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Everything posted by Ranokoa

  1. Weight loss in last monthish to date: 40 lbs. V8 and mountain dew miracle diet.
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    2. Ranokoa


      225 now. Since I was VERY sick for about a month I had to break my diet half-way through so I actually had resources to fight it off. My body doesn't like to get "unsick" once I actually do. Ate solids, soup.... I ate, basically lol. My body held onto it because of starvation mode, but now I'm back through that patch and it's eating itself again now. Yay! For the first time in over a month I now feel hunger...because I ate... Ironic, huh?
    3. RubikNight


      225 is great from 270


    4. Ranokoa


      Ya, it would be. If it didn't look like I lost 5 pounds instead, lol. I'm starting to wonder where the hell I lost the weight to begin with. Maybe I lost it in my head, because I have felt rather stupid lately. Lol.


  2. Been horribly ill for quite a while. Almost two weeks of unending agony. I'm on a buffalo.
  3. I was ganna hit emotionless text when I got my comp hooked up, but that now said is a nicw reminder. Plus, till then, a great contriburion. Kudos to you.
  4. You can tell where the meds really kicked in at the end. Lol. I hope I am comprehensible.
  5. I may one day come back to this and comPlete my thoughts, till then I am annoyingly hit with periods i dontmputnwhen this padticular text keyboard doesnt even have that key and other phone bull. Once I was finished reading this thread that Dark0ne wrote http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/372658-earache42-banned/ An epiphany of remembrance swept me to a degree that I feel I must share. It will be succinct until my comp is rehooked up. We are in a community with a giant potentiality for being overwhelmingly children. And a lot of them are younger than allowed. While we mostly are consciously aware of this, it was not until Dark0ne's post that reminded me of a very important thing that, if not many others, at the very least I, myself, find myself getting wrapped up in the maturity that our less than have my wish of grusome death members present. Sure, we all have our immature moments, jokes and such. We are totally entitled to that. It's what makes us mature - to use moderation and appropriate timing. A lack of childishness in adults completely is what I term, "mindless corporation robot accountants with a frontal lobe injury due to excessive grenade headband wearing.... Syndrome" ( this is an example of my immaturity I guess too.) But here is where the problem is, aside from an alarming rate of death by those headband wearers, that when we find the people we like, enjoy conversing with (child or adult) that does have that perfect balance of immaturity so it is less a matter of tolerating but rather enjoying the presense of eachother ( figuratively) we take it for granted, and lose sight of the truth. This community is GREAT. But a large percent is indeed very and annoyingpy immature. While only a few are truly intolerable to the point that a thought comes to mind where you almost want to start a pool on how long it takezls them to be banned, it is because we are already and intentionally immerse ourselves with the mature ones we like that we trick ourselves into thinking the rest of the community must be level headed and rational / logical people that you can expect to do the comprehensible thing. What is great about the community is that there are groups for everyone and any type of person to truly immerse yourselves here. Many things, peoples and all to choose to centralize your focus. We... Get.... Too... Used to it. Something that theoretically sounds nice. But when we allow ourselves to lose sight of all the other people that are not as pleasant then we lose sight of ourselves. No matter what your story is, if it was being used to everyone telling you you are great and loved or only talk with intelectuals, it is when we run into these " unfamiliar" immaturities that our own maturity disintegrates faster than the very first person to be hit by the A-bomb at ground zero. This causes lapses in our judgements from the size of a penny to the size of the Nexus herself. We must remeber when interacting that kaybe, just sometimes maybe those occasional pieces of turds are actually just immature to a magnitude we tricked ourselves into thinking didn't exist. Both parties then can cauze trouble, and both are probably thinking the other a troll.... But sometimes the immature kids who weren't trolls, did not at all overstay their welcome, turn into those trolls because of the abuse sent their immature ways. And I beg people understand that everytime I saix immature, I meant it ambiguously with all its meanings. Immature people annoying things we don't comprehend as they do, but it also means they may not comprehend your intentions either. In summary, "Man is blind only when he opens his eyes" so make sure when a child is pointing what looks to be a gun at you that it isn't a toy and an invitation of play before you pull out the real thing and use it. I speak from personal insight, and mental experience. Personally I enjoy watching trolls starve to death than feeding them, but my mind us susseptible to the facade that everyone here are like those I enjoy the knowledge that still breathe. I hope those who read this will find it helPful and possibly prevent bans. Sorry for crappy Iphone typos. Be well, sleep well, fight well, live long. ~Ranokoa PS: to the children. Reverse the message intenders. Know that not everybody here is exuberantly young and may take "good hearted intentions" bad with a poor choice of words. Any moderator who likes this message has my blessing and my compulsion's lust to clean up the grammar and message should they so choose to. Also I am too medicated to think of a proper title. I don't mind if that is appropriately changed either.
  6. Happy Zombie Jesus day
  7. Ummm.. Maybe you should read a little more of my poetry.
  8. I haven't read all that. Too sick to read on tiny phone. But I read enough to see what you are saying. I was asking about happy. I know what love feels like. It's that feeling right before you feel the knife of betrayal in your back. Lol
  9. Ranokoa


