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Posts posted by Azrael120782

  1. I finaly got my hhands on a Hurricane today, and while it's anything but an effective warship at this early stage, being in something more than 500 metres long feels like a homecoming. It's taking a LOT of getting used to-I used to fly a Drake and a Raven Navy Is. both big slow Caldy missile boats, both basicaly a huge shield generator floating lazily through space launching missiles. The 'Cane feels a lot lively to fly, it's faster, more responsive, and I've got a lot more freedom with the fit, admitedly it's not as tough as a Drake, but frankly I like it just for the speed-it can outpace some cruisers.


    As for corps, I'm leaning more towards Terminator's corp as of the moment, the reason being that I'm no miner. When it comes to EVE I'm a fighter and a PI industrialist, mining just doesnt appeal at all and I havent even trained it on my new character. I not all that fond of PVP-I used to be the second in command, field commander, and Chief Of Raids in a PVP focused Guild in Champions Online-a guild that went all the way to the top. After killing fourty nine players in single combat on an unbeaten streak, I hung up my gunslinger pistols for good, bored of PVP in general.(my Munitions/Celestial build was almost unbeatable, gunslinger combat powers gave me the highest DPS in my guild, Celestial's potent healing meant I was also the second strongest tank, while Acrobatics ensured I was almost impossible to hit)


    But when it comes to PVE I've certainly got the experience-Im new back to EVE from a long break but I've level capped in half a dozen MMOs and have been playing games since I was nine. I would however say that I tend to be a bit antisocial-normaly that doesnt cause any problems, though I tend to be on the outside of most groups. If you want someone who could one day be quite a useful addition in PVE, Im game, however dont expect me bring light and joy to your world, that will never happen.


    lol quite amusing.its alright.we disbanded for now.to shut up Hard Rock University. Well reform in another area away from em

  2. How much? Since I bought my Osprey Ive been dirt poor.This is a pretty big Corp and I guess from what our former CEO said,seems like theyve gotten all their members via corp poaching.


    I woudlnt say no to an alliance tho,we can help when we can:D


    MAM-C is pretty laid back too lol.Just mine and sit and talk in fleet chat or go pirate hunting.


    Corp initials are HRU,and we just want em to leave us alone. But I am in the process of working out a diplomatic way if posible but if this doesnt work out,some extra protection would be greatly appreciated


    The_Terminator-I shot you a message explaining whats going on with everything

  3. Lol MAM-C is in need of a few good miners.we avoid PVP is possible,but we will go after somone whos screws with us.were prety easy going,and are looking for people to cover us while we mine.


    Mine during the week and thursdays are refining and selling days,payouts are done by if you escort or mine with us,equal cuts,corp gets 5%


    If you are mining you have to be there for at least half the op to get paid. I just picked us up and Orca Pilot,and were working towards gaining new members. We tend to avoid Lo-Sec as some of us have had bad experiences


    Unfourtantly,Im tied up dealaing with another corp thats player poaching,im trying to get them to leave us alone but theyre hellbent on anoyying us. I fragged the guy who started it but tomorrow Ill know more


    EDIT-we really dont want to merge with this corp whos harrassing us,and we wanna stay a small group corp

  4. One thing I can recomend if you like mining is Astrogeology, it's one of those skills that just generaly makes things easier.


    Astrogeology adds a nice haerty bonus onto all ore yields, fully trained up the ore yield bonus is absolutely fantastic, Refining would also be something you'll want to train ASAP.


    When you're bringing in very large loads, refining V can add about 10% more value per load, give or take depending on ore types.


    Veld becomes a very useful option with refining V.


    Secondly how are you finding the new avatar system? messed mine up a bit but on the whole I had no idea CCP had this in them.



    We gota guy coming in whos gonna be bulding us ORE ships so i gotta train inthose skills asap



    I thought it was alright,kinad touchy and hard to get used to.are you in acorp yet?

  5. Well so you know, the one involved was stone cold moronic.


    A common mistake people make is that lowsec starts at .5


    It doesnt.


    It starts at .4


    A LOT of idiots die because they think they're in lowsec, camp some helpless miner, and feel like a bqadass, and are insatnly shot in the back by concord.


    Rest assured, Concord avenged you.



    Im pretty sure these group coulda handled them,they had BIG ships and there were piles of wreckage from them><


    Oh well live and learn:D


    After doing some research and snooping,I was killed by a group of the War Dogs.Im not really sure what they were doing,cause ive heard they camp in the null and lower sec space

  6. I had my first rude awakening:D


    I was taking one of my Coros to go get some supplies,and i was in .5 space and I warped in and BAM I got creamed with a heavy pulse laser.


    Apparently somone was camping the school.I made a not to avoid the area

  7. I found it and bought both of the things i need.Right now Im jumping back to to return mining until I can reafford buying an Osprey


    Hmm I hope I can mount my small turrets for now,Id hate to have to go out and spend a ton of cash on all new arms for the Osprey.


    When Im done training for my badger Ill mine with that and boy is that gonna be slow lol


    EDIT:Oh lord..the Badger is slower than molasses brewing..this is gonna take a bit to get my gear to the current mining hotspot..

  8. Caldari Cruiser skillbook should be sold in every region, minus 0.0 space and think its deviod armor sector far SE in empire since it has no school stations. If your caldari and wanting to do combat I would aim for the Drake ASAP, its over powered for lower lvl skill point charactors in missions, pretty descent in pvp to once you have you skills up to in certain situations.


    If your going Mining stick with Osprey and then maybe get a low lvl barge.


