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Posts posted by omeletted

  1. You don't need to unpack the BSA file, just rename it accordingly... BSA files don't show up in OBMM. It'd make it harder to install new versions when they're available since you've unpacked all the files. I suppose you could leave it as it is for the moment though. You were suppose to rename it to "Mart's Monster Mod.bsa" if you're only using MMM, for example. Then install the archive with the esp files.
  2. Yes, it's worth it if you can get it working right. :)


    Hmm, the wall thing might be related to DR as well, some people have mentioned that. Never could actually pin it down to anything concrete though. Did you install any animations/skeleton replacers perhaps?

  3. I found that BOSS had renamed Oblivion.esm to Oblivion.esm.ghost

    BOSS doesn't do that, it's either the auto-ghost function of Wrye Bash or OBMM Extended. You might want to check whether you have it turned on in either program.

  4. That's odd, though I don't remember how it was like in Wrye Bash 275 but it should be in the same place I think. Anyway, you should consider updating both BOSS and WB, do remember to disable cbash with WB 292 as it still has some kinks. Glad you've kinda sorted it for the moment. :happy:
  5. Was going to suggest updating to at least v1.65 but it seems they don't keep it in the archives. v1.7 doesn't play well with anything less than Wrye Bash 292. It's odd that the update .bat isn't in your folder, maybe check the original 7zip file and see whether you have it. To enable auto update in Wrye Bash, right-click the column headers when you're in the Mods tab, select the option "Always Update BOSS Masterlist prior to running BOSS". If you want to manually download the masterlist yourself, right-click this link and Save as masterlist.txt.
  6. Well i wasn't quite sure of what mess i had made until I had already installed RPG-BlackDragons Ultra HDR. But in their readme it says to back up your HDR004.pso which i never did. Now when I play the game I am stuck with a really horrible shader effect; dark and shallow in depth.


    So i think there was a default HDP004 before i overwrite it with the RPG-BlackDragons Ultra HDR one.

    Then just get the official shaders pack I linked to, you were suppose to export the file from them. As for your screenshots, actually looks like there are some OBGE shaders active?

  7. If you run BOSS from Wrye Bash, there's an option to always update the masterlist before sorting. Otherwise, you need to run the update manually. Latest version of the masterlist is 2799, check if you have it.


    In BOSS v1.7 just run BOSS GUI.exe, there's an option to update. Prior to v1.7, run BOSS - Update Masterlist.bat in the Data directory.

  8. Deadly Reflex 6? Nudity meshes were included unintentionally and are safe to delete. Go Data\meshes\characters\_male and delete the following:


    body.egt, femalefoot.nif, femalehand.nif, femalelowerbody.nif, femaleupperbody.nif, foot.nif, hand.nif, lowerbody.nif, upperbody.nif upperbodyhumanfemale.egt

  9. Dang omeletted, you are a freakin' machine. I'm only doing check up-type of work and have a hard time keeping up...in fact, I'm way behind!!! :blink:

    Yes, Leakingroof and I are the wiki machines. :devil: At this rate, think we might be able to finish the conversion by the end of the month... Thanks for the tip about #:, I'd been using <br>.


    For Omeletted - The wiki AlienSlof is gone - You have a link to SlofsHive, which has now changed to SlofsLair http://www.slofslair.co.uk/index.php

    Thanks, updated. :) Though I wonder which news post it originally linked to.


    Starting on Using Mods and Utilities next.


    Edit: All done.

















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