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Posts posted by cerebus23

  1. a lot of games on consoles these days can crash the console period i mean red dead redemption was pretty famous for its ctds on both systems. i think i had it crash twice during my play thru of the game, granted in a 60 hour game twice is not too bad and a real bargain next to fallout 3 or nv, so what long as it does not brick your system otherwise go complain to bethesda tech support.
  2. Probably can't recreate Shadowrun per se in FONV because of copyright, but could certainly create a cyberpunk setting.


    yea tho it might be easier to do now that microsoft does not own the digital rights anymore, and i dunno the laws are pretty lax if it is a free thing, probably would need to inquire some if it ever got rolling or change the names etc. was some guys working on a free sr mmo but last i checked after a few years seems they not gotten a whole heck of a lot done. but they did get it cleared from MS since they held the rights when they started the project.


    a lot could depend on what exactly S&T has planned with SR, atm their main focus seems to be resurrecting mechwarrior form the limbo ms kept it in, but if they have big plans that might make them less inclined to let some people do something like this, on the other hand tho a free tc of their ip for a popular game might get their brand a bit more exposure if it turned out well and hell if it ever got finished, some of these tcs take years and years of work see black mesa for hl2, but if it blew up that might make them more inclined to put more work in digitizing shadowrun down the line.

  3. try this "setstage 001176b8 100"


    that 100 lest supposedly gives you the successful transplant quest completion tho not sure if the brain will actually go into rex since the quest seems to just take the brain from you and insert it into the quest 100 is succeed and 110 is fail according to the geck, i find these quest ids iffy tho sometimes the id listed in the geck works and sometimes it does not.

  4. lol i been waiting for a good sr rpg game or mmo for well since the nes and no sign of any being made these days yet. ms had the rights and sat on them for about 10 years till smith and tinker, the former head of fasa, optioned the digital rights away form them a year or two ago.


    so be another 4 to 10 years if ever we see a sr game in this day n age.


    so i was just curious and yea it sounds like a massive undertaking just recreating the world nm adding quests ai etc etc, i was throwing the idea out there.

  5. i know for ede people have dug out the different ids for the different upgraded edes, just checked and there are none for rex but there has got to be different versions of him like for ede.


    i see that there is a report of a missing dialogue for rex after the mission your on but i did it np when i was playing thru the game, maybe it is down to the brain you pick for him? i used violets since i already had it when i got rex off the king and i was too lazy to go hunting for the other two heh.


    could just use the wiki quest page and find the id for hound dog and play with the values to get the version you want that might do it to? probably 3 different quest outcomes i would think that are specific to what brain you implant.

  6. so having put over 100 hours into fallout new vegas and probably about the same in fallout 3, and with the new implants in nv with things like bone augmentation and neural implants and cybernetic dogs and such it got me to thinking about shadowrun.


    so anyone familiar with SR and just people familiar with major tcs in general how realistic or practical would it be to convert nv into a full blow shadowrun world maybe based off seattle or london, seems like all the base things are in there for the games systems, body augmentations, visual augmentations, skill implants, seems like you could make maybe modular limbs or retexes for cybernetic limbs etc.


    not even talking about making quests and junk but recreating a city like the SR seattle and the surrounding areas, creating dwarves, trolls, implementing a matrix for the city and a astral plane for shamans etc.


    totally crazy or maybe remotely doable given enough time and effort?

  7. i want to see the cocktail lounge of the lucky under lake mead take out all the counters and tables and junk make it an apartment, all those windows that would be wicked, especially if tit added some extra lake life to look at.
  8. issac house is east of the gunrunners compound not in it that part confused me for a bit till i looked it up, so hit gr lace go east a ways one of the houses out that way will be his house, it will be red to enter and he will be annoyed just talk to him and that goes away.


    he was never at the reloading bench in my game at all, not until i did the note quest then i started seeing him at the bench but never before.


    is also a rare bug where he can disappear form the game entirely, in which case the best bet is to use the "player.placeatme" cheat with his id code that can be found on the wiki or by searching for him in the geck.

  9. maybe use the add perk code for power armor before you talk to him or setpccanusepowerarmor or find the quest id and advance the stage to complete it or load a save just before you talk to him and try it a few times sometimes talky stuff does not trigger right.


    check the wiki for the quest in general and see if others have had that issue and if there any work arounds to try before you start cheating it.

  10. the vault 11 thing is highly annoying, i almost suspect one of those robots shares an id with victor cause when you enter that last room and kill the robots victor at the 38 dies in vegas then you get flagged as hostile and cannot do anything for house you just get attacked.


    corrupted saves, not even related to the ghoul quest i got a batch of saves, manual and auto go bad and it was maybe 15 or 20 hours after i had done the ghoul quest line.


    the BoS loop, just cause you talk to the guys in the order you meet them so you enter the room talk to the main guy turn in the mission then talk to the guy in the room beyond, it just grinds them into the trial thing forever, wo cheating the quest stage with the console. but BoS being the easiest way to get power armor training before the very end of the game basically it grinds your game to a hault and puts you way back.


    companions do not like rocky travel they will often go all the way around entire mtn ranges while you are scaling cliffs. suspect this is why the invisi walls were put in cause the ai is too dumb to know to jump, or even walkon rocks that do not require a jump to get on. sometime entering or exiting buildings to they can go awol sometimes just redoing the door again you can pull them back to you.


    all in all lost 20 hours plus to glitches i had to roll back to either avoid the house thing or the corruptions.


    then just the small bugs chats logs not firing correctly etc so you have ot try multiple times, getting stuck in rocks. general game crashes, etc etc.


    thank god for wiki with bug reports and often time workarounds for some bugs and a handy list of quest ids if the need arises. lest it gives you handy place to check if you think something is off with your quest.

