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Everything posted by nisen

  1. not sure if newvegas works the same as fo3 but if you mean where, should be in textures/scoptec/readius but if its to do with the aspect ratio getting flipped see here
  2. hey, a side point on whats the better mod, decided to give Evergreen a go and didnt like it as much (seems a little too uniform) but after playing Greenworld a few weeks, have to say theres too much overlap where trees shouldnt be. Mainly on bridges, but also at Tenpenny Towers, and a couple other building, and theyre full size trees in there. Now ive got a third one Greenerworld with a similar style to Greenworld but none of the overlap sofar. If you were going to check it out but didnt like the coloring, could also use it with Autumn
  3. i had this problem briefly the other day, dont remember how it was fixe, but couldve been smthg from a penalty. Try restoring all you health effects: removing rads, curing addictions and detoxing and fully restoring limbs. If your also using primary needs, get them back to 0 aswell. Thanks to this thread, googling fast travel found the 'fast travel from indoors' mod, allways wanted to do that, cheers shaunone, coc cell names are included in some of the location descriptions here
  4. got this mod Psychic Powers and Insane Weapons that says you need to add one with the esps name, but never heard of doing this, the mod structure looks normal otherwise, just need to run a bat file in the console to load the weapons
  5. ok thanks. yea not really sure where to ask it (prbly shoudve in mod talk/ mod requests) or even if its kosher to ask.
  6. hey came across Illusionary Script for Oblivion and like the idea to label storage and signs around the place. Has anyone come across similar mods for fo3?
  7. same here, was working in FWE fine one day and then nothing the next, but havent tried any mods. if you using Bottle Refill by BaaamI87? it doesnt mention if 'empty bottles' will work, just NukaCola, Soda, Whiskey, big Whiskey and Milk bottles, (im assuming its a *water* refill cause its using sinks) also think when you access the National Guard Depot bunker, theres a huge stash of water, like 50 bottles, you might wanto get, and that robot in the megaton home restocks on water every few days, just keep asking till he says no more, and return later.
  8. nothing unusual, mod esps/esms only show in fomms main window if theyre physically in the game data folder, but the package manager shows the .fomod compressed files stored elsewhere (say C:/games/fallout 3/mods). If your coming from Oblivion, obmm stores .omod files in the game folder itself, so deleting the whole game folder delets the .omod's too. If the .fomod's arnt there, look in Fomm's Settings - Fallout 3 - Mod Directory
  9. yea Lings MegatonContracts or SeducingWomen esps are only patches to use if you have them installed Underground Hideouts a brilliant mod (highly recommend finding the control room and teleportation device) btw theres two really nice weapons in the Fort Freeway mod. The Katana in the crypt and Benders Revenge used by one of the raiders on the crane. Dont know where to get ammo for it so use HiVEs ammo duplication table, and you cant miss HiVEs entrance, its right nexto Megaton
  10. with FOV, the default game settings 47, but Readius default is 35 which should mean its allready much bigger than the 3000, so theyre not scaled the same. I prefer Readius at 29. Far as what youve done, did you first uninstall it ingame holding down B till the uninstall menu showed or are you using a controller? if your looking for more mods id recommend the following for subtle improvement to the environment one of the NMC texture packs for a more lush watsteland either Evergreen or Greenworld anything by Earache42 such as Lings Pretty Things and eXcaluber Universe BoE for player homes Underground Hideout, HiVE, Bunker 72 and Fort Freeway for more variety of monsters MMM to add interiors to bus' and trains Busworld
  11. theres a Bender themed lazer rifle (think grenade launcher with lazer accuracy) in the Fort Freeway mod. You get it when taking down the raider up on the crane. not sure where to find the unique ammo for it in much supply, so im using the HiVE mod duplication table for that http://img227.imageshack.us/img227/749/benderenderlazerrifle.jpg
  12. its in C:/Documents/My Games/Fallout3/FALLOUT. The installation folder only keeps has the template for it called Fallout_default
  13. make sure the ini configuration files reset to default by deleting it, so when the game starts can write a new one. For the fomm issue, id something similar, replacing the data folder with a backup copy before uninstalling the fomods, and fomm still had them checked as active in the package manager. somehow it managed to 'uninstall' the missing content, but if yours wont load at all, should first copy the fomod storage folder (default c:/games/fallout 3/mods) then reinstall fomm and paste the fomods back there. hopefully that works
  14. just curious since MMM now has an ingame control panel aswell, does that make FWEs option for 'supported mod configs' redundant? cause it gives the example of MMM as a mod designed to incorporate in FWEs control panel if installed, but mine just has an exit button for it
  15. theres a ton of things or nothing depending on your luck/skill/cynicism. A fortnight ago Id the smoothest game running, with 90% of the same mods I run now, but somehow its completely bugged out chrashing every 10 minutes or so. Ive tried getting back to only that previous list, tryed a fresh install, all sorts of tweaks, but seems hopeless the least id suggest would be using BOSS instead to sort the load order and reading the tweakguide recommendations . But a few mods to check out are Better game performance, No blur on hit, and Clear cell buffers (although Clear cell buffers might CTD in Underground Hideouts cell transition at the door seperating armory & living space. Mine crashes every time, but at least writes an autosave on the other side) Its also widely suggested autosaves are part of the problem on a heavily moded fallout3 and to disable them, but ive not noticed much improvement on that, just furstration with more lost gameplay, so need to find the autosave replacer mod before that.
