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Posts posted by Pentiman666

  1. i watched the new gameplay footage of cyberpunk 2077 and when i saw the player's arm has a wire i thought: "that would be cool to open vaults in fo4" and then i saw the player but a chip in her head and thought: "great for the pipboy screen" if anyone could make this work that would be awesome!.


    heres the gameplay:

  2. there are textures out there that change to grassy or desert like. but what about glowing or reflective futuristic textures. thought it'd cool to play fallout 4 with a cyberpunk overhaul. have robotic or synth raiders, gunners are wearing tron style outfits super mutants are robots. bugs and other animals are silver or metal (Farcry 3: blood dragon style). weapons are cyber or futuristic. maybe someone could do this but id expect it to take a very long time to finish. maybe some one could at least consider this request.

  3. Was wondering if someone could make particles for blood as if they are losing a lot of blood in one bullet. there is a mod for l4d2 that does this but i was wondering if it could be done for fallout 4. The image is the gore mod for l4d2.

  4. a long time ago (maybe 5 months) i had a dream that in fallout 4 i was in diamond city and shot a citizen and when i did, in first person, i put my weapon away and, in first person, put my hands up and got arrested from the diamond city guards. this would be cool and a immersive to have a crime overhaul including this.

  5. There is a mod for skyrim that isn't on the nexus that adds DmC outfits to skyrim. i was hoping someone could port those outfits to fallout 4 and make presets. i mainly want Kat's face and outfit but if other people want other stuff from DmC that would be cool.

  6. we've been cool cyberpunk armor mods but what about a small town thats clean and unaffected by the apocalypse and cyberpunk style. have cyberpunk features like hologram decor, glowing tron world textures. new guards for the town and other cyberpunk dressed npcs. if none of this is possible then can we get another cyberpunk playerhome. (cyberlights apartments is already a cyberpunk playerhome)

  7. i did enjoy fallout new vegas and i am excited for fallout: new vegas remake but i think the dead money DLC would also be cool. i mean its obviously gonna take a long time to make but i think fans including me would be excited to see the DLCs for new vegas for fallout 4.

  8. was wondering if someone could make the soundtrack for fallout 4 and all the dlcs silent hill. all the songs are on youtube. but i have no skill with the fo4 creation kit. soundtrack replacement seems simple but again i know nothing with the creationkit. there are a lot of weather mods that give fallout 4 the silent hill feel. but there is not any silent hill music mods. there is a stalker music mod. but only for base game. not the dlcs.

  9. ive been looking for space or futuristic mods and skyboxes and thought the halo ring skybox from the game halo mixed with space gases would be perfect for this idea. hope someone could find a way to add this for both night and day. basicly this http://media1.gameinformer.com/imagefeed/screenshots/HaloMasterChiefCollection/Halo-The-Master-Chief-Collection-Relic-Establishing-Comparison-Classic.jpg mixed with https://i2-prod.mirror.co.uk/incoming/article9511026.ece/ALTERNATES/s1200/PAY-Festive-Images-of-NASA.jpg

  10. I was wondering if some one could port the M249 animations from Insurgency to the modern firearms LMGs or make a standalone gun with animations. I know this might sound a bit strange but I had two dreams of having the Insurgency M249 with custom animations in Fallout 4. I think it will be awesome to have an LMG in Fallout 4 and yes it will obviously have a long reloading time but it would be awesome.

  11. I have had a problem kinda like yours except i opened my game and no follower followed me, the only follower mods i have are the UFO mods. My followers I had just walked away, i went to talk to them and it said they were following me. Feel your pain bro.

    i need help fixing this too. its making me frustrated.

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