  11. someone really needs to do a half life 2 super gravity gun for nv oh the fun could be had with launching corpses to see how far you can make them fly.


    but never had bodies stick around in my game they all vanish after a few days. maybe you just spend too much time in freeside.

  12. one thing that made me laugh was taking the bloody mess perk and choosing the violent solution to the white glove society quest, bursting into the casino ballroom, dining area and an all out and out kill fest on the white glove with the patrons all going in unison as a room "ewwwwww" as white glove members blew up into gooy bloody chunks, and none of them freaked out in any other way just sat there like nothing was going was going on otherwise.


    oh and the whole mr fisto quest made me lol nm turning the quest in at the wrangler and the conversation there.


    and i love cass and her elemer fudd line.

  13. all that information on the chip was to upgrade his weapons lest that is all we know about and thanks for calling me dumb. you can side with house but if house cared at all about people he would have helped some of the outer settlements and certainly done more to cleanup freeside. he had enough money to probably feed the entire desert.
  14. well house did not want them around because of his army of super robots, plus house did not have a clue how bad off they were since he had limited intel on anything outside of vegas, i actually balked when he told me to destroy them and said i did not want to do it, and his reply was pretty much that they would not sit still while he had an army of robots and wanted them out of the picture entirely while they were weak.


    tho you really do not get the impression they could get any reinforcements else why would they have not sent for help already.


    but house seemed to be of the mindset better safe than sorry and kick em while they are down. probably because without his army he would be totally boned. and he still would have had to defend the dam and vegas so his army like the ncr would have been spread thin for any prolonged scuffle.


    plus he chides you for buying into their "religious" mumbo jumbo, house was all about technology and to his outlook they were fanatics that were anti technology, which is not too far off the mark to be fair.


    still i would not agree with his decision to slaughter them all, especially since house really did not have any global domination with his robot army thing going on, only thing he really wanted to dominate was the money flow.

  15. but the BoS in fallout 3 were pretty off from official canon going by fo1 & 2, they are a incredibly elitist group hands down and just go around seizing dangerous tech or tech they deem too dangerous for the primitives to have, granted after a nuclear world war and the resulting chaos in the aftermath a 100+ years down the line that is probably a pretty rational course.


    the followers on the other hand are a moderate faction with somewhat similar goals but they go about it by infiltrating and subversion while they help the common people, where the BoS would prefer to march in and take it by force and remain holed up in their bunkers with their energy weapons and power armors.


    The BoS method worked well when people were in scattered tribes and such. But as factions united and super factions like the NCR gained territory and wealth and got better tech the BoS method of small numbers with superior tech became more and more obsolete.


    The BoS in nv were decimated by the sheer numbers of the NCR at helios, NCR took a heavy hit but the steel took a worse hit. So they should have been more open to change period. But like veronica says the BOS are fighting a loosing battle in the current age.


    But the BOS would not want to take over and rule anyone that is not in their mindset.

  16. cause they want you to pay for dlc that extends the story is the cynical answer :).


    and yea the dam in the no turning back point of the game, but there are several mods that allow you to play past the ending already, some give options to reset the game and return your faction standings to the pre dam raid, which will peeve off at lest one faction if not two, or keep your standings as they are at the end of the dam mission.




    looks to be the best of the lot with him planning to add more to it as he develops it more.


    and yea the end of fo3 was kind of like wtf especially if you have 2 party members that should be immune to radiation but your only option is to send the hot blonde to die or to bite the bullet yourself, and even silier if you ask your supermutant friend to do the game spits out some lame ass dialogue as to why you have to do it yourself. then retcon the ending so you by some miracle live thru massive radiation exposure.


    lest the ending of nv your alive and well and so on and there will be no retcon of events to explain why your back for the dlc.

  17. nighrtkin drop them at a good clip. can kill a bunch of them on that ghoul quest near novac, and they spawn sometimes up near black rock radio station.


    buying them tho not seen too many for sale at all.

  18. i know there is lest one in the works with a mega mod. they said they were going to have a motorcycle that came with their mod. me i am hoping someone does a dune buggy ;), with mounted guns and rocket launchers!
  19. yea nipton made vegas good clean and wholesome.


    still the legion are a bunch of arrogant slaving aholes. and not everyone they enslave or put to death are "bad" people, certainly i found any number of average honest folks in legion slave camps, granted the crucified people were usually either really "bad" people or NCR types.


    still even if there were any honest people in nipton what could they have done? a band of armored and armed full out military warriors rolls into town and burns the place to the ground, average folk would have been committing suicide even if they existed in nipton.


    me i hoped some of the dragged off people were average folk when i found out they were powders i killed all the legion then let the powerd free then shot the powders in the back. and the guy left in town oh he got shot in the face, way too many fus and stupid so n sos to the guy with 2 healthy legs and a gun. got my info then blew his brains all over the wall.

  20. hmm odd to say the lest, not heard of many problems at that part at all. dunno what to tell you other than maybe you could use the console maybe to set the quest stage maybe to skip the wait period but dunno if that would work or not that part is heavily scripted to setup the whole scene.




    yea no reports of the game having any crash issues there. you got a rare one.

  21. well beth did take soul ownership of ids new engine the new fo or whatever should be 10x better since id has a history of giving you great engines that are infinately moddable without as many stability issues. and the fact the carmack got rage to run on a damn iphone and it looked and ran great speaks volumes of what that engine should look like and run on a full blown computer.


    so gamebro engine is probably reaching its very last throws of usage.

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