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Everything posted by gusano

  1. You're gonna make a *Nuka Break * Vault 10, ain'tcha? Being a PC carrying extra girth should definitely incur a variety of penalties in-game. Faster dehydration, slower movement, junk food addiction, repulsion from hotties when carrying less than 20000 caps or $350 NCR, heavy breathing while attempting to sneak. Plus: all those cannibal fiends....... Fat guy + Desert = Dead fat guy.
  2. Check out the unused (unfinished?) sub-basement area that Benny dissapeared through, under the Tops. Elevator needs a key that you don't receive. Use console: unlock. That would make a good starting point or entrance to a molepeople quest mod. One door just opens into The Void! Lol.
  3. Hey-o. I'd betcha a bucket of blueberries that some folks would squeal in delight for a pack of creepy accoutrements such as a preacher's collar (ala Excorsists and Eastwood films), a necklace of human ears, a chicken foot voodoo necklace, and a stringed bunch of dirty beat up baby dolls attatched to or attatchable to some article of clothing. Yes?
  4. You're EVIL, mister! Console this: setreputation 129a7a 0 0 or setreputation 129a7a 0 100 cannot remember which extreme (0 or 100) makes Bert and Ernie there love you, but one does. Happy gaming!
  5. Sunny Smiles has been asking me for a horse from day one. If she don't get a horse soon....well, I probably don't have tell any of you.....something bad might happen.
  6. There are TWO specific mods to address this, as well as another mod which makes ALL quest items non-essential. Search under: Codac, and Quest item. Be sure to thank the author/uploader of the mod you choose. :D
  7. Is it possible......that the sound you are hearing is the soundtrack mood music? There is a growling/grumbling of *Hacksaw blade vs. Bass string* kinda thing in there. ...guuuuuurm, guuuuurma. guuuuurm, guuuuuuurmmma.
  8. Check to see if ED-E still even has a laser. Remove all your inventory that you have him carrying, then see if he still is carrying ONE invisible pound. If it says ZERO, then he no longer has a stock weapon. Probably glitched away at a casino. There is a console command fix for this. 1. Disable Ed-E. (Tilde ~, Point and click, enter: disable, then ENTER) 2. Then, : player.placeatme 001694e2, then ENTER or player.placeatme 001694e0, then ENTER Each is a different repaired version of him. Cannot remember which is which now. Lol.
  9. Forget the peg legs, just let your dude limp along and pretend he's got a bum pin. Besides that, hooks and wooden kickers would eventually leads to other pirate affectations.......like...... Shoulder Perchin' Parrot Pals ™ collect them all :D
  10. Consider: the vast number of bottles (scotch, whisky, soda, sarsaparilla), drinking glasses, and shot glasses; as well as broken porcelain. Glass and glassy items should be a common material to use as shrapnel in some sort of explosive device. Perhaps some industrious modder would like to give it a try?
  11. Here's what I just posted to Dom139, in a disturbingly SIMILAR topic a few threads above...... Sadly, the DLC seems to be causing everyone's problems. More accurately, the DLC combined with the latest patches...and throw in NVSE for those that use it. Here's what I did. Correct way or not, it worked to get me playing Pre-DLC games again, WITH all the mods I had going. (I'm sure others with more experience* will argue with all of this) 1. Delete DLC. 2. Delete NVSE. 3. Delete ALL saved games involving DLC. (in Games Folder) 4. Delete both ini. files (in that same Games Folder) optional: 5. Get current NVSE and download it. 6. Wait patiently for the dust to settle. It won't be too long before you can get an honest to goodness bugfix-patch-remedy-solution. Good Luck friend! I would copy this to every current ongoing CTD vs DLC topic (which are probably all the same issue), but that may be misconstrued by moderators as spam. :(
  12. Sadly, the DLC seems to be causing everyone's problems. More accurately, the DLC combined with the latest patches...and throw in NVSE for those that use it. Here's what I did. Correct way or not, it worked to get me playing Pre-DLC games again, WITH all the mods I had going. (I'm sure others with more experience* will argue with all of this) 1. Delete DLC. 2. Delete NVSE. 3. Delete ALL saved games involving DLC. (in Games Folder) 4. Delete both ini. files (in that same Games Folder) optional: 5. Get current NVSE and download it. 6. Wait patiently for the dust to settle. It won't be too long before you can get an honest to goodness bugfix-patch-remedy-solution. :) Good Luck friend!
  13. Hi there! I've got the IDENTICAL problem; and that solution sounded great and simple. Sadly, upon trying it, nothing has improved. The only difference seems to be that the video configs are automatically changed and window notices pop up......then when i hit PLAY. crash. I was playing a rather smooooooth NV game up until updating, too. D:
  14. ^=^ My kitty would rather eat radroach than any molerat. ° °
  15. Yes. IWS gives some folks problems. You really do not have a lot of mods listed either. I switched to *re-populated wasteland* ,and *populated casinos* (medium setting) combined with *more fiends* to get more npcs out there. Works good too.
  16. Cazadore addiction....... Only known cure: drinking from 21 consecutive toilets. Seriously, though, you mean that you would need to go out and purposely get stung, or just consume the caz' gland?
  17. Wait. You want to do......what??? I dig the scene you're going for here, and on a few other similar threads. Game bf / gf stuff sounds all well and good. This really could be used to add facinating levels of loyalties and fellowship within the players companion squad. Especially if you hook up, yet continue to flirt (or more) with others in, or outside of, the group. But, just don't be pokin' my eyebot! ):(
  18. Now I want kitties too. Fuzzy kitties. Kitties with their own cute idles, forcing you to feed them in hardcore mode and giving you a +10 sneak perk while carrying them in a backpack. Meow.
  19. To my knowledge, these add NPCs to GS area: "Goodsprings Filler" "Populated Wasteland"...now also known as "REpopulated Wasteland" and many more....... Since you didnt mention or list any other mods you have running, who knows? lol If they really are bothering you, try disabling them using console. Tilde, point and click, type DISABLE, enter, poof! Then see if they come back.
  20. Strangely enough, I think the only real things that could, and did, make any situation in a vault worse than life outside, is the implied false sense of security when the families first entered them, and the fact that there's nowhere to run when something does go wrong. That 1950's boneheaded concept of following the leaders instructions at all times doomed those test vault dwellers from the start.
  21. A submarine could have been used in the early testing stages of vault development. Life in both might be considered similar. Or Some well-to-do private citizens used, or planned to use, it as their own personal vault. Or It may be a foreign (chinese) sub, dropped into the northern Colorado, for some strategic reason. Maybe launching nukes from within the borders? .......evil chinese people.........grrr.
  22. I'm just throwing this out there. Hopefully one of you highly capable doll outfitters can make the community a set of action wear from the movie: "The Three Amigos". Perhaps it wasn't the funniest of films, but I really enjoyed it, and you must admit, those outfits are inarguably entertaining. The stitching and piping designs may be a little too challenging, but let's see who's up to it. :D
  23. I bet you wore the spacesuit on that Repconn quest. There's a bug that removes the pipboy glove after using the spacesuit; so, this may be related. Positive that there is a bugfix for this in the download files of nexus
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