jaw-droppingly gorgeous, and I am disapointed there, too, because it could have been Morrowind (Which I never got to play) or even Oblivion (My GF wants to play but cant stand the graphics, haha). and I wouldve bought them in a heart beat.. Blah. Hopefully the community keeps Fo4 going for awhile at least. Surprised Bethesda seem so eager to distance from it though.
  4. Wait, this group of "3" aka 1.5 DLC's is the final 3? I thought there was supposed to be a 3rd and final group of 3...?
  5. God damn it. This is / was most of what my mod was supposed to be -- I wanted to allow you to work with & build up the raiders of the wasteland to conquer / control settlements, and if possible have it be an option INSTEAD of the minutemen... Figures they would do something like this, lol. Hmm. Guess I need to decide whether I want to shift my focus a bit, or just trudge forward regardless...
  6. Well, contraptions includes things like elevators which yeah we have modded versions, but these look to have additional functionality. Better working armor displays, as well (weapon displays look identical, though, perhaps they show weapon mods properly, which is another step forward there.) But as far as the ball in maze stuff... yeah, I am a bit surprised by it. I am fine with this idea as a MOD, something to mess around with. But for a DLC? It doesnt add to the games core experience at all, and so I am bummed by that.
  7. Seems pretty shady to keep the mod uploaded on Beth.net while it potentially uses stolen content, considering you are unwilling to upload it here that seems to indicate you think it may very well still be using said content.. I am sure Bethesda doesn't want content stolen from other games any more than the Nexus does...... All the known-to-be-stolen stuff has been removed. We were pretty much told that MF wouldn't be allowed back on the Nexus without proper, complete credits for -everyf*#@ingthing-, though Bethesda is a little more lenient on that front and is willing to let us make do with a simple list of "this is who made the s*** we used to make the mod", while the Nexus wants that, links, and evidence of consent. Fair enough response on your part, I hope I didn't offend ya just seemed questionable. But your reply makes reasonable sense to me, it would take time to round everything up. I hope to see it back on th Nexus soon, it IS a good mod after all, and it didnt sound like any of the content was intentionally stolen or anything. Hope ya didn't take my comment as a direct insult or anything. Best of luck going forward!
  8. Seems pretty shady to keep the mod uploaded on Beth.net while it potentially uses stolen content, considering you are unwilling to upload it here that seems to indicate you think it may very well still be using said content.. I am sure Bethesda doesn't want content stolen from other games any more than the Nexus does...... Just my 2 cents. In the mean time, people are going to continue to dl said content..
  9. Page is now down, and the text it presents is priceless: We will soon come back. You are not the "king mod" ! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Oh, but I AM THE KING MOD!
  10. I don't know much about code, but wouldn't your original copy of the source have a creation date that was older than the person attempting to reverse it, thus showing you are the 'original'?
  11. So, I have a new fence type in my mod. I have been adding in new "post" for said wall. But I have hit a problem with 1 of the 3 post, and I have no idea what the issue is exactly, as I have spent entirely too long trying to correct the issue... workshop items are generally a pretty straight forward thing at this point over all, so this is really pissing me off. Basically, all 3 post are nearly identical, just visual differences. I used the same connect points, basically the same collision, etc etc. Post 2 and 3 are like 95% identical. My problem is, post 2, when placing it, won't allow you to place it till it actually hits the SinkMax marker I set up on all 3 of them. The other two, using the exact same CPA, work fine, having an origin of 0, and a SinkMax of 30. The two working post, turn green once the bottom (0,0,0) hit the ground, as expected, and allow you to sink it into the ground to the sinkmax line of Z=30. This is how it should behave. But post number 2, oh no. It wont turn green UNTIL it hits the sinkmax line. It makes no damn sense. I thought maybe the collision was wonky, so I redid it. I even moved it around to make sure it was positioned correctly. It made no difference. Both post 2 and 3 use the EXACT same settings in the .esp, since they are so similiar. If I set the sinkmax to 0,0,0 the post turns green as soon as it touches the ground, but of course can no longer sink in. I hope my problem makes sense, probably doing a terrible job of explaining the issue. I just don't get why it seems to be using SinkMax as the Origin, basically... any ideas? I am drawing blanks here. Thanks! EDIT: Hmm. Well, I finally (sort of) solved the issue, after much to much time wasted... it seems it IS the collision, though not entirely sure as to the why. I replaced the collision with collision from post 3, and it works fine.. both both collisions were created the same way, and I redid the collision once already... not to mention, the collision was working fine otherwise -- detected properly, was positioned properly, etc. So while I know where the problem has been coming from, I still don't know the WHY, and that will bug me for a long time lol. Guess I will probably end up seeing about redoing the collision a 3rd time, see if it clears up. Still, weird.
  12. Animated objects like this have to have the bones properly assigned, in addition to the skin modifiers / weights.. I don't know enough about it to walk you through it or get you started, just know that that is why things don't animate properly.
  13. I am going to "go out on a limb here" and say that you have never, ever, ever tried to actually model something accurately and detailed, let alone a simple object. Nor have you then spent the countless hours properly texturing said item. You have no idea how many hours it can take to do it right, even for an expert. THIS is why its illegal to steal said content from other sources without gaining permission. Because most people dont want their hard work re-used without consent. We see the same thing with modders. Hell, my mods are nothing special really, but it still pisses me off to no end to see some jackass re-uploading them on his site to make money off my work without my permission. Thats bullsh* *. From what I saw, he only got a warning, because the site he got them from was indeed "free to use", but that site was ripping them off from other games. So its somewhat reasonable that he didnt know that.
  14. If you have the means to get it + have photoshop, I highly recommend Quixel. If you lack photoshop, Substance Painter is another pretty cool texturing tool. Both can help you achieve awesome textures.
