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Everything posted by nisen

  1. lol thats why you benchmark for a stable overclock with stuff like 3dMarkVantage and 3dMark11 http://downloads.guru3d.com/download.php?id=6 Stables usually 15-20% over factory clocks; just need to watch till the benchmarks artifact, then lower it abit till it doesnt, and google your card for an idea what numbers are normal but lower them to start, incase those users exaggerated, or lucky or overvolted it, noone wants to report a shitty overclock :D
  2. wow, so Fxaa injector works in fo3 and fonv also, nice, but is it a big hit on framerates without enb antifreeze? Im not really sure my average framerates on the current system (hd6770m 1gb) cause its mostly unmoded sofar, but seems to hold up really well considering whats installed. also have you read if Fxxa injector has the same sortof issue with msi afterburner? thats the only reliable overclocking tool igot with an ati card since ati tray tools buggy as hell, keeps telling me to reinstall it cause its didnt install right
  3. not working for me, the ENB message appears loading the game but shift+F12 doesnt activate it. ive got the 4 required files (3 dll and the enb config) have changed the Fallout Prefs vid card to "ENB" loaded the game thru the launcher, and checked the readme for clues. Am i missing something? Ive tried ENB on GTA4 etc and know there should be a pretty noticable differenceng wait so this one doesnt alter visual details at all! lol, that explains nothing changes. if only it worked with msi afterburner :(
  4. ive got a few of that authors mods just before they got banned, Lings pretty things is brilliant, changes the appearance of most key npcs to be 'pretty' but not exaggerated, i took this shot of Moira at crater side supplies http://www.fallout3nexus.com/imageshare/images/2355550-1303976774.jpg the face and hair are Lings pretty things. Not sure what alternatives there are to improve npcs like that, guess you might try the beautiful people mod, but never really looked at how it improves things
  5. hey ive not compared them much, but noticed some wired quirks taking a quick before and after of NMCs texture pack vs POCO BUENO's texture pack, vs the unmoded game. http://img802.imageshack.us/img802/1404/fonvdefaultgame.jpg (no mods) http://img822.imageshack.us/img822/4417/fonvnmctexturepkm.jpg (NMCs Texture pack Medium v1.0) http://img716.imageshack.us/img716/2711/fonvpokobuenov5.jpg (POCO BUENO Texture pack v5) looks a lot like the default game is hard to beat on things like rock and roof textures, but NMCs draws the truck a lot better, and generally seems to render the color pallet nicer (although the Imaginator mod might also get the same difference) and from that view, POCO BUENOs v5 doesnt seem any improvement on either but theres obviously gonna be more difference up close to things. still my innital impression leans toward NMCs if any heres another using NMCs + Detailed Normals v1.7 http://img838.imageshack.us/img838/273/fonvnmcdetailednormals.jpg Detailed Normals does a few things replace/change part of the road texture (actually makes it worse) replace/change the dirt texture (now looks like red sand, subjectively seems more natural) replace/change the rock texture (a lot more shadows and contrast, best one sofar)
  6. right thanks for that, the higher unique download referred to was a new version. but assumed people would get the smaller update for the same difference if they had the first. But file sizes were small so guess its simpler to download it again dont like nexus 3hour rule for endorsing, its too easy to forget by then, and ive not endorsed three quarters of the ones i wanted to on FO3, should get a pen and paper and jot things down this time around
  7. :confused: so your saying unique downloads is the accurate measure. What'd be happening when theres more unique downloads than total downloads?
  8. i thought the idea of 4GB address was to let the game use upto 4GB of available ram, so when youve got atleast 5 or 6GB.
  9. hey, theres something wrong with this new comp. The setup on all 3 games is the same as the old one, same install paths, same OS, theyre Steam installs if that makes any difference damn, iallways do this, ask then double check the options the instructions here completely fixed it on all 3 games so the culprit is/was the Microsoft e-home infared tranciever
  10. ah thanks, yea ill make another one no problem, guess im bored with it too come to think of it >< will see what my FONV pc looks like and do one from that. btw ub3rman, couldnt find your goldfish but this one looks allright if you want to start over :D http://img683.imageshack.us/img683/5899/gooldfish3180.th.jpg
  11. thanks but as mentioned the displayed versions a down sampled copy, sortof stupid request tbh :turned:
  12. thanks Dark0ne and micalov, sound like good points
  13. hey noob question, whats the main reason people dont like DRM on FONV, is it the need to download and maintain updates for the Steam client even tho its an offline game, and the buyer may not even own a single game on Steam? or partly cause its considered sneaky advertising of their wares lastly ive just bought FONV on Steam, but is there even some shortcoming the DRM brings to this copy?
  14. hi, i accidently deleted the original 64x64 picture of my avatar, which is my FOV pc but tweaked and resized a lot to look the same at that resolution accessing my Nexus profile only allows deleting or uploading something else. Is it possible one of the admins can access the uploaded copy directly and whim me the file which is like 15kb? The qualities the main issue here, avatars show up blurier than the original upload, and it was difficult getting the balance
  15. http://store.steampowered.com/news/5802/ might be useful to know if its gonna mess with any mods or unofficial patches so you can uninstall /reinstall to avoid idont even have FONV yet, allmost bought it yesterday, and wouldve if id known it included this brand new update to start off argh! damn Steam sales
  16. aw damn, i skipped on the offer in the end, but wouldve put it off a while even took it up, so all good , cheers
  17. cool, so guess my clients infiltrated my Firefox to always give the gimped local price. Haha, i tried to 'cheat' it before installing Steam lastyear telling Steam help ihad a US address, like instructed by some shadier local gamers to get your cheaper US prices. ... Haha, we still pay US prices in Australia, just higher that US US, talk about whose the shadier? :D oh well, guess im a Beth addict, and hate buying those cruddy disks... does anyone know how soon the FONV GOTY is likely showing up. A local shop seemed to think soon cause their standard FONV orders were discontinued. ANy truth to this
  18. hey hector, what region are you in, im Aussie, but shouldnt change going to that same link, says its $27 (70% off $90) thats basically what the dvd version sell for online at a few places, but steams convenient
  19. Blender, no but guess im fine to see how the components install: lightings pretty important imo, most locations could use some tweaking that needs specific placement and colors used i know its probably doable in geck, loading the fallout.esm etc, but still seemed tricky moving light sources around on the test cell tutorial, being all thumbs :D will whim you in a few days if got Blender setup and understand the basics, thanks :)
  20. yea thatd be perfect, theyre light balls, for a source of colored light http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=1074 but will making it static mean its unmovable afterwards?
  21. thanks, iguess your talking about adding a collision box in geck? not very familiar with that
  22. ok thanks, but how well do you know Fallout3? obviously just using the setpos quardinates makes it tempoary, but can anyone confirm this is the only way to do it was hoping there was a trick like using tcl in some order, and have a mod relies exclusively on using the setpos quardinates to place light balls, it doesnt mention them being unusable as actual fixtures, its the one by backsteppo
  23. hi, im trying to keep objects hovering mid air at speicific xyz coorinates, untill theyre moved again, but after leaving the cell theyre positioned, (or exiting the game) they allways succumb to gravity and drop. Have tried using tcl on them before and after setting them up but doesnt work can this be done ingame?
  24. dayem, i allways wondered whats there to do playing the 'evil path' you should write an article on getting the most out of it, or at least start a thread
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