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Everything posted by JuJooGuppy

  1. Why waste time? Individual is obviously better left alone. Because they specifically said that no one helps them, when I had in fact spent time answering questions and helping them. So kinda pissed me off. I was not talking about a lack of interest in people answering/responding (the help I've gotten was well appreciated) or general unhelpfulness, but the seeming lack of as many people around available to answer...commentary on community size more than general helpfulness. So, I apologize if that came out wrong. I was quoting / responding about USAF, not you BlahBlah. You said nothing to offend me at all sir.
  2. Hmm. Every structure/ large object that would have multiple pieces of collision from the vanilla game used a single collision object to cover it all, so, I figured that was optimal if possible, rather than a NIF that has 10+ for something like the red rocket that has walls floor etc. Though, as we discussed, they most likely used "Mesh" shape on the collision, which is sub-optimal, so, guess thats probably why. *shrug* no big deal, I have had no issue creating collision the other way, was just trying new things. Sorry you didn't get the stair helper working. Where exactly is the helper at? Would like to take a look at it, since I am going to need stairs very shortly..
  3. Why waste time? Individual is obviously better left alone. Because they specifically said that no one helps them, when I had in fact spent time answering questions and helping them. So kinda pissed me off.
  4. Do you seriously think this is new? We have had the same issue going back as long as I have been modding? As soon as New Vegas was released people were sending me email wondering why I didn't just port my mod over to New Vegas now, not understanding that the whole thing would have to be built from scratch again and I was building a stand alone game at the time and couldn't spare all that time. Ever since Fallout 4 was released, people have been all over this website wondering why modders don't bring everything over from Skyrim and New Vegas... They don't just want modders to do massive amounts of work for them, but they are asking things that are highly illegal, like bringing assets from vanilla New Vegas into Fallout 4. People of the PC master race who think that we can click two buttons and boom! Now Skyrim is in the Fallout 4 engine. Don't act like console users are the only ignorant ones. When did I ever say this was new? I didn't even say it was limited to the console crowd. The PC crowd is just as bad, if not worse in their own way. I mentioned the vocal console users directly simply because of the thread being about them. I SHOULD have mentioned the fact that the PC crowd is equally as bad, but I certainly did not say they were some how better. But that's on me for not specifically stating that they were bad too, I guess.
  5. Wait, there's a in-game mod menu now? Sarcasm aside, I never use it, never even looked at it. I just DL'd and installed the mods and called it a day.
  6. Well, its not the matter of different material types for me so much as creating collision that is at least close to the shape of the object I created, which is why it often takes more than 1. I mean, I could do bulky, clunky collision, but that can be really obnoxious for a player. That and starting work on more conplex objects that will take several collision objects, which is why I am trying to get them to merge into a single collision
  7. And on the topic (Sorry for the above rant, but that was nonsense.) As many have mentioned, it takes tiiimmmeee. My god, I am simply designing new raider themed items to just prepare to actually start the bulk of my mod (Adding them to the workshop as I go too, though), but just that is incredibly time consuming to insure I am A) doing it right, and B) to come up with ideas, to edit the models, textures or anything else I need, and to put them in the game properly. And I am not even currently adding super fancy objects that do any cool scripted stuff! It takes a lot of time. The veterans and prodigies may crank content out fast (DDP is fast...) but us new modders, slowww.
  8. Man, do NOT even go there. If you go through your post history, you can literally see you trying to do something, getting stuck at every step, and immediately posting for help. You made no effort to find the answers yourself or try to do it yourself. Further, if you go through all this damned post, you'll find that I replied to a large chunk of them, even PM'd you, trying to help you as best as I could, because I believe the modding community should work together. But as others pointed out, we cannot and will not do stuff for you. If you're not willing to even try, then its pointless. This isnt modding school. I do think some people are overly protective of modding "secrets" at times, but thats their choice, whether I agree with that mentality or not. I have tried to personally be as active, social, and helpful as humanly possible despite my rather limited modding knowledge, because I want to see people create awesome new stuff and get new ideas in the community. But I also get tired of answering the same damned questions because people didn't even bother to look for the answer or discover it on their own. You really just kind of pissed me off there. I probably shouldnt have bothered trying to answer so many of your post and made you try to figure it out on your own, but I kept hoping that you would get over the "hump" and start working things out on your own as you understood it more. Yeah, I may not have been able to help you in every thread, hell maybe even most threads, but I tried to point you in the right direction at minimal.
  9. I still need to learn how to do armor weighting and all that for FO4.. wonder if there are any good guides on that topic yet. Have no experience in armors.. should be interesting. Someone earlier in the thread mentioned using the 3ds max NIF exporter provided by bethesda, for Blender...? And seriously got it working? It was designed for 3ds max 2013, 64-bit.. and from what I had read / seen it didn't even play nice with other years of 3ds max, I wouldnt expect it to like blender either.. huh.
  10. I am not entirely sure what you are referring to by rp,or what you are trying to ask for that matter. So, if you are asking if you need a PC copy of something to "make mods", yes, to create any type of mod content, you absolutely need a PC copy of Fallout 4, and there is only PC versions of the tools necessary. Other than that I have no idea what you're trying to ask in the wrong thread heh.