  16. ive got this mod installed as a fomod. Unpacked the two parter and the hotfix to a temporary location, and just told fomm's package manager to "Create FOMod" from that, as it has fomod conversion data. With what you did it might not have unpacked to the correct subfolder if no esms and esps showed up, and youll need to find and remove it before proceeding. This mod also needs FOSE and a merged patch using FO3edit (or other) and itll help to use BOSS for the load order with any other mods later on
  17. edit, problem solved, sorry about mentioning the site.
  18. for the steam version, can move an unmodded backup of your 'fallout 3 goty' folder (assuming you got one) into the steamapps/common folder, then delete the INI file in mygames/fallout3. To get the backup to move there, they just need different names or the one your replacing deleted, but suggest not deleting it at the start, just rename it to like 'fallout 3 goty replaced' cause some file are easier to copy over from that. FOMM is also good alternative as suggested
  19. yea thought i mightve reassigned it and went thru the whole kb holding them all down and double clicking them. then right on schedule other problems cropped up (added alotof mods last few days) and decided to to a fresh install. Have left Readius out for now, and have the light working again on the 3000. Just goto figure out what the new freezes/crashing are from before adding readius again
  20. half serious you could allways just forget about mothership zeta - im really critical of this mod or mabye install Fo3edit and see what load order it recognises its in.
  21. didnt even know about the pipboy light till installing the Readius, and think it was activated not by holding down Tab, instead just pressing B but soon after id installed it, did an uninstall cause there was a problem (did the uninstall by holding down B till the menu option came up, choosing uninstall, saving it, then closing the game to uninstall the fomod). Figured the problem might resolve it self with a reinstall, and was right, but now neither pressing B, or holding down Tab activates the light, and holding down B to access the options menu wont activate that either. Not sure if ishould just uninstall the fomod without accessing the menu option, reload the game and use the console commands player.additem 15038 1 / resetpipboymanager / player.equipitem 15038 hoping that restores it with the pipboy light, Or is there a better way, even a console command to activate or reequip the light. Im using the Enhanced Weather mod with darker nights, so wanto use the light alotof the time now, and like the pipboy Readius so prefer to keep it.
  22. to the original question how to get your load order sorted, recommend installing BOSS for fallout3 It works exactly like it does for Oblivion but you install it to the Fallout3 data folder so it only looks for Fallout3 mods Ive also had a ton of problems with crashing entering/exiting new cells and dont think load orders the main culprit, but cant live without autosaves, and usually find its its a particular mod or the order a mod was installed. Havent learnt to fix it with Fo3edit but assume that can find the conflicts.
  23. lol I completely overlooked what the DAT and 2nd application were: to uninstall it. this time I just 'installed' it to an empty folder, added the esp update, and turned it into a fomod - dont need application installs and uninstall apps - and its working fine. Cant figure out the pattern to make it thru the maze but have the walk thru so should find find the logic soon enough thanks for your help
  24. some truth to this. I installed it at about lvl 17, and just with XP points gained, had about 20,000 but to get to lvl 18 (according to its new stats) wouldve needed to reach 60,000. Never sorted it out and just started a new game, but these stats can be altered or restored to the vanilla game in the FWE control panel like most stats Even if you can work with the many changes starting it from a save game, id also recommend starting it fresh instead, its a lot less confusing that way
  25. yea Fomods arent stored in the game subfolder like Omods are. Start FOMM, look at Settings - Fallout 3 - Mod directory. Tells you where theyre stored: mine are in C:\Games\Fallout 3\mods for example
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