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Posts posted by Pentiman666

  1. was just replaying with the light saber mod with the custom animations addon and was wondering if someone could add a double jump along with a flip when you double jump. thought that would be cool and it would also be cool to turn fallout 4 into a hack & slash

  2. this is my 2nd or 3rd request for this but this time i will be as detailed as possible. i was wondering if someone could take the gen 1 synth model and re-rig it to have feral ghoul animations and make them as if they are "broken" but they still are powered. the sounds should be glitched too. their voice could be repeating gen 1 synth voice lines or they would say things that make no sense. and id make some of the model heavily damaged gen 2 (ones with most of the gen 1 skeleton showing). they should have feral ghoul AI so they would attack working synths too. hopefully someone could do this. id love to have zombie robots in fallout 4. they should have been there to start with in my opinion.

  3. Apparently someone already did! We need this in the wasteland... It looks almost like natural tenderness. Whoever did that animation deserves some credits and maybe some other motivation to make this happen for us. Source?

    its from cyberpunk 2077 gameplay

  4. i requested this a long time ago but i don't think anyone read it or considered making it but i had an idea for the pipboy to be implanted into your character's head. so when you open the pipboy its just the power armor effect (pipboy screen popping up on your screen with a sound) and when opening vault doors you pull a cable out of your arm into the vault door keyhole. i thought this would be an awesome idea hopefully someone with animation skills can make this happen.



  5. Has anyone every had the same thought as me? Using the assaultron walking animation on the player character or other NPC's?


    Sort of a cyborg, pc suffered a life changing injury and was saved by a deranged scientist using assaultron parts. Got all the amour mods in the world but just need that little bit more of a non human vibe.

    i did think of this too. i wanted them to have power armor animations tho.

  6. i was wondering if someone could make the entire metal arms game into a fallout 4 dungeon quest (quest as in quests pop up on your pipboy and give you exp) it could be simple by making all the characters simply fallout 4 replace the metal arms characters (example: assaultrons with male robot voice for the mil bots, gen1 synths with ghoul animations for the zombie bots, sentry for the titans, etc.)


    the link is the whole game for the "guide" if someone makes it you can follow this play through


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