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Posts posted by Azrael120782

  1. theres only 2 different types


    .357 Revolver

    .44 Revolver

    Hunting Revolver

    Ranger Sequoia

    That Gun


    Two you say?


    AK-47: Who in Fallout America would have one? They'd get arrested for being a commie.

    Mossberg 12 Guage: More likely a Remington considering how xenophobic Fallout America was.

    GLOCK: Austrian-made and possibly never invented in the Fallout timeline, which diverged from our own in 1950.

    Spot on. I'm suprised there are no Deagles, seeings as how popular (and survivable/easy to make) they proved in California.


    Propellant is harder, but with the amount of aramaments the USA was cranking out in its war with china, there's going to be at least a few places with the 'small arms propellant for college dropouts' books intact. Odds are these are how people can make this stuff, with the gun runners being less thing and having found blueprints of things. Not to mention .45-70 is a black powder cartridge whose propellant is made from refined faeces, amongst other easily acquired things.



    I hate brain farts.thanks for thecorrection.Just the issue i have with the revolvers,is that they dont have that pop that I love about them.that and the IS suck horribly on them:(


    Gunpowder isnt all that hard to make,making it correctly is the hard part. Youd be on black powder weapons for awhile until you could make smokeless.


    THATS what FO needs,single shot black powder weapons!

  2. Ive pc gamed since about 1995-6(5-6 years old lol build my first pc around 8 with my dads help) I remember Quake,Quake ll Unreal,the UT series,Starsiege(!!! I want that back so bad) Mechwarrior,NFS Diablo wow lol I remember so many classics.


    Every now and then I break out my Sega Genesis to play Sonic,or my SNES and NES for some classics.I grew up with the classics,and I love them more than these new games. I found it fun dying in Mario or FO1


    The Wii will be the butt of many jokes.I dont like it.Cool concept,but the tech is too far behind right now. I did Cod WAW and HATED it Wii style.


    I love purdy graphics,but they dont mean anything unless theres a good story. Look at Singularity. Great game,great graphics,but what ruined it,is the mechanics,felt hollow and unfinished.The issue I have with new games is,how they feel,I dunno,half assed? Games like Starsiege dont exist anymore. Sure it wasnt the pinnacle of gaming in 1998,but it had what games lack,a good story line and plot. I was truly saddened when Sierra pulled the plug for the next SS. I like games with graphics,storyline and stable mechanics,sure I know bugs will always be there,but some games really are rushed and broke*cough*NV/MW2/BO*cough*Hype ruins games.

  3. Well,my mouse is a cheapy HP one,and my keyboard is a dying Razr Tarantula. Im cheep and poor,so any ideas on what I should get?


    I had a ROCCAT Kone,and I LOVED that mouse,it worked great on my dads rig,wouldnt do anything on mine.Id like another one,but does anyone have one of those that uses it regularly?


    I have a Logitec G15-or 18 as a back up keyboard,but the whole left side tends to mash AZCXCSA all together,id like to use it because its cool,but how can I jury rig it for now?


    Im looking to spend at most 200 total.

  4. I used to run nVidia 6600GTs on SLi it turned my case into an oven yet ran well(albeit quite buggy with the Gigabyte mobo) My current rig is Crossfire ready,but space prevents it.


    BUT I have learned,ATi cards work best with AMD chips,same for Intel and nVidia.


    SLi is really nice and I liked it a lot.But for me,I wanted better cards than what I had.

  5. Wow..am I the only one who still uses 30pin IDE drives?I have a 120gb Barracuda primary and my secondary is a 300gb SATA drive.I get decent speeds


    TBH I have never had issues with my HDDs Ive only had 2 fail on me,one was a fry,the other was a catastrophic failure after the pc got dropped:(


    These SSD drives are pretty cool, But being a young parent,Idont have the cash to drop on these fancy parts.Heck Im mostly secondhand and used parts.

  6. I never got to finish TES3:( But sometimes I play as a guy sometimes a girl,my current character is:


    John "Ghost" Wilson,hes a Spec Ops mercenary who works for the highest bidder,Tends to favor the NCR,but the Legion fears and hates him.Well known for being the walking bush with the silenced M200 Intervention and silenced UMP/M4/USP.Has a habit of loving explosives


    I tend to build my actor to who I am,i.e my personality and often my looks,


    But now and then Ill make a fem just so I can get some eye candy and see the different dialog choices

  7. To me,I HATE steam.Ive had more problems than its worth.


    1.I tried hooking my brother up with Steam so I could play L4D with him.his Ecopy wouldnt work and my hard copy wouldnt either.Waste of 40 bucks.Even using his serial key,it demanded I enter a valid key.

    2.It runs in the BG.I dont like that.I dont like having anything sapping resources.

    3.its a PITA to install games into other directories.

    4.The Cloud is nice,but losing all my software because someone didnt like me? Sorry but no.


    Ive had autoupdates kick in several times.I like surfing Steam for awesome deals(got PoRtal for free!) but I wish it was an option,not a mandate.it would be best if you wanted it it was there,but if not,you dont have to use it.

  8. You're exactly right about MW and Bathroom Ops(that really did make me laugh) players.


    I mean, I've fired a real M-14. Not only does it look nothing like the one in COD, it sounds nothing like it, has punishing recoil, a much more powerful calibre, and a completely diferent arrangment of rails and hardpoints(the things you lock equipment onto) that is to say, it didnt have any, just a simple mechanism for locking a basic targeting scope onto.


