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Posts posted by Azrael120782

  1. i blasted Vulpes in the face with my recently acquired Vertibird gunship.


    I have the J3X Vertibirds mod going too,so here I am just buzzing around enjoying my bland texturless flight and I spot a group of fiends,I swoop in take them out,then I noticed these two little dots following me.(Mind you,the NCR adored me) I had my gunship drop a couple nukes near them to scare them away.I ended up flying to my base camp,dropped my bird off,went inside dropped my junk off thinkin I was safe.I go back out:


    Malcome and the creepy NCR guy were both there waiting for me><

  2. I meant that the rifle could be used to launch explosives at slower speeds... but now that I think about it, it wouldn't be worth the effort.

    On a side note, what about antimatter? It could be used as a weapon... but what about a particle shield? If you can contain it in some sort of magnetic field, wouldn't it destroy any matter that tried to pass through it, including a particle beam? It would probably be more effective in space, but what about the plasma field thing NASA is looking into? I vaguley recall something about it containing atmospheres... as for lasers, how would one defend against one (aside from something reflective)- could it be possible to scatter some sort of dust layer that would dissipate the beam? I'm assuming a society capable of containing antimatter would be more than capable of holding a cloud of dust particles together...



    Problem for antimatter is same for plasma,containment,a spoon sized ball of antimatter is both strong enough to put the shuttle into orbit or take out a good sized chunk of a city.


    Particle beams/lasers/plasma would all be most effficive in a vacume because theres no stuff in the air to distort the beams

  3. Theres no real defense against that kind of attack because its on the atomic level

    Issue with plasma weapons is heat dissipation and containment.

    Gamma is like X rays itd turn you into a flashbulb and turn you into carbon

    a pbw would be near silent,unless you were using a super dense atom,might cause insta gib kills.

    a mass driver is like a SMAC gun from halo,a rail gun on more roids than a baseball player.an auto gauss would need a capacitor that can charge and discharge wicked fast.A gauss uses impact to cause damage,so theres no real explosives in the round

  4. To do long range,you would want a particle accelerator beam,something that takes an electron/proton/neutron or even an entire atom,magnetically accelerate it to near the speed of light and launch it. it would be as fast and accurate as a laser but punch right through anything. Think of it as a hand held LHC.a laser would dissipate at long ranges,and enviroment would play havoc on a laser based weapon.Particle beam>plasma>laser.


    A particle beam shot would be like me throwing a pickup into your face compared to the lasers lunchbox prius landing on your foot


    a small laser pistol? I dunno,laser weapons due to their inherent complexity wont be small. vanillas pistol is pretty bulky.


    I think the gauss rifle would need 2 types of ammo,both an MF cell with 5mm round.the biggest issue with gauss and particle beam weaponry is it will decay rapidly. the rails in both will degrade due to the friction.


    Or make the gauss rifle take like 5mm ammo but has a recharge delay.

    *EDIT*smaller=better on a gauss weapon.less of a power draw and wear on the rails and coils.

  5. I figured it might... since you seem to be knowledgeable, I have three science questions. First, as I've heard that lasers are occluded (is that the right word?) in atmosphere, which is why they can be visible (am I getting that right?). If a laser was focused to an extremely thin diameter, would it be visible or not? Also, I assume that a bullet breaking the sound barrier would create a loud noise, but there wouldn't be any flash, and the sound would reach the target well after the projectile... so would it, in effect, be "silenced" if it was used at the relatively close ranges it is in game? I would think a subsonic projectile would be preferable at less extreme ranges, particularly on a personal weapon, due to power requirements. My third question is whether an "incendiary" round could be created with alloys with lower melting points (assuming that the future society can use some technique to make it magnetic) at subsonic speeds, or is air friction not as powerful as I thought?



    1) Yes and no,depending on the wavelength and power of the emitter,it may or may not be powerful enough to be in the visible wavelengths (ROYGBIV),the fallout universe lasers to me,must be a combination of Solid state lasers(AKA Ruby Lasers) and Chemical lasers,due to the ability to rapidly fire,and maintain a visible stream.The chemical laser would allow the rapid fire while the solid state crystal matric would allow the accuracy and focusing of the beam.The laser damage however would be burning,rather severely.And to power such a device you would need sometimg small and light hence the MF cells and ECPs.


    2)Actually with a gauss style weapon,there is a flash due to the fact that the projectile is literally lighting and burning the air as it moves.


    *EDIT* To make a gauss weapon sub sonic,you would have to turn the power way way down.


