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Everything posted by JuJooGuppy

  1. Despite not answering the question, I actually, for once, agree with Zanity -- they shouldve spent more time making the AI better suited for the settlement system instead of half-ass'ing it, especially when its clearly such an important part of the game to the devs. Its frustrating to create such amazing places only to watch the AI struggle to figure out how to walk 5 feet in it.
  2. As people have pointed out, a vast majority of gamers want shiny graphics, and thus it becomes a focal point of the dev's unfortunately. Hell, people went off on FO4 for its underwhelming visuals for quite awhile. I don't find the visuals bad at all, but unfortunately the story content is severely lacking, which given the graphics are "dated", I had somewhat expected more story to enjoy. Afterall, these games are SUPPOSED to be built around story.
  3. Wow, that Lonestar looks well planned out. Hope to see it done some day.
  4. Thought I would share this short video series I came across today, in the hopes of boosting its views to get more made. Its a series about an NPC that starts to become self-aware. Ive found them pretty funny and accurate, they are short to watch so check em out! Apologies if ya don't find the humor funny, but I got a good laugh out of them! https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLSMETuURtTXB83tFc--ZcBnfTgaxF9el3
  5. Is there a difference between having the DLC's seperated into DLCList.txt over putting them with the mods in Plugins.txt? I have seen no issues on my end. Just curious if there would be a reason for me to change it. I had thought the way I was doing it was the norm in FO4. I know plugin.txt was used for DLC & mods on older titles though.
  6. I'm sure Bethesda.fail will cater to all your stolen asset needs!
  7. I definitely do not agree with Zanity's rantings about the open source model, nor him basically calling the modders here self-centered children. But I will agree with him on the fact that FO4's storytelling is very underwhelming. Odd to agree with him.
  8. yea in this location C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Fallout4\plugins is the plugins text that is where you add in the dlc if the game doesn't in order for Loot to sort properly and or the content to work in game!.. I am aware of Plugins.txt, the other one is DLCList.txt I believe. What I was saying is, I just have the DLC's in DLCList.txt seperate, then all the mods in the Plugins.txt, and it all loads how its supposed to. I believe this is what you are supposed to do, not load it all in plugins.txt, but I don't use any managers either so perhaps you can't do that when using managers, I have no idea.
  9. I really need to start learning to script; having it inject the menu in post game launch would avoid all compatibility issues, wouldn't it? Certainly is a nifty and smart way to think about it. Without knowing scripting, I am stuck doing it like a caveman so to speak....
  10. A) He stole content, period. Whether it was 10 gb or 10 bytes makes no matter, he should've gotten permission like everyone else. B) This was far from his first time. And doubt it would've been his last. C) As suggested, read the ToS. Zero tolerance for theft, pirating, etc. I am guessing if it was a first offense and he changed it / apologized, would probably have been able to come back. But this is just what he does.
  11. Functional Displays adds weapon displays. So does the new DLC.
  12. Someone finally got a fully functional Skyrim Co-op going? The last I saw, you could kinda sorta join games, but not really lol.
  13. A forum search would've answered this, but yes, there is a reason. Game uses 64 bit havok SDK, modders do not have access to 64 bit Havok SDK, so we can't make appropriate tools for making new animations. There is a person / team working on trying to create the tool(s) necessary the long and hard way, but its going to be quite awhile, assuming they even pull it off since its so time consuming.
  14. Homemaker edits various menus that conflicts with the new DLC. I thought DLC only needed to go into the other .txt file, not the plugin one.. I am drawing a blank on the other one, but I just have my DLC in that and my mods in plugin.txt, works fine.
  15. Good ol' Zanity, can always be counted on for a good laugh, as well as bat-s*** crazy comments :) They are enjoyable to read, at the least.
  16. You are slightly (or not so slightly) insane, you know this, right? And again, this whole thing was FAKE. FAKED. NOT REAL. DOESN'T EXIST. IMAGINARY. Never seen so many people get so worked up over something faked...
  17. That has the be the longest 'sentence' I have ever read through to the end. Punctuation is your friend! And unless someone has explicit permission from the song author(s), adding music without permission is a sure fire way to get your mod removed and get in trouble, so yeah. Didn't check the song out since I am at work, but it would need to be a 'free to use' asset or the author would need to gain permission. Please don't be afraid of periods next time, the grammar variant of periods is not a scary thing. It's the female 'period' that you need to worry about...
  18. The official exporter has the ability to create and export brand new collision objects when used in conjunction with Elric.exe which is also included with the CK. Thats the biggest advantage to it really. That, and it can assign BSLighting properties and such as well. Personally, I still use both. I use the official tools for collision creation, and the Niftools version for the mesh itself. This has just been personal preference to my work flow at the moment. I don't see why I couldn't fully swap to the official plugin. You will still, and always will, need Nifskope. Simple as that. As for the niftools creator editing the official plugin... I don't think that is allowed, nor do I have any idea how feasible that even is, so I wouldnt hold your breathe. I am sure he will continue to update the niftools exporter though, since lots of people lack the 64 bit 3ds MAX 2013 and cant even use the official exporter.
  19. I didn't actually mention junk collecting, just the settlements themselves o.O Of course it wouldn't be junk collecting lol, that would make zero sense.
  20. https://www.reddit.com/r/FalloutMods/comments/4oicyu/fo4_be_on_on_alert_possible_console_mods_can/d4cw5l7 this one, about the video being fake. "Can we ban this c**t from modding period? Ban his IP from Nexus and Beth.net. I'm sick of his s***. " Just picked a single comment, lol. There's a few there.
  21. EDIT: well I was going to reply to the effect you didn't need to be an a** because his idea wasn't very good, but it's not just you that is being rude to the guy... Yes, his idea is not all that great, but jeez. No need to mock the guy for trying to help. I am guessing he genuinely thought it was a good idea, and to be treated like he's stupid over it is just ridiculous. Way to go, friendly community.
  22. I am definitely ok with the settlement stuff coming into the next TES game, *BUT*. I would definitely, 100% want i to tie into the story better, and further, i would want it to serve more actual purpose rather than a time passing thing. Give me much more incentive to build up every settlement, give neat and unique functions to them, have them attract unique people that offer non-radiant quest, unique and rare items, or new companions with interesting stories. Make settlements help achieve the main story, while not being mandatory for those who hate it (Or, better yet, fully make it part of the main story, BUT for those who hate building the settlements, have "automated options" that you can build if you have enough gold / resources. Have a few options for the settlements ready to just be built up without you doing it. And lastly, don't use 3 out of 6 DLC's on more workshop items that modders have or can make themselves, nor add items that serve no purpose for the actual game experience (ball tracks...)
  23. Way to call DDP autistic for no apparent reason... That reddit thread sure hates ya though DDP. You're just a big ol' A-hole.
  24. Remember when we were all thinking about DLC's that had story that took us to Canada, to the moon, underwater, and other exciting places? Remember when we thought most of the DLC would add new quest and such to the game, and not more settlement items we could (and have) added ourselves..? Those were the times...
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