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Everything posted by nisen
if you swtich to Fallout, theres the fo3nexus site for all your downloads, and has an upgraded version of obmm called fomm, but making omods for oblivion is easy on 90% of them. Omod ready downloads usually come with a script that gives an optional install criteria when activating called omod conversion data but most mods dont need one. Generally if it isnt an obse pluggin, but able to be copied straight to the data folder merging textures/meshes and adding the esp &or esm, that can be converted to omod instead by adding the data folder into the obmm/mods folder and clicking add folder in the omod creator window. then add name author version & download site optional. Usually guides tell you to choose add archive, which adds the unzipped download but I prefer adding everthing in folder format. Theres more advanced things you can do, learn to add scripts, add thumbnail photos, use Oblivion mod manager extended but depends on your interest level.
Hi I got all excited reading the uesp console tutorial where it says you can run a batch file with a npc's RefID (the code you see on screen in console mode) to add/remove items. I was hoping it'd mean creating batch files to add and remove items from my CM partners, but for some reason copying the batch file example exactly with another npc didnt work I was trying it on agronak gro malog and it kept saying "37ff9.additem" couldnt be found when the code I wrote in the txt file was 37ff9.additem 3b1dc 1 (which is to give him back his raiment, which I removed) Also tried changing agronak to his BaseID which is 37ff8 but got the same message. Any clue what im doing wrong?
had the same reaction updating it with the English voices, changes the theme a bit. Great binding spell, if your faced with a sorceress throwing one hit kill spells at you, and sometimes works to distract the male npc's preparing for stealth attack jcscrogs, how've you installed estrus and did you add the patch? Correct installation would be unzip both main and patch files, copy the zzEstrus.esp from the patch file (nothing else) and past it into the Estrus - japanese main file folder (overwriting the esp), then copy/paste that folder into oblivion/data, or turn it into an omod.
2 CM partner mods adding Nec's.. and Kaleah
nisen replied to nisen's topic in Oblivion's Mod troubleshooting
some extra details, if anyone can help, had a look at the two mod file trees, and they show both mods have the same Kaleah dds files, but different Mystic High Elf_Remake files. Sclerocephalus has 10 and Poseidon 8 which are all included in the Sclerocephalus mod, except one of them is a different size. Still have no idea why obmm listed the first one as a crc mismatch cause those files look the same except for the date. Heres the two mods files, highlighing extra dds files and the one with different sizes http://img259.imageshack.us/img259/912/necmystichighelfremake.jpg at this point thinking its safe to delete from Poseidon Nec Elf (Kaleah) - whole folder Nec Mystic High Elf-REMAKE - whole folder Kaleah.esm and didnt notice before theres also an Nec Mystic High Elf-Remake.esm Since noone got an opinion, will just do what seems logical. Shouldve posted this in the official thread. -
Error when installing mods on Oblivion.
nisen replied to RemonaLynn's topic in Oblivion's Mod troubleshooting
are you sure you know the data folder location? if its on steam, should be similar to C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\oblivion\Data. What mods have you tried to install? Its also better to first extract somewhere temporary, to open it up and look at the readme, and reorder/remove some files if needed -
Sclerocephalus CM Partner Compilation, and CM Poseidon_ii_'s Super Sexy CM Companions PACK Ive allready installed Sclerocephalus as an omod and they both have Nec's mystic high elf and kaleah but Kaleah's a primary CM partner in Sclerocephalus' mod and only added in (with textures and seperate esm) in Poseidon's, so figure deleting the Poseidon content, if there can only be one version in use. Obmm says Poseidon has these files which conflict with Sclerocephalus would these be the only files needed to delete from Poseidon (them and the Kaleah.esm) Option B is leaving the files in and just removing Kaleah.esm, but also what should happen with with the CRC mismatch texture
hey angel, only saw your name after posting, so remembered you had the bash and stuff installed. As Ive got no expertise trouble shooting, only know it sounds similar to my issue of crashes (some when mid way thru autosaving) trying to exit doors to the world space, like the waterfront. Im about to rebuild my patch after adding a couple mods and reinstalling BC without the waterfront, but assume the main problem is the graphics card. btw if Hickory from the other threads reading, thanks again for passing on the list of unknown mods I had to the BOSS team, theyre now recognised on the masterlist.
