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Posts posted by cerebus23

  1. eh fo3 was plenty buggy and crash prone, was not until the unofficial patches came out and some of the custom tweaks etc that made that game even remotely enjoyable and playable.


    i hardly expected obsidian with their track record for buggy games to wave some wand and fix the mess that is the gamebro engine, dunno why anyone else would expect so. fact that the game ran as well as it did period, excluding the studdering issues and etc, which fo3 suffered from in spades also.


    also found that deleting the dll fix that was floating around immensely cured my crashing, course the game studders a lot and have to crank the gfx back but fair trade to be able to play wo crashing constantly.

  2. early on stick with the scripted story missions, do not play on hardcore having to eat drink sleep and goto doctors to get limbs healed or carry around a dozen doctors bags will slow you down and ammo has weight to boot.


    level up some before you go explore and do anything you want cause more than likely you will end up dead the first time you run into a rad scorp or super mutant or deathclaw, do good springs do primm do the prison and follow the story basicaly and just explore the general neighborhood. and do not get too inquisitive too early on.


    save your armor piercing and hollow point ammos for mobs that really require it, buy ap and hp rounds for guns you are going to use and horde the stuff cause the more you explore and the more you get towards the middle and end of the game you definately need those types of ammos to get the most bang for you buck and keep you alive. but do not waste hp or ap ammo on gekos and powder gangers cause well it is a waste when a standard bullet will do you or a shovel to their face for that matter.


    this is not a pure fps game, shooting things requires skill checks and weapons have skill requirement to get the most use and most accuracy out of them. tho there is a mod or two that makes the game more pure fps and takes some of the magic bullet out of the game.


    vats learn to use it when in a pinch, V key take out legs of fast moving mobs, shoot armored targets in the face, etc. and if you take the perk for the strangers they show in vats and can save your arse form time to time when you really need it like the time i shot a deathclaw and did not his 4 friends in the cliffs behind him and miss fortune or whatever her name is showed and killed 3 of them in vats herself.


    beyond that have fun if that means going at it hardcore and cranking the difficulty up and just scraping by do it if that means dling some god items and toggling god mode have it,

  3. yea i heard about the fo3 one just vetrtibirds fly and they canon so they would make sense with a decent amount of lore as to how you acquired one and maybe add some encounters of raiders mercs and such trying to take your prize from you, vs a flying chair :P.


    you could even make so you found a mostly intact vert and have to find parts from around the world to fix it up. crashed vert site tool factories, enlist the help of a npc to fix it or do it yourself with a high enough skill. finding fuel for it nuclear core or gas or whatever those fly on.

  4. haha I didn't think my first post would be in this topic, but check out my avatar :) I choose male av's and I am male :).

    I read an interesting blog on this very topic (Gender bending in videogames) at a website called thinkfeelplay . com (Not sure if I'm allowed to advertise? so you can search for it in google if you like)

    I find it a little strange that males play as females, I don't really care either way, but it's an interesting topic to look at.

    Apparently females found out that males have it tough in MMO's (i.e don't ask for help if you're male, it's not cool lol), and males have found that females get tonnes of help (at times, plus sexual advances and what-not which are not helpful) - if you like psychology stuff the blog is worth a read :)


    lol my friend noted this since he like to play female toons people give you free stuff, offer help wo asking me i always assume that mmos are a sausage fest and 80% of females in them are males to begin with so i dont give free stuff nor offer help unless asked :P.

  5. tick off your mods and try then tick them back on one by one load your bugged save and try and enter you probably have a mod that has a bugged item, or just tick off the most recently added mods till you find the one that is causing the issue. had it happen to me today with the japan 2 mod hard to tell if it was the mod itself or it just did not like something else i had running.
  6. one word




    they exist there is a model and you could use the hover chair basics just fine nothing to clip thru you take off you fly you land you shoot things you leave. granted i would perfer a dune buggy with guns and missiles but vehicle mods have been pretty darn clunky even the horses in oblivion had issues with you know them vanishing or wandering off etc. but there are no horses in fallout lest none that has ever been seen about as close as you get is a brahmin and they are not exactly glamorous or cool to ride nor are they very fast.