    3)Incendiary ammunition usually uses phosphorus as the ignition source. So it would be like a penetrator round,punching a hole into the armor then splitting like a hollow point to let the phosphorus out as its extremely reactive. However,Lithium could be used in that situation as well.

  6. I said:" add mutants which look like Point Lookout mutants to New Vegas" and "add double-barrel shotgun"? I



    theres an Italian side by side shotty on the nexus,nifty little varmint getter.


    I think ghouls would work

  7. the last fight I think coulda been better.even with the boomers and remnants fighting with you,it just didnt feel epic enough,


    Most sastifying moment? Capping a ghoul with my Gobi Intervention atop my watch tower.


    OR taking out Cottonwood cove with a hatchet and a silenced 10 mm.


    Did that with my Gobi there too lol.

  8. In reality,a gauss cannons shot WILL break the sound barrier with relative ease,the latest one(MKlll ship based ones launch a bowling ball sized aluminum slug I THINK 10 times the speed of sound,so a man sized one would have to be several times,unless it was subsonic or running low on power)
  9. the only question that I have even after reading this,playing in the geck,i had seen all of FO3s files,so,just curious does NV have all of 3s files minus the esm? or am I seeing those because I have 3?


    As cool as it is,I honestly think something couldnt be done due to Beshesda not liking it,well have to live and learn with NV for now

  10. Can't believe I didn't see your post last night, I've created a topic asking about a mod.


    I need to find a weapon replacer mod.

    here is what I'm looking for, I know it exists, I just can't remember it, longer than a month

    so history was wiped.

    I searched though weapons, meshes/textures, gameplay effects, and overhauls.

    No luck

    From what I remember, it renamed a lot of weapons, and replaced some too.


    A 10mm Submachine Gun replaced with an UZI - may have been a 9mm submachine gun now i think about it.

    A combat shotgun switched with see picture below


    A 10mm handgum replaced with, I believe it may have been a glock.


    I realize this isn't much information to go on.



    look at the mo beta or ahztechs weapons replacers,personally I like the mo beta more

  11. True,but NY has Plum Island,thats a big time germ factory for the conspiracy nuts. FEV+Plum Island? Would be kinda cool to see the history of the FEV there.But I hear theyre moving it to the midwest.




    We need to visit Area 51!!!!!


    well, there's the dugway proving grounds where the army and air force share a base in dugway, utah. its mission dabbles in biological/chemical weapons as well as other things. pre-9/11, it was pretty accessible to the public. it's not that way anymore.


    I honestly think 9/11 was known and great exuse to make everything a pita to access


    on aother note,we need another big city to go crawling in,that and more open buildings,heck 200 years later and noones thought of taking a crowbar to some of these doors??

  12. I hate being the only person in my school to appreciate games like Fallout 1/2 and older elder scrolls games. Those games were much tougher and you couldn't have just picked up and played through it. Those were the games that made you cry. That made you laugh. The games that made you feel like you have achieved success.

    But no every single person to play video games plays Black Ops posting every 30 minutes on their Facebook "omg cod black ops is teh best game evaa!" :confused:

    i agree 100%,I have a friend who Ive told many times to stuff it about Black Ops.


    Never did beat FO 1.. FO2 got stolen before i could beat it><


    I think the issue in gaming is plain and simple,greed. Look at MW1,The BEST modern shooter next to BFBC(I personally feel theyre equal),MW2 comes out,feels jumbled and incomplete but still fun(what 2 years?) Black ops,no fun,feels completely broken(when was that from the last COD?) I also feel the shooter genre is slowly heading downhill..


    FO3-Years in R&D,came out,plenty of bugs,but so much fun,and riding on the hype and modding of 3 NV is out about 2ish years later. NV is released,EXTREMELY buggy,issues with every patch breaking everything etc,more DLC etc..as a side comment I will be doing my 3rd reinstall of NV,FO3? I never had that issue. Mind you,this is a PC that runs FO3 flawlessly with 0 CTD and the mods to make everything pretty going,in NV im actually hitting laggy spots.


    SPORE is the best example of greed in gaming. go play it first,then watch the e3 demo thats like half an hour long so much is gone from SPORE. I have it,and I cant even get myself to play it for more than a hour or so,EA wanted to hit the childrens demographic? Sure good idea,but A)dont rush a game that is missing so much that was practically promised to the community B) fix a majority of the bugs so that way its more enjoyable,OR make it so we can mod it and fix it.