    In eve Bigger is definately not always better, theres to many variables and most descent fit destroyers will tear AF's a new one (well mainly the thrasher(minmater race)).



    Im at Lidoken lll and they come up as none in region


    And can I train for my barge ship,Badger on my account> I got the game at walmart so i was wondering if its considered a "trial acount"

  9. Osprey.


    Caldari, about 3.5 million for a new one, capable of carrying a good mix of Drones, guns, and mining lasers. It's ideal for any sort of mission requiring a vessel that can hold it's own in battle, but also become a support/logistical vessel, or even mining and salvage boat at a moments notice.


    I myself used to own an Osprey, they're a great solid nugget of a ship, very solid. Like a Cormorant on steroids, just a shame they're so damned ugly. And slow.



    I can buy one but wow the price would def break my bank for quite some time.


    Ill look into buying one and training for it.


    Pity I cant find any skill books relating to caldari cruisers in my region.


    The Commorants pretty slow on its own,i just love it for the turret hardpoints

  10. Sorry. The pc refuses to recognize the wifi adapter or it won't go let me on the net. I mean it says connection but limited acess. I have the settings all correct so I know that's not the cause.


    For some odd reason I cannot figure thi out. Now my pc is incredibly unstable. Gaming results in a total system crash. No bsod just a reboot or a freeze.


    Come to think of it. Sim city socities ever since installation has been causin issues. I uninstalled it but nothing...

  11. Hype ruins a lot of games


    New Vegas


    NFS Hot Pursuit or whatever it is.


    I honestly think EA needs to quit games in general.Only downhill...


    Sim City 4 to Societies? Pfft,looks prettier,but nowhere near as fun.


    Spyro,Syphon FIlter,Battle tanks so many good titles that people will never hear because their new reincarnations are so awful.


    So far the only good last decade games that Ive enjoyed are






    Those are the PC ones and theres more yeah but those are the ones ill keep going back to.


    DOes anyone remember HEart of Darkness on PC?

  12. Ive built and fixed computers for a long time and this has me stumped.


    I have a WNA 3100 Wireless adapter that has been nothing but problems on 2 vista based computers their spec sheets are


    HP Touchsmart 1020US

    4 gigs ram

    2.25GHZ Dual Core CPU

    300 gig harddrive

    Vista Home w/ latest SP


    Home buillt

    Gigabyte mobo

    300 gig SATA drive

    8 gigs ram

    AMD Phenom ll CPU

    ATi Black Edition 2 gig 5870

    Vista Ultimate w/ latest SP


    I got this because my home network I upgraded to a Netgear Wireless N router.I take my rig back and forth a lot so wireless makes things easier.But from what Ive been reading,Netgear products work terribly with anything better than XP.I dont run XP anymore so I dont have my disks but if this keeps up,Ill be forced to either replace it or buy another brand,and both arent very good options for me as Im poor lol


    Im to the point where I want to throw the stupid thing at the wall and hope it shatters lol.I hate this and it further makes me hate WiFi anything.As much as Id love to run a hardline,crawling under my house with 2 feet of snow,just isnt feasible to do

  13. Yes go as big as you can afford to replace.


    Like if I lose my Caldari Destroyer,I CAN afford to replace it but Im not gonna like it.


    IF youre Caldari like I am,the Merlin makes an excellent combat frigate. BUT for anyrace,train for destroyers as thats what I did and I earned mine and I have to say,its much more useful than my frigates were.

  14. it says that I cant train on trial accounts for the badger,but I tho0ught when you buy the Commissioned Officers Edition that your first month was unlimited like everyone elses or am I wrong?


    GOnna have to find a way to source me some 35 bucks soon tho lol I kinda like EVE more than COD and I think its taking FNVs place..



    My basic ol' destroyer does a great job on knocking these early level NPCs down,when I outfit my destroyer for a full out combat load like when I have to do the courier missions,I can take down most ships in one or two direct hits.


    Find me online,I might be interested in sifting through some stuff to see if I find anything. Im in the market for mostly Hybrid turrets Missiles/Rockets Mining lasers that are low CPU draw MAYBE some skills,Id like to try missiles out but I cant find anyone whos selling the skill book for that.Def looking for affordable ship upgrades lol,I really like my destroyer


    Ill keep the badger on standby for now, Ill just leave it packaged for whenever I find the skill book to train that type of ship.


    Im keeping my spare Merlin so that way I have an extra ship just in case the poo hits the fan Mythbusters style

  15. Amarr Industrials are pretty good when you are just spending a few points in the beginning. I think with level 3 you get already 10k+ Cargohold or something.

    That means in terms of hauling at that level, it is better then any other ships out there, plus you get the sigil with 5 lows, which basicly acts like a cheap version of a blockade runner (t2). Level 4 Minmatar is best in terms of pure space. Level 5 Gallente. PS: CPU is Co-Processor.

    And do get a corp. They probably give you the stuff for free. :happy:


    Im running with the Caldari,I might look into training for their ships too.


    I really like this destroyer on the turret mounts alone,I just wish I could bump up my CPU power to handle a couple more mining lasers.that way I can run back and forth

  16. should I sell my badger? it was worth quite a bit I recall. my Shadows Fury does agreat job as a general use ship,I love how it has the 4 mining lasers.


    Whats an easy affordable way to upgrade my ship? Im mostly looking into CPU power so I can run a full phalanx of mining lasers


    lol yeah I tend to search anything I kill before I leave an area. I might buy another Heavy ship for my mining and make one a dedicated war horse

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