  7. seems the more mods i add the more random crashes that maybe just bad luck or because i have a ton of mods and the load order is fubard or something but often times my mods share not much with other mods and fnvedit does not show any major conflicts and etc so a really good general guide on load order would be appreciated, know fo3 and oblivion had comprehensive load order guides that are probably floating around that might offer a general idea as to what mods should be placed where, most of them related to the full overhaul mods but still should give a good guide post to go by tho i looked other day and google was no help to turn up one.
  8. well in mmo rpgs the line is well i play a female cause i do not like looking at the backside of a guy all day long while i play, most mmo rpgs being 3rd person affairs and games that take months or years out of your life i suppose that is a fair point, expcept when i play mmo rpgs i am rarely staring at my chracters rear, usually i am watching my health bar, cooldowns, mobs, arrgo range etc etc, and if i am not watching any of that i am probably watching tv.


    the vast majority of my characters are male, i had a few female characters one mesmer in gw, cause i felt it fit the character and the male mesmer armors were ugly as hell, and a female mage in ac that i barely played years ago.


    to each their own tho but whatever you like to play play for whatever reasons, but if you are rolling a female character in anticipation for the nude mods then you are a very sick person :P.

  9. lol well i did all the quests in good springs, then i did some exploring , then i almost got destroyed by a rad scorp in my explores, when victor showed up and told me you should not be out here partner! then i went back to primm did the quests there got some xp and better stuff, explored around the prison and mojhave outpost and etc leveled up some more, then i tried the deathclaws at the quarry and got one hit, then i went and did the brotherhood quests or lest started them, then i trudged my way to nv with raul irradated cause i had not enough rad stuff several limbs messed up, from super mutants dehydrated etc it was night knew not where to look for doctor did not know where anything was at, and had to fast travel back to gs to see the doc and get some water cause i was severely dehydrated etc :P.


    game basically tells you where to go if you follow the quests lines and the basic areas to be in, otherwise the game is kind of like a mmo rpg where some areas are just bad for your health period. you can try to explore but your going to end up in a body bag in some parts till your high enough level with good gear like an mmo rpg. which makes more sense then fo3 where you could explore any area from the get go and aside from a few special encounters were always on par with anything you faced because everything scaled, so by level 20 even noob stuff would be 20 etc. where fonv by level 30 you will be destroying noob stuff like basic gekos, powder gangers etc. and this way lest there is stuff to go back and do see and explore when you do level up and sometimes you find good stuff doing so.

  10. i though the pip boy texture was pretty bad to begin with but not that bad you definately got some issue going on like the game is not loading a texture, dunno what to do other than maybe try some of the pip boy custom skin mods and see if you can get any better results with those.
  11. first time on that sun quest the robots in the facility critted me in the head, in the first room.....lol i thought it was kinda cool having my vision got totally wonky every 30 seconds or so and i had no doctors bags or hydra, which is a narcotic and you can get addicted to, so i had to grin and bear it till i got thru then head back to town to pay the doctor.


    other than that i cannot think of any time i gotten crippled head, mostly legs from mines when i was too busy looking for bad guys or just not paying attention and the occasional arm form a nasty crit which really seems to not effect you much at all.

  12. dl nvmm new vegas mod manager and it lists your load order and you can arrange it and shows you the prefix you need to use to use the console.


    xx will get you nothing it goes 01-09 or something then 0a- something then 11-something and etc nvmm just makes it 100% no guessing.


    but of you got 3 mods installed, the official nv master is 00, your first mod would be 01, next 02, 3rd 03.