hi, ive got the same thing with some places (notably trying to leave the Goddess store and waterfront player cottage, and trying to leave Cheydinhal mages guild) till its sorted teleporting in and out of places works well Player.Moveto RefID MovetoQuestTarget and CenteronCell
Ok first off, I really like the Better Cities, and not going to uninstall it, (tho might see if the waterfront can be seperated). Its just that somehow the waterfront district is SO bad on stability and frame rates on my system ( i7-720QM / HD5730M / 4GB 1333 / 5400rpm hdd ) there really is no better place to get a crash with a 3 in 4 chance doing any of the following will crash it: teleporting to the waterfront district or the Goddess store door, exiting the Goddess store (door or hatch) or the player cottage (from the vanilla game) and 1 in 4 chance just walking around, or walking into the Goddess store or into the player cottage will crash it. Is this a fairly common with Better Cities waterfront or just me? probably one of many ways around it is MoveToQuestTarget but that works fine.
right, I was mistaking Skyrim for Nehrim
wow that works perfectly. It not only keeps the previous skill points, but overrides the game systems minimium 25 on the major skills and only rearranges the placement of the new majors and minors. Exactly what I was hoping to do. thankyou Sir Quaxalot also adding to the instructions above, applicable to editing showclassmenu: 1.) you can start choosing the custom class with the console still open (but can also close it straight away) 2.) to name the new class, you need to close to console to transfer keyboard access for it 3.) to save it, you need to open the console again to activate the option to save it after pressing esc So: open console / show ... / customise / close console / name it / open console / esc -Save
hey not sure what you mean by the grass being 'distorted/blurry/sectioned' but ive not got Skyrum yet, drool. Is it something your seeing in Skyrum or everywhere, and is it a noticable drop from the vanilla Cyrodil/Oblivion appearance? If your not running other mods yet, you could start with AEVWD, Tes4LodGen, Unique lanscapes, Improved trees and flora (or ...) and Qarls texture pack 3. Have a look thru these categories for a better idea Environmental Models and Textures Lanscape Changes and change the view to Downloads or Endorsments and Desc to see the best ones first
thanks Quaxalot, ill give step 3 and 4 a go with editing the class stats. Will update with results
bananasplit better cities problems
nisen replied to jryan388's topic in Oblivion's Mod troubleshooting
hi, when you installed the three-part Better Cities omod, did you follow the install guide here A) refers to Better Cities 4-8-0 (from the 30 MB zip) J) refers to Better Cities Resources 4-8-0 (137 MB zip) K) refers to Better Cities Permanent Resources (303 MB zip) Another way to tell if youve got it installed is to open the console and type StartQuest BBCMenu should bring up the options menu to toggle various things on/off like wine barrels. with utilities, ive read BSA redirection is the latest/safest version (and think is set and forget) -
the only LHammonds site ive seen is http://LHammonds.game-host.org/obmm/default.asp with links to his profiles on the About page the beginners guide is at CS Wiki http://cs.elderscrolls.com/constwiki/index.php/Main_Page
edit. Hi when I change the character class using the console after exiting the sewer grate, it resets all the skill points and removes any ive gained. Is that sapposed to happen, and is there a way to block it, to add the points to a new class? Would seem you have to stick to the class from the start of the game not to lose any progress
OMOD load orders "assisstance / ideas"
nisen replied to helfira's topic in Oblivion's Mod troubleshooting
so your skill levels medium/high with modding, mines low/medium, but can make most things into omod's if not too complicated. Out of curiosity have you personally installed any of the omod's youve got active, as in click create, add archive/add folder etc, or were they allready omods and just needed activation. btw, most mod instructions dont mention if it can be turned into an omod if its simple enough to go straight the data foder, but those are just as safe to install as an omod (if you like the ability to remove them easily) lol this is where my low skilz show up, not sure what the .xml configs are, but also interested in any tips on configuring DarN menus -
not exactly matching your mod list, but theres a general install order procedure for many of the mods youve got here which suggests first getting BOSS and OBMM, and installing all the unofficial patches. Also just cause its intended for steam installation is irrelevant: dont have the links atm, but that guides basically a duplicate of a dozen other versions with the same lists/install orders, so its obviously applicable to any copy of Oblivion, and whoever the original author of it was, wrote a great guide.