    Being generally friendly and helpful will earn you kudos. Sometimes modders even give kudos to those that either playtested their mod or gave some bug report in the comments because its considered help in making the mod better. I know I have given a kudos or two for someone reporting an elusive error.
  10. If this general idea is feasible or agreeable with Dark0ne and the others then I am 100% certain they would hammer all the kinks out so it is agreeable by everyone before implementing. But please, anyone who has a the tiniest idea to add go ahead! It can only make it better.
  11. Again, just a general idea. Let's say another tiny rule is that the Nexus will not change or edit your mod once it is accepted as a donation. But you are missing the point of donating. The whole purpose of donating is you are willingly and with full understanding of entitling another person to some of your property without compensation. That's the whole point. I don't expect a giant amount of people being willing to give up their works selflessly. This is more so an alternative means of broke people being able to donate and help the nexus in some way, while generating revenue for our home. This idea is totally moldable. If you don't like one aspect, tell me an idea to make it so you do like it! It's not constructive criticism if the criticism doesn't help construct. Not saying I am taking your critisim negatively, I am not. Just saying you are welcome to jump in the creating side of the pool too. :) Everyone, that is.
  12. It's Easter? :( Bleh.
  13. Hmmmm.. I get what you're saying. Much clearer. It does have potential for people that are fame-hungry. Yes, when I say "donate" I do mean that the person gives up all control over that mod, and as far as permissions are the modder might as well have never made the mod. That is not to say their wishes are going to be forgotten or not counting towards the decision of the admins, just that the actual final decision is that of the Nexus, and can overwrite the modder. In essence they literally donated their mod. Well, maybe the modder will get no recognition. It's just an idea that can be changed. This way only modders who are capable of modesty will do this. They will get the benefits of having donated it if it is approved to be put on the page, but no recognition publicly. No kudos hungry people involved. The ranking for the file will be that of the average 1/10 or 1/5 votes of the Nexus staff and the Nexus staff only, or those who are involved in this anyways, and there will be no shown vote from the staff. There will just be a rank but no one will see who gave what rank to keep it anonymous and prevent animosity. And other like things. So only mature people will even care to participate. I'm just pitching a general idea. Thanks for helping me understand Pronam's thing though Be well, sleep well, fight well, live long. ~Ranokoa
  14. The positive side? Revenue for the Nexus. Help maintain and keep this place going, especially since we all know that TesV will not only put a damper on space, but it will cause sooooo many more members to join. The point of this isn't for glory or recognition. As a matter of fact it's not even my point. Or close to it. The whole purpose is to "donate" your mod. Key word "donate". There isn't supposed to be any more return from a donation than a good feeling about yourself. This has little to do with the modders or the downloaders. It has everything to do with keeping the Nexus and or helping it grow further. Be well, sleep well, fight well, live long. ~Ranokoa
  15. I am Ranokoa! I am slightly anonymous! Even to my own family! Actually, I think I'm better known here... Okay, umm.. I am anonymous from... You!
  16. Anyways. Here is my idea which could help generate revenue for the Nexus while hopefully not breaching the "not for commercial sale" thing for mods. A new title of membership. You know how we have members, supporter, premium, etc. Well, how about "Senior Member" or something. A new category to fit this idea. My idea is basically this in a nutshell. People who have a minimum of Senior Member rank, which is right under supporter, are allowed access to a special section of pages which modders who also have a specific set of variables that must be met before being able to post their mod up for judging to be put into this page are allowed to "donate" their mod, and all of its permissions and "rights" over to the nexus. Of course, all credits and all are given to the modder. I am very tired, so instead of continuing to summarize my idea I will go step by step. All of this is suggestion and examples for guidance towards my concept. Any numbers or whatever are totally opinion. Senior Member: People can get to senior member status in a couple ways. Way 1: Having 5,000 posts. Way 2: Having 100 Kudos Way 3: Having a combined total of 250 endorsements on all mods. Way 4: Etc. Here's the catch that helps generate revenue. If you have ever donated, or are a Supporter, you have all Senior Membership rights, which include: Access to a special section of mod pages. Modders who have achieved either 250 endorsements or kudos or something, some time of filter so not every modder is flinging file after worthless file that doesn't fit this need at a page which a panel of selected judges sift through each file and give their opinion and vote on whether to pass it on to the special section or not, which an Admin or Dark0ne or something can approve. The special section would be for phenomenal mods such as any worth the top 100's. And there would be a top 100's for the special section too. However, any mod which is already available freely can not be put into this special section, BUT optional plugins for the freely used mods could be put in. Everyone can view this special section, of course. And let's say anybody with 50 kudos or more can comment. Or not. Whatever. This would mean that you can get to this special section without paying for it, but if you are too impatient you can pay if you aren't already a senior member or more to become a Supporter, which can also download from that special section. Any thoughts? Be well, sleep well, fight well, live long. ~Ranokoa
  17. My cat Zombie made me click enter before I wanted to. I meant to add, "I don't care what state it is in."