  13. well the leveling issues of high level mobs, is not a bug this it not fallout 3 where the entire game scales to your level, this is new vegas where the level scaling is toned down those high level mobs are telling you go back to noob ville and level up, or grab some stealth boys, work on your stealth skill, and avoid them.


    dunno about the 2 levels advancement i never encountered any quest where i got enough xp to do that, suppose if you managed to survive to the higher level mission zones it is a possibility, but you would almost have to be really lucky, really fast or god moding to get past the deathclaws, super mutants, and stingy bugs to get to the higher level end game missions that early on.


    and not found many unfinished zones lest not wo using noclip to get past the mountains to places you are not supposed to be in, or the occasional glitch where the world does not load properly and things can fall through to a no mans land.


    how much are you cheating anyway to find some of these bugs? :P

  14. there is no clear cut "good guy" to back.

    Out of all the confusion, one guy gets the idea. That's the point of fallout. There aren't good guys and bad guys, just people doing what they can to get by. The NCR is in vegas for electicity and water to supply it's booming population, the legion is destroying what it sees as degenerates, the Brotherhood view wastelanders as ass-backwards yokels who would destroy everything if left with pre-war weaponry and House is in it to further his own goals. You can chose who you think is right, or say none of them are and take over yourself. This is the point.


    yea pretty much but fallout 3 is probably the first fallout some of these people played period, where lines were more clearly drawn and some factions were not portrayed in a pure fallout fashion, like the BoS in fo3 was clearly the good guys, and enclave were clearly the bad guys, and you were whatever and it do not make a spits difference to the game or the story.


    many games have a good and a bad guy and fonv does this in a very muddy way depending on your world outlook and morals either of the factions could come off looking good or evil even the legion when taken in a certain light can seem not all bad. NCR is you got a faith in bureaucracy and the vote, and house if you think a grand vision of the future is what humanity needs and capitolism rules all, and the BoS if you think that yea a good chunk of humanity are knuckle dragging cavemen that would blow themselves to hell and back if they got the chance, or at the very lest do so to their neighbors.

  15. therei s only 1 NPC i nthe entire mojave that cannot be killed


    who is the one so we can mod that :P.


    and oh children are unkillable, but thank god there no stupid annoying childrens towns with equally annoying and stupid brats that you have to do stuff for when all they need is a bunch of c4 placed around their cave to get rid of them all, oh but you cannot do that cause the game will not let you. lest nv not being able to kill children is not the hiderance it was in fo3.

  16. i thought i read the max range values were only for npcs and their attack max or some nonsense and the gauss rifle is something like 3000 so i know if we talking meters that i was not 3000 meters away.


    if that number does put the invisible wall then it certainly should be adjusted for sniper rifles and guns that are supposed to be used for sniping like the gauss if you can see it you should be able to snipe it, especailly since i made sniper shots with the barret in arma 2 with ace 2 from a tower and something close to a quarter mile away on a running human target :P no it is not easy but once you get the elevation and wind dialed in and learn to lead the target correctly squish. :P


    the sniper ranges in nv are stupidly short if i am hitting the max range and that is eating my ammo.

  17. my only problem with hit detection is when you sniping long ranges and your hits seem to just hit an invisible wall if a creature is near something or sometimes just because, and you can take multiple shots w the same result it is like wtf and this is with max skill so no it is just not me missing :P.
  18. you know it is is the game already? and you can get it taking the wild wasteland trait or just using the console to cheat it in, but then you might as well use the console command to give yourself ammo and such to boot. was really no reason at all to dl a mod that adds it to pickup.
  19. There's a reason you don't see TCs around. They're MASSIVE efforts. I mean, New Vegas is basically just a TC of Fallout 3, and look how long THAT took.



    But you did give me an idea. I have some checking to do when I get home from work.


    well glad some people like the idea and yea maybe other spin offs from it, if it ever did get rolling and we got enough people hell i would not mind trying to help do textures and some hacking here and there.

  20. took me all of 10 minutes to convert it :P took like 3 steps, using TESsnip to copy the assets over into a plugin file except the cell information and the note etc, open up the geck with the plugin file find somewhere to put the armors you just copied in change the AR to DT, tweak the stats weight, value etc maybe the repair list items etc save done.


    and yea it is a pretty sweet set of armor he created, even if he did rip the model out of crysis, all his scripting and etc is pretty impressive considering he did not use FOSE or anything.

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