    Yet when I said to a player yesterday that in reality, it would probably one-shot kill someone-anyone-if it hit them in the head, he told me I was a "stupid f***tard who knows absolutely nothing" and that "it needs to hit someone twice" At which point I blew his brains out for being an insolent whelp.


    Likewise for the WA-2K looks completely wrong, feels completely wrong, behaves totaly, utterly completely wrong. And for the love of all that's unholy, WHY does a primitive, no-zoom tube scope class as a $1000 "upgrade" while actualy reducing the weapon's potential as a sniping piece. And lastly, the proportioning? totaly wrong, I've shot one, they've got much, much longer barrels in proportion to the stock, a slightly adjustable should rest, and most of all, THEY ARENT MADE OFR FREAKIN' WOOD! This one was furnished in shining polymer.


    Lastly, some of this garbage goes completely against basic logic. An army hat DOES NOT STOP BULLETS! Let alone devastating .50 cal shots the size of my thumb nail. It's just stupid, this game hugely punishes snipers and anyone with any real skill, since the patheticaly short draw distance makes sniper weapons nigh useless on principle, a fact compounded by that they're reliant on one shot kills. So making a perfect cranial penetration shot a three-hit-kill with a PSG1 even is just ridiculous.


    Oh, and speaking of the PSG? the barrel is way too thin, and way to short, and the gun itself is much bulkier and longer planned. And I dont think they even existed back in the very early '60s.


    Dazzer-you're exactly right, a 5.56 is about the most you can use without a shoulder pad to absorb the recoil. A shotgun for example, the Ranger, has enough recoil force to literaly shatter your collarbone. I dont have exact stats on the M-82/M-107 Barret, but judging by Newton's Third Law, if it can blow a massive hole in Helicopter armour, it'll also break every bone in your arm if you fire it from the shoulder.


    IF you want know anything at all about anything to do with guns, talk to the instructor at a gun club-he or she will actualy know what they're talking about and will most likely be able to greatly enlighten you.


    Another one for the pile of shame: Assassin's creed 1,2, brotherhood: All three overrated trash, simply pathetic. In Brotherhood, YOU CANT EVEN DIE FOR GODS SAKE! What's the point of a combat game that you cant even, you know, do combat stuff in? like I said, pathetic.

    Ever tried shooting .50 barrett standing up? I haven't but looking at youtube videos of guys doing it made me stop thinking that you can run around with that gun and 'quick scope' somebody. In reality almost any bullet to the torso or the head is deadly. Even if its a pistol. In reality soldiers don't go into a f***ing building armed with a sniper rifle that weights 20 pounds trying to kill everyone inside. This is probably the reason I play ArmA 2 and BFBC2 instead of call of duty games. In those games multiplayer battles at least make some sense.



    I have shot an M14,Desert Eagle 44 M82 and plenty of other guns.I agree COD butchered the M14 horribly I love that gun and have my sights set on getting one with a SOCOM chassis.But unloading a mag into someone? I got the chance to try an EBR chassis that is a monster to control on full auto,and Im a big guy too. I cant imagine controlling that in a RL fire fight.The Barrets not TOO bad,to me it felt like a rather large varmint rifle(barrel compensator and recoil mechanisms make it not too bad).And Ive heard of what that m82 can and will do to someone.At 1k yards,it hits you with the force of a .45 cal and blows a hole the size of your fist into your back.Head shot? Talk about brain soup, there'd be nothing left.


    Not to start a guns discussion,but thee 5.56 NATO is just a hair(literary) bigger than a .22.I'm an old school type,7.62 is where its at.And were the 5.55 might not drop you in one shot,the 7.62 sure will.


    And the PSG1,is a modified G3 chassis. And as I have learned,loves to throw empties a good distance.The AA12? Id have to say,from the videos I see,controlling one must be difficult.




    My fail list?

    AC series ok in all,awesome story,crappy game play

    NV-Patches break everything? Sorry Bethesda/Obsidian,let the modders fix what you break.But its so full of fail it wins.

    MW2/BO-Guns are unrealistic,handle poorly MW2 was too short for story mode,and BO was terrible online.

    Anything after Halo 3-No skill,the community are jerks and all,maps arent any fun with sniper/sword/hammer campers

    Singularity-AWESOME game,but broken from incomplete features and lack of online support.It had it all,story,gameplay,looks(that Unreal Engine is so skexy) but the fact that I cant manipulate everything around me as promised? Really ruined it.

  9. To me,almost nothing offends me,But not everyones that way.


    You could make a mod that makes you like General Custers game( Im sure you older gamers know what Im talking about) and Id just find it funny and move on.


    Its a game,mod it to how you want it,dont like a mod? click back and go to the next one that looks interesting,

  10. I have to say Veronica is now giving me issues,She refuses to use a distance weapon(anything I give her doesnt work and I have the Vyntage better girls mod even tried the NV Veronicas robes playable and nothing) and i cant remove her hood so her hair clips into the hood and all that stuff.


    I really didnt know that the stuff stacks,guess Ill be taking away that stuff that adds bonus's


    The followers are ok,I like them cause theyre amusing,but some of these modded followers are better than the vanilla ones.

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