  11. Hmm. So far I have had no luck creating a combined collision mesh. I know how to create a collision that is several smaller and separate collision objects. But creating a Compound Rigid Body has yet to work out. I tried: Creating a single mesh for the object, then creating multiple collision objects (All cylinders, infact.), linking all the collision objects to the mesh, then selecting all the collisions and doing Create Rigid Compound Body and going from there -- that resulted in a collision object being exported, but no actual collision in game. I created multiple objects that made up my object, then made corresponding collisions, linked them to each object, then created a compound rigid body.. that one resulted in only one collision object being exported, and only one piece of the mesh being exported.. didnt surprise me since the exporter seems to only like doing 1 object at a time. I thought the last route was what you had meant, but clearly it isn't. Can ya offer any advice / help on it? To make sure I am being clear on what I am trying to accomplish, is I am trying to create a collision object that actually incorporates a few different collision objects into one. Just to have less bulk in a NIF file with lots of different collision pieces, like a structure. Any help would be awesome! Also, I dont know what happened to it, but I had replied to your last post thanking you again, and stating that I planned to keep track of any materials that didnt work, if any. *shrug* no idea what happened to it.
  12. Hello! Well first off this question has been asnwered essen the Skyrim tools for animations will NOT work. THis is due to them using Havok 32-bit, where as Fallout 4 is noww on Havok 64-bit. The Havok 64-bit SDK cost a ton of money (I believe it was mentioned at $20,000 roughly.). Without access to said SDK, creating animation editing software is VERY difficult. There is a team attempting to create such a tool as we speak though, WITHOUT the SDK. The animations you can do in NIF's are for static objects and things like that, such as fan blades spinning.
  13. Awesome, ty. Kinda wanted a feel for how it came out due in part to me considering doing a few more in the near future as long as this one came out alright, and if I find the time / desire to do so of course. So thanks again!
  14. Just curious, how long did you wait? I find that things sometimes take along time to load icon wise. I am guessing that is not the issue here, however. So if it isnt that.. how does the size of your new rug compared to the vanilla rug? Are they similiar size / shape?
  15. Funny, the title made me think you were asking about the mod Spring Cleaning, so when I started reading the thread, I was a tad confused :P
  16. The suggestions above all sound good, and this is a great mod idea that I didn't realize I needed till I saw it. My concern was the spamming of explosives to try to get the door open,but the idea of it jamming the lock or breaking it would help with that. I will say that, it would be neat to have a version of the mod that instead of any explosive, it would be a "breaching charge" only. Mainly because something like a grenade or dynamite would not only blow the lock open, but the door as well xD. This isn't really a complaint or anything though, I still plan to use the mod either way. Was just a thought for 'realism enthusiasts'. Itd be easy enough for me to make a version of it for my private use if I so chose. Really neat mod idea! Can't wait to use it.
  17. I have seen you post this more than a few times, but you have yet to provide ANY evidence that any of it is true. The reason Bethesda continues to try to push the Gamebryo engine to its breaking point isn't because they lack other options at this point, they in fact have many options. No, they stick to it because they KNOW it. They can work on it much faster than an engine the entire team has no experience with and would need to learn, thus saving them the most precious of commodities, time. They can turn out huge, creative & populated worlds in relatively short time periods since they know the engine so well. With Gamebryo's age catching up to it, barring some how revamping it drastically, there may be a point soon where they switch engines. But I have seen no evidence provided that they are doing so right now. So please do share links / sources.
  18. Thanks, I was curious how hard it was to convert a mod. If its just a matter of a few clicks and saving it / uploading it for consoles, then I see zero reason not to just do it. That seems silly to me. I will certainly do so, if Bethesda will accept my mod(s). I don't get where thats a big deal at all. I *DO* get the frustration with the vocal portion of the console crowd, because WOW are there some stupid post. They have no clue how long it takes to do even "simple" task, and that can be frustrating. But certainly won't stop me from sharing when it takes no real effort on my part..
  19. Has anyone used this tutorial, and more specifically had success with it? I would appreciate knowing if you did! Helps me figure out if the tutorial is even remotely well written or not. Thanks!
  20. That would be the issue I had then. Interesting, thanks. Most of the objects I have done collision for thus far only needed 2 or 3 collision objects, so wasn't a huge deal to have them separate. Thanks for this. It certainly has been nice creating new collision. Do you happen to know whether all of the materials under Collision Group are used / work with Fallout 4? I have only used the base Metal thus far, as thats all I have needed. I didn't see any comments on it while browsing.
  21. You posted in a thread that had nothing to do with what you're asking, hence no replies. I messaged you something I had happen that may be a solution to your problem, but yeah. Try to post your question somewhere relevant next time heh.
  22. You have a mod order conflict causing certain menus to be over written, most likely.
  23. Hmm. Neither PC should have anything that is scheduled since I tend to disable most automated updates and such, but that seems like a very likely idea. Now I am going to have to figure out what ran haha. Thanks
  24. So, my GF is playing Fallout 4, not connected to the internet, and I am over here modding Fallout 4 and loading in / out for testing. Well this last time as I closed the game, for whatever reason my PC went into the "Low Memory Mode" where it disables Aero and such, as I closed the game down, which is strange since I have plenty of memory left over to begin with.. but the really weird part? My GF's PC went into low memory mode at the EXACT same moment. Both PC's entered low memory mode, like we had both had something happen.. but the PC's are not linked at all in any way (Not on same power outlet, not on the net). They both reverted back not long after as well, but there wasn't even a 2nd between the PC's switching modes. When I got to the desktop mine switched, as I noted Aero was gone, and my GF complained her game started screen tearing, which happened to be because it switched modes. How weird is that...? I can think of zero logical ideas of a real reason for this besides completely random chance, but it happened so precisely that it just doesnt feel like chance, ya know? The ONLY thing I can think of is some type of electrical issue.. but nothing flickered that I recall, and we are on different outlets (Not sure if they are the same breaker though.) Sorry if no one finds this interesting, it just weirded me out, and can't stop pondering it lol.
  25. EDIT: Hmm. Guess Compound object doesn't work properly... it acted like it did, showed up perfectly fine, converted fine, etc etc. But doesnt seem to work in game. I may have made a mistake, but dont think so, everything went smooth.. just think it doesnt work...
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