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Posts posted by Azrael120782

  1. Are there any mods that have a Kriss in them? http://www.enemyforces.net/firearms/kriss_super_v.jpg

    Or an F2000? http://www.army-technology.com/contractor_images/fnherstal/F2000.jpg


    I already have Ahztek's, Book of Earche, and AG Supplementary Unique's if that helps narrow the search down :)


    Oh and one more thing. Can anybody tell me where to pick up your "Pimped out gun" in Book of Earche. I talked to Moe again after a day but nothing happened.


    One last thing. Are there any parts packs for NifSkope? Some barrels, receivers, stocks, things like that. All of the barrels for the vanilla meshes are connected to the receivers and I'm finding it difficult to make new models with those guns.



    The Vector IS in BoE but sadly Earaches not here and its set to hidden now :( Moe should have it in 3ish days.


    The Vector is a replacement for th 12.7mm SMG I thing. The FN2000 Im not really sure were it would be,


    DustyVegas that hat hairdo is in there,just so many choices you may get distracted :P

  2. Azrael120782 is kind of overselling how hard it would be to implement when the engine supports separate 'sneak' versions of each animation- once you have the anim, you just need to put it in place and rename it to sneak[name].


    He's also kind of overstating the negative effects of the patches- formIDs being reordered is inconvenient, but it's hardly a serious challenge.

    Im doing the worst case senario :P and with my luck thats what I get :P FNV hates me xD so does the GECK DX


    an example,totally vanilla with just my Caravan Pack and NV,start a new game,no animations for NPCs. Lately its pretty hit or miss with what you get. Some people can make it work flawlessly,others feel they get a stinky turd pile. It really is luck of the draw on FNV.


    But it seems like making the sneak kill a scripted event would work best right? If you have 4 different kill anims sneaky,then make it a 1/4 shot to get a different one each time.


    Sneak Kill 1-simple backstab

    Sneak Kill 2-Grab,knife in chest

    Sneak kill 3-knife in back of head

    Sneak Kill 4-Grab NPC spin to face Player and then knife in random spot?


    A Simple stab in the back wouldnt be too hard(I hope.One of the poses mods has a sorta stabby deal going,making it move,is the hard part) but a grab npc,hand over mouth knife goes here deal seems like itd be pretty hard.

  3. Youd have to animate then make it work,import to FNV,bury a chicken gizzard in a dirt road under a full moon,pray to Satan(optional) hope it works,then script it, Make the script function and not break something,then create the esp and make it all work,sadly,much easier said than done. With the way FNV is looking I cant blame the Modders for giving up.Every patch breaks everything. That and being slightly offtopic but its also a giant peeing match here so theyre probably hiding :/
  4. 289-With mods,you can make anything as creepy as you want!

    290-BIttercup and Moria are kinda hawt but Amata trumps em :thumbsup:

    291-Deathclaw=death. See it,run away.

    292-Deathclaws have fears. Its white,it the size of a Corvega,and has 8 legs. Figure it out yet? O wait,your dead.Nevermind...

    293-Cars do not make for good cover.At least,the ones with their tires dont.

    294-Moira may be an optimist,but I think she expects you to be either insane,or slightly masochist to work for her.

    295-Liberty Prime>Any and all super heros. Including Batman,Superman,and Spiderman. Even Wonderwoman and the power of her body can not trump how badass Prime is.

  5. This is Bethesada and Obsidian,from what I can see,each new patch breaks it in a new way :/ Sorry Bethsoft/Obsidian, you tried,but I cant respect a company totally screws up and cant fix it.


    nVidia doesnt like Fallout 3 and NV. Try looking for the fix for it. I run an ATi card so I dont have that problem.

  6. http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/310325-500-things-you-learned-in-fallout-3/


    Orig thread


    1.No matter how hard you try,a CTD will ruin your fun.

    2.As rare as Energy guns are in Fallout 3,Fiends have an endless supply of them.

    3.Dont go near Sloan unless you can run REALLY fast.

    4.Theyre called the Boomers for a reason. Just try to make it to that fence the first time.I dare you.