OMOD load orders "assisstance / ideas"
nisen replied to helfira's topic in Oblivion's Mod troubleshooting
hi helfira, you dont have too many installed yet, but it helps to use BOSS (better oblivion sorting software) which reorders everything for you, and mabye also Wyre Bash which works with BOSS to merge things for better integration, among alotof other things what do you mean about trying to make omod's from plugins? btw theres a Deadly Reflex 6 beta now if you wanto try it, Ive not used 5 so cant tell what the main improvements are also with your map, ive gone for TWCWM over the Elven ones if you wanto check it out -
bananasplit better cities problems
nisen replied to jryan388's topic in Oblivion's Mod troubleshooting
hey ive got better cities on a weaker laptop card than your using (but with 4GB ram) and have alotof mixed results with fps depending on which city and whats looked at. Also before installed Oblivion stutter remover and Streamline 3.1, my fps allways swung from 10 to 60 fps inside the cities, so when you now only get 20 fps, is that fairly constant which ever one your at. And with DSoS advice to use game booster (im still not sure it helps mine) the company that makes it also has the Advanced System Care program (from which you can download Game booster) that comes with an excellent ram cleaner app worth running before a new game -
Sorry how does this work, ive got also got W7 64 and Oblivion on steam installed in the default program files x86, and got the key locks all over the place in the data folder for esps and textures or meshes, and many of them are omods, but im not sure what you mean the key lock 'prevents mods from working in game' mine are all active in game; is there a CS tutorial pointing out key locks are bad, cause my system still has alotof issues with crashing, so figure theres things ive overlooked in setting up, and possibly might be one of them
Issues with race menu and face exchange
nisen replied to angel3181's topic in Oblivion's Mod troubleshooting
thanks, ...edit and theres is actually alotof facial expressions contrary to what ithought. -
Issues with race menu and face exchange
nisen replied to angel3181's topic in Oblivion's Mod troubleshooting
good to hear your back in black. A little belated heres the elven doll im playing now http://img338.imageshack.us/img338/928/myelvendoll.jpg -
Issues with race menu and face exchange
nisen replied to angel3181's topic in Oblivion's Mod troubleshooting
Yes, I just noticed that and edited my post. Thanks. Edit: It has no space because the file provided in the Beta has no space. I'm guessing the space was a typo by nisen. yea sory about that and ta for the correct esp, ive got the correct one allready but nice detective work to hunt down The things im finding with DR6 is it keeps sheathing and unsheathing my weapons twice, and certain random triggers open console message logs so mightve installed it wrong: ive deleted two of the esps and reordered the remaining 4 in the omod creator, cause its not ordered correctly in the archive (recommended). So doubles the confusion not knowing what BOSS makes of it -
Issues with race menu and face exchange
nisen replied to angel3181's topic in Oblivion's Mod troubleshooting
DesuChan's Dolls.esp has already been added to the masterlist, though the update is not showing at this time. I have submitted the others to the BOSS team for inclusion, so keep updating that masterlist. Thankyou for that, Ive started using DesuChan's Dolls instead of Persocoms now, so deactivated that and wrote the userlist like put nomousewheelzoom randomly after HUD status (just easier to remember) but will look out for BOSS masterlist updates Btw, would you know about the load order suggested by the Deadly Reflex 6.0 install guide. It says install BOSS puts the horse combat esm after all other esms, but the esps need readjusting: The Deadly Reflex 6 - Combat Moves.esp is pretty close to the bottom after running BOSS but the other three * are futher up. For now Ive been deactivating Deadly Reflex OMOD before running BOSS and Wyre Bash. Its suggested not to leave it active running Wyre Bash here but is that still valid advice, and is there any chance BOSS knows better than the Install guide about where thse esps should go?