    To me,I think that NV will end up relying so heavily on mods,that almost all the vanilla content will be gone. TBH,Ive enjoye the modded quests more. I think PC gaming is going to end up using the modding communities as a crutch to fix their heaps of poo. Bethesda,I really hope doesnt rely on the communities so much to fix their issues,I mean the Gambryo engine is going on its 10th year,dontcha think that most of these bugs should be fixed by now? the Unreal Tech Engine is 3 years older and only progresses in ability,and stability.


    Singularity is the most recent game that Ive played that was relatively bug free.


    ohhh dont get me going on DLC.....

    BUT back on topic


    Man I member the dolphin game,did anyone play the Lion King game on the Genesis? THat an Sonic iwas glued to.

  13. Im running Vyntages Cass along with Earaches mo mod and Vera i now quite broken,I uninstall the game and redid it but she only says


    "what didn't get enough of me last time?" or along those lines and I went with the nice route and eve did variations of the dialog and nothing:(


    *Edit* Latest patch and FNVSE/FOMM,even with both mods disabled its still the same thing

  14. Very Simple


    Just post a pc with it's specs, the price, where you buy it and i will simply tell you if it's a good buy or not

    I'm a computer engineer btw and my hobby is graphic cards and gaming.

    Doesn't matter if it's prebuilt or not, brand or not. You cannot generalize , you just need a professional eye



    I build PCs as a hobby lol.Pity o many computer shops have closed an now its all online.

    I had seen a server boar that had 4 CPUs I think it was Octo or 6 core ready too,cant find it now lol.


    back ONTO topic tho

    Tigerdirect and Newegg are great places to shop.

    And who knows,maybe youll like building your own PCs.

  15. Am I the only one who HATES vanilla GL sights? they have no use really,they arent set up correctly and are hard to use.Is there anything to be done to fix this? I like my GL but using the sights make it useless to me.


    I mean the style that actually works and has it arcing. COD MW2 has the IS set up correctly.

  16. i use type 3 and breezes personally,if I get bored,sure Ill make em run around in the buff for some amusement.I like em cause theres more options to make a character look alive and not flat like with the vanilla stuff.Sure its sorta immature running around with a guy raging hard-on with a sniper rifle owing everyone and its funny to me at least. Immature? Probably,but its funny to me.


    the other half of the human psyche I find fascinating. Why do we do things the way we do? and that kinda stuff,would be awesome to explore in a game like Fallout.


    The Swastika used to mean peace and it also gave the Hindus the power of one of their gods I believe.

  17. Growing up on games like Quake 1-lll Arena,Half Life Lost Coast,Far Cry and Battle Field BC2(had AI that actually used cover!)Gears of War,FNV leaves something to be desired,I mean,sure having an enemy who charges you is fun once in a while,but they have no idea on tactics or cover use,and that makes FNV feel empty to me. To me,EVERY enemy weather it be a deathclaw or a lowly thug,they all use the same basic attack and that is,rush,attack,die. and its always a head on attack too,so I can agree,with an actor that has a high sneak,and a silenced weapon,the game becomes a shoot the fish in the barrel. The AI just feels unfinished and feels dead,not alive.Thats one thing Betheseda could have learned from GTA IV. The AI felt alive in their random actions.Walking around on their cell phones,getting food,it actually felt alive compared to 3 and NV.


    I mean yeah its fun to raid a building,and take out 15 guys like a ghost,but doing it over and over really ruins a game. even with MMM i could go into the sewers with my modified snipers rifle and take out all the ghouls and theyd never know i was there.

  18. At Black Co-you should make ghillie suits to go with it for day time sneaking.just make it harder for them to notice you or something because i tend to do a lot of daytime sniping while crouched and removing the sneak while cool,


    i have to agree,enemies who attack in the same patterns dull fast *cough*halo*cough*

  19. He could be a ghoul who was alive during the Cold War and part of the US Army in Russia.

    But (correct me if I'm wrong) I thought that Fallout occurred somewhere in the area of 250 years from now? If he was a ghoul... wouldn't he have needed to be alive when the war was fought?


    Also, any new news?


    Many ghouls are from the prewar era,in Point Lookout Desmond is from before the war as is Gob,just to name a few examples


    Nothing to report right now. The apartment interiors are pretty much all done. I've been busy with school and work. I'm going to be away on a trip for a week after Christmas, then I have exams. I'll try and work on this as much as I can though.

    Did you get the PM i sent?

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