    Be well, sleep well, fight well, live long.


  18. Is there any chance that I could ask for that one tower mesh that you made for me all that time ago? And, of course, credits and all that given.
  19. Photo: My cat Meikay's eyeball.
  20. You didn't read it when I wrote it for you? Dear god, now I feel like I felt good about helping a depressed person by bypassing my rule of "No emo crap." Damn it.... <3 Be well, sleep well, fight well, live long. ~Ranokoa
  21. Ranokoa


    I must say I enjoyed reading it. Very nice, and kind of gripping. I didn't know you enjoyed poetry as well? Although, admittedly, I should be more active in my poetry contributions. Be well, sleep well, fight well, live long. ~Ranokoa
  22. Question: First, I haven't read all comments. Second, I found out about this yesterday. EDIT: PS: I emphasize "our mods" a lot because what I remember reading is you talking about not using resources from "not our mods". Although that quote is actually a paraphrase, that's the impression I got, so it basically an unasked question within these questions. Question 1: When you say that we can not use content from another mod, I am of course assuming this is with permissions, however, what if we use modder resources in which aren't originally from any mod at all? Such as Hel Borne's models that he gives in Zip with no mod attached? 2: What about resources that we helped to develop, and even though technically they are used in a mod, they are used in a mod in which we have uploaded under our name, with the permissions of the resource developer. Such as the Alchemic Sink mod I have uploaded. (Funny story, I insisted on him uploading either the mod version, available optional mod version, and or just giving him the script to put in the Zip. But he insisted, continually, that since I made the script, my contribution to his works should be uploaded under my name. This was well before he went hiatus. I still feel bad about it. :( I miss my good friend Hel Borne...) 3: What about resources that are entirely our own from our own different mods that are uploaded under our name? And or resources in which were planned for a mod, that we did not make yet, yet was made for us, and only we have it, and it is not in a mod yet, even though it's awesome and a couple years old. Youtube.com/ranokoa (The summoned gate vid is the resource in this particular question.) Number 4: Does anybody know a website with free, legal .mp3 sound effects which aren't crummy, downloadable, editable, (legally editable) and may contain musics with the electronic guitar playing a very quick, wordless beat that is obviously meant to trigger a suspenseful and intense emotion? And if so, would it be okay to use those resources in this competition? (If not, I need it anyways. I have "optional plugin" ideas that expand completely around the work I have planned for the competition for AFTER the competition. There are certain things I can do without in release for the comp., but eventually I want them done. Be well, sleep well, fight well, live long. ~Ranokoa
  23. I've never finished morrowind... :( My xbox broke before I could, and now I don't have an xbox at all. My computer would likely not have the space to support it because it has small hard drives. Although I've played it over and over, I never finished the main quest. I think I finished 50% of everything else, half of what I didn't finish I half finished. Be well, sleep well, fight well, live long. ~Ranokoa
  24. I was looking around to see why my topic was deleted for specifically CoD... Now I see why,. Ranokoa - XBL CoD: Black Ops. That's it. Zombies and multi, although I hate the arcade one. Too... weird. Not enough personal OOMPH to the kills. I think you should take all of these names and add them to the original post, after the Nexus name. So it's be like this: Ranokoa = Ranokoa Nexus --------- XBL
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