    5.a police baton and a deathclaw do not mix well.

    6.See that rad scorpion? They get worse.Much.Much.MUCH worse.

    7.Heard a *tink tink tink* in Dead Money? Run like hell and hope the locals dont meet up with you.

  7. http://www.keiththompsonart.com/pages/mbw.html









    THAT is power armor. Seeing that standing next to a Paladin and hes toast. Then again,that raider still needs to get scraped off...its starting to stink.


    That PA is just what PA SHOULD be,terrifying,and huge. In Power armor,youre literally a tank,these are that.With bigger.Better.Guns.

  8. MM adds monsters,IWS makes more of them. Both make for some lultastic situations. ex,High spawns(IWS) and Ghouls from Mo Mod=psudo zombie apoc. Just remember lots of NPCs can make FNV crap itself.
  9. Near Hadrian theres a nightkin named whatshisface.crap I forgot,but hes got a bumpersword and hes quite close to Hadrians hideout. Hes the boss down there and if you kill him and the rest(theres not that many tbh) the quest is easy.



    Just wait till you get the infinite loop diolouge bug with the Ghoul wanna be.

  10. Get the mod that makes a ton of saves for you.As buggy as the Devs made the engine,you will find game breakers and stupid bugs that should never have gotten through in-house tests. BUt if you dont run it,keep a ton of saves to fall back on.
  11. The games engine isnt the problem. The Gamebryo can be done beautifully,Obilivion,TES are two well known examples,still unstable,but look soo much crisper than FNV or FO3.Theres many other games with this engine,and not a single complaint about stability. Bethesada and Obsidian hit it with a club,shat all over it and expected it to work. If you look in the GECK,you will see LOADS of FO3 assets. They just copypastad the crap outta FNV. Still a good game,but far from being great. IF they fix the problems that have been around forever,people wouldnt bash FO3 and FNV s hard. Lurkin on the Offcial Forums shows the same problems here as there. As good a game as FNV is,i just cant shake the feeling its a beta still. My PC was built in expectation of FNV. I preordered it and all that. But it feels like it shouda/coulda been left in the oven for a few more months. Id rather wait for a good stable game,not one with horribly game breaking bugs.


    I have like I said a 1 gig black ed card,a quad core and 8 gigs ram.I was going to run the best mods and deck the crap out of it,but as it sits,its just a cobbled wreck. Look at it funny and it makes a s*** storm so big it leaks down its legs. This game is brilliant,well thought out(mostly) and is fun,but when 8/10 people have to go thru and fix your bugs,and problems,donthcha think its time to fix it? OR when those fixes dont work what do we do? ATM I feel like I wasted 50 bucks :/


    Javalin best I can say is make a sniper class :/ seemed to solve a lot of my problems.

  12. Engine isnt bad.For the old workhorse she is,she works if you treat her right.Obsidian and Bestheda hit it with a bat and shat on it and expected it to work.


    Most problems seem to be LOD related,as when you go between cells it cant keep up. (the Prim to the Mojave outpost you can clearly see the engine struggle to draw everything) Too many NPCs can do it,but EvE is really harsh on a GPU and in a build that the FNV is,it surely shows.I know its awesome,but until you get that uber graphics card,try running without eve. All else fails,total reinstall and hope Steam loves you.

  13. oh damn...but we didnt boot Caboose fast enough...oxygen deprivation or something..


    Reinstalling USUALLY fixes the problems.Uninstall EVERYTHING. Regcleaner,defrag everythings gotta go(Note what mods you like an use them) and reinstall it and pray that the latest patch doesnt ruin the game again.I did that and the latest patch still borked everything. Repeat it works.FNV is very tempermental



    TBH I cant wait til FO4. I sure hope Bethesada and Obsidian learned from Gamebryo and wont make the same mistakes. FNV breaks if you look at it. Fo3 FNV are great,but half-assed. The CREATION Engine looks so good.. Gamebryo can look good(Oblivion,TES and so many other games) It just seems FO3 and FNV were the ugly girls in the Gamebryo lineup and needed a lot of makeup to look pretty again.

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