  15. I didn't mean that I am still routinely doing that, just meant that I have in the past :P. Sorry, I didnt forget the screenshots, just been really ill actually, so I havent even touched my mod stuff the last 2 nights unfortunately. Find it hard to focus when I feel like s***.
  16. Well, should post a pic of the finished product, I would love to see it, if ya dont mind :)
  17. I wasn't intending to attack you personally, I was just pointing out what I personally consider a poor choice in wording. If I had believed that you were intentionally being malicious, I wouldn't have even bothered responding to you, because bigots are not worth arguing with. I was simply sharing my personal opinion on what I personally feel was a logical mistake on your part that I personally feel you could learn from. If I was wrong on that, then I accept that, it wouldn't be the first time I was wrong and definitely won't be the last. My opinions get me into more trouble than I would like at times, and I have already deleted more words I have typed than I would be proud to admit in order to avoid controversy on this topic. I tend to argue with people for the sake of sharpening my own wit against their wit. I am in a very small minority who view the world in such a way, so I often cause more trouble than my words are worth. As such, I have only recently been active on this site and am quickly coming to regret the fact that I have let my emotions get the best of me and actually responded to the stuff I have read. I should probably just go back to modding by myself. Well, I had already stated that I should've pointed out that the vocal portion of the PC users were just as bad, had no problem agreeing that I could've been more specific. Just seemed like you were missing some of the point, I wasn't defending the OP's overall point of view. But regardless, I wasnt mad either way. I have noted that you tend to argue your view vehemently, which isn't necessarily a bad thing, just some people will find it either abrasive, or feel like you are specifically singling them out for some reason (Tbh, I did think you you were specifically stuck on me, it seemed that way, so, I replied.). But ultimately, its not something I was / am actually mad about, just wanted to be clear where I actually stood. With all that, I am done even posting about it lol.
  18. I know nothing (Call me Jon Snow, or a bastard, either works) about scripting, but what about the idea of using the script to switch between material swaps, since they are controlled in the .esp? Or is that completely out of the question? There is as mentioned the in- NIF option, something similar to the little number box thing that the workshop DLC added, that you click on to change the number. Because I am wanting to know more about scripting, i am guessing you (DDP) mean that if you set up the transforms in the nif with specific names, you could then use a script to reference / point to those? Is that accurate or am I Jon Snowing even more?
  19. Ill venture to guess the lack of replies is due to the fact that your question is a problem itself.. what exactly constitutes "the best texture combo"? Best what? Best appearance, best performance, best realism, best crazy bright colors? Who decides whats "best" too? My opinion of textures will be radically different than yours. So, your question is just not a question that can really be answered, aside from someones opinion of what THEY personally use and like. Really, you're going to want to go look through the texture mods, one by one, like most people till you find all the texture mods that YOU like and consider to be "the best". Good luck and have fun!
  20. Context. You seem to be missing that I said I get the FRUSTRATION with the VOCAL portion of the console crowd, that is spewing nonsense on the forums. Just like I get the SAME frustration with the VOCAL portion of the PC crowd that does the same crap. You will note that I said I can understand, aka I get, the frustration with the vocal portion, aka the minority. I was not supporting hating on console mod users in general, as its dumb. You will also note that I said clearly that I should have ALSO stated that that the vocal minority from PC users can be just as bad if not worse. I didn't even say that I personally get frustrated, just that I can understand it. For the record, I absolutely get frustrated by the vocal minorities on both "sides", its obnoxious to have people be rude / treat you like dirt because they have no understanding of how modding works. So please don't tell me about context without reading what I said, that is incredibly frustrating. You're acting like I went off on the console crowd, when its not the case. I even asked what all is required to convert mods to console use in this very same thread, and on the same post that you are quoting I stated I have every intention of converting my mods over for console use because I view it as silly not to. So again, please don't address me as if I am one of the people raging against console mod users / console modding, or that I dont support it, or that I dont recognize there are the same / similiar issues with PC mod users. I do, and I stated as such.
  21. Huh, I never stopped having the (M) on my saves. *shrug*
  22. Most of the "unique" weapons aren't actually unique, and use the default meshes. Generally, this should be pretty noticeable when you look at the weapons, but if not, you can always open up the CK or FO4Edit, and see what mesh the weapon entry is pointing to. Note that if you are wanting to change the meshes of say The Last Minute, which uses the default guass mesh, you either A) will end up changing ALL guass rifles, or, the better route, you need to mod the weapon entry itself to point to your new, separate model. Best of luck, hope to see some nice new weapons from ya!
  23. No worries! Its not even so much trying to get several different types of materials to combine into a single collision.. I will take a screenshot of an example of what I am trying to do, maybe itll explain better than I am, perhaps what I want to do is still possible (aside from doing "mesh" collision shape, which as suggested I am avoiding :smile: ) I will have to post it later tonight, can't at the moment. Regardless, I appreciate the replies / convo, you've always been very helpful. even when we were misunderstanding eachother :tongue: Edit: Hmm, some how i missed that that drop down is a lot longer than what I realized. Also, the idea for wire above would certainly work, I have no doubt. Its not a bad idea at all. Just curious if I can find the means to do it how its done in vanilla objects (Aside from just copying their collision, which I have done more than a few times.). So its something I plan to keep trying new things out on :)
  24. I don't have any problems making collision though, what are you trying to assist with exactly? Creating a single collision object that is actually mutliple? Cause I swear you just said that you doubted it was even possible.. I really have no issues creating collision at all thus far, for static stuff anyway. Just working out trying to make it all 1 object, but its not a huge deal. What drop down menu for object type are you referring to, though? Screenshot maybe? I am just missing where you are talking about, sorry. (